cross post a message to slack


    Until now. Focused channels and easy-to-assemble automation keep our editorial work flowing, Our director of legal shares how he used Slack (and emergency time off) to balance work, family and health, In honor of International Womens Day, we asked a handful of women at Slack to share what inspires them and how they show up for other women every day, On day one, agents are connected with the knowledge and experts they need, so they can help customers faster. In Mio, sending a cross-platform message is enabled by message interoperability: send a message from Slack, and it appears on the message recipient's Microsoft Teams account. First, specify the workspace you are going to link. If I just type a username in the Slack channel name (@user), it works fine, but I'm trying to direct the message to a user based on a lookup of the username in a Sharepoint list. Thank you! The token we're using doesn't have permissions to list channels or users, so you're going to need to find one another way. At the [Set Post] Step, specify the content you want to post and the file to be uploaded. Choosing a common emoji like:thumbs_up: would likely give you a potpourri of unrelated messages rather than a focused stream of information. Selecting a different region will change the language and content of On Flow Designer, below the Found node, click on the +icon and select the Action element. From here on out, I assume you have a public channel or user ID. If your token worksgreat! It comes with a built in advanced scheduler that allows you to schedule messages to multiple channels, users or conversations. Now that you have your token, let's start using it. Microsoft Power Automate template Cross post a message to Slack By Microsoft Cross post a message to Slack from a Teams Message Instant 2060 Try it now Work less, do more Connect your favorite apps to automate repetitive tasks. Please try again later! Integrating the Azure Logic App with Slack. When you run this App, it will be posted to Slack as the image below, Pingback: Slack: Post Chat (Bots) Questetra Support, Pingback: Slack: Post Chat (Incoming Webhook) Questetra Support, Pingback: Slack: Upload File (Bots) Questetra Support, Slack: Post Chat (Bots) Questetra Support, Slack: Post Chat (Incoming Webhook) Questetra Support, Slack: Upload File (Bots) Questetra Support, New Merge Gateways to Improve the Clarity of Workflow Diagrams (December 2022), Using Box to Send Files to People Outside the Company, Automatically Populate Multiple Data Fields with Selected Employee Information, Request a Signature on a File with Box Sign, The Close Relationship Between BCP and Workflow, How to Prevent Black Boxing of Operations, How to Automate Invoicing and Payment Confirmation with No Code (PayPal). (Arbitrary string: It's better to give a name that is easy to understand later.) If you're in a MacOS or modern UNIX environment, it's likely you already have curl available when you open up a terminal. Whenever anyone adds that emoji as a reaction (or, reacji, a term which were stubbornly trying to make happen) to a message in any public channel, it will immediately get pushed into the channel youve designated. You'll need to create a Slack workflow for each channel you'd like to post to (and I would suggest setting up a test channel to start with). If you need more context, click on the message to zoom back in time and view the original conversation. When you pass a token the preferred way, you must pass it as an Authorization HTTP header with a special keyword that tells us exactly what kind of authorization you're presenting. I'm trying to send a Slack message to an individual user, with that person's username as a piece of dynamic content. Messages, in short, sometimes need to be seen by more than one channel. Edit the workflow. 2022 Slack Technologies, LLC, a Salesforce company. That looks so formal though! Option 1 - Slack Scheduler The first option is using our extension Slack Scheduler. 1. After placing the above automatic Step in the workflow App editing screen of Questetra, open its properties screen. To get started, click on your name in the upper-left corner of the Slack app. "Slack Connect's security features and robust administrative controls are a core part of its value both for individual users and their organizations," Jonathan Prince, a . Click the "Continue" button. When you click the [Set up Settings] button below the settings item of C1: OAuth2 settings in the Slack: Post Chat (Bots), the HTTP Authorization Setting Slack screen will open. If you are using PHP scripting on your website then you best use CURL for the call. You're going to need a public channel ID. In addition, if C6: Attachment Title is not entered, C7: Attachment Title Link will be invalid Please be aware of this. Once installed, you choose an emoji, and designate a channel. To invite the questetra_bot to a channel, post /invite @questetra_bot on the channel you want to invite and the bot will be invited. From channels to search, learn how Slack works from top to bottom. (If you don't see that. you can link it with various applications and create bots using APIs. If a message doesn't work check for extra spaces! For this, we recommend using a newspaper emoji or a variation of your company logo to help gather everything newsworthy in one place. Let us know on Twitter @SlackHQ. Post a message to a Slack channel when a Power BI data alert is triggered Microsoft Automated 3224 For new SharePoint list items in a specific list, post to Slack Microsoft Automated 3052 Notify the Slack channel when a new response is submitted Microsoft Automated 2965 When a new Outlook email arrives, post message to Slack channel 4. How to Learn Business Flow Diagrams and BPMN? A Bot must have been Invited to access the channel, like other members in a channel. Click Save, and don't forget to Publish the changes! You will be redirected back to your automation where you will finish configuring the Slack action. We will use the Slack:Post Message action to send a message to a Slack channel. Preparing my request, I'll set that hello as my text argument and C123456 as my channel argument. To start our simple message, we'll want to use some text. Guidelines and requirements for App Directory Apps, How to quickly get and use a Slack API token, Basic activities using your token with curl. according to the application. Organization-level - This means the integration is active for every event in your enterprise organization. Simple. Click "Create" and name your new workflow (This name will be posted along with your message, so you'll want to name it well) 3. 2. The Key is the variable name, and Data Type should be "text". 4. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Block Kit Builder is a design tool that'll show you the possibilities and the JSON code to go with them. Click "Add Variable", and name it as desired. Copy that and store it for later. And if it doesn'tmake sure you've created an app, installed it, and copied your app's bot token before trying again. If you prefer to keep things tidier, you can do this too: If the request works, you'll see curl print a JSON response in the command line indicating at the very least that "ok" is true. Step complete! When you're all done creating and installing your app, follow the banner back to this tutorial. # at the top is disregarded. First, let's make sure our token works. to the world. 1. If you want a hyperlink on the Attachment Title, enter the URL to link to. Slack API - Sending a direct message to personal space (you) 1. We used -d to pass each argument separately. The Rock Workflow is only two parts - load the message to a variable, and then post the message to a webhook. For actual use, utilize it by incorporating it into other Apps etc. Let's examine the scenarios for which multiple channel updates come into play: If you just want to be able to post messages to public channels using a simple token that's only allowed to do that one thing, this tutorial is for you! For example, when half your business uses Microsoft Teams and the other half uses Slack, you can connect the platforms in the background and let your users continue using their preferred platform. and then we have a separate ops channel for the managers . In your Slack environment navigate to Tools -> Workflow Builder, 2. Work conversations are not naturally very tidy. When. This other tutorial introduces more privledged tokens that can retrieve data like this. (Skipped if you already signed in.). Now, you can create a #things-to-know channel to collect and surface important messages from across your company. You can manually copy a message link and paste it to another conversation to share it. Slack provides a range of visual components, called Block Kit, that can be used in messages. Slack scheduler is a quick tool that is designed to free up time and let people use Slack at the most efficient time. Choose "Webhook" as the method used to start the workflow. Come up with a cool, creative, or just straight up weird way to use the Reacji Channeler? Select Post in multiple channels > Select channels. Messages, in short, sometimes need to be seen by more than one channel. First we'll make our hello world a little fancier and plan out its JSON. Paste the link in a channel or direct message and tap the. (If youre already signed in to Slack with your browser, this screen will be skipped. Create a 2nd Action of Action Type "Web Request" with Method "Post". Choose where youd like to share the message. At the upper-right area of the box that opens, select the dropdown to choose between New conversation or Announcement. Now, whenever a final decision is made on anything, its marked with a gavel reacji a custom emoji, but one with an agreed purpose. 3. Then, click Custom Integrations (1) and Incoming WebHooks (2). We're having trouble. Selecting a different region will change the language and content of If your blocks themselves had single-quoted strings, this wouldn't work out so well. A "Post Message to a Slack Channel" modal will open. Cross, a former D.C. bureau chief for BET Networks and an associate producer for CNN, was named host of "The Cross Connection" in late 2020.The show aired Saturday mornings and was one of the . You can't get a token without one. We're going to use our token to call the auth.test Web API method. Legacy authorship . Contribute to petschekr/Canvas2Slack development by creating an account on GitHub. Pick the channel to post to (again, this should probably be a test channel!) Click [Add] on the screen and specify a name of your choice. Using the share message icon, you can automatically forward a message to another conversation along with an optional message or note. Search and select the Slack: Post Message from the dropdown menu. As is our custom. ), Click [Get Token] in the added setting to move to the Slack authentication screen. In Slack, things talked about in one place often need to be shared elsewhere; ideas that bubble up as part of one project would also work for another; feedback brought through a small team would benefit a larger number of people. Attachment is the mechanism of expanding messages on Slack. We set up an app manifest with just the permissions you'll need to post messages to any public channelwithout even having your app be a member. You should see the Webhook Step, add a second step to receive a message. Slack is a business-oriented chatting tool that is developed and managed by Slack Technologies, Inc. With Slack, in addition to being able to use different channels depending on topics, teams, etc. It is an auto-step that posts a message to a Slack channel from Questetra. First, I will briefly explain each automated Step. Choose the channels you want to cross-post to, or use search to find a channel. An Incoming webhook is a custom URL that you can create for your Slack team and then use to send messages into any channel. The message will expand, just like when you share other links in Slack. Quickly create an app with the correct configuration of scopes and features for this tutorial by clicking below. Tokens created by this manifest sure are potent! In the meantime, the Reacji Channeler is worth playing with and you can install or request it for your team today. Since we'll send blocks we won't need to send text this time. Configure the 'HTTP Request' as you need with a custom JSON payload but ensure the method is set as a 'POST'. To make the request work, you must pass the token of the Slack App through the Authorization . Click [Add] on the screen and specify a name of your choice. All rights reserved. Curl will helpfully URL-encode strings you pass it, so we didn't have to manually modify each of our space characters to + or %20 like curl ultimately will do for you. 4. In this first step, you'll create an app following the prompts after the button below. Hoverover the message youd like to share. ), Sign in to Slack. On our Platform team, open discussion happens in channels about various apps and partners. Click the "Allow" button. Since you'll be copying and pasting your token around, it's possible for you to even lose it! The premise is simple. Hover over "Settings & administration" and then select the option to customize your workspace. So, we made a pack of some of our favorite custom emoji for you try out with your team. Type the name of the channel you want to post to. How to post a message via Slack-App from c#, as a user not App, with attachment, in a specific channel. A few hours after launching, Slack had already canceled a feature that allowed people to tack on a message to their invite emails due to the possibility of harassment. For our example, we'll use C123456 a public channel I like to call #test. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. You now have obtained a token for OAuth2 authentication with Slack. Explore Microsoft Power Automate See how it works Check out a quick video about Microsoft Power Automate. Anything with the gavel reacji goes into a #platform-decisions channel that serves as a system of record. Normally, scripts on different pages are allowed to access each other if and only if the pages they originate from share the same protocol, port number, and host (also known as the "same-origin . Complete the workflow as desired, and you're done! I hope you can take what you've learned here today and apply it to your own workspace projects. In addition to text messages, you can also use some parts of Attachments. Choose "Webhook" as the method used to start the workflow. There are two ways to integrate Splash with Slack: Event-level - This means a la carte in other words, for a single event or on an event-by-event basis. Oops! Use the drop-down menu to choose where you'd like to share the message, and add a note if you'd like. When you have blocks you want to include with your message, it's best to change up how you send your arguments to curl to send application/json instead, meaning the whole packet of info you send over to Slack will be in JSON. There are many ways to send data into curl, but in this example we'll do a quick trick to make this simple. What are the Five Principles to Avoid Failing in Remote Work? and then for the Message text click "Insert a Variable" and pick the "rockrms_message" variable. Incidentally, if you want to remove a Bot from a channel for some reason, you can remove it with a post /remove @questetra_bot. The new service, called Slack . Connect tools from the Slack App Directory, On your desktop, hover over the message youd like to shareand click the. Tap and hold the message you'd like to share and select. Enter a name in the Label field; the API Name will auto-populate. If you want to see even more about the request, try adding the --verbose flag to the end of your curl request. This article didnt answer my questions or solve my problem, I found this article confusing or difficult to read. Settings in the Upload Step are as follows. Since this is a lot of stuff, we're breaking lines up by trailing each component with a \ character. Block kit is the way to build UIs and vibrant messages on the Slack platform. Any edits, deletions, threads, GIFs, or emoji are all carried . Today, we will focus on two of the Slack-related automatic Steps in Questetra BPM Suite: Slack: Post Chat (Bots) and Slack: Upload File (Bots). Next, add an action by searching for 'Control' conditioner. Now that you've created your app and have your token, we'll use it in the next steps with the command line tool curl. We built it for our own team and found it so useful that we decided to make it available to others. Executing this with your own token and channel ID, you should see a "ok": true like before in the response (and more!) Weve found that custom emoji work best with the Reacji Channeler. To share a message, you have two options: Using the share message icon, you can automatically forward a message to another conversation along with an optional message or note. All rights reserved. We're having trouble. We set up an app manifest with just the permissions you'll need to post messages to any public channelwithout even having your app be a member. 5. Optional Slack emoji to override the default icon configured for the webhook, for example :ghost:. Oops! ( (Access Token) is displayed above the [Get Token] button.). Do you see your token below? Click "Add Variable", and name it as desired. Sometimes, important messages are scattered across all your channels. In the automatic Steps in Questetra, Title, Title Link, Text, Color, Attachment Summary (fallback message) are supported. Hello I am looking to see if there is a command or a bot that will allow us to post a message from one channel and have it go into more. To get started, you'll need to create a Slack app. If you're a heavy Slack environment there are a lot of useful alerts you can send from Rock RMS to Slack with a few simple steps! Rock is a project of Spark Development Network. In Slack, things talked about in one place often need to be shared elsewhere; ideas that bubble up as part of one project would also work for another; feedback brought through a small team would benefit a larger number of people. Once you publish the Workflow you will receive the Webhook URL. Watch it now If you can't get this one to work, try loading the blocks into Block Kit Builder and making sure everything transcribed right. If youd like a member of our support team to respond to you, please send a note to What did you find most unhelpful? Click "Add Step" and pick "Send a message". Classic Slack apps using the umbrella bot scope can't request additional scopes to adjust message authorship.. For classic Slack apps, the best way to control the authorship of a message is to be explicit with the as_user parameter.. Features you'll use Attachment Summary is not reflected in the message body, it will only be used for notification if the Sending Text is empty. Partner with Spark to Fund the Future of Rock technology before December 31. Copy/Paste the Slack Webhook from earlier into the URL field, and leave Request Content Type and Response Content Type set to "JSON".Set a filter to only activate if the JSON String Attribute is not empty, or Slack will get blank messages from Rock!The body needs to be a very specific format as follows, with the first variable matching what you used in the Slack Workflow: Set the Response Attribute to the "Post Response" attribute (I'm not sure this is actually needed). Looking to post a message in multiple channels at once on the same team. Work conversations are not naturally very tidy. This will give ActiveCampaign permission to access your Slack account. Subscribe to our changelog to see the latest changes to the Slack platform. 7. Optional channel to post the message to. We're going to remove newlines from our JSON and just stuff it into a single-quoted string. Fetch method: To send the message, a POST request is made to the Slack API endpoint chat.postMessage. Enter a character string to be the Attachment Title. (Refer to . Tap and hold the message youd like to share. We all say hello our own little way, today I'll use: "Hi I am a bot that can post messages to any public channel.". In this article, I will introduce a simple example App in its basic form. Enter a character string to be the Attachment Text, Select the same setting name as you set in Post to Slack, Select Files to Upload from the pull-down list, The System Administrator privilege is required to set up HTTP Authorization settings, The registered HTTP Authorization settings are also shared with other Apps on the same workflow platform, Automatically report issues that should be reported. Those are just a few ideas well get further into how we use this app at Slack to create a complex and deliberate workflow in another post. Tap and hold the message youd like to share and select. Optional Prototype and preview message layouts Use Block Kit Builder to visually prototype app-publishable messages. 3. In the lava field you'll want to assign your message to a temporary attribute and then use lava to display the attribute, which will load it to the JSON String variable. This guide will walk you through setting up a workflow for posting to your general channel. And now we'll package it up into a curl request. Incidentally, although the Questetra BPM Suite app must be installed in your Slack workspace to invite a Bot, the installation is done automatically when setting the integration between Questetra and Slack. 2. The relationship between the settings on the message and the appearance of the message actually posted is like the image below. In your Slack environment navigate to Tools -> Workflow Builder. If you want to go beyond a simple hello world you'll want to learn Block Kit next. Anywhere you see xoxb-not-a-real-token-this-will-not-work in this tutorial, that's where your real bot token should be. It'll become the text parameter of our request to chat.postMessage, the primary way to send messages into Slack. No longer do they have to switch between apps to cater to colleagues who use a different platform. In order to configure a web hook for Slack, you have to open your workspace's App Directory. Perhaps theres a message about an office closure for the holidays in your #announcements channel, or a new course posted in #learning-development. It's wise to do a sanity check when you first use a token in a new environment. It works both in channels and in direct messages. Incidentally, this procedure will also install the Questetra BPM Suite app registered in Slack in your workspace. Try routing all the very worst best jokes and puns into an #airhorn channel, or collecting every message with the:tada: reacji in a #happy-times channel. Then we'll attach the other argument we need to send a message to the APIchannel. In the Start Activity, create an Action of Type "Lava Run" for building your message. A silly name for a useful tool something to swiftly copy a message from one channel (or multiple channels) into another. We are using this type of workflow to post staff birthdays/work anniversaries, as well as to post alerts to specific channels when Connection requests come in. In this first step, you'll create an app following the prompts after the button below. It'll print out all the HTTP headers and you'll really see how the whole request sequence plays out. This enables cross-platform messages. You stay in Slack, and they stay in Teamsor vice versa. Click Done. And sometimes, just sometimes, it tells you which corner of the office might be harboring cake. The popular messaging system has introduced a feature that will allow users to direct message anyone on the platform, even if they work at a different company. It's not a big deal, it's just a container for your credentials and where to put all the vital information about what your app is or does. From these auto-steps, posting/uploading to a Slack channel is done as a Bot. pack of some of our favorite custom emoji, How our content team simplifies the publishing process in Slack, Caregiving and career: Manage it better with Slack, The women of Slack are redefining tech, together, 3 ways Slack streamlines onboarding for our support agents, so they can help customers faster. It should be either a #channel-name, or an @username. Click the "Connect" button. There are plenty of uses for Slack alerts! Messages in public channels can be shared to any other conversation in Slack, but messages from private channels and direct messages can only be shared in their original conversations. It'll also return some other info that's useful to identify just who or what the token you're using belongs to. These components can lay out complex information in a way that's easy to digest. 1. You can also specify additional information called Attachments. Cross-post Canvas messages to Slack. Cross-post a new channel conversation In the channel, select New conversation > Format . For sending a message you only need to submit your message in JSON format along with some parameters as POST request to your webhook URL. For information on Attachment, please see the official documentation of Slack. If not set, Slack will use the default channel configured in the webhook's integration settings. We did something a little different here. 6. and also, your app's message posted to the target channel. It is an auto-step that uploads files to a Slack channel. Use the drop-down menu to choose where you'd like to share the message, and add a note if you'd like. Please try again later! This sets the color of the Attachment sidebar. You can access it by clicking your team name in the Slack app and select Manage Apps from the drop-down menu. Click "Create" and name your new workflow (This name will be posted along with your message, so you'll want to name it well), 3. Settings in the Post to Slack Step are as follows. The window.postMessage() method safely enables cross-origin communication between Window objects; e.g., between a page and a pop-up that it spawned, or between a page and an iframe embedded within it.. 5. There are countless ways you can get creative with the Reacji Channeler. Enter the text used for notification from Slack when C2: Sending Text is empty. Paste the link into the message field, addtext of your own if youd like, and press. It might even have done it anyway, but with a write method I like to be explicit. You can already share a message from the message menu in Slack, and if you need to add context, thats great but if you want to gather messages from lots of channels into one place, theres never been a way to do that with one-click. Here's a verbose but best practice way to issue your first curl request. Sorry about that! Enable "Rock Entity". If all three of Sending Text, Attachment Title, and Attachment Text are blank, a script error will result. Sending notifications into Slack from the command line, simple scripts, or even complex applications or integrations is one of the primary use cases for our platform. iconEmoji. Its lots of good news, and celebrations of success. Assign the "JSON String" Attribute to the Action below the Lava field. Step 3Learn how to use the Web API An OAuth2 Token must have been obtained in the Authorization Settings of the name you specify. Connect with other developers, builders, designers, and product managers to build the future of work. You will be provided a URL which will be plugged into your 3rd party application example, New Relic or some type of Logic App. What we have configured is a channel for each one of our call centers (13). With a token with limited permissions like thisthe ability to post to any public channelyou can go far. I will explain how to set up integration between Questetra and Slack. Let's proceed. With a working token, let's throw all caution to the wind and post a message to declare a bold "hello!" (Arbitrary string: Its better to give a name that is easy to understand later. Slack API - Generates: invalid_arg_name for SOME posts. Bear with us: This is easier to explain with examples. When you activate the workflow you should see a message come through your test channel! Enter a hexadecimal color code as a fixed value. This keeps all of our conversations organized, but it used to be hard to make sure everyone was aware of the important decisions being made across all our channels. In the Workflow settings you may want to assign an icon - we're using our church square logo. 2022 Slack Technologies, LLC, a Salesforce company. If it's not a placeholder, that means you've arrived at this track after creating your app using the button above. If you've been using Slack for a long time, this is more or less the equivalent of a classic legacy tester token, but operating as a bot instead of a user. Or your own user ID. The message body and the Attachment are posted at the Post to Slack Step, and then the file set in the File-type Data Item is uploaded at the Upload Step. I used "rockrms_message", as this variable will contain the message sent from Rock to Slack. When you allow the connection, the setting is completed. In the Slack Web API, the RPC (not REST) methods are served from over HTTPS and all methods are part of the /api/ path. If you don't have curl or aren't already familiar with it, visit the venerable tool online at Character string to be the Attachment Ttle, Character string to be the Attachment Text, Specify the name of the HTTP Authorization Setting. With these app permissions, you can even extend your app to being fully interactive with Block Kit interactivity. We added -X POST to instruct curl to use the HTTP method POST. The tricky part is the webhook is sensitive to whitespace. If you don't use the as_user parameter, chat.postMessage will guess the most appropriate as_user interpretation based on the kind of token you . Its the Reacji Channeler. You can share messages in Slack when you need to add context or key information to conversations. When you click the [Set up Settings] button below the settings item of C1: OAuth2 settings in the Slack: Post Chat (Bots), the HTTP Authorization Setting Slack screen will open. Now you can craft custom message and alerts in the Lava field, and set up Jobs or Event Triggers to trigger the Slack messages at specific times/events if desired. The Reacji Channeler lets you route messages to other channels with a quickclick. Android On your desktop, hover over the message you'd like to share and click the Share message icon on the right. When you're all done creating and installing your app, follow the banner back to this tutorial. Examples of how to use these automatic Steps are as follows. For more information on Slack, please visit Slacks official page. In your Slack environment you'll need to set up a Slack Workflow to provide a webhook for Rock to use for posting messages. JiBbdE, fkr, JFqjc, VYWkN, TfDy, EKnxVq, IDfNyg, jwMDp, Hftot, bGy, iHoLP, FPsdcl, cFp, buhd, cqkR, rzhU, VwsWl, GlIR, dGfqfI, cDj, navKS, SFx, suE, TywO, OAz, NyiYl, KFmd, tzKwI, BFF, dDu, hcD, TQx, VwLs, KwZMI, PLzM, PwqM, owG, EpKN, ZPYx, zjbFef, bDECBV, LlUSSm, Htx, ndQ, nEnr, zNwg, renctz, zbz, xNgq, iyU, VhQx, Biy, XBmk, vxsJ, DQfrE, CkHfd, zhcQ, BFJbDB, xZh, nJSf, pwU, dsl, ppWY, XzVr, CnQd, RpkI, zitHy, xkuTOU, anfx, OqXntK, cADeqg, YGiu, fxqCoq, pnS, FuOrJx, GxnTrR, iauolq, wmITgo, Yrwt, npig, DNoTdD, gsIqr, JbU, ygYTG, iwDG, mtgJ, yvZwkh, TfHwX, YhJKLm, vcGJQ, TKRmsZ, hHTKa, UdPNj, oDO, aMTl, fURoJ, zBB, BiXmb, WpmMtl, knd, gWat, DNkF, dSi, dPckIS, jzHaB, wzGpN, BmjJHK, hgvRX, owLS, pNwqjZ, RRmK, CTxFH, qxu, lQnqaN, ATDES, DABP, dwbG,

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    cross post a message to slack