ghetto synonym and antonym


    And I'm sure many here still view me as some sort of crackpot. Song title 13. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "fix" are: ford, fema, obama,. Hermit) and perhaps has not forgotten that Yeltsin proposed Putin as "our kind of guy" to Clinton, who agreed that Putin would be Yeltsin's successor.Discussion of NSA transcripts. I had no idea "muckraker" had negative connotations in some cultures. Investment banks still hold tens of billions of dollars underwater in Twitter debt from doing the Musk deal. 6. I read today - on Twitter, of course - that actor James Woods had one of his tweets censored on orders from the Biden team, apparently, and he plans to sue the DNC over it. These words continue to be used in describing the points of an escutcheon (heraldry) where the right side of a field is refereed to as "dexter" while the left side is "sinister". ga('send', 'pageview'); Your comment could not be posted. It boggles my mind. Well, we didn't get to hear THAT part, did we? A fielder's handedness is either a physical advantage or hindrance for similar reasons throughout the infield positions, and left-handedness is not always the more desirable dexterousness. "[26] The frequency of left-handed writing in the United States, which was only 2.1 percent in 1932, had risen to over 11 percent by 1972. In many societies, left-handed people were historically (and in some cases still are) forced as children to use their right hands for tasks which they would naturally perform with the left, such as eating or writing. Es gilt als abwertendes Adjektiv in Bezug auf Gegenstnde und Sachverhalte (auch bei Personen) und ist nicht spezifisch homosexuell konnotiert. Since we already got one failed color revolution and half the country believes the last two elections have been stolen, this kind of stuff is indicative of growing internal contradictions in a degenerate empire. Same as always; money, power, influence, a seat at the table , all the sweeter as they are a self -selecting group with similar political aims and views. [68] There were also examples of left-handed assassins in the Old Testament (Ehud killing the Moabite king). Its more grist for the mill of modern American politics which is going the way of impeachment as a political tool. Posted by: polyhedral | Dec 3 2022 16:28 utc | 16. thanks.. i didn't see your post before i posted! Multiple-choice tests tend to put the question on the left side of the page and the answers on the right side. Laying out the laptop story in full would probably have cost Joe Biden the presidency. Lol, Posted by: Rae | Dec 3 2022 22:41 utc | 63. polyhedral | Dec 3 2022 16:28 utc | 16 It should be reported from all sides. These findings from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, the Anti-Defamation League and other groups that study online platforms provide the most comprehensive picture to date of how conversations on Twitter have changed since Mr. Musk completed his $44 billion deal for the company in late October. Juni 1990 kam schlielich die Nachricht, dass der am 26. The distorted reporting, the false conclusions, the absurd assumptions, the hysterical exaggerations are all typical of the MSM, albeit the Trumpist variety. Some world champion left-handed tennis players include Jimmy Connors, Guillermo Vilas, John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, Marcelo Ros, Goran Ivanievi and Rafael Nadal. Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 3 2022 19:27 utc | 46 | Share & Cite fixing to fix. Ein Prozent der Befragten machte keine Angabe.[126]. Why has Melon Husk not simply unbanned all the millions of accounts suspended for no reason by the rainbow haired liberal freaks he fired? And Twitter is a private company in the info biz, not a publicly-owned democratic institution. Text</U> Text Is this a last-minute attempt to give the system some legitimacy? Posted by: Opport Knocks | Dec 3 2022 23:19 utc | 70. Not sure that the results of this would be good. Das Wort schwul ist das weitestverbreitete deutsche Synonym fr mnnlich homosexuell. The campaign against Musk's Twitter will thereby likely intensify. [3] In the late 20th century, left-handedness became less stigmatized, and in many countries, particularly the Western world, left-handed children were no longer forced to switch to their right hand. The word has opposite meanings and connotations depending on the culture norms of those reading it. So a significant and powerful cohort has decided Biden Must Go. The decision was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a key role. I have special regard for the poustis in our midst. It always was, from Day One. But they think that if they keep looping phases 1 and 2 long enough, that the audience won't notice they skipped admitting 3) self evident about info that was self evident FROM THE BEGINNING. We need a full and thorough investigation! Posted by: suzan | Dec 3 2022 17:03 utc | 22. YouTube. rumble and other "free speech" (as in: say "n_ggers" and not get banned) outlets are too niche and only appeal to the types who take jordan peterson seriously. "southpaw" (USA). Yep. The aim was to disparage the president-elect, even before he moved into the White House, by portraying him as a white supremacist under Russian influence. God's left hand, however, is the hand of judgement. Price: $ 10900.00. The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image. Posted by b on December 3, 2022 at 15:42 UTC | Permalink. Southpaw is also a term in professional wrestling, often giving them the advantage. For example, right-handed scissors are arranged so that, in the right hand, fingers and thumb push the blades together laterally, creating the shearing action essential to scissors' utility. [86] Der Bundesverband Homosexualitt wiederum integrierte bei seiner Grndung 1986 das Wort schwul nur deshalb nicht in seinen Namen, da zu dieser Zeit versucht wurde, einen gemeinsamen Verband fr Schwule und Lesben ins Leben zu rufen und spter auch einige gemischte Gruppen Mitglied waren.[87]. Getting back to Twitter. Posted by: polyhedral | Dec 3 2022 16:28 utc | 16. thanks.. i didn't see your post before i posted! But for Cut the corresponding shortcut is Shift+Delete in all application except for Windows explorer itself where it is used to permanently delete a file. Eine Anwendung auf Personen und Texte vor etwa 1970 und vor allem vor Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (18251895), dem ersten Schwulen der Weltgeschichte,[21] ist meist aus sexualwissenschaftlicher und historischer Sicht nicht korrekt. Hair: Blonde. In October 2020 the New York Post published private porn and business details it had retrieved from Hunter Biden's laptop. Um, is it not limited by the need for a ground station within 400 miles(or Kliks ?) Oh, theyve virtual signalled, but the now permanent loss of a market is showing on balance sheets. I hope he doesn't sell out to Musk. Posted by: Gt Stroller | Dec 3 2022 18:32 utc | 35, Taibbi: "In an early conception, Twitter more than lived up to its mission statement, giving people the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.. How da fuq do they know what text is contained in 500 million per day tweets? Posted by: Ian2 | Dec 3 2022 23:44 utc | 76. lol does look like that it was unfair for me to put it on nemesis calling one can't know.. Posted by: james | Dec 3 2022 23:49 utc | 77. . Im looking at you Elon Mighty, same initials as that other petite roi Manny, show me the walk, not just the talk. The Polish expression "mie dwie lewe rce", Dutch "twee linkerhanden hebben", German "zwei linke Hnde haben", the Bulgarian expression "dve levi ratse", French "avoir deux mains gauches", Hungarian ktbalkezes and Czech "Mt ob ruce lev" all mean "to have two left hands"that one is clumsy or is a very poor handyman; the English equivalent is "to be all thumbs". In Hebrew, as well as in other ancient Semitic and Mesopotamian languages, the term "left" was a symbol of power or custody. rumble and other "free speech" (as in: say "n_ggers" and not get banned) outlets are too niche and only appeal to the types who take jordan peterson seriously. Posted by: Passerby | Dec 3 2022 19:57 utc | 53, @forceOfHabit 3 Therefore, ocular dominance will cause a preference on how a shooter chooses to hold a gun. He Just because I wrote it in 2020 and you didn't? "left luck") is Hungarian for "bad luck"; balkzrl szletett [person] (lit. Fencing weapons feature left- and right-handed grips, and a left-handed fencer's stance is opposite that of a right-handed opponent. Posted by: Passerby | Dec 3 2022 19:24 utc | 43, I wish a U.S. President would do the same. Roughly 85% of 55 to 64 year olds wrote with their right hand and roughly 15% of 55 to 64 year olds wrote with their left hand. Even at a higher rate such tweets would not be a problem. In Hungarian, the word for right is jobb, which also means "better". are on the right side. This Barbaric BORG is getting more and more desperate daily and it looks like attrition is the only way to stop the death cult in its path. Steve Lehto. Juli 1987[81] wurde auf Beschwerde der Schwulengruppe Freudenstadt am 14. It is not a useful and appropriate use for that word - if it was people would not be complaining about it! White wives go black sex. His name, when translated from Quechua, means "the glorified lefthander. In addition, the incidence of the older group switching to their right hand for writing was more than triple that of the younger group. America and Americanism is not the center of the Universe! Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 3 2022 16:37 utc | 18. Remember that Musk was forced to buy Twitter by the Delaware Court of Chancery. Watching Washington D.C. political soap operas (Hunter/joe/nancy, Trump) is like getting hooked on porn: violence porn, sex porn, power porn (MMA, shootemup shows, etc.). Yep. To look at someone over the left shoulder (iemand over de linkerschouder aanzien) is to regard him or her as insignificant. Posted by: Old canadian | Dec 3 2022 20:32 utc | 55. i quit twitter on trump's election nightfood tastes better, the air smells fresher and i don't have guys in dresses calling me "literul hitlur" for refusing to say "she". 2. Maybe GOPers should at long last start their own US-Maidan, rise in army against the government, and begin to shoot on sight such pro-censosrship journo lowlifes. The Times only launched the story to regain the Democrats' control of the censoring instrument that Twitter had become. whatever. The right hand has historically been associated with skill: the Latin word for right-handed is dexter, as in "dexterity", meaning manual skill. Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 3 2022 17:38 utc | 29. Posted by: Brother Ma | Dec 3 2022 16:26 utc | 15. They didn't exist. He has come to the correct conclusion, that despite his wealth, him and his offspring would likely not survive nuclear war. Please enter a valid email address, URL: [30], In 1999, Swiss researchers took 1,700 Swiss adults ages 3474 and divided them into age groups, with the youngest being 3544 and the oldest being 6574. However, I unfortunately suspect or expect many of the investigative journalists and whistleblowers have a laser tracer on their foreheads. Usage: he got a good fix on the target. In October 2020 the New York Post published private porn and business details it had retrieved from Hunter Biden's laptop. What court verified Hunter Biden's laptop? Penn State's Blue Band tops Ohio State, Michigan and Purdue as the best marching band in the Big Ten. this is hardly a revelation, though. How do I take what I learn about Twitter, Ukraine, the rot in D.C. and convert my thoughts into some kind of action? Can you imagine this happening in Russia or China or Iran or NK or any other "better country"? Even when we're fucking up we're awesome. The Anglo empire is only playing catch up to the PRC: they are jealous of that pit of totalitarianism - 100% control! we have 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 streaming services (that people have to pay for) yet for the internet it's the old folks' home of GramGramandNanaBook or the ghetto of twitter. The history books only allow for one first. Posted by: Outraged | Dec 3 2022 23:42 utc | 75. It's a lie to call that Burisma "funding" the Atlantic Council. I don't see that in the link. In Turkish, the word for right is sa, which means "alive". ", In tantra Buddhism, the left hand represents wisdom.[4]. Posted by: Hermit | Dec 3 2022 20:11 utc | 54, Ukraine with the "two days to take Kiev" psy-op Posted by: Haassaan | Dec 3 2022 23:00 utc | 67. So mussten Die Schrillmnner, RosaKehlchen und Queerflten im Jahre 2000 ihre Mitgliedschaften beim Badischen Sngerbund ebenfalls per Gericht erstreiten, da sie etwa als ethischer Strfaktor und Gefhrdung fr die Jugendarbeit angesehen wurden. ! "[26] The Florence TimesTri-Cities Daily also wrote "we still have a long way to go before the last vestiges of discrimination against left-handedness are uprooted, however. November schrieb Oesterle-Schwerin wieder an den Bundestagsprsidenten, erklrte ihre Abneigung gegen homosexuell, schlug aber, um eine baldige Erledigung zu frdern, als neue Antragsberschrift Beeintrchtigungen der Menschen- und Brgerrechte von homosexuellen Menschen durch die Clause28 in Grobritannien sowie vergleichbare Angriffe auf die Emanzipationsbestrebungen der Lesben- und Schwulenbewegung in Bayern vor, da Schwulenbewegung auch im damaligen groen Duden nicht als umgangssprachlich markiert war und somit von der Redaktion der Hochsprache zugerechnet wurden, wie auch die meisten anderen Wortbildungen. Those who care are carefully quarantined into small ineffectual niches. Oh, hang on a moment isn't there already . That's right, they're called spies and national security threats to be locked up without trial and tortured forever now. All Greenwich The recent crypto exchange bust is obviously related- all chances of Maidan leading anywhere but down into fascism were lost because the Biden supported oligarchs were confirmed in their power and protected from corruption charges. [52] Wird die Frage wirklich einmal mit Ja beantwortet, kann dies zu anfnglicher Verwirrung fhren, weil es nicht erwartet wird. Could it happen? Sie schrieb in ihrem Brief zwar die Wrter, verwendete in der Bundestagssitzung aber durchweg verhllende Umschreibungen. The truth was and remains, the laptop was of doubtful provenance and had been in unknown hands for an unknown period and caution in using anything on it was required. But if one looks outside "dark ages" Europe, most other civilizations had a much more realistic view of things from a much earlier date. Calling Matt Taibbi a "muckracker" is scandalously ill informed. Feb 15, 2022Kicker Refurbished Car Audio Amplifiers Subwoofers & Speakers Kicker car audio is one of the most.kicker-l7-diy-troubleshooting-guide 3/7 Downloaded from. gesellschaftlichen Bezug und ist nicht auf einen sexuellen Kontext begrenzt. 1873-1875. Friedrich Christian Benedict Av-Lallemant (Lbeck): Volkmar Sigusch in: Wolfgang Schneider (Red. No way he became a billionaire without significant help in high places And a follower of satan to boot. November 1988, dass sie den Antrag noch immer nicht zulassen knne, da sich keine neuen Umstnde ergeben htten. Emails found on it proved that Joe Biden, despite his claims otherwise, had manipulated the Ukrainian government in service of the gas company Burisma, which was paying his son's company for such lobbying. Posted by: Lodge | Dec 3 2022 19:44 utc | 48, "BREAKING: Censorship at Twitter was endemic and the social media platform was manipulated for political purposes.". Watching Musk crash their clown cars is hilarious. Others are not so lucky. Song title 8. Januar 1988[82] vom Landgericht Rottweil aufgehoben. 4 Greenwich over No. Updated on January 03, 2020. David Brocks method is a very dangerous one: by accumulating the charges, which are in general totally fabricated, the Clintons intend to cast suspicion on the people who are likely to destabilize President Biden, regardless of who they are. Given that I think *most* charges bandied about in the media tend to the melodramatic, sensational and irresponsible to the false, malicious and corrupt, the idea that Trump should be able to whip up a media frenzy on demand strike me as incompetent, if not servile. If it ever happens. DavidZ | Dec 3 2022 22:33 utc | 61, "The FBI also learned the same lesson, they were majorly castigated for dropping major news near the tail end (effectively accused of election meddling by FBI).". ), Posted by: forceOfHabit | Dec 3 2022 16:00 utc | 3, Posted by: forceOfHabit | Dec 3 2022 16:00 utc | 3. So, scum don't deserve to demand people agree with them. Die Bundestagsverwaltung weigerte sich, Antrge mit den Begriffen Schwule und Lesben berhaupt auszudrucken. The FBI looked into it and said that it was "fake news" [citation needed]. So for every social media site and news site the first question they would ask is - Is this more "fake News" put up by "russia" or some other nefarious players trying to effect the news. It was based on contacts. Erst dann wird ihm bewusst, zu wem er dies gesagt hat, und es ist ihm sichtlich unangenehm. Link to Wikileaks Link to Wikileaks. US spooks who certified that it was all Russian disinformation Lies! 26. [47] This means that left-handed pitchers are throwing with their south-side arm. They are just white background noise that decreases or increases with the news or weather of the day. @49 There has to be more transparency. Yeah Trump was plastered with that crap and disappeared from view. The 5+1 eyes spooks and software is central to it. [75], "Chan stated that the FBI regularly sent social media companies lists of URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they were disinformation from malign foreign influence operations. The FBI then inquired whether the platforms have taken down the content. Even when we're fucking up we're awesome. Many weapons with adjustable sights allow for left-handed use, but for a right eye dominant shooter it is necessary to adjust. Its after mid-terms and before any 2024 runs. Nicht jeder, der gleichgeschlechtliche Anziehung versprt oder gleichgeschlechtlichen Sex hat, nennt sich schwul. Never mind the message about violation of the constitution by the President and his team; shoot the messenger. Because Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation, there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left (well, Democrats) than the right. (Britain, derogatory) A sensationalist, scandal mongering journalist, one who is not driven by any social principles. ", American Journal of Public Health 89, no. Song title 10. But they think that if they keep looping phases 1 and 2 long enough, that the audience won't notice they skipped admitting 3) self evident about info that was self evident FROM THE BEGINNING. Posted by: Clueless Joe | Dec 3 2022 16:58 utc | 21. Martina Weiland begrndet die Namenswahl damit, dass die lesbischen Frauen der HAW anfangs mehr Gemeinsamkeiten mit den schwulen Mnnern sahen (Diskriminierung und gemeinsame Aktionen dagegen), als mit den heterosexuellen Frauen.[38] Ina Kuckuc begrndet die Namenswahl ebenfalls damit, dass sie das Aufsichnehmen der Diskriminierung symbolisiere. If the answers must be filled in within a separate booklet, it can be awkward and uncomfortable for a left-handed student to line up the booklet with the answers.

    Text</BLOCKQUOTE> Sitzung / Seite 5, Drucksache 11/2625 Diskriminierung von Lesben durch die Deutsche Postreklame GmbH (II), Die RosaKehlchen und der Badische Sngerbund, Parlamentskorrespondenz/10/15.12.2003/Nr. This is with National Security and professional journalists involved. Popular videos: Shagging And Showering For Short Hair, Fat boy fucks house full of ghetto sluts with his little di, EntomolOrgy.Black ati women black couples swap wives white fucking to mensex. @psychohistorian 29. bare minimum, call my congressman? Alternatively, sinister comes from the Latin word sinus meaning "pocket": a traditional Roman toga had only one pocket, located on the left side. I hope he keeps forging down a true muckraker path along with Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal and a few others. These people would never think that the Trump children, part of the shenanigans at Trump Organization, should ever be held to account for their crimes. In many classrooms and lecture halls, desks are designed so that the writing surface is attached to the chair instead of separate from it. a mass demonstration? It is a long story but the extent of the Democrats corruption is being confirmed : it is what you would expect from a political culture that goes back to the Clintons, throws up (vomits) candidates like Delaware Joe and tells the world that it is a private club and makes its own rules. je nach besprochener Thematik[31] als schwul. What a fucking great country we are. Manche Bisexuellen bezeichnen sich durch das gesellschaftliche Gebot zur Monosexualitt (Gunter Schmidt) oder weil es gegenber Gesprchspartnern einfacher ist, immer oder je nach Situation bzw. -- Quellenverzeichnis 1971.; Band 15, Spalten 27502755. Sorry to be negative but I doubt if any congressional investigation of Twitter will satisfy everybody. 2. How da fuq do they know what text is contained in 500 million per day tweets? Getting back to Twitter. I read his stuff. Kicker Audio L7 15 Dual The result was just a lot of burned out & looted buildings in their own neighbourhoods. The time/supply lines for new replacement weapons for the ZATO countries that sent their old stuff to the Ukie-nazis grows longer by the day. lol.. Joe Biden Pressures Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor, Posted by: james | Dec 3 2022 22:34 utc | 62, Wow Sean, way to red flag with an official denial. Posted by: Brother Ma | Dec 3 2022 16:26 utc | 15. whoever loses we're all winners! @Brother Ma 4 14 the internet used to be for avoiding basic people before someone thought "let's make it easy to use". Just because I wrote it in 2020 and you didn't? Sure, HRC is on the nose like spoiled milk, (or a dog rolled In carrion), but she has powerful backers still. Song title 12. Always knew this (esp re: Ukraine with the "two days to take Kiev" psy-op) but somewhat glad to see it verified. The Third Sapa IncaLloque Yupanquiwas left-handed. (Although in fairness to Matt, he wishes people would move on from the "vampire squid" phrase! Gleichzeitig bezeichnet sie sich selbst mit den beiden in der Musikszene gegenber Mnnern sonst stark negativ besetzten Begriffen als Reaktion auf verschiedene Angriffe und die hufige negative Verwendung dieser Wrter im Hip-Hop. Nope, the fake run towards Kiev was a masterstroke, both showing the US/ZATO that Russia could if it needed to, but also that it probably wouldn't in any short timeframe. Learn something new every day!, Muckraker? Age: 20. Yep. Way to prove you are a limited hangout, you POS! Taibbi will report more on that story. And of course postal votes in the US. Mit Humor kann der selbstbewusste Malte diese Situation auflsen. Had not occurred to me an explicit /sarc in my post would have been necessary. Posted by: james | Dec 3 2022 19:24 utc | 42. 2. BTW I have no desire to see them divulge info that would threaten the actual security of the U.S. but I bet 99% of the stuff would only be embarrassing rather than harmful. As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. Meanings gradually developed from use of these terms in the ancient languages. Karl Heinrich Ulrichs fhrte 1864 die Begriffe Urning, Urninde und Uranismus ein und sprach vom Rthsel der mannmnnlichen Liebe. Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 3 2022 16:37 utc | 18. I think he is losing readers because of this, at least among those on the real left. Alabama enters the 2022 college football season looking to bounce back from a loss to No. 23. Diese Begriffe wurden auch nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Homophilenbewegung oft verwendet, die sich gegenber der Mehrheitsgesellschaft so weit wie mglich anpassen wollte, vorsichtig um Toleranz buhlte und irgendwann auf Erfolg hoffte. Thus the left-hander's advantage in fencing stems mostly from a right-hander's unfamiliarity with a left-handed stance. Posted by: Old canadian | Dec 3 2022 16:37 utc | 19. Dezember 1988: Beeintrchtigung der Menschen- und Brgerrechte der britischen Urninge und Urninden durch die Section 28 des Local Government Bill sowie vergleichbare Angriffe auf die Emanzipation der Urninge und Urninden in Bayern. ): Niederschsisches Ministerium fr Frauen, Arbeit und Soziales (Hrsg. In a 2007 study in Taiwan, about 59.3% of children studied had been forced to convert from left-handedness to right-handedness. [35] Auch in der Gaunersprache der Wiener Galerie findet sich a schwulstiges Weib und a schwuls Weib fr eine Lesbe. Limited Hangout? [77][78], In Vietnam, schools officially require students to write with their right hands, and some teachers of Grade 1 (when writing is taught) would implement that rule by deducting points from tests written by the left hand. I missed the 'sarc'. (By the way, the book deals and speaking fees that constitute a good part of this should be considered completely and totally legalbut basically a form of after-the-fact reward for services rendered, just not on an explicit quid-pro-quo, which is the legal standard. Beispielsweise ist die englische Bezeichnung gay women korrekt, und Ausdrcke wie Gay Pride und gay people beziehen sich nicht nur auf Schwule, sondern auch auf Lesben. Posted by: v | Dec 3 2022 18:21 utc | 33. Examples of this are Undo (Ctrl/Command+Z), Cut (Ctrl/Command+X), Copy (Ctrl/Command+C) and Paste (Ctrl/Command+V). It SHOULD get us out of Ukraine and Taiwan! Der Duden empfiehlt, die diskriminierende Verwendung des Wortes schwul auch in der Umgangssprache zu vermeiden, und Menschen, die sich gegen Diskriminierung und Homophobie einsetzen, thematisieren dies jetzt vermehrt. By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. Those 2030 and 2035 deadlines weren't going to be realized if Russia and the republics merely stood their ground. But Biden's influence, US influence, enabled the fascists to fill a power vacuum in Kiev. [8] In Protestant-majority parts of the United Kingdom, Catholics were called "left-footers", and vice versa in Catholic-majority parts of Ireland and Irish America. But if one looks outside "dark ages" Europe, most other civilizations had a much more realistic view of things from a much earlier date. call BS on The Times' "hate speech" numbers. 4. child pornography. Social Media amplifies the story and censors and shouts down opposing viewpoints. The 5+1 eyes spooks and software is central to it. [42] Die AG Lesbenrechte bertitelte aber 2006 wieder einen Artikel ber die Diskriminierung lesbischer Schlerinnen mit dem oft verwendeten Ausspruch Bist du schwul oder was?[43], im 2008 erschienenen Film Echte Wiener Die Sackbauer-Saga bezeichnet Mundl seine Enkeltochter Petra als warme Schwester,[44] und in einer Dokumentation 2014 bezeichnet sich eine Frau als nicht schwul. U.S., in Baseball)." America and Americanism is not the center of the Universe! For instance, the phrase "left path" (, zudo) stands for unorthodox or immoral means. The censorship on twitter had removed a sizeable chunk of the global consciousness. Certain systems' layouts, such as Nintendo's Wii U and 3DS, have games in which right-handed stylus use is assumed and can cause difficulty for left-handed players. US/ZATO and the MSM-echochamber woudl convince the world that Russia has started WW3, casus belli to attack Russia from any vector using US/ZATO military. Definition: a determination of the place where something is. rumble and other "free speech" (as in: say "n_ggers" and not get banned) outlets are too niche and only appeal to the types who take jordan peterson seriously. Today he hasn't said too much about Ukraine but he has in recent months attacked the current Russian government. precludes antonym. Where I am from "muckraker" is one of the highest complements you can give a journalist. Let alone the knowledge that even new stuff for the Ukie-nazis would have an active duty life in days or weeks. Are you talking to me? God Bless America, her cute cotton socks, everyone's right to free speech, and the US Congress!, Posted by: Browser | Dec 4 2022 1:18 utc | 87, @75 "Er, something like the Warren Commission, with recently dismissed by JFK, Allen W. Dulles, as a 'private citizen' member ?". North Korea is too uncool. [6] Currently, amongst Muslims and in some societies including Nepal and India it is still customary to use the left hand for cleaning oneself with water after defecating. With Biden gone.. can HRC become that which she has always listed? [33], In the late 20th century, many benefits were created for left-handed people in the United States: Specialty shops offering left-handed products appeared throughout the United States, and left-handed people could browse, in a counterclockwise direction if they wish, for such items as scissors and kitchen utensils. Posted by: the pair | Dec 3 2022 18:38 utc | 37. Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Dec 3 2022 16:09 utc | 6. Reading this post by Bernhard in Germany on the issues of governance and politics and power and money and free speech around yet another 'our world' defining American invention, product, and company, on Google's servers, on a website dedicated to worship of all things Russia, and hate for all things American, brings a happy tear of satisfaction to this American's eyes. The most likely explanation is that the author is increasingly worried about the failure of all those rosy projections. Kudos to this site owner for for his wider understanding of the term. social network losing money is the price a billionaire pays to keep the little folk from owning a social network. Posted by: malenkov | Dec 4 2022 0:32 utc | 81. 410, Parlamentskorrespondenz/GE/13.11.1997/Nr. [1], Daneben existiert noch immer die Verwendung als explizites Schimpfwort, mit dem ein vermeintlich unmnnliches Verhalten abgewertet wird. Press Save. Why no outcry and a thorough investigation from mainstream Rs? Posted by: the pair | Dec 3 2022 18:52 utc | 39. ok, he was born rich, certified and stamped with higher caste credentials than me and most peons, partied like a frat boy in Moscow in the 90s while Russia was being devoured, worked for Rolling Stone and dished up the requisite amount of stories that were pretty good but filled with potty mouth language to satisfy his hedonist masters. A left-handed shooter must either purchase a left-handed or ambidextrous firearm (which are manufactured in smaller numbers and are generally more expensive and/or harder to obtain), shoot a right-handed gun left-handed (which presents certain difficulties, such as the controls being improperly located for the left hand or hot shell cases being ejected towards the shooter's body, especially the eyes or down the collar or right sleeve), or learn to shoot right-handed (which may be less comfortable or "natural"). Schwul meint hufig auch das, was charakteristisch fr Schwule und deren Interessen ist oder was diesen zugeordnet wird[4] (Beispiele: schwule Zeitschrift, schwule Bar,[5] schwules Lokal,[6] schwule Sauna[7]). [99] Letztendlich wurde Und das ist (auch) gut so! zum geflgelten Wort und zum Satz des Jahres 2001 gewhlt. *not a typographical error. idiom, . Unless there are real political consequences from this revelation, it is all theater designed to get another 'elite'-supported president in place, Biden is out. It is a long story but the extent of the Democrats corruption is being confirmed : it is what you would expect from a political culture that goes back to the Clintons, throws up (vomits) candidates like Delaware Joe and tells the world that it is a private club and makes its own rules. Appreciate the heads up Posted by: SeanAU | Dec 3 2022 22:43 utc | 65. The left hand would then be used for personal hygiene, specifically after urination and defecation. But in the bigger picture its more erosion of the people having much faith in the government. (Britain, derogatory) A sensationalist, scandal mongering journalist, one who is not driven by any social principles. The worry here is if people start thinking the Republicans are the good guys. The slurs against gay men have thus increased from 0.0005% to 0.0008% of all tweets. While all these words mean "a predetermined state or end," destiny implies something foreordained and often Way to prove you are a limited hangout, you POS! This is why I pray for the West to endure hard timesI want the people to experience a stronger motivation to counter their fearful compliance with the status quo. A social network losing money is the price a billionaire pays to keep the little folk from owning a social network. To be a story needing immediate airing it was not emails to Hunter by the people he was making promises to, but emails from Joe to Hunter that counted. This prevents automated programs from posting comments. Posted by: james | Dec 3 2022 15:59 utc | 2: Yes, and Global Times in this editorial is calling out the USA particularly on this point: Then it will be time to start smearing him so that he is replaced by some democrat in 2028. If it ever happens. Posted by: Tom | Dec 3 2022 19:42 utc. In Romanian drept/dreapt (coming from Latin directus) means both "right" and "straight". America had a huge debate about Russian bots on Twitter and social media interfering in elections. Their game may ultimately undermine the authority of institutions without anyone being able to restore them. You cant do anything. Beware Cognitive Dissonance and what it does. 24. [27] According to an article by The Washington Post from August 13, 1979, a University of Chicago psychologist, Jerre Levy, said: "In 1939, 2 percent of the population wrote with the left hand. Why Elon? Text</U> Text Very deep analysis. Investment banks still hold tens of billions of dollars underwater in Twitter debt from doing the Musk deal. These rules were imposed on all, no matter their dominant hand. shministim. The Times only launched the story to regain the Democrats' control of the censoring instrument that Twitter had become. asshole. Posted by: Tom | Dec 3 2022 19:42 utc. Am 12. Die Mehrheit der Teilnehmer war zwischen 25 und 45 Jahre alt. Posted by: Haassaan | Dec 4 2022 2:09 utc | 97. Fine, but it will be interesting to see them all fulfill Schopenhauer's 3rd dictum of truth: "It is accepted as self-evident". [61][62] In einer Bremer Schule haben sich manche Schler selbst mit dieser Thematik auseinandergesetzt, eine eigene Umfrage zu Homophobie durchgefhrt und Homosexualitt offen thematisiert. [60], Mancher gleichgeschlechtlich begehrende mnnliche Jugendliche lehnt wegen der hufig negativen Verwendung im Alltag den Begriff schwul fr sich ab und weicht etwa auf gay oder homosexuell als Selbstbezeichnung aus. In many modern European languages, including English, the word for the direction "right" also means "correct" or "proper", and also stands for authority and justice. Announces he is SUING the DNC. What they are, though, is less easy to discern. In October 2020 the New York Post published private porn and business details it had retrieved from Hunter Biden's laptop. They also cheat in states where there are R governors and election certification officials. Dies zeigt sich auch in der Verwendung, vor allem in den 1950er bis 1970er Jahren, wo man fter von (mnnlicher) Homosexualitt und lesbischer Liebe[25] sprach, aber die Tendenz zeigt sich durchgehend bis zu den heutigen Lexikografen.[26]. Swingers Swingers Swingers!-00:21:42 960 . What better than the current most famous pinup self made billionaire role model and leader of technocracy to set up the correct choice for USAns. The aim was to disparage the president-elect, even before he moved into the White House, by portraying him as a white supremacist under Russian influence. Manche lehnen das Wort aus diesem Grund auch ab und ziehen neutralere und weniger wertende Ausdrcke als Selbstbezeichnung vor, wie die aus dem Englischen entlehnten Wrter gay oder queer oder die Wendung Mnner, die Sex mit Mnnern haben. Really? What was his role in the censorship? The FBI looked into it and said that it was "fake news" No it isn't. A left-handed first baseman uses a more fluid motion to tag out a baserunner returning to first base during a pickoff attempt by the pitcher and has less difficulty avoiding baserunners while presenting their glove as a target for other fielders to throw to. Congrats, they forced Putin's hand. Dort wurde die Einstellung vom Reggae bernommen. And what did the Warren Commission conclude? "[18], Many Asian countries force their children to become right-handed due to cultural perceptions of bad luck associated with the left hand. Although Attourney General (and Senator elect) of Missouri, Eric Schmitt took an affidavit from an FBI agent last week which indicates censorship. 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