taught curriculum strengths and weaknesses


    Save time and let our verified experts help you. Next, the cooperating teacher shared with parents their students i-Ready diagnostic data collected from the beginning of school. This is required especially in the schools curriculum, recognition and evaluation areas. Besides this, recommendations are also provided for improving the physical education curriculum of the school. The NASPE standards inform the teachers of the primary outcomes to be achieved in physical education at each grade level (Lund, Tannehill, 2010) The goals and objectives of the physical education program needs to be implemented through the design of a curriculum framework. The goals and objectives of the school physical education program needs to be clear and as such it should improved. The next strength about this set of standards is that the standards outline the essential components of the required criteria for math, displaying examples when needed. Students' opinions on strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum were collected via questionnaires, which were analysed and classified into common themes. What are the strength of the six program models in the text? These program models were mainly developed in 1960s and 1970s.These Program models are very important as they have profound influence on children and their development (Essa & Young, 2003). (Williams) Students will be able to compare and share experiences. There is a need for recognizing quality teaching and this is one area where there is scope for a lot of improvement. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC, MA 0 1776, USA. The next strength about this set of standards is that the standards outline the essential components of the required criteria for math, displaying examples when needed. There is a need for recognizing quality teaching and this is one area where there is scope for a lot of improvement. Standards-Based Physical Education Curriculum. Strength and weaknesses of these program models are, Professional Development Plan The physical education program results should be summarized and provided as feedback to all stakeholders concerned besides this, adequate funds should be obtained for creating physical education facilities and for the purchase of equipment to be used at the facilities to enable the smooth implementation of the physical education program. Standards-Based Physical Education Curriculum. The curriculum should be integrated to help the students see and make the connections between and among subjects (ETIM, 2005). Subject-centered curriculum is the most common model used in the United States, and is very familiar to anyone who has gone from one subject to another over the course of a school day. Learning is a partnership. Griffey D. C. , Housener L. D. 2007. Get Your Custom Essay on. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of APN and develop a professional development plan for, 1978, p.297). There is strong recognition of student achievements but there is lesser recognition for the achievements of teachers and administrators. Tools of the Mind. Proper processes and procedures should be developed for continuous evaluation of the physical education program. In this way, more students will retain the knowledge for longer period. Scholars These program models were mainly developed in 1960s and 1970s.These Program models are very important as they have profound influence on children and their development (Essa & Young, 2003). Also, the program content should be in synchronization with the K-12 curriculum. Teachers should be provided with student health information so that students are not put at risk by the physical education regimen. EYFS | Strengths and Weaknesses Weaknesses Are Strengths in the Wrong Environment Marianne Cantwell Inspirational Poster SWOT Analysis Template Worksheet 5.0 (2 reviews) Members also searched goals and aspirations strengths and challenges skills qualities English Language Levelling Test 4.9 (38 reviews) becomes easier. The school environment is strong. Weaknesses of a competency-based approach to design Its main weakness is that it works well with some learning environments and less well with others. 2011 Plan Intro: * Historical background of Weimar Republic * Thesis statement (Draw. Inadequate facilities can lead to injuries and poor physical education instruction. While online programs have significant strengths and offer unprecedented accessibility to quality education, there are weaknesses inherent in the use of this medium that can pose potential threats to the success of any online program. Another way that teachers can meet students diverse learning needs is by using students background knowledge to enhance learning. The strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum were assessed and are explained below. Differentiated instruction allows for teachers to get students who are creating higher quality products that richly reflected their learning and therefore yielded better assessment data(Tobin, 2014)., How are curriculum-based measurement, performance assessment, and portfolio assessments similar? This helps you make decisions that better reflect your true self and make you happy. Those learning about multicultural education will ultimately learn about diverse cultures. Students will set achievable goals for themselves Students who can identify their strengths and weaknesses can set goals for themselves to help develop their weaknesses. Collections is the approved text series to support teachers in reaching their students learning targets. Additionally, teachers could teach students with disabilities test-taking skills that will help improve their test, Strengths And Weaknesses Of Curriculum Based Assessment. The certification process for physical education instructors should be tightened especially for activities that are considered high-risk activities. Some tools that teachers use is; norm- referenced tests, portfolios, checklists and observations. An effective communication program that highlights the activities and achievements of the physical education program is very much needed to gain much needed support for the physical education program. 492435566-Module-3-Teaching-Soc-Stud.pdf Noraima2. If the goals and objectives of the chool physical education program are clear then designing high-quality instructional material and its evaluation becomes much easier. This is an effective way to help students with varying abilities to be able to meet the objectives associated with the NGSS standards. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION K-12 THEORY AND PRACTICE. The strengths and weaknesses in the education system in various countries and its myriad impacts have always been a controversial topic. Theory is an idea which used to clarify and justify phenomenon. February 1, 2023 from 8:30am - 11:30am @ HCOE ANNEX. The strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum were assessed and are explained below. Get expert help in mere Parent involvement is very strong and there is enough opportunities for parents to be involved in the activities of their wards. In particular: it focuses on immediate employer needs and is less focused on preparing learners with the flexibility needed for a more uncertain future It encompasses the total opportunities for learning provided by the educational institution. Many models use complicated terminology, numerous stimuli, difficult interventions, and more. There should be involvement of the physical education director in monitoring physical education instruction, and there should be a clear role for a physical education coordinator. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. There is a need to improve the safety practices at the school that reduces risk to the well-being of students. What are their strengths and weaknesses? By continuing well assume youre on board with our A comparison between public elementary physical education programs in South Dakota and the STARS criteria for high quality physical education programs. Teacher is involved in the development of the curriculum. There should be emergency action plans, telephones and first aid kit installed at all teaching stations. Don't use plagiarized sources. Most of all, these assessments should be kept in mind that it will not perfectly determine a students aptitude, ability, or skill level, they are simply one of a hundred ways to measure (Alber, page 2)., Learning styles, language proficiency, and other factors can vary greatly in the classroom. ProQuest LLC. Also, the variance in qualification should be reduced for staff members in the school and it should be effectively streamlined. There are strengths and weaknesses in relying on learning styles or learning preferences for educators, parents, mentors and learners. The strengths recognized about the NCTM standards are the ability to easily read the standards and comprehend the mathematical requirement for second grade. Some tools that teachers use is; norm- referenced tests, portfolios, checklists and observations. Evaluation. However each one of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and only by knowing them will. . If a school has a good curriculum they will become a stimulating and energetic environment for development so students can make exceptional advancement and succeed with high standards. This is needed to eliminate redundancy and to promote a K-12 program that supports sequential learning. In general, your strengths should be skills that can be supported through experience. 2 pages, 637 words. The phrases I used were standard and learning targets. A curriculum is designed, summative or diagnostic assessments, they agreed that assessment was primarily about evaluating the effects of instruction. (Dylan William. B. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Movie 2012? Griffey D. C. , Housener L. D. 2007. The teaching staff should evoke in the student the burning desire to know through appealing to his strengths and reducing the harmful effects of his weaknesses. Information for garnering support for the physical education program should be provided to administrators by the physical education staff. Lastly, the data drawn from largest scale assessments may prove or disprove whether or not students are nervous test takers, the amount of motivation they have to do well, or how exam room set-up is affecting the assesse (Alber, page 3). There are a variety of tools that ECSE teachers can use to help with assessing children to see what the childs strengths and weaknesses are. The following are my strengths: Individualization - people who are able to find unique qualities in others and use those qualities to help them succeed.. Learner - people who want to always learn and have a great desire to improve.. The singular theme so far has been one of self-reflection. The physical education program results should be summarized and provided as feedback to all stakeholders concerned besides this, adequate funds should be obtained for creating physical education facilities and for the purchase of equipment to be used at the facilities to enable the smooth implementation of the physical education program. 2021 TopScholarsHelp. Staff should concentrate more on improving the physical education program in the school because a quality physical education program focuses on physical development, while integrating emotional, social and intellectual components (Klungseth, 2009). This Ofsted survey report evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education in primary and secondary schools in England. Poor facilities are the cause of less funds and decreased student enrollment. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION K-12 THEORY AND PRACTICE. Different. Students self-esteem and motivation are strengthened when teachers use their experiences in the classroom and validate what they have to say. The approach used in preparation of the curriculum is Centre-periphery approach or top down approach simply means the curriculum is developed in the form of syllabus by a group of specialized people (government or curriculum development unit) and then it is transferred, Curricula is overloaded with factual content which is too lengthy for the teachers to complete where less time will be left for the preparation for the external exam mostly for the external examination for example year 13 geography and history, Positive Factors In The Corporate Culture Of Zan Corporation, Examples Of Past Imperfect Continuous Tense, Disadvantages Of Multiplication In Mathematics. If facilities are inadequate then larger classes would thoroughly expose this problem. One year that I taught 8th grade U.S. History, 400 students were surveyed using student generated questions. The process for getting student medical and health records should be improved. Standards-based curriculum helps teachers to link the taught curriculum to the required standards. Then you need to consider how the work could be improved, by removing weaknesses but also by capitalising on its strengths. They can do this by differentiating the product that the students create to show what they have learned. Currently, classroom instruction and class management are negatively impacted by the size of the class, the bigger the class the poorer the classroom instruction and class management, this situation should change. Essay. This quote really stuck with me. International business grew substantially in the second half of the twentieth century, and this growth is likely to continue. A Critical Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses in the skills of Assertiveness Assertiveness enables us to act in our own best interests, to stand up for ourselves without undue. We will write a custom Essay on Teaching Performance: Strengths and Weaknesses specifically for you. An effective communication program that highlights the activities and achievements of the physical education program is very much needed to gain much needed support for the physical education program. Patience. Introduction Then, we highlighted two strengths and one area of challenge that the student was experiencing. The process for getting student medical and health records should be improved. In informal assessment a student does not know that the assessment is taking place. The curriculum should reflect the beliefs of the borough and while it does lend itself to diversity, there may be things changing within the area concerning the different beliefs and that needs to be reflected in the curriculum. Essential Concepts of Curriculum. TopScholarsHelp will be listed as Writing Help on your bank statement. Assessments help to guide the teacher in planning for instruction for the, Assessments help teachers determine what instructional approaches would be best for certain students, what the students may already know about a certain topic, and what topics may need to be reintroduced. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Qualitative Methodology, Discuss the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Movie Ma Vie En Rose, Explain the Strengths and Weaknesses of Aquinas' Cosmological Argument, Strengths and Weaknesses of Idiographic Approach, get custom The quality of physical education for special students has to be improved at the elementary school level. One weakness I believe Standard based curriculum has is the lack of teacher education before implementation. The four courses that I have taken focused on leadership, curriculum, supervision and community involvement. Strong Communication Skills and Interpersonal Skills. A careful evaluation of the underlying purposes to understand one's learning preference should be considered while gaining a knowledge of the learning style. The international environment is complex and it is very important for. Finally, the teacher obtains a better understanding of students background knowledge through pre-assessments which can guide subsequent lessons (Cole, 2008)., However, products that are associated with the students tier level may be one of the most beneficial ways to help teach the standards. For teachers, an understanding of strengths is especially important as you will regularly be called upon to identify them in others, especially those children who lack confidence. BY Czerny 791 World War Two left Europe in state of economic distress. Prior to this year, I would not be able to tell you what I believe. There is scope for improvement of the program evaluation, implementation and dissemination needs for the K-12 physical education program in the school. After speaking with our department chair, I learned the junior high curriculum in Sylvania is called Collections. . 2. You can identify your strengths by reflecting on your teaching career thus far. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Curriculum Development Satisfactory Essays 850 Words 4 Pages Open Document "Curriculum is the foundation of the teaching-learning process whether it is a school, college, university or training organization. Committees should be formed to monitor the implementation of the physical education program and to suggest and implement improvements where ever needed in the physical education program. Classroom instruction and class management are moderately strong but it should be improved to the level that it becomes absolutely strong. Staff development programs should be improved and there should be periodic evaluation of the staff. These problems fall into six main categories: 1. The quality of communication needs to be improved especially at the elementary, middle and high school levels. 2. Eisenhower Parkway, Ann Arbor, MI. Type your requirements and I'll connect Safety should be a top priority issue for the school, emergency action plans have to be drawn up with emergency first aid kit, telephones and supplies being made available at each teaching station. University Press of America, Maryland. It also provides educators with data to discover students success in certain skill sets as well. WHEELER CURRICULUM MODEL Curriculum Model Curriculum Model is defined as a plan of action that can be employed to structure a subject or knowledge area from a theory into practice. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are There is general concern among the staff for the welfare of the students but more should be done to strengthen the student assistance program to help students at risk right from the elementary level. Angela peterson mastery learning final project . What are the weaknesses? . Piaget's theory is thus vague on the subject of the cognitive developments that give rise to reasoning and about the methods that allow cognitive, According to Gravett (Todd & Mason: 2005), constructivist studying is an active process of constructing, Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Product-Oriented Approach To Business. The physical education program has to be implemented fully at all grade levels and to this extent additional physical education teachers need to be hired. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the economic revival of Western Europe between 1945-1970. The CAPS also aims to present opportunities to inspire lifelong learning (Department of Basic Education, 2011: 45). Order custom essay Curriculum Strengths and Weaknesses It is a widely held view that the government should be held responsible for the quality of the nation's education system as its direct impacts are inextricably connected. During one-on-one conferences, or with parents and administration, teachers and students can work together to develop obtainable, realistic, and measurable goals that would positively impact the students achievement rate on the exams. ?>. ECSE teachers need to consider the different factors for each student whether it be linguistics, culture, or other appropriate practices, educational settings consists of educators knowing the students they teach. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing This type of assessment is extremely important as it encourages students to be self-regulated learners who are able to reflect on their, They have clear understanding about teaching methodologies according to students needs. Lastly, I will provide a detailed plan of action on how I intended to address my weaknesses and leverage my strengths. B. The certification process for physical education instructors should be tightened especially for activities that are considered high-risk activities. In performance assessment teachers has more information about the learning needs of their students, and this let them to modify their methods of teaching and learning styles, and to understand the strength and the weakness in students. The national curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum (2.2). The strengths recognized about the NCTM standards are the ability to easily read the standards and comprehend the mathematical requirement for second grade. Which program would you select for your children and why? After graduation, I plan on settling down in Washington and start my career as an FNP. By knowing what our weaknesses are, we are able to work on them until they evolve into strengths. essay, Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Reason as a Way of Knowing, Assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of Weimar Germany, A Balanced Review of Strengths and Weaknesses of Learning. Students are not taught to use different . Without our courses, I would not be able to answer this question as concisely and resolutely as I can now. 2005. Early childhood classrooms overlook the significance of tuning children's thinking about the actual learning and instead concentrate on course contents. Every curriculum should focus on learning outcomes, studies the word curriculum didnt exactly come out of my mouth often. There are few weaknesses of single theory; firstly the edifice of a theory is not sufficed or inadequate to address teaching and learning problems. Strengths and Weaknesses Introduction Video This video explains what strengths and weaknesses are for kids. (2013) emphasized the importance of educators developing a solid rapport with the students they teach. 1. The strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum were assessed and are explained below. Currently they appear to be outdated, over-utilized and poorly maintained. The awareness of the mission/philosophy statement of the school is strong, but the classroom instruction does not seem to be integrated with the mission/philosophy statement of the school. It is also used to advocate truth of certain practices and procedures. Each theory can only be applied to certain circumstances. Benefits To A Social Studies Curriculum: Discovering Students' Personalities, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Future Goals. Also, the standards set by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) should be implemented in the school. There are four main ways of knowing reason, perception, language and emotion. Curriculum proves why schools surpass other schools, they outshine in particular areas to demonstrate confidence, hands-on skills, visual and audio material and technology. A curriculum consists of a varying scope that defines the desired learning experiences that an educational institution desire to inculcate to their students. Furthermore, it can help the students and or learners learn about the students and people around them. Throughout this paper, I will effectively explore the scope of practice for APNs in Washington, complete a personal assessment that reflects my strengths and weaknesses, explore local and professional organizations that can be accessed to gain information on employment opportunities, determine, assessment tools to thoroughly evaluate each childs growth across all areas of development and learning within the classroom. UBD covers three Stages1: Identify Desired Results; 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence/Assessment; 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction. List of 15 Strengths & Qualities of a Good Teacher. PLACE YOUR FIRST ORDER AND SAVE 15% USING COUPON: The curriculum that I have chosen is the K-12 Physical Education curriculum of a school in the United States. Strengths and weaknesses of the school physical education program .The school-community environment was examined and the quality of the environment was considered to be moderately strong. Two adaptations for students with special needs may be to give them more time and reading items on the test to students may be beneficial. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Is there a perfect curriculum? Students who have motor and fitness requirements besides emotional and other special needs are considered as at-risk students. Also, the program content should be in synchronization with the K-12 curriculum. Pause at 1:35 and ask students how their weaknesses can become strengths. Students who have motor and fitness requirements besides emotional and other special needs are considered as at-risk students. Your strengths and weaknesses should reflect the requirements of the role. It is generally agreed that research can be divided from different perspectives, such as being grouped into empirical and. Strengths: Student-centered The strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum were assessed and are explained below. Staff development programs should be put in place especially in areas where there is need to improve safety practices. Wheeler Model In Wheeler or cyclic Model, curriculum is a . harmony in order to life, Curriculum Strengths and Weaknesses. There is general concern among the staff for the welfare of the students but more should be done to strengthen the student assistance program to help students at risk right from the elementary level. The secondary physical education service for students with special needs is very strong in the school overall, but there is scope for improvement of this service at the elementary school level. Their responses on 216 TIMSS items in 18 topics from 4 science domains were modelled in a hierarchical item response model. The physical education facilities need to be upgraded. Below are 4 reasons to promote strengths and weaknesses in your elementary classroom. Allowing Peter to demonstrate his leadership qualities the teachers will help him to remember his years in the football team and the results he achieved as a Capitan. collected. The theme this week is feedback, and this topic, number two, is about building feedback into your teaching, clarifying goals and intentions and being able to identify strengths and weaknesses. I flipper flopped around about what true curriculum was because, like the textbook, there wasnt a concrete definition. We do not endorse or condone any type of plagiarism. And we know what some of these fundamental strengths are: genuine concern for students, enthusiasm about the content, zest for teaching, love of learning. Pg 1). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/curriculum-strengths-and-weaknesses/, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, Didn`t find the right sample? ECSE teachers need to consider the different factors for, A course curriculum incorporates learning the experience of a wide range of student learning. This allows students, supervision. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs, https://phdessay.com/curriculum-strengths-and-weaknesses/, Our Strengths and Weaknesses in Terms of Our Attitudes/Values, Skills and Knowledge. This study offers curriculum developers, teachers, and science education researchers a fine-grained profile on strengths and weaknesses in specific science domains and topics. Staff development programs should be put in place especially in areas where there is need to improve safety practices. 12. Evidently, there has been a. This model also improves accuracy of scoring., This data drawn can aide is making conclusions about how well teaching processes went (Alber, page 2). For a performance-based assessment, a practice test may be helpful, but determine what students should be able to do. The study involved a representative sample of 3844 Norwegian pupils in grade 8. There are mainly six program models used in North America. Easily Used by Practitioners Educators can easily apply the methodologies to the learning environment. What Are The Nexus Between Good Governance? The impact of the strengths and weaknesses of new teachers reaches well beyond the individual classroom and school of the teachers themselves. This leads to the identification of students strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, personality traits, preferred learning styles, and skill levels. Real-World Learning is Prioritized. Those are aspects of teaching that can cover for traits like being absentminded, somewhat . The program evaluation should lead to a proper assessment of the specified objectives of the program. Identifying Your Strengths as a Teacher. Which program would you select for your children and why? Input - people who are always wanting to know more and will often collect . Nowadays, movies have become the spiritual food that always comes along with our lives. Turning Weaknesses into Strengths. Curriculum proves why schools surpass other schools, they outshine in particular areas to demonstrate confidence, hands-on skills, visual and audio material and technology. Strengths to choose from: communication and social skills patience, responsibility, tolerance ability to solve conflicts, emotional intelligence Strength and weaknesses of the six program models: Also, the reports of the evaluation can be sent to the students, parents and others who are keenly involved in the development of the physical education program. I also understand and respect that English is an important part of everyday life. This is a review phase in which you look back over your work in progress. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in It shows an academic performance goal on the chart, which can help both the, Curriculum based-measurement allows the teacher to change the way she delivers instruction, if she sees that a student with special needs is not showing progress, she could change up the way she teaches. Tools of the Mind has its strengths and weaknesses regarding the inclusion of young children (0-8 years) with special needs. It can help the students create to show what they have to say,! And one area where there is scope for improvement of the program evaluation should lead injuries. I taught 8th grade U.S. History, 400 students were surveyed using student generated questions and requirements., telephones and first aid kit installed at all teaching stations a detailed plan action... 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    taught curriculum strengths and weaknesses