teachers' behaviour towards students


    They will evaluate the progress that pupils have made since they began to attend the alternative provision. They will ascertain how well the curriculum is meeting childrens needs. About EEF. Collecting data can also create an additional workload for leaders and staff. 362. about the implications of the school being placed in a category of concern if the school is judged to be inadequate, using the wording set out in the schools causing concern section. All secondary schools are expected to provide effective CIEAG, in line with the statutory Careers guidance and access for education and training providers, to encourage pupils to make good choices and understand what they need to do to succeed in the careers to which they aspire. They will invite the headteacher, subject leaders and/or other leaders to take part in joint visits to lessons. In the key stage 4 curriculum, the governments national ambition is that 90% of Year 10 pupils in state-funded mainstream schools should be starting to study EBacc GCSE courses nationally by 2025 (taking their examinations in 2027). Schools judged to require special measures must apply to us in writing if they wish to appoint ECTs, stating the reasons for the request. 130. Children are developing their resilience to setbacks and take pride in their achievements. 249. In so doing, they respond and adapt their teaching as necessary without unnecessarily elaborate or individualised approaches. Inspectors will also want to understand the approach to teaching and assessing whether pupils have understood the content they have been taught. The separation may have an impact on the schools grade: a school is unlikely to be judged as good or outstanding in leadership and management if it is separating pupils unlawfully, if the school has genuine and imminent plans to reintegrate pupils, a judgement of requires improvement will normally be appropriate, in other cases, the grade will likely be inadequate for leadership and management. 16. We recognise that the disruption to learning caused by the pandemic may have impacted on what children have learned. 209. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Where this is the case, inspectors will make the full set of graded judgements, using the 4-point grading scale required for graded inspections. Inspectors may not always carry out all of these activities on a deep dive. In section 463 (meaning of independent school). Talking to relevant leaders is vital to understanding the curriculum within that subject. In time, this will mean that we are likely to inspect good schools only 3 to 4 terms later than usual (so around 5 years after their last inspection). B.F Skinner is regarded as the father of operant conditioning and introduced a new term to behavioral psychology, reinforcement. Local governing bodies are committees to which trustees have often chosen to delegate some specific responsibilities, but in some cases they may act purely as advisory bodies and engage with the community. 20. This will include understanding how reading is taught remotely, where applicable. It ensures that students build knowledge and acquire skills, improving and extending what they already know and can do. 306. 287. (1) Section 326A (unopposed appeals) is amended as follows. 167. It builds on what children know and can do, towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for their future learning. 316. 151. This will include looking at: the quality of the unbiased careers advice and guidance provided to pupils, the schools implementation of the provider access arrangements to enable a range of education and training providers to speak to pupils in Years 8 to 13, how the school provides good-quality, meaningful opportunities for pupils to encounter the world of work, the schools use of the Gatsby Benchmarks, the schools published information about its careers provision (as required by the School Information Regulations) and the schools statement on its provider access arrangements (as required by section 42B of the Education Act 1997). Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. The school meets all the criteria for good in the effectiveness of early years securely and consistently. The behaviour and attitudes judgement considers how leaders and staff create a safe, calm, orderly and positive environment in the school and the impact this has on the behaviour and attitudes of pupils. There is demonstrable improvement in the behaviour and attendance of pupils who have particular needs. 18-20 May. The school meets all the criteria for good in behaviour and attitudes securely and consistently. The great majority of our work is carried out smoothly and without incident. Disclosure functions are set out in Part V of the Police Act 1997. 137. Those policies should be consistently reflected throughout the school (see paragraphs 275, 294, and 356 to 358). In order to judge whether a school is good or requires improvement, inspectors will use a best fit approach, relying on the inspection teams professional judgement. No changes have been applied to the text. Published 16 June 2014 Last updated 12 November 2018 + show all updates. For their first inspection since inspections were paused in 2020, this will be extended by 5 to 6 terms (so will be around 4 years from their last inspection). It was about two competing economic systems One was in the North before the video cuts to a student dozing off in class. Inspectors will also note if any children receive additional funding. Teachers ensure that their own speaking, listening, writing and reading of English support pupils in developing their language and vocabulary well. 315. 384. (1) Section 74 (appeals) is amended as follows. Inspectors will make clear to the new school the extent to which they have taken account of the performance data from its predecessor school(s) but judgements will be made about the current school only, not the predecessor. Children benefit from meaningful learning across the curriculum. 31. 15. Schools that work on different sites, or that have different provisions, but share a single URN will be inspected as one body. Explore Frax Explore Frax. All schools with a judgement of requires improvement or inadequate will receive a graded inspection, as will a selection of schools with an outstanding or good judgement (see risk assessment section). The 2 teams will share inspection evidence where it is appropriate to do so, for example in assessing the strengths of the links between the day school and the boarding provision. However, as with all provision, maintained nursery schools have some specific factors that should be taken into account. On all inspections, inspectors will determine whether there have been any safeguarding incidents or allegations since the last inspection, and whether the school has taken appropriate action to safeguard the children affected and/or to deal with allegations. 26 August, 1961 or earlier) was a half-blood witch and a British Ministry of Magic bureaucrat who served as Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic under Ministers Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Pius Thicknesse. 59. Legislation is available in different versions: Latest Available (revised):The latest available updated version of the legislation incorporating changes made by subsequent legislation and applied by our editorial team.Changes we have not yet applied to the text, can be found in the Changes to Legislation area. Repeal of School Teachers Pay and Conditions Act 1991. We will not normally select a new school for its first inspection until it is in its third year of operation. If the schools grade either for quality of education or for personal development is inadequate, inspectors will conclude that the school is failing to give an acceptable standard of education. 370. They will also take account of the views of children and young people who are boarders or residential pupils, and those of boarding staff, which will have been gathered through Ofsteds annual point-in-time surveys. 35. The school is systematically gaming its results, entering pupils for courses that are not in their educational best interest. In addition to partying with students, others recalled him allegedly daring students to do stunts. 10. 226. However, inspectors may decide not to give a grade and not to report on the early years or sixth-form provision if there is the risk that it is possible to identify individual pupils because numbers are so small. It cannot change the overall effectiveness grade of the school. New academy converters whose predecessor schools were judged good or outstanding at their last graded inspection will normally receive an ungraded inspection as their first inspection instead of a graded inspection. The headteacher may be of the view that a meeting with her or him alone, or with 1 or 2 senior leaders, will be sufficient to limit any potential interruption to the schools normal routines. B.F Skinner is regarded as the father of operant conditioning and introduced a new term to behavioral psychology, reinforcement. However, on average, they also have lower progress scores. The quality of education is likely to be inadequate if any one of the following applies. High Quality Professional Learning Toolkit, Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Network, Building a culturally responsive Australian teaching workforce, Next steps in initial teacher education reform, Improved Professional Experience for ITE students, Understand the literacy and numeracy test, Revised Guidelines for the accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. Inspectors will evaluate how well a school continues to take responsibility for its pupils who attend alternative or off-site provision. Inspectors will visit any registered alternative provision site that we have not yet inspected to assess the adequacy of the schools quality assurance process. They must make themselves aware of any current issues concerning childrens welfare that may affect aspects of the school inspection. Ungraded inspections are carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005, and were previously known as section 8 inspections of good and outstanding schools. This is checked well by staff and leaders. The grade for early years and/or the grade for the sixth-form provision may be the same as, or higher or lower than, the overall effectiveness grade. There are some schools that start and stop at non-standard ages for pupils, so inspectors take into account national expectations differently. This is not a review of individual cases, but of school procedures in dealing with such issues, a check of the schools internet safety procedures, a review of the personal, social and health education curriculum and how it links to issues of safety and pupils welfare, a review of persistent absence cases and exclusions data, consideration of the views of parents and carers through Ofsted Parent View and, where practicable, through discussions or meetings with parents or groups of parents during the inspection, any relevant issues that appear to be of greatest concern from pre-inspection evidence, any other issues that affect care, safety or child protection and that do not appear to have been tackled fully, any issues that relate to poor pupil behaviour. In Schedule 35B (meaning of eligible child for purposes of (1) In Schedule 36A (education functions), the table in paragraph Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 (c. 33), School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (c. 31). This will include understanding how mathematics is taught remotely, where applicable. Inspectors will pay attention to other measures, particularly pupils destinations when they leave the UTC or studio school. Where the lead inspector is not satisfied that the school would receive its current grade if a graded inspection was carried out at the time of the ungraded inspection, the lead inspector will indicate that this is likely to be their conclusion (subject to quality assurance of the inspection). For example, the clarity of the schools vision, ethos and strategic direction will have a significant impact on the decisions that leaders make about the curriculum. 134. We will judge schools taking radically different approaches to the curriculum fairly. The school has high expectations for pupils behaviour and conduct. 117. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was reportedly passively mean to a student because she was Black and taught inaccurate information regarding the US Civil War when he taught high school early in his adulthood. 159. The first inspection of a new school will normally take place within 3 years of its opening. The EYFS framework:. In addition, inspectors will often carry out a deep dive in mathematics, in secondary schools, the deep dives will typically focus on a sample of 4 to 6 subjects, looking at a wide variety of pupils in different year groups across that sample, in small schools (with fewer than 150 pupils), the methodology will be adapted to reflect the shorter inspection (only 1 day), for maintained nursery schools and specialist settings, see the Provision-specific considerations section. 5. 18. Check out the latest breaking news videos and viral videos covering showbiz, sport, fashion, technology, and more from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. 1 Excludes prekindergarten expenditures and prekindergarten enrollment for California.. They are committed to their learning, know how to study effectively and do so, are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements. 153. Departments. The other judgement sections are split into specific graded inspections and ungraded inspections sections. There are many different activities that can constitute off-rolling, so there can be no hard and fast rules as to how it should be addressed. Inspectors will also scrutinise a range of school records, documentation and information relating to, for example, pupils behaviour, attendance and safeguarding. Instead, the school will receive a graded inspection report. It takes account of the equipment that adults provide and the attention given to the physical environment, as well as the structure and routines of the day that establish expectations. 11. 200. We will not routinely check personnel files, although inspectors may look at a small sample. Instead, inspectors will reach a single graded judgement for the quality of education, drawing on all the evidence they have gathered and using their professional judgement. The ungraded inspection will usually be deemed to be a graded inspection, usually within 48 hours. The schools curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the school. Where the lead inspector has serious concerns about gaming or off-rolling, the inspection will be deemed to be a graded inspection: gaming entering or not entering pupils for courses or qualifications that are not in their educational best interests in order to achieve apparently better performance for the school, off-rolling removing, or encouraging the removal of, a pupil or pupils from the school roll without a formal, permanent exclusion when the removal is primarily in the interests of the school rather than in the best interests of the pupil. 68. More detail on these activities can be found in the sections below. 5. It will also help inspectors to form an initial understanding of leaders views on the schools progress. 326. This includes building teachers expertise in remote education. 4 July 2017. 21. 206. If leaders are able to show that they have thought carefully, that they have built a curriculum with appropriate coverage, content, structure and sequencing, and that it has been implemented effectively, and that the curriculum does not leave some pupils behind, then inspectors will assess the schools curriculum favourably. Inspectors will not make a judgement about the quality of education based solely or primarily on the schools progress towards the EBacc ambition. 11. Pupils have little confidence in the schools ability to tackle harassment, bullying, violence and/or discriminatory behaviour successfully. We do this through our education programme, providing training, resources and information to professionals working with children, young people and their families. The intervention and support guidance may also be useful for colleges and other post-16 institutions. Inspectors will ask to speak to groups of pupils, including about the subjects they have been looking at. We do this through our education programme, providing training, resources and information to professionals working with children, young people and their families. Behaviour and discipline in schools: guidance for headteachers and staff is also available. Because of the wide range of pupils needs, inspectors will not compare the outcomes achieved by pupils with SEND with those achieved by other pupils with SEND in the school, locally or nationally. If a child discloses to an inspector that they are suffering or at risk of abuse, the inspector will stop all other activity and focus on ensuring that the child receives the help they need. 1 Excludes prekindergarten expenditures and prekindergarten enrollment for California.. This will include: informing the school that inspectors will use a range of technology to gather evidence electronically, informing the school that inspectors may ask to take photographic evidence, for example of pupils work and displays, but that inspectors will not take photographs of pupils, information that the school will need to make available to inspectors at the start of the inspection, the links to pupil and staff questionnaires, so they can be shared. 4. In addition, those with governance/oversight are responsible for ensuring that the school fulfils its statutory duties, for example under the Equality Act 2010, and other duties, for example in relation to the Prevent duty and safeguarding. {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. The final feedback to the school, especially when it is challenging, should not be a surprise to the headteacher and senior leaders. The school does not ensure that sixth-form students get access to unbiased information about potential next steps, high-quality careers guidance, or opportunities for encounters with the world of work. They have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships and of the protected characteristics. Pupils will have unique, individual needs, even where their needs may fall under the same umbrella term, such as autism. In some schools, the quality of education may have been poor and may now be showing significant and sustained improvement. Departments, agencies and public bodies. 286. When the lead inspector has informed a maintained school that it may not appoint ECTs, the school must seek approval in writing to the relevant Ofsted regional director and giving supporting reasons if it later wishes to appoint ECTs. The practice and subject knowledge of staff, including ECTs, build and improve over time. Dolores Jane Umbridge (b. 257. If these issues are not being managed well, this could be considered as evidence that the school would no longer receive at least its current grade if a graded inspection were carried out. Inspectors will be interested if there are high numbers of pupils moving on and off roll, but this may not in itself mean that off-rolling is taking place. We are likely to first inspect new schools that opened before September 2020 in their fourth or fifth year of operation. Detailed guidance, regulations and rules 458. Children are highly motivated and are eager to join in. Inspectors use the following 4-point scale to make all judgements: 406. If required, the HMI may arrange a time for a second longer telephone conversation with the headteacher to discuss the inspection. Give kids a head start in STEM. 358. 337. 37. The views of pupils and staff in schools are gathered through online questionnaires. A school will be inadequate under a particular judgement if one or more of the inadequate criteria applies. 10 August 2017. Added the Welsh version of 'School teachers' pay and conditions document 2017 and guidance on school teachers' pay and conditions' that is valid from 1 September 2017. In order to judge whether a school is good or requires improvement, inspectors will use a best fit approach, relying on the inspection teams professional judgement. 26 August, 1961 or earlier) was a half-blood witch and a British Ministry of Magic bureaucrat who served as Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic under Ministers Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Pius Thicknesse. Where relevant, inspectors will also make 2 provision judgements: 403. We recognise that responding to COVID-19 has placed great demands on school leaders and detailed discussions of this may be required to understand the schools context, the headteachers assessment of the schools current strengths and weaknesses, particularly in relation to: the curriculum, the way teaching supports pupils to learn the curriculum, the standards that pupils achieve, pupils behaviour and attitudes, and the personal development of pupils, the specific areas or subjects of the school curriculum that should be focused on during inspection during this call, inspectors will also agree with the head which subjects will receive a deep dive during the inspection. Where available, impact is reflected in results from national tests and examinations that meet government expectations, or in the qualifications obtained. However, where the ungraded inspection has been led by a contracted Ofsted Inspector (OI), the OI may either remain as the lead inspector for the graded inspection or an HMI may lead the graded inspection. 279. Nevertheless, they will consider 2 key factors: whether the school has high expectations for pupils behaviour and conduct and applies these expectations consistently and fairly. The sixth form goes beyond the expected, so that learners have access to a wide, rich set of experiences that teach learners why it is important to contribute actively to society. 288. The resources and materials that teachers select and produce in a way that does not create unnecessary workload for staff reflect the schools ambitious intentions for the course of study. The school goes beyond the expected, so that pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences. We monitor the quality of inspections through a range of formal processes, and HMI/Senior HMI visit some schools or monitor remotely to quality assure inspections. Schools that take 2- and 3-year-olds as part of their early years provision may not need to register that provision with Ofsted. Operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. News stories, speeches, letters and notices. Inspectors will expect providers to understand their unique contextual safeguarding factors and outline how they proactively work, including with other agencies, to mitigate the specific factors that affect their pupils and the community that they serve. Departments, agencies and public bodies. The referral will normally be made by the safeguarding lead for the school (see Safeguarding concerns: guidance for inspectors). In order to judge whether a school is good or requires improvement, inspectors will use a best fit approach, relying on the inspection teams professional judgement. 441. DeSantis students speak out about hostile behaviour towards Black people, partying and inaccurate lessons. Beyond these initial inspections, future inspections of these schools will take place as set out above. If concerns do arise during the inspection, they should be raised with the lead inspector as soon as possible, in order to resolve issues before the inspection is completed. This will not normally apply to a school that has been judged as requires improvement for the first time. Changes may have been made to the intended curriculum to have a short-term specific focus for some or all students. Reports will often contain a separate paragraph that addresses the governance of the school. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. However, these schools may receive a graded inspection if we deem it necessary. 38. Inspectors understanding of the schools curriculum is primarily formed through deep dives. Evidence used to evaluate the impact of leaders work, both currently and over time, includes, but is not limited to: meetings with leaders, including MAT senior staff if appropriate, to discuss how well they know the school and the quality of education that it provides for pupils, meetings with those responsible for governance, as appropriate, to evaluate how well they fulfil their statutory duties, including their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and in relation to safeguarding, documentary evidence provided by the school that demonstrates the effectiveness of the schools provision, interviews with staff and pupils to evidence how well leaders have created a positive culture, first-hand evidence gathered during the course of inspection, responses to the staff and pupil questionnaires and Ofsted Parent View; these will be particularly useful for evaluating the culture that has been established in the school by leaders and managers, any evidence the school has from regularly surveying its staff and the way in which leaders and managers have responded to concerns raised by staff or parents, for example about how senior leaders support teachers to tackle low-level disruptive behaviour, if there are unusual patterns of pupil movement, discussions with school leaders, the local authority and (where appropriate) the MAT about those movements. We define rigour as ensuring that the curriculum keeps to subject-specific questions, methods, conventions, rules and practices and how the subject discipline builds new knowledge. If a school is within 6 months of confirmed closure, and this is evidenced in a funding agreement, for example, but the school does not request a cancellation when the inspector makes contact, the inspection support administrator will call the regional duty desk to highlight this and get advice about whether the inspection should still be carried out. 333. Leaders understand the limitations of assessment and do not use it in a way that creates unnecessary burdens on staff or students. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. 215. We may use the evidence that inspectors gather during inspections to inform other work, such as national reporting, for example our education recovery series. Inspectors will look at the work of headteachers, senior leaders, subject leaders and others with leadership and management roles when reaching this judgement. (1) Section 131 (supplementary) is amended as follows. Inspectors will look at pupils work. The meeting with school leaders at the start of the inspection will cover pertinent issues about the school and the focus of the inspection. 122. However, for that inspection they will not be subject to the risk assessment process set out above. Discover more Teacher Workforce Data. 12. If a school has shortened key stage 3, inspectors will look for evidence that the school has made provision to ensure that pupils still have the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects, commensurate with the national curriculum, in Years 7 to 9. Inspectors will seek to understand how staff are supported and the steps that are being taken to remove the risk of additional workload. There are 3 core functions: ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff, overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent, including the pupil premium. 9. Departments, agencies and public bodies. Leaders are not taking effective steps to secure good behaviour from pupils and a consistent approach to discipline. 29. Outcome 4 the lead inspector has gathered evidence that suggests that the good or outstanding school may now be inadequate in one or more of the graded judgements under a graded inspection, and there are serious concerns about the quality of education, pupils behaviour or safeguarding. 52. They do not have basic fluency in number and shape, space and measure. 33. This includes being alert to factors that increase a childs vulnerability, or potential vulnerability, such as mental ill health, domestic abuse, having additional needs, and being at greater risk of exploitation and/or of feeling unable to report abuse (for example, girls and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children). Pupils in PRUs and other alternative providers often have significant, complex vulnerabilities. 160. Inspectors will also challenge leaders and managers about unusual patterns in the way that the school records attendance, including the use of inaccurate register codes or changes to when the register is taken. She says she called him out on the inaccuracy. In drawing on evidence from these meetings, every attempt must be made to protect the identity of individuals. They may also request to attend key inspection team meetings at the end of each inspection day. The school will subsequently receive a graded inspection, which will typically take place within 1 to 2 years of the publication of the ungraded inspection report. This is in line with ungraded inspections of other good and outstanding schools. Academies should also set out their governance structure in their annual financial statements, which can generally be found on the DfE performance tables site, confirm arrangements for meetings with the school and, in academies, MAT executive leaders, as well as representatives of those responsible for the governance of the school and anyone else the lead inspector thinks relevant. Inspectors will challenge leaders and managers about unusual patterns of examination entry that appear to game the system, for example if they are entering pupils for courses that are not in their educational best interest. Inspectors must then consider whether leaders, managers and governors are demonstrating the capacity to improve the school. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. During informal conversations with pupils, inspectors will ask them about their experiences of teaching, learning and behaviour in the school, including the prevention of bullying and how the school deals with any form of harassment and violence, discrimination and prejudiced behaviour, if they happen. Inspectors will also ask the school to invite as many governors/trustees as possible to attend the final feedback meeting, in an academy, make arrangements for a meeting with the chair of the board of trustees and as many trustees as possible. 437. Inspectors will meet school leaders to discuss the results of the interviews and surveys of pupils and staff. 15 February 2022. Where appropriate, this is reflected in results in national examinations that meet government expectations, or in the qualifications obtained. 208. 361. Attendance is consistently low for all pupils or groups of pupils and shows little sign of sustained improvement. The EIF and this handbook set out the statutory basis for school inspections carried out under the Education Act 2005. Mr DeSantis was only 23 when he began teaching at the school in 2001, and had a mixed reputation among those who remembered him. Inspectors will not grade this aspect of a schools work. The lead inspector should consult the school as to whom they need to meet with in the structure of a MAT, in a maintained school, make arrangements for a meeting with the chair of the governing body or the chair of the board of trustees and as many governors/trustees as possible. 74. These may include national curriculum subjects, may derive from the 4 broad areas of need (for example, communication and interaction or physical development), may be a curriculum area very specific to that school or may be combination of these examples. 19. 94. 131. Explore our catalog of online degrees, certificates, Specializations, & MOOCs in data science, computer science, business, health, and dozens of other topics. If leadership functions are performed by MAT leaders, then inspectors will consider whether they need to meet MAT leaders to gather evidence. Inspectors will therefore need to be careful to establish who has overall responsibility for governance. Pupils know how to discuss and debate issues and ideas in a considered way. This is reflected in the work that pupils produce. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appears to freeze during a debate when asked by gubernatorial opponent Charlie Crist if he will commit to a full four-year term if he is re-elected. 429. how the schools curriculum informs their choices about content and sequencing to support pupils learning, how the training and support that they receive helps them to deliver the content effectively, their workload, including whether assessment practices create any unnecessary burdens, other matters, including those related to safeguarding and pupils behaviour. The school provides these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities, and they considerably strengthen the schools offer. 416. 20. It also sets out the structure for those aims to be implemented, including the knowledge and skills to be gained at each stage. Inspectors will be interested in the conclusions drawn and actions taken from any internal assessment information, but they will not examine or verify that information first hand. The effectiveness of the early years is not yet good. Departments. Assessment should support the teaching of the curriculum, but not substantially increase teachers workloads by necessitating too much one-to-one teaching or overly demanding programmes that are almost impossible to deliver without lowering expectations of some pupils. Part 1. 5. (1) Section 336ZB (appeals from the Welsh Tribunal to the 35.In section 336A (compliance with orders), in subsection (2). 134. Inspectors will take this into account when comparing pupils results to those of schools that start educating their pupils from the beginning of key stage 1. If an inspector believes that a school may be separating pupils unlawfully, they will contact the duty desk. The impact of the taught curriculum is strong. In order for the behaviour and attitudes judgement to be outstanding, the school must meet all of the good criteria securely and consistently and it must also meet the additional outstanding criteria. Teachers. 341. 448. 32. All parts of the EIF apply to special schools, PRUs and other alternative provision in free schools and academies. If, by the end of the first day of the inspection or during day 2, the lead inspector thinks it is possible that the schools overall effectiveness is inadequate and that it might be judged to have serious weaknesses or to require special measures, they must ring Ofsteds regional duty desk. 10. Ms Minis was in the same class as Ms Pompey and said she also recalled those arguments during the Civil War section of the class. DeSantis students speak out about hostile behaviour towards Black people, partying and inaccurate lessons. %%EOF 9.In section 142 (supplementary and consequential provision), in subsection (4) 10.In section 144 (general interpretation etc), in subsection (2). 15 February 2022. She added that Mr DeSantis claimed that every city in the south was burned during the Civil War, but she knew her hometown of Savannah had not. We may also evaluate the quality of an inspection evidence base. Staff give clear messages to children about why it is important to eat, drink, rest, exercise and be kind to each other. 300. How schools can support pupils whose mental health problems manifest themselves in behaviour. We produce inspection reports of all our registered service providers and store them in our directory. The law states that ECTs (not including trainee teachers on employment-based training programmes) may not be appointed to maintained schools or PRUs judged to require special measures, unless we have given permission in writing. Any concerns raised, and actions taken, will be recorded in the inspection evidence. 57. Inspectors may also gather evidence from pupils, parents or other stakeholders in person. 348. 23. Policy and practice are poor, which means that pupils are at risk. 329. records and information about behaviour and attendance, including: up-to-date attendance analysis for all groups of pupils, records and analysis of pupils taken off roll, records and analysis of exclusions and suspensions, incidents of poor behaviour and any use of internal isolation, records and analysis of bullying, discriminatory and prejudiced behaviour, either directly or indirectly, including racist, sexist, disability and homophobic/biphobic/transphobic bullying, use of derogatory language and racist incidents, records and analysis of sexual harassment and/or sexual violence, records and analysis of any restrictive physical intervention, access to wifi, if it exists, so that inspectors can connect to the internet, the school timetable, current staff list (indicating ECTs, mentors and induction tutors) and times for the school day, including any planned interruptions to normal school routines during the inspection. 27. Students do not develop or improve the English and mathematical skills they need to succeed in the next year or stage of education, or in training or employment. 112. Pupils have sufficient understanding of, and unconscious competence in, prerequisite mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures that are necessary to succeed in the specific tasks set, within the curriculum, there are sufficient opportunities planned to revisit previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures; this is to ensure that, once learned, mathematical knowledge becomes deeply embedded in pupils memories. 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    teachers' behaviour towards students