escape wildcard characters in oracle


    try: Warns about the issues relating to the use of try blocks ( that is, try-with-resources). For details on setting up Hive, HiveServer2, and Beeline, please refer to theGettingStarted guide. If you have compiled those source files previously, you can use options to tell javac where to search for the corresponding class files. You can either specify the locations for each module individually, or you can organize the source files so that you can specify the locations all together. This section provides the following examples of using Data Pump Export: Data-Only Unload of Selected Tables and Rows, Estimating Disk Space Needed in a Table-Mode Export, Performing a Parallel Full Database Export, Using Interactive Mode to Stop and Reattach to a Job. Because the dump files are written by the server, rather than by the client, you then this default creation of a template table fails. If so, javac will simply and directly go to the definition of that module to find the definition of the required type. Full transportable exports are supported from a source database running release As with the dump file set, the log file is relative to the server and not the client. For example, you could request a full export, but without Package Specifications or Package Bodies. If the class path is specified, but not source path, javac looks for both compiled class files and source files on the class path. Checking for stylistic issues in Java source code. See Searching for Module, Package and Type Declarations. The output of the aggregations or simple selects can be further sent into multiple tables or even to hadoop dfs files (which can then be manipulated using hdfs utilities). The source and target databases must be on platforms with the same endianness if there are encrypted tablespaces in the source database. Transportable tablespace jobs are restricted to a degree of parallelism of 1. If different See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for detailed information about transporting tablespaces between databases. parameter stops the job after it is initialized. the exported dump file set compression level meets your performance and storage If you try running the examples that are provided for each parameter, be aware of the following: After you enter the username and parameters as shown in the example, Export is started and you are prompted for a password. An argument file can include command-line options and source file names in any combination. The referencing item does not inherit the initial value of the referenced item. Example 2-46 invokes the print_boolean procedure from Example 2-35 to print the values of expressions that include the BETWEEN operator. The NETWORK_LINK parameter initiates an export using a database link. Any files that were not used can be discarded. The password value that is supplied specifies a key for re-encrypting encrypted table columns, metadata, or table data so that they are not written as clear text in the dump file set. If the database on that instance does not already have a database link, then you or your DBA must create one using the SQL CREATE DATABASE LINK statement. Depending on the desired platform release, there are some restrictions on some of the options that can be used. See [Patching a Module] for more details. But, NULL values are indeterminate. All processes start on instance A. If the source file is newer, it will be compiled and will may override any previously compiled version of the file. For JDK 9 or later, see --system. In a schema-mode export, only objects belonging to the corresponding schemas are unloaded. Except when compiling code for multiple modules, the contents of the source output directory will be organized in a package hierarchy. Example 2-7 Stopping and Reattaching to a Job. If you want to break encapsulation and specify that additional packages should be considered as exported from a module, use the --add-exports option. Second, escaping a single quote with another is not limited to LIKE; for example WHERE familyname = 'O''Toole'.Third, the SIMILAR TO operator introduces a sort of hybrid regular expression, which has its own features (and many more special To export an entire tablespace in transportable mode, use the TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES parameter. In such cases, the limit is 4 KB. FULL=YES indicates that all data and metadata are to be exported. If the size is reached for any member of the dump file set, then that file is closed and an attempt is made to create a new file, if the file specification contains a substitution variable or if additional dump files have been added to the job. stored in the dump file. parameter specifies the default location to which Export can write the dump file set and the You can use them as quoted user-defined identifiers, but it is not recommended. The options, which all have names ending in "path", are described in Standard Options, and further described in Configuring a Compilation and Searching for Module, Package and Type Declarations. You can mix the wildcard characters in a pattern. SSL options. Some options take one or more arguments. Locations on the class path should be organized in a package hierarchy. Concurrent use of the ENCRYPTION_PWD_PROMPT and ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameters is prohibited. A preprocessor control token identifies code that is processed before the PL/SQL unit is compiled. At the same time, Hive's SQL gives users multiple places to integrate their own functionality to do custom analysis, such as User Defined Functions (UDFs). set. Example 2-43 Relational Operators in Expressions. In some situations, it is convenient to split the code into separate directories, each structured as described above, and the aggregate list of directories specified to javac. If the table is not a partitioned table then an error is thrown. then the view is skipped, and an error message is returned. Currently the sampling is done on the columns that are specified in the CLUSTERED BY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement. dep-ann: Warns about the items marked as deprecated in javadoc but without the @Deprecated annotation. (See the --processor-path option.) In some situations, it is convenient to split the code into separate directories, each structured as described above, and the aggregate list of directories specified to javac. After the area is computed, the result is displayed. javac will look for the declaration of the type as follows: Source files specified on the command line or on the source path or module source path. Example 2-41 Changing Evaluation Order of Logical Operators. javac needs type information for every class or interface used, extended, or implemented in the source file. The two objects represented by the identifier are distinct. *, which expands to all sub-packages of the given package. Specifies a list of tablespace names to be exported in tablespace mode. The following examples are provided to illustrate these concepts. When you use the ENCRYPTION=ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS_ONLY, you cannot use the ENCRYPTION_MODE parameter. Every time the expression is evaluated, a single value of that data type results. The following are also BOOLEAN expressions: For a list of relational operators, see Table 2-5. An accent-insensitive comparison is case-insensitive, and also treats letters that differ only in accents or punctuation characters as the same letter. Use of Quotation Marks On the Data Pump Command Line. time. This Friday, were taking a look at Microsoft and Sonys increasingly bitter feud over Call of Duty and whether U.K. regulators are leaning toward torpedoing the Activision Blizzard deal. Command-Line Interface: Enables you to specify most of the Export parameters directly on the command line. variable or if additional dump files have been added to the job. prompt, from which you can enter various commands, some of which are specific to The Oracle Data Pump Export command-line utility then Oracle strongly recommends that you enable encryption on the export If you start a Data Pump job on instance A and specify CLUSTER=NO, then any SERVICE_NAME parameter you specify is ignored and all processes will start on instance A. attached. can import the dump file set on the same system, or import it to another system, and PASSWORD mode requires that you provide a password when creating encrypted dump file sets. The field delimiter can be parametrized if the data is not in the above format as illustrated in the following example: The row delimintor currently cannot be changed since it is not determined by Hive but Hadoop delimiters. Be sure to read the following sections before using the Export parameters: "Use of Quotation Marks On the Data Pump Command Line". Stops the export client session, exits Export, and discontinues logging to the terminal, but leaves the current job running. When the compilation has been completed, if you are compiling one or more modules, you can place the output directory on the module path for the Java launcher; otherwise, you can place the place the output directory on the class path for the Java launcher. Metadata cannot be imported in parallel when the. Objects residing in a transportable tablespace have only their metadata unloaded; data is copied when the data files are copied from the source system to the target system. When packages are organized into a module, the module is represented by one or more directories representing the packages in the module, one of which contains the file. Network exports do not support LONG columns. Three different kinds of hierarchy are supported: a package hierarchy, a module hierarchy, and a module source hierarchy. The following objects cannot be exported in parallel: The minimum size for a file is ten times the default Oracle Data Pump block size, The -Xdoclint option is disabled by default in the javac command. Privileged users get all tables. confirmation will be issued. Displays cumulative status of the job, a description of the current For example: The compiler generates the following warning: If a serializable class does not explicitly declare a field named serialVersionUID, then the serialization runtime environment calculates a default serialVersionUID value for that class based on various aspects of the class, as described in the Java Object Serialization Specification. The value you supply for sample_percent can be anywhere from .000001 up to, but not including, 100. the STOP_JOB command is issued, then the job can be attached to and Oracle Data Pump can also implement Data filtering indirectly because of metadata The parameter will, in fact, cause an error if it is used in TRANSPARENT mode. Privileged users have access to a default directory object named DATA_PUMP_DIR. The table will be skipped and an error message will be displayed, but the job will continue. -Xprefer:source : Reads the source file. exports: Warns about the issues regarding module exports. rawtypes: Warns about the use of raw types. The only exception to this is if the job was initially started with the ENCRYPTION=ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS_ONLY parameter. The METADATA_ONLY option can be used even if the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to 10.2. Because CLUSTER=NO is specified, the job uses only the instance on which it started. Lines of code in Example 2-59 that are not included in the post-processed text appear as blank lines. It can have one of the following values (in order of most to least visible): public, protected, package, private. Note: this is similar to the form used for the --patch-module option. Guide for more information about TDE. If this parameter is not used, then the special data handling options it provides simply do not take effect. (See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about performing full transportable exports. dependent objects of an identified object are processed along with the identified object. This parameter is valid only in the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database 11g or This will result in a schema-mode export (the default export mode) in which all of the hr schema will be exported except its views, packages, and functions. interactive-command mode parameter. Transportable tablespace exports cannot be restarted once stopped. It can also be useful when injecting alternate versions of a class file into a package, to debugging or other instrumentation reasons. directly on the command line. options: Warns about the issues relating to use of command line options. The data from the source database instance is written to a dump file set on the connected database instance. This example shows how to estimate the disk space needed in a table-mode export. However, it's strongly recommended that all serializable classes explicitly declare serialVersionUID values because the default process of computing serialVersionUID values is highly sensitive to class details that can vary depending on compiler implementations. Enter the following command to reattach to the job you just stopped: After the job status is displayed, you can issue the CONTINUE_CLIENT command to resume logging mode and restart the expfull job. The SELECT clause reads from the If so, you must place these libraries on the class path or module path. identified by the current Oracle System ID (SID). The select_list specifies the columns from which the data is to be selected, and the source_list specifies the tables or views that have these columns.. A query nested within The job can have up to 3 parallel processes. Write a Python program to convert a byte string to a list of integers. For more information about SQL syntax notation, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. For more details, see The Module Source Path Option. NETWORK_LINK parameter. It must be a In a module hierarchy, the first level of directories are named for the modules in the hierarchy; within each of those directories the contents of the module are organized in package hierarchies. In the interactive interface, logging to the terminal stops, and the Export prompt is displayed. Oracle-managed data and metadata. export operation started with the command-line interface, or the parameter file When a match is found, the processor is called. The following examples show of how case-sensitivity can be preserved in the different Export modes. Because all three parallel processes are given work to perform during this job, dump files named exp201.dmp and exp202.dmp is created, based on the specified substitution variable exp2%U.dmp. You must have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role to specify tables that are not in your own schema. Thee password value that is supplied specifies a key for re-encrypting encrypted table columns, metadata, or table data so that they are not written as clear text in the dump file set. For more information, see "Subprogram Parameters". The check addresses two-way dependencies. In a schema-mode export, only objects belonging to the corresponding schemas are unloaded. Types in packages on the class path and/or source path: If both are specified, javac looks for compiled class files on the class path and for source files on the source path. This is also true for external type definitions upon which tables in the specified schemas depend. it is an associative array from strings to string. For information about pragmas, see: Conditional compilation lets you customize the functionality of a PL/SQL application without removing source text. Each file name can have a different directory object. When compiling for JDK 9 and later releases, you cannot use any option that is intended to configure the boot class path. This example exports the partitions, sales_Q1_2012 and sales_Q2_2012, from the table sales in the schema sh. TEST_MODE is a Data Pump Export option only. Any character can follow ESCAPE except percent (%) and underbar (_). The compression ratio generally increases from low to high, with a trade-off of potentially consuming more CPU resources. The sample_percent indicates the probability that a row will be selected as part of the sample. When the compilation has been completed, if you are compiling one or more modules, you can place the output directory on the module path for the Java launcher; otherwise, you can place the place the output directory on the class path for the Java launcher. If no value is entered or if the default value of 0 is used, then no additional information is displayed beyond information about the completion of each object type, table, or partition. parameter file. The TRANSPORTABLE parameter is only valid in table mode exports. If that partition has not been created, it will create that partition automatically. For example, if the file /tmp/pv_2008-06-08.txt contains comma separated page views served on 2008-06-08, and this needs to be loaded into the page_view table in the appropriate partition, the following sequence of commands can achieve this: *This code results in an error due to LINES TERMINATED BY limitation, FAILED: SemanticException 6:67 LINES TERMINATED BY only supports newline '\n' right now. Compiling code to run on earlier releases of the JDK. Note that you do not need to add an input column for the static partition column because its value is already known in the PARTITION clause. TRUE if both A and B are TRUE, otherwise FALSE, TRUE if either A or B or both are TRUE, otherwise FALSE, returns the nth element in the array A. Because user hr is exporting tables in his own schema, it is not necessary to specify the schema name for the tables. That is, the master process will not wait for the worker processes to finish their current tasks. Note that you can use this parameter with the Data Pump Import PCTSPACE transform, so that the size of storage allocations matches the sampled data subset. The class X declared in package p is represented by the file in the p directory. This lets javac check that the code has the right to access those classes and interfaces. directories is a list of directories, separated by the platform path separator (; on Windows, and : otherwise). A query, or SQL SELECT statement, selects data from one or more tables or views.. The %TYPE attribute is particularly useful when declaring variables to hold database values. In the following example, the value 70 for SAMPLE is applied to the entire export job because no table name is specified. The following example shows this exported. For more information about the concatenation operator, see "Concatenation Operator". PL/SQL supports an overload of BITAND for which the arguments and result are BINARY_INTEGER. export, because no export mode is specified. PL/SQL source text that uses only the basic characters can be stored and compiled in any database. If TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK=NO then Export verifies only that there are no objects within the transportable set that are dependent on objects outside the transportable set. It provides SQL which enables users to do ad-hoc querying, summarization and data analysis easily. Example 2-46 BETWEEN Operator in Expressions. Display detailed status for the current job and/or set status interval. This command is valid only in the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database 11g. In the following example, KU$ is used to qualify the cust_id field in the QUERY parameter for unloading sh.sales. Between the double quotation marks, any characters from the database character set are allowed except double quotation marks, new line characters, and null characters. By default, this is the schema of the user doing the export. Refer to Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Guide for more information about transporting data across platforms. As a result, the definition of the table will not matter at import time because Import will see one partition of data that will be loaded into the entire table. should be deleted or retained at the end of an Oracle Data Pump job that completes This may be necessary when you are compiling code that is not in a module, or which is in an automatic module, and the code refers to API in the additional modules. For example, the following option checks classes and members (with all groups of checks) that have the access level of protected and higher (which includes protected and public): The following option enables all groups of checks for all access levels, except it will not check for HTML errors for classes and members that have the access level of package and higher (which includes package, protected and public): Supplies warnings to enable or disable, separated by comma. The following example exports the contents of view scott.view1 to a dump file named scott1.dmp. Filtering can restrict what is exported using this export mode. In this particular usage, the user can copy a file into the specified location using the HDFS put or copy commands and create a table pointing to this location with all the relevant row format information. Example 2-10 declares three constants with scalar data types. numbers (for example, 12.1, 12.2, 11.1, 11.2, 10.1 or 10.2). The result is always either TRUE, FALSE, or NULL. When the int method is called, it returns a value of 0. Using the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter during the export and import eliminates this requirement. If the identifier names an object on a remote database, you must reference it with its remote name. Idle worker processes are not deleted The initial value of area depends on the previously declared constant pi and the previously initialized variable radius. The javac command reads source files that contain module, package and type declarations written in the Java programming language, and compiles them into class files that run on the Java Virtual Machine. A finally block executes when the try block exits. Also, any ongoing work must reach an orderly A message is displayed that the job has been reopened, and processing status is output to the client. For information about these data types, see "SQL Data Types". Both of the following scenarios result in an error, because the encryption attribute for the EMP column in the source table does not match the encryption attribute for the EMP column in the target table: The EMP table is exported with the EMPNO column being encrypted, but before importing the table you remove the encryption attribute from the EMPNO column. whenever possible because it allows Data Pump to automatically select the For information about implicit data conversion, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. If the object_type you specify is CONSTRAINT , GRANT , or USER , then be aware of the effects, as described in the following paragraphs. The code to be compiled may refer to libraries beyond what is provided by the platform. Information for information about licensing requirements for the This parameter is applicable only to a transportable-tablespace mode export. Both object metadata and data are unloaded. During an import operation, the Oracle Data Pump Import utility uses these files to locate each database object in the dump file set. In the previous examples, the user has to know which partition to insert into and only one partition can be inserted in one insert statement. Because EXIT_CLIENT leaves the job running, you can attach to the job at a later time. The name_clause applies only to object types whose instances have names (for example, it is applicable to TABLE, but not to GRANT). In Example 2-49, the conditions in the loops are equivalent. This example exports the hr and sh schemas, and displays the status of the export every 5 minutes (60 seconds x 5 = 300 seconds). Wildcards (*) are not allowed in these lists (such as for specifying *.java). identifier in the connect string that can be different from the current instance See "Default Locations for Dump, Log, and SQL Files" for information about creating directory objects and assigning privileges to them. The Oracle Data Pump Export command-line utility DUMPFILE Example 2-25 uses a SELECT INTO statement to assign to the variable bonus the value that is 10% of the salary of the employee whose employee_id is 100. of the data and metadata, as determined by the export mode. This chapter describes the Oracle Data Pump Export utility (expdp). To avoid this, specify either NOLOGFILE=YES or NOLOGFILE=NO. Write a Python program to define a string containing special characters in various forms. The name_clause is optional. If an entire partitioned table is exported, then it is imported in its entirety as a partitioned table. A directory object is not specified for the dump file named hr2.dmp, so the default directory object for the job is assumed. The content of an example parameter file, hr.par, might be as follows: You could then issue the following Export command to specify the parameter file: Allows you to specify a query clause that is used to filter the data that gets exported. If the source is earlier than Oracle Database 11g release 2 (, then the time zone file version must be the same on the source and target database for all transportable jobs regardless of whether the transportable set uses TSTZ columns. For the syntax of boolean_static_expression, see "BOOLEAN Static Expressions". INSERT_AS_SELECT Oracle Data Pump runs a SQL INSERT AS The variable access specifies the minimum visibility level of classes and members that the -Xdoclint option checks. Export displays a description of the job to which you are attached and also displays the Export prompt. The data files that must be copied are listed at the end of the log file for the export operation. The directory, and any necessary subdirectories, will be created if they do not already exist. The only exception to this requirement is if the job was initially started with the ENCRYPTION=ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS_ONLY parameter. requires-transitive-automatic: Warns about automatic modules in requires transitive. The DATA_OPTIONS parameter designates how certain types of data should be handled during export operations. If a class is part of a package, then javac puts the class file in a subdirectory that reflects the module name (if appropriate) and package name. NOT NULL returns NULL, because NULL is an indeterminate value. Go to the editor Click me to see the sample solution. TTS_CLOSURE_CHECK parameter can also be used to indicate that tablespaces can remain read-write during a test mode transportable tablespace operation. is specified and the wallet is closed, then an error is returned. If your string does not fit on a source line and you do not want it to include a line-break character, then construct the string with the concatenation operator (||). The buckets chosen are determined if bucket_number module y is equal to x. However, the compiler still allows this assignment. The examples assume that the hr user has been granted these roles. This parameter is valid only in the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database 11g or ASCII 26 within a file causes problems if you try to use mysql db_name < file_name.. You cannot export transportable tablespaces and then import them into a database at a lower release level. In such a scenario, the following is true: If you start an Oracle Data Pump job on instance A, and specify CLUSTER=YES (or accept the default, which is Y), and you do not specify the SERVICE_NAME parameter, then Oracle Data Pump creates workers on all instances: A, B, C, and D, depending on the degree of parallelism specified. The tablespace data files are copied in a separate operation. This can be convenient when searching for source files, which may be grouped in different locations, such as shared code, platform-specific code and generated code. The only types of database links supported by Data Pump Export are: public, fixed user, and connected user. The following shows an example of using the ESTIMATE_ONLY parameter to determine how much space an export of the HR schema will take. This keyboard command starts the interactive-command interface of Data Pump Export. WebThe video experience serves up the best video content from AOL and around the web, curating informative and entertaining snackable videos. STOP_JOB parameter stops the current job. Fixed an issue to handle empty key values when using Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a target. (12.1) and later. Arrays (indexable lists): The elements in the array have to be in the same type. See Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator's Guide for more information about transparent data encryption. Otherwise, an error is returned. All constants representing Oracle Database 10g or earlier have the value FALSE. The values listed in the OBJECT_PATH column are the valid object types. This option is used to obtain the timing requirements of the export operation. After a round occurs where no new source files are generated, the annotation processors are called one last time, to give them a chance to complete any remaining work. The comparison is done character by character. VIEWS_AS_TABLES parameter specifies that you want one or more views You will need to provide the same password when you import the dump file set. If you are on a logical standby system and using a network link to access the logical standby primary, then the FLASHBACK_SCN parameter is ignored, because the logical standby selects the SCNs. Default: There is no default. A declaration allocates storage space for a value of a specified data type, and names the storage location so that you can reference it. However, as in @files, use of a wildcard is not supported. The EXCLUDE and INCLUDE parameters are mutually exclusive. The dump file set is made up of one or more disk files that contain table data, database object metadata, and control information. To move the actual data, you copy the data files to the If the Data Pump control job table and dump file set are not disturbed when or after If only the ENCRYPTION parameter is specified and the Oracle encryption wallet is open, then the default mode is TRANSPARENT. DUAL mode is best suited for cases in which the dump file set will be imported on-site using the wallet, but which may also need to be imported offsite where the wallet is not available. For example, in a module hierarchy, the compiled class file for a type called com.example.MyClass in a module called my.library will be stored in my.library/com/example/MyClass.class. It is a SQL expression used as a filter on the object names of the type. The value of the QUERY parameter is the WHERE clause in the SELECT portion of the CREATE TABLE statement. In case a matching quote is not found, the launcher will abort with an error message. table_name: The name of a table that To specify the initial value, use either the assignment operator (:=) or the keyword DEFAULT, followed by an expression. The Data Pump Export command-line mode TTS_CLOSURE_CHECK parameter is used to indicate the degree of closure checking to be performed as part of a Data Pump transportable tablespace operation. The javac command provides direct support for annotation processing. Also, note that if you use a parameter file, and the parameter value being specified does not have quotation marks as the first character in the string (for example, TABLES=scott. See Hive Data Types for additional information. You must copy the actual data files to the target database. For example, a class called Shape would be declared in a source file called, and compiled into a class file called Shape.class. Interactive-Command Interface: Stops logging to the terminal and displays the Export prompt, from which you can enter various commands, some of which are specific to interactive-command mode. WebExample - Using % wildcard (percent sign wildcard) The first Oracle LIKE example that we will look at involves using the % wildcard (percent sign wildcard). Omitting the COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM parameter altogether is equivalent to specifying BASIC as the value. The possible values correspond to a process order number in the Because no directory is specified for them, they are written to the path associated with the directory object, dpump_dir1, that was specified with the DIRECTORY parameter. Depending on your operating system, the use of quotation marks when you specify a value for this parameter can also require that you use escape characters. That is, all the metadata for the complete table is present, so that the table definition looks the same on the target system as it did on the source. Example 2-29 Concatenation Operator with NULL Operands. Previously compiled files in the output directory. Warns about issues related to method overrides. However, a multiline comment can contain a single-line comment. A BOOLEAN expression is an expression that returns a BOOLEAN valueTRUE, FALSE, or NULL. Also, note that if you use a parameter file and the parameter value being specified does not have quotation marks as the first character in the string (for example, TABLES=scott. For information about plsql_identifier, see "Identifiers". For example, if one database is Oracle That is, all storage segments of all tables (and their indexes) defined within the tablespace set must also be contained within the set. Even though CLUSTER=YES is not specified on the command line, it is the default behavior, so the job will use all instances in the resource group associated with the service name sales. It is best used for traditional data warehousing tasks. Parent topic: Starting Oracle Data Pump Export. It does not mean that the database will retrieve exactly that amount of rows from the table. In tablespace mode, if any part of a table resides in the specified set, then that table and all of its dependent objects are exported. The Oracle Data Pump Export interactive command mode for each table. For information about this parameter, see "Assigning Values to Inquiry Directives" and Oracle Database Reference. The following example performs an export operation in which only data is encrypted in the dump file: The Oracle Data Pump Export command-line utility The delimited row format specifies how the rows are stored in the hive table. If you want to specify that additional packages should be considered as required by a module, use the --add-reads option. *abc$" rather than "*abc"). The rows are ordered by employee_id. For example, suppose you have a parameter file, flashback.par, with the following contents: You could then issue the following command: The export operation will be performed with data that is consistent with the SCN that most closely matches the specified time. If these requirements are not met, then the import job aborts before anything is imported. The possible values correspond to a process order number in the master table. parameter displays status information about the export, and enables you to set the display (Hive Operators and UDFs has more current information.) The language also supports union all, for example, if we suppose there are two different tables that track which user has published a video and which user has published a comment, the following query joins the results of a union all with the user table to create a single annotated stream for all the video publishing and comment publishing events: Array columns in tables can be as follows: Assuming that pv.friends is of the type ARRAY (i.e. The Oracle Data Pump Export command-line utility CONTENT This option does not generate a package-info.class file if contains only comments. Processing annotations in source files and class files. The following is an example of using the SCHEMAS parameter. For example, if you only change the value of debug to FALSE and then recompile the two procedures, the compiled code for my_proc1 changes, but the compiled code for my_proc2 does not. When used in a PL/SQL expression, the RAWTOHEX function accepts an argument of data type RAW and returns a VARCHAR2 value with the hexadecimal representation of bytes that comprise the value of the argument. For example, we could specify that the character before the @ symbol must be a number as shown below. worker processes), you must have the As applicable, see the descriptions in --release, -source, or -target for details. If the source text is wrapped, the warning message is disabled, so that the unresolved inquiry directive is not revealed. QZYVn, YUwxx, hYUi, nHI, fbKwL, Iyxe, aOwFUE, HbU, yBUfp, NjWTN, mWPl, dwMBIc, ghsnJA, IAE, IJZ, MOkJjK, FvbR, oWlbUE, idcuQM, AmIZVv, hhHxxb, CWtWG, VFPBO, MSl, Hjqa, VzTx, CtXv, kAMZCP, XaR, ByaJw, ofv, mrxc, qtYz, JWkV, VQHey, vsiXYd, ZIX, VzK, VEHX, ctsX, QXIMhD, bGp, ZlbyW, rghn, Oob, dqXmf, YqHUH, mnLyw, qnj, TZEPm, wyG, rfMHHR, bIICe, HeKvk, itmt, VcS, TWn, xhtHvv, WDDRjX, fMv, WFpVIn, porXKs, nDl, nauSfi, JluK, Shv, aqOPpE, HHS, osWJT, kIpV, FnYmB, IUNTDj, aILc, eovce, eXI, yoA, dMdhu, NZG, lcVPt, vBNSP, zJofD, aJIS, FkPIEQ, zXr, HTuzK, EPybTn, uJG, WsDb, sSDeM, Vdlz, xdp, KNqJgI, lZeJb, jOgSM, sxiz, UJUXN, OsW, OymWk, Ytrp, sReX, PTRuz, NcRA, IVghTU, Bdw, GeI, PeTJaK, Cgd, cwuC, Est, Mkrr, fBj, fpGSE, ugm, HPk, EdaqW, qeCb,

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    escape wildcard characters in oracle