blackjack counting systems comparison


    Game Online. This should continue and you keep the running total updated as the cards are dealt. This is by far the most elaborate of blackjack counting systems on the list. But you may ultimately choose a system like OPP, KO, or Ace/Five because you just want an easy way to count cards. The probability of either a two or three standard deviation event is admittedly very small, but it can happen and its best avoided by playing games where the indicated standard deviation is a small fraction of the expected win. There are simpler counting systems that are more suitable for beginners, as well as more complex ones that can be employed effectively only by expert players. With a counting system offering 67% efficiency, the gain would be 0.95 X 67% = 0.64% whereas the best single-level count (without a side-count of Aces) would produce an edge of 0.95 X 62.3% = 0.59%. Average bet per round:$9.64. I have posted a link, which may or may not be permissible and may be removed..I don't know. per round per unit:1.105 These things are used to estimate how effective one card counting system is. This is a probability game, however using an adequate strategy, greatly increases the player's chances of winning against the house. Of course, there is a number of other blackjack counting systems, not mentioned here. The lack of a true count makes KO simpler than the Hi-Lo system that Ill cover next. The probabilities of winning for each sequence of cards and running totals has been examined in detail and many studies over the years have produced recommended strategies and actions for any given event. The man behind it is Edward Thorp, a professor of mathematics with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As Ive mentioned many times before, I run most of my sims on a fantastic piece of software called Statistical Blackjack Analyzer (SBA), version 5.05. This is an example of the Knock Out System: the player has tracked 4, 3, Jack, 9, 7 and Queen. What really matters is how these counts ultimately perform and I may be able to provide some insight through the use of simulations. The catch, though, is that Ten Count is designed specifically for single-deck blackjack games. This message will no longer be displayed after In return for just a bit less advantage, you can have the whole family counting! This is the reason that casinos look out for players who practice the technique and ban them when found. The SBA software gives us a lot of good information in that regard. Simulation #3 Basic Strategy variations from -6 to +6 used for the play of the hands, players bet 1-5 according to the Hi-Opt 1 count with a side-count of Aces (1 at a TC of 1 or lower; 2 at a TC of 1; 3 at a TC of 2; 4 at a TC of 3; 5 at 4 or higher), never left the table regardless of how low the count got (play all). It's a game of probability that also requires lots of skill, concentration and discipline. I count down a deck in 14 seconds usually. The reader quoted above plays mostly single-deck games in Reno where, for the most part, the rules suck: the dealer hits soft 17, you may double only on 10 or 11 and double after split isnt allowed. Blackjack Counting Systems Comparison | Dec 2022 Blackjack Counting Systems Comparison - Top Online Slots Casinos for 2022 #1 guide to playing real money slots online. Instead, Thorp leaves it up to players to decide how much to increase or lower their bets by. Depending on the rules, you can lower the blackjack house edge to under 1% with good strategy. The reader who started this whole thing said that s/he plays fairly long sessions and thats where the K-O count shines; its easy to learn and easy to use, so its much less mentally fatiguing than either Hi/Lo or Hi-Opt 1. Legendary blackjack professional Ken Uston pioneered this system, which is largely identical to the high-low count, except that deuces are treated as neutral and sevens as dealer-favourable. As a side note, a SCORE of 40-50 ought to be the minimum one should look for in the games theyll be playing. If you go to a casino only once or twice a month, you probably play for quite a few hours at a time, but I live half-an-hour from 6 casinos, so its easy for me to play for an hour at one particular place and move on. This is easier than calculating a final count, based on several dealt decks of cards. Blackjack Counting Systems Comparison - Find honest info on the most trusted & safe sites to play online casino games and gamble for real money. The acronym SCORE means Standardized Comparison Of Risk and Expectation, which was developed by Don Schlesinger and others and is thoroughly explained in his book, Blackjack Attack 2nd edition, which every serious card counter should own. But Ten Count is still relatively easy for beginners to use. Yet, these are still quite There are four players, plus the dealer (subtract 5 = count at +1). Red 7 System. For instance, if the player has been dealt an Ace, a 6 and a 10, they should count the Ace as 1 because otherwise the total value of the hand will go over 21, resulting in a loss for the player. You add one for every 5 thats dealt, and subtract one for every ace. Av. Av. In some cases, the up card of the dealer may help players decide what their next step should be. Blackjack Card Counting Trainer. One system of staking is to bet one unit plus the current count. Bad Points: Not very effective in single- and double-deck games. It involves observing the dealt cards, ideally without making it obvious that this is what you are doing, and then keeping track of a running total as they are dealt. You can quickly learn one of the systems that I discussed above and use it to give yourself an advantage. This system works as follows: Each systems assigns card values that are counted. The full version isn't really that much harder to learn and with that, you can customize it to the wazoo. Blackjack Counting Systems. Comprehensive list of the different blackjack card counting techniques, methods, and systems. If you are serious about taking on the casinos using this technique then you must develop the right behaviors as well as the mechanical counting skills. Here are the guidelines for spreading your wagers with the Hi-Lo: 2 Figure out your true count (e.g., +4). I suggest spreading your bets by five units or more when you have a favorable count of at least +2. And many others. The basic strategy is suitable for recreational players who partake in the game just for fun. It is used to describe the number of all the different values, which are assigned to the cards in the deck. Ace/Five is a simple strategy that only requires keeping track of 5-value cards and aces. If your running count is -1 and there are three decks to be dealt in the shoe, your true count is -0,33 or so. But seriously, theres really very little excuse for not at least giving one of these a try. If it is a seven, eight or nine then it assumes a value of zero and all other cards are valued at -1. aslan Well Heres how you assign values to each group of cards: The Hi-Lo is whats known as a balanced system, because the count will always reach zero by the end of the shoe. There are really just two of these and each compares favorably to the other as well as to other single-level systems (which is what these are), at least in multi-deck games. The underlying goal of card counting is to find out when the shoe is rich in aces and tens. Check the review of particular systems to see how does the system work along with history, recommendations and rating. Hi-Lo or KO not a big dif. This differs from the Hi-Lo strategy (discussed next), where you must factor in the remaining decks to determine your true count.. Red 7 Count But I'm in no hurry to complicate my life and am enjoying the benefits of what I already know. Other balanced systems that begin and end at 0: Recognize that card counting is efficient but it won't do without a sufficient amount of practice, concentration and patience. Techniques of Blackjack Card Counting. In fact, learning and practicing the basic strategy is essential in this game and it's even advisable to memorize it. Some typical signs of a card counter are: All the above are typical signs of card counters and only the best are able to avoid detection by the dealers and security consultants employed by the house to find them and eject them. The 1988 film Rain Man created the perception that you need to be a mathematical genius to successfully count cards. I play mostly double deck, with $10 to 25 mins, spreading to $75- $150. This is an intermediate system, which makes it more complicated than the more simple Ace-Five and Hi-Lo; as it uses a different technique for card counting. If the player can correctly track, he or she will arrive at zero when all cards have been dealt. Edward Thorp introduced the Ten Count System when he wrote Beat the Dealer in the sixties. When the count is lower they better restrain from placing the high bet. This means that an equal number of cards are high (5) and low (5) with the Hi-Lo strategy. Such players employ other techniques which allow them to gain advantage over the house. As youll see, simulations based upon this data show a barely-acceptable (1%) overall advantage for the counter. So, *when you place your big bets*, you're more likely to be placing them at a point when you have an advantage. Like so many other games, penetration is really important because the more cards a counter sees before the shuffle, the bigger advantage you can get when counting. Raymond Babbitt (Dustin Hoffman) kept track of every single card while counting in Rain Man. Hi/Lo Results: If the running total becomes significantly positive then the dealt cards must have been predominantly low. But with every card counting system, the concept is the same: But this miscalculation plays a bigger role in the four-, six-, and eight-deck games of today. But from an overall perspective, Hi-Lo is relatively easy when compared to the dozens of other counting systems available. The 9 is equal to -1 while 10 and the face cards King, Queen, Jack are marked with -2. Some players camouflage their counting efforts through the following ways: It also helps to research casinos to find out how tolerant they are towards card counters. Card Counting Card counting systems for Blackjack are compared here, along with their Card Values, Betting Correlation, Playing Efficiency, Insurance Correlation, Ease of Use and Type. Twos, threes, sixes and sevens are scored +1, fours and fives get the value of +2, eights, nines and Aces are neutral and get point value of "0", and 10-valued cards get the value of -2. Also known as twenty-one, blackjack is a game between players and the dealer which basically means they do not play against each other but compete against the dealer. It helps neutralize, though only partially, the advantage the house has over players. SCORE:70.84 Good Points: Easy to learn, yet can also be enhanced by an advanced version Bad Points: Not very effective in single- and double-deck games. This running total provides a simple approximation to the probability of winning future hands and you can therefore bet more on hands where the count shows the odds are more in your favor. However, their behavior and gestures while at the blackjack table may also be indicative of whether or not the player is using an advanced play strategy. Beginners usually loathe this part but the good news is they don't have to be precise, a rough estimate will suffice to determine one's chances. With this method, it's best to double your bet only after a win to make your card counting less conspicuous. I'm hoping one way to smooth out the fluctuations is by using a more accurate counting method. The players and the dealer take turns until all cards have been dealt. 2 Your odds of quality double-down opportunities also improve. You can see that as the cards are dealt, the running total changes according to the value given to each dealt card. Payoff per 100,000 rounds played is $11,177.45, with an estimated standard deviation of $4,823.70. Numbers are used to express the ease of use, where 10 is being the easiest possible card If one standard deviation is $5000, then a two standard deviation losing event could find you at even after all that play and a three standard deviation event to the losing side would put you at a loss after 100,000 hands of play! Some cards are counted as two-point, others as one-point. The reason why Hi-Lo is balanced and KO isnt is due to the 7 being neutral. The goal is to get a positive count of +2 or higher. In reality, though, nothing is There are simpler counting systems With Single or double-deck games index plays become more significant so might want to stick with high-low or go to a level 2 system. The Ace/Five system is influenced by blackjack rules variations. To avoid fractions, players can double the values of . In our example, we have a running count of -1. The higher-value cards such as tens and Aces, that are more advantageous to players, are assigned as -1, as after each hit fewer of those are left in the remaining deck. Thanks for the replies kewlj. These systems are a great start, as theyre easy and quick to learn, and they can help you improve your chances of winning when used correctly. KO is sometimes called "rookie" because that is a slimmed-down version of the complete system. In general, using a level 2 counting system is more accurate than a level 1 system but more error prone. Average st. dev. SCORE:56.82 The KO system is more complicated than OPP because you also need to track high and neutral cards. As the dealer exposes cards from the shoe which have already been dealt, card counting makes it possible for the player to infer what are the remaining cards, left to be dealt and decide upon their further course of action. Imagine you've kept a running count of the following cards 2, 6, Queen, 4, 8. Aces and 8s count as 0. ; Twin Wilds Symbols: There are two special wild symbols on Gemini Joker. For what its worth, I do not use the Hi/Lo nor the K-O count when playing a single-deck game, but instead use a count called Hi-Opt 1 where the Ace and 2 have a point count of 0, 3-6 are counted as 1 and 10s are counted as -1. Given that Ace/Five only requires you to track two card values, its similar to OPP in terms of simplicity. This book was published in 2001 so it was not too long ago. My favorite is the Hi-Lo, due to its combination of simplicity and accuracy. This is a balanced card counting system. In the case of a six-deck blackjack, players should multiply the number of decks by -2 and respectively start with a running count of -12. The reason is because the dealers score must reach 17, and they have less chance of busting when there are more low cards available. Choosing suitable blackjack counting systems largely depends on the degree of skill and experience of the players. Simulation #2 Basic Strategy for the play of the hands, players bet 1-5 according to the K-O count (1 at a running count of 0 or lower; 2 at 1; 3 at 2; 4 at 3; 5 at 4 or higher), never left the table regardless of how low the count got (play all). 2s, 3s, and 7s are counted as +1 each. Even though it helps players gain an advantage, their edge is relatively small typically consisting of only 1%. There are two ways to even the imbalance out, depending on the number of decks dealt in the game. Not sure what kewlj wrote, but I agree with whatever it is that he did write. If a card is six or less then it is given a value of +1. Its easy to see how this works. The value of knowing the standard deviation for a certain game and bet spread can keep you from playing in an unbeatable situation, thus saving you a lot of time and frustration. All blackjack tables featured single-deck games in Thorps early blackjack days. This minimizes one's loss rates and at least partially eliminates the advantage the house has over less-skilled players. The Book to Buy: Knock-Out Blackjack by Vancura & Fuchs (2nd edition) $17.95. Also, all playing strategy variations are still determined by the running count, however you can be more accurate in determining your bet by using the "true index" method, which according to Arnold Snyder is an even more accurate method of determining your percent advantage than the true count conversion of hi-lo or other balanced counts. But just about anybody can successfully count cards with enough practice. Experience and fully knowing your chosen card counting method will help you determine how to best spread bets when you have a favorable count. When you see one extra small card in the first round of a single-deck game, both the running count and True Count are one. You want to increase your wager when the count reaches +12 or +14. This requires a balancing act because wagering too much will attract the suspicion of casino staff members and potentially get you banned. The trainer is very self-explanatory, these are the basics. Can I ask a couple questions pertaining to your consideration to switch counts? I want to poke at the question of standard deviations one more time. Skilled and experienced blackjack players don't have to resort to using the basic strategy chart. This technique of gaining an advantage over the house's edge does not end with memorizing the values of the cards. In case, the player collects a point which exceeds that number, they're busted or in other words lose. Comment. The one exception to this is Blackjack, where it is possible to tip the odds in your favor and beat the house consistently by using a technique called card counting. The reason is twofold: 1 You have a better chance of getting a natural blackjack payout. The only downside to OPPs simplicity is that its less accurate than the other systems Im going to cover. What I'm starting to realize is that the second system isn't so hard to learn as the first one was. By doing this, these counts allow you to play without a true count conversion that many people find to be the hardest part of balanced counting systems to learn. But according to this chart: I can speak for KO because that's what I've usedand that was after using Hi-Lo for a while. Reasoning: with a level-two count system, your knowledge of the remaining deck composition is more nuanced. Snyder did this so he could create an imbalanced system that was easy to use with no true count involved. But like OPP, this strategy isnt as effective as some of the other systems discussed here. Once all cards in the deck have been dealt, the final result of your calculations should amount to zero. Again cards are assigned a value and the player should keep track and add or subtract the respective value. You can find these strategies in each of our reviews. The three unbalanced systems were Snyder's Red 7 Count from his Blackbelt in Blackjack, Fuchs and Vancura's KO Count from their popular Knockout Blackjack and the StageII Black Ace Count from my own Blackjack Bluebook. Kevin estimates that he has played over half a million games of Blackjack all over the world in his professional career. The primary benefit of the K-O count, that of not computing a True Count, loses a little of its impact at single deck games, mainly because the True Count, as calculated in the Hi/Lo and Hi-Opt 1 games is almost always either equal to or very close to whatever the running count is. The reason that card counting works in blackjack is because the cards dealt and the cards left are changing the probability of the game while youre playing. is included. I was preparing to switch to Zen or UBZ, but the guys here talked some sense into me. The main thing you need to do with the OPP strategy is track low cards. i really need to get myself cvcx so i can compare the different versions of KO with hi-lo to find out which system is best for 6 decks if your either betting flat or spreading 1-2.. it just really bothers me that the count in KO can be significantly different depending how many decks have been dealt, which i guess means that all unbalanced counts would bother me.. on the other hand, i have difficulty with the true count, but then again i havent even practiced with it at all.. i seem to be the only one that did very little practice and just went into the casino and started counting, but all i really do is keep a running count with my chips and occasionally check what the TC is to the nearest full deck, and then when i divide i just say "ok its more than 3" or whatever it is, i dont calculate "its 3.75" or something.. the one thing that you always hear is "such and such isnt significant because most of the advantage comes from betting", but what if none of your advantage comes from betting, but from wonging? Here are the different card groups and how you assign them values: You need to track every card with this system not just the low ones like with OPP. This is the most commonly applied strategy. Well, I have it narrowed down to 2 counts: K-O or Hi/Lo. So all we have to do now is set up some games, keep all of the rules, conditions, bet spreads, etc., the same and just swap out the counting system used in order to get some sort of comparison of which count is better. What makes the Ace special is that players are allowed to determine its value, depending on the situation they can either use it as a 1 or 11. In general, using a level 2 counting system is more accurate than a level 1 system but more error prone. Instead, a beginner-friendly strategy will help you learn this process with the minimum degree of difficulty. But the key here is that the casino still has an advantage over those who use basic blackjack strategy. One of the great features of SBA is that it can use a wide variety of counting systems when running your sims and K.O. A good way to summarize all this is to say that these calculations show us what lies in the future the long run that we all talk about. For instance, if the up card's value of the dealer is from 2 to 6 the player may hit. I think Ill throw in a sim on that as well. So, which is better? Omega II is a multi-level system making it more complex than previous systems. Knockout (KO) System. Face cards such as kings, queens and jacks are of a 10-point value; the Ace, on the other hand, is a special case as its value can be either 1 or 11, so respectively the Ace can also be a high-value card. The Ace/Five Count can also come handy to blackjack players, especially when they're beginners and new to counting cards. Betting Correlation - this is used to estimate how well the system is able to predict good situations, where the player will have the edge. We reviewed most of them and will add reviews of any new discovered ones. Got It! Good luck. According to the Omega II system, the cards 2,3 and 7 have a value of +1, while other low cards such as 4, 5 and 6 are worth +2. They, to a great extent, rely on their practice, memory and other so-called honest skills. The goal is to bet more when the count goes higher into the positives. The system is easy to memorize and convenient to use, but unfortunately less accurate than more advanced card counting methods like those that follow. This is a balanced count but for it to be at its most effective, one must keep a separate count of the Aces, especially for betting purposes. There are certain blackjack variations concerning Aces that are not entirely neutral, which only complicates applying the system. This means the cards should be counted as follows 4, 4, 4, -9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, -9. If you visit various online guides where blackjack card counting is explained, you will be able to find tones of different charts and in-depth explanations about the features regarding the efficacy of the card counting system. Point Values 2-6 = +1; red 7s = +1, black 7s,8,9 = 0; 10, A = -1. Blackjack card counting is a simple technique to learn but to do it well takes practice. per round:$12.83 Many gamblers like blackjack because it offers a chance to use extensive strategy to improve your winnings. Average st. dev. One of the simplest counting systems is called the High-Low system. Simulation #1 Basic Strategy for the play of the hands, players bet 1-5 according to the Hi/Lo count (1 at a TC of 1 or lower; 2 at a TC of 1; 3 at a TC of 2; 4 at a TC of 3; 5 at 4 or higher), never left the table regardless of how low the count got (play all). How big of an edge you gain depends upon the exact strategy you choose. We're sorry, residents of your region are not accepted by this gambling site! Wizard of Vegas uses cookies, this enables us to provide you with a personalised experienceGot It! This card counting strategy is similar to KO, because you need to track low, neutral, and high cards. Penetration was 31/52. Maybe later if I have the leisure time, I'll learn another system, and if I perfect it in practice, I'll give it a try on the tables. If the 7 is red in color, it is treated as a low-value card and is thus marked as +1. When you compare the different card counting systems, you are interested in the following things: And many others. Usually, two to eight standard decks, containing 52 cards are used. Let's say the player has kept track of the following cards in the course of a game: 5, 2, Ace, Queen, 3, 4, 8, 9, 7, King. Youre on a computer right now, so you can certainly learn one of these. Thorp systematized the so-called Ten Count system in his book Beat the Dealer. Now let's illustrate this with the following example: assume the player has tracked these cards King, 6, 10, 2, Jack. In addition, Ill be using only the proper Basic Strategy to play each hand in order to keep the comparisons as simple as possible. Heres an example of how to use this strategy: This is referred to as an unbalanced counting system because the count doesnt end at zero when the shoe has been dealt. Using a card counting is not the only way to win at blackjack but it is by far the best way. Card counting is the gold standard when were talking about winning at blackjack. But some blackjack experts claim you can win without counting. Blackjack is a casino game. That means that the house has an inherent mathematical advantage over the player. Numbers are used to express the ease of use, where 10 is being the easiest possible card counting system and 1 is the hardest. This means that there must be a relatively high proportion of high cards, which are still left in the deck to be dealt. Discover the best slot machine games, types, jackpots, FREE All of them will get the $$$, but Id want a little bigger bankroll than usual ( about 70 maximum bets, rather than the 50 I usually recommend) were I using the K-O count, to lower my risk of ruin. Colour here also plays a role, in relation to 7s. These are marked as -1,+1,-1 ,+1, -1, so the total is -1. Estim. When the final count is higher, chances of winning the hand increase and the player should bet higher. What further increases the difficulty of the system is that some cards are assigned a fraction value. The advantage is approx. 10s count as -2. The following systems of counting cards are arranged in accordance with their level of complexity, starting from the more simpler ones and proceeding with those that are more elaborate. Players are advised to calculate their true counts after each deck has been dealt. Avoid doubling or placing higher bets when the number is in the negative do it when your final count is about +15, there is a good chance to win the round. We reviewed most of them and will add reviews of any new discovered ones. Weighed against the mathematical impact of the cards, both assumptions are mistakes, but they more or less cancel each other. Hi folks, do any of you know of any good resources that compare the relative advantages/disadvantages of different card counting systems? But he also wanted to make Red Seven more accurate than KO (black 7s being neutral). You can see I make the statement that these counts arent at their peak of effectiveness in a single- or double-deck game, but I wasnt the first, so I dont know if thats where the reader got this idea. That's an interesting answer Aslan. But before you start earning big profits like these blackjack legends, you must first choose a counting system. Obviously if you keep sitting out games and appear to be choosing the games in which to be involved then you will certainly arouse suspicion amongst the pit bosses and be asked to leave. Playing it correctly means you've already won. 9s count as -1. Otherwise the player may be added to the casino's blacklist and a complete ban from the casino is also a possible outcome. Nevertheless, it can give you an edge on the casino. Top Gambling Destinations for Newlywed Couples. Which translates to less extreme fluctuations in your bankroll.Is this reasoning sound? You may or may not know that the K-O (Knock-Out) count is whats known as an unbalanced count, which does not require a True Count conversion. There are four decks remaining in the shoe. But casinos may ban you from their establishment if they think youre a successful counter. Because of its relative complexity, I typically limit my playing sessions to one hour or less, although thats a good playing tactic to use, regardless. You need to remember that this sim is based upon perfect play, which can be attained by a software program, but not a human being. I was told K-O is bad for SD in comparison to Hi/Lo but how much worse, I dont know. But it doesnt apply to the modern blackjack world. then how important do indexes and all those other insignificant things become? Founded in 2014, CasinoNewsDaily aims at covering the latest news from the casino industry world. Your first stake is therefore 8 units (1 plus the running count of 7). Another thing to take into account is that the Red Seven system is unbalanced too. That's why you do not need to rush when you are on these charts and explanations. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Average bet per round:$9.65. As I mentioned earlier, nearly anybody can learn to count cards especially with the systems covered above. There are a number of different counting systems. You only have to track two card groups and use two numbers for the count. The best card counters keep the count with the slightest glance at the deal and act like a normal player, occasionally moving games and cursing their luck when the game appears to go against them. An example of the Red Seven system: 3, 4, Jack, 7 Red, 9, 6, 8 are the cards the player has been keeping a running count of. How about a mind-boggling system that is more effective? It's a three-level card counting method, introduced and developed by Stanford Wong. One is much easier than the other, but is there much difference in performance? The Hi-Opt 1 count has a lot going for it, but it takes a lot of practice to use it correctly, what with the side-count of Aces and so on. Moving the lips as the cards are dealt, even subconsciously, Constantly sitting out games and then suddenly joining specific games, Avoiding taking the free alcohol on offer, preferring soft drinks. Blackjack Counting Systems Comparison - Top Online Slots Casinos for 2022 #1 guide to playing real money slots online. Well, if your average bet is $10, its a difference of a half-cent. I'm trying to graduate from hi-lo and wanted to get an idea of what I should move on to. Instead, you simply count low cards and subtract the number of players/dealer at the start of each hand. Act like they increase and lower bets based on superstitions. Keeping track of dealt cards is by no means illegal as it is based chiefly on statistics and mathematical probability. Griffin Card Counting The in-between cards with values 7,8 and 9 are marked as 0. Flat Betting - Simple, effective and a great starting point for anyone just starting out in the blackjack world. Up and Pull - Similar to the parlay system, this positive progression method is great if you have a small starting stake. It may get a bit more difficult to calculate as the dealer gets deeper into the deck, but with 50% or 60% penetration, the division thats needed is never too complicated. You observe each hand as it is played, noting the value of each dealt card. Blackjack counting systems are tools used to improve your game. In other words, big-bet losses are less likely with a higher count system. Keep reading to learn more about each of the following card counting system and how you can begin today. Measurements that have the important role in determining whether the card counting system is good or not: All rights reserved © 2022 - Gambling information. As this is a multi-level system, certain cards can have a value of +/-1 and +/-2. The first card is a five, which is attributed a value of +1. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. But where the idea came from doesnt matter either way. Throw enough mistakes into the equation and the result may be that youre not gaining any edge over the casino for all your effort. This has been fueled by Hollywood movies like 21, where card counters act like their lives depend on not being detected by the casino. The higher the total sum of the dealt cards is, the more 10-value cards have remained in the deck. The Wong Halves system is quite a complicated card counting strategy. Hard to say, but at least now you and the reader who initially asked the question have some information that will help you make your choice. Think of it: grandma, the kids, the significant other; all can become counters. Both of these counts have been analyzed to death, each has its loyal followers and each will get the $$$ if properly used, so I dont really have a favorite. This is important as being dealt higher-value cards, increases players' chance of winning while lower-value cards are more beneficial for the dealer as they decrease the chance of pulling out a face card and going over 21. This situation is favorable for players so they might opt for placing a higher bet. Last Updated: February 26, 2021. Level - Each strategy has different level. Another difference is that the low card category includes 7. This is another unbalanced system because there are a greater number of low cards than high cards. Given that Hi-Lo is balanced, you also have to account for the number of decks remaining in the shoe. Dubner practically picked different numbers for the cards' values as cards from 2 to 6 are marked with the number +1, these are named low cards. But you only need to keep a running tally of the card values to give yourself an edge. Estim. It is relatively new and was made famous in a book called "Blackjack for Blood" by Bryce Carlson. You also have to bet more when the count is in your favor to reap profits. I started with KO and now use TKO with Hi-Lo index numbers. You may also want to read the article calledReally Beat the Dealer, which is archived on the GameMasters Secrets page here.) The Zen Count is another great card counting systems that was thought up and created by Arnold Snyder. For this to work you will need to select the right game, calculate your bankroll requirements so you can survive the downswings and minimise your risk of ruin. Despite his obvious high skills at the game, he has also been ejected over two hundred times. Blackjack Counting Systems Comparison : Best Oval: Article Conan Oval Dining Table Tags Decor Kitchen. Playing Efficiency - this estimates how well the system is able to adapt to changes in the game. The higher the positive number, the more high-value cards are in the remaining deck. The Book to Buy: Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder (1998 edition) $19.95, Point Values 2-7 = +1; 8,9 = 0; 10, A = -1, Most Effective:When used in 6-deck games where a 1-10 bet spread can be achieved. The Red Seven is another card counting system, beginners can easily master, as it too is one-level. Of course, we have to first define the word effective and throughout this series Ive quoted a lot of statistics for Playing Efficiency, Betting Correlation and so forth.How the unbalanced systems stack up against all the others will be covered in each individual counts section, but effective as it relates to unbalanced counts has to also be defined as ease of use. This is pretty useful measurement, especially in games where more than 2 decks are involved. The downside is that this strategy is poor for multi-deck games. You must log in or register to reply here. But if youre just a casual blackjack player who wants to gain a bit more of an edge, then I recommend trying Ace/Five. Average bet per round:$11.29. 3 Subtract one from the true count (4 1 = 3). Unbalanced counts are easy to use for long periods of time because they dont require a lot of memorization or mathematics to be effective. Then determine the true count by dividing the running count to the number of decks, remaining in the shoe. However, it's suitable for beginners who wish to practice and improve their skills. This number is then divided by the number of decks remaining in the shoe to calculate what is called a true count. Players usually begin with a running count of zero when the cards are first dealt. Choosing the right blackjack card counting systems largely depend on some level of experience and skill. If you count all the pieces in a 52-card deck, your final count won't be a zero but +2. The easiest way for casinos to root out a card counter is by their betting patterns. The average bet is almost identical to the Hi/Lo and quite a bit lower than the K-O game, so youll make more $$$ with less risk and thats a good deal. zg, Skilled Play - Card Counting, Advanced Strategies. The advantage of Thorps system is that its easy. Calculating fractions in one's head may prove to be rather taxing to some players. If you are able to do all of this accurately, count error free and apply the relevant indices at the correct true count in a casino environment then in theory you should enjoy a slight advantage over a level 1 system in the long run. Thanks for the replies kewlj. One example is Kevin Blackwood, who practiced talking while counting until he could keep the running count in a standard deck of fifty-two cards in less than 14 seconds. SCORE:53.69 Those rules dont apply to the single-deck games at every casino in Reno, but it does cover most of them and the house edge is 0.44%. Why change a system that is winning for me, that I already have down pat, for one that is more complicated, will be easier to make errors in, and which will not improve my winnings except by a very small percentage? You add one (+1) for every low card thats dealt. Another benefit of KO is that its more accurate than OPP. As the title suggests it's rather advanced, so card-counting beginners will hardly make heads or tails of it. Youll see an Estimated Payoff section in each simulation, which comes from the SBA report. I'm not an expert at the math, but intuitively I would think a level-two count system would help smooth out bankroll fluctuations. In fact, it's one of the most frequently used blackjack counting systems in the world because it's relatively simple and easy to memorize. Thanks again for the replies Romes and kewlj. Inexperienced card counters can use it to develop their skills before they switch to more elaborate options like the Hi-Lo. Cards are dealt until 17 or more points are reached. Another great thing about the OPP system is that you dont have to track high cards (A to 10) or neutral cards (7 to 9). Thanks again for the replies Romes and kewlj. Do you want a simple system that is less effective? They are called unbalanced because, while they still assign point values to the cards, when you add all the point values up in a deck or decks, it doesnt result in zero. The Aces and the eights are counted as 0. 2 Your odds of quality double-down opportunities also improve. Payoff per 100,000 rounds played is $10,253.40, with an estimated standard deviation of $4,301.40. The Hi-Lo system was proposed in 1963 by Harvey Dubner and is based on Thorp's Ten-Count. Side Counts - this increase the strategy's efficacy greatly, if it is carried out properly. Wong published his Halves system in his book 'Professional Blackjack'. If it's black, however, the 7 is considered neutral and as such is again noted with a zero. This sequence of cards corresponds to +1, +1, -1, 0, +1, -1. The bet spread occurs between your smallest and largest bets. He's probably (actually no, he IS definitely) the go-to guy around here when it comes to card counting in BJ. Instead, your count begins as soon as the first card of a shoe is dealt. 4s, 5s, and 6s are counted as +2 each. The Hi-Lo is definitely tougher than KO and OPP due to the added steps. This is what I said about unbalanced counts in the series I did called Counting Systems that is archived right here on this page: Almost all the counting systems weve examined up to this point are difficult to learn. The cards are counted throughout the game and special attention is paid to their value. Also known as the K-O, it was first introduced in a book called Knock Out Blackjack the Easiest Card Counting System Ever Devised, written by Fuchs and Vancura. The objective is to collect a hand as close to 21 as possible without exceeding it, hence the name twenty-one. Comments on Simulation # 3:While there is not a big gain in the Initial Bet Advantage from doing all the work thats associated with this count, there is a substantial increase in the SCORE and an overall lowering of your risk, as is shown by the standard deviation calculation for 100,000 hands of play. How to Properly Use Casino Fibonacci System, Bet Spreads for the Wonging Style of Play, Bet Spreads for the Semi-Wonging Style of Play, Ball Bouncing, Switching, Aiming and Speed, Real Dealer Studios Adds Blackjack to Vinnie Jones Series, Pragmatic Adds Blackjack and Baccarat Tables, On Air Entertainment Debuts Live Blackjack, Evolution Adds New Game: Lightning Blackjack. Your first decision is to stop losing at the casino and the next decision is to pick one of these systems; hell, even the cost of the book is about the same. These correspond to +1, +2, -2, +2, 0 and a running count of +3. Level 2 and 3 strategies could be used by some people but levels 4 and 5 are really difficult and only few people in the world can handle them. per round:$13.60 In case both have a hand of 21, the player receives their bet back. These explanations will contribute to your knowledge greatly. Whatever the case may be, I highly suggest that you use one of the strategies covered here to give yourself an easy introduction to the card counting world. Please find the user instructions below. 1 You have a better chance of getting a natural blackjack payout. A unique feature of our trainer is the comparison of different card counting systems for the same status of the deck, making you able to compare the results of various systems. Learn which are best for novice and expert There are a number of different counting systems. This system works similar to KO and Hi-Lo, except that theres a special distinction made for red and black 7s. If the dealer and the player both have an equal score, the latter neither loses, nor wins. An experienced player should be able to pay close attention to the cards dealt to other participants in the game as well, which further increases the complexity of this strategy. Still, the thing that makes this system more complex and different than most other systems is the fact that you need to count number with decimals. By subscribing you are certifying that you ar 18+ and accept our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Similarly to the Hi-Lo method, 10s, Aces, Queens, Jacks and King go by the value of -1, while those from 2 to 7 are assigned as +1. The best combination consists of an ace (which can be counted either as 1 or an 11) and a ten-point card (Queen, Jack, King and a 10). Check the If youve been discouraged by all the adding and dividing and memorization that it takes to fully utilize these counts in a casino, take heart. Copyright, 2014-2019 |. This gives you the perfect blend of simplicity and accuracy. I use KO and find it exactly as Chef described. What its trying to tell you is that you may expect to win x $$$ by playing 100,000 hands at that particular game and one standard deviation for that play is shown as a dollar figure. But as you may have gathered from these simple systems we covered above, this isnt accurate. I play single deck (SD) in Reno and spread 1-5. Similarly to the Hi-Lo system of Dubner, the player should keep a running count in the course of the game. But the gist is that you must raise your wagers when the deck is in your favor, so you earn more money. 8s and 9s on the other hand are marked as 0 here. If your average bet is $200, its a dime. More so because their main objective is not gaining experience or playing recreationally but winning against the house and thus benefiting financially from the blackjack game. Only then you can progress to turning over two cards to count them as a pair. This advantage-play technique has only gained further popularity over the years thanks to the MIT Blackjack Teams efforts. Im also going to use the same 1-5 bet spread that the reader uses because its a spread one can usually get away with in the Reno area without attracting undue attention. In most cases the basic strategy is presented in the form of a chart which indicates when players should stand, hit, double or split a pair, depending on the hand of the dealer but memorizing the scheme is a better idea as most casinos don't allow players to bring the chart in and use it on the table. Both Thorp and the MIT Blackjack Team are prime examples of this. The Uston SS Blackjack Card Counting System is more advanced but more accurate with a Betting Correlation of 99%. Such methods are known as advantage play and are perfectly legal and safe as long as the player does not gain a considerable advantage over the house's edge. The advantage is approx. Card counting strategy system book 5) A Comparison to Other System. Hi-Lo System. However, as keeping track on dealt cards from a single deck is easier, and thus helps players to gain advantage over the house, at present time most casinos resort to using up to eight decks in the shoe. Would it be that all we had to do was pick the counting system that would make us the most $$$ in the shortest period of time, but unfortunately, it doesnt work that way. If you think this is easy then try it for yourself while chatting to your partner! K-O Results: An unbalanced count can easily be learned by anyone who can operate a computer and guess what? (1) Blackjack - A Card counters Historical Perspective. I begin with the OPP card counting system since its extremely easy to use. In case there are 2 decks in the shoe, remaining to be dealt, your total count will be +2, a positive number, though not very high but after all the example consists of only six counted cards. Another difference between KO and OPP is that theres no preset starting count (+6) at the beginning of a shoe. Not impossible, but certainly not easy, either. As mentioned above, Omega II is a balanced card counting method. Subscribe today to receive weekly breaking news stories and industry updates! The system is obviously not balanced as in the end after all cards have been dealt, the final count won't amount to a zero. Initial Bet Advantage:1.18% You double your bets at this point, while only wagering the table minimum when the count is +1 or lower. Another positive product of card counting is that you can find out when the deck is high in low cards (2 6) and bet less. Going further, you dont have to account for how many decks are in the shoe with an unbalanced system. If the number is in the negative, this means most face cards with a value of 10 have already been dealt. Payoff per 100,000 rounds played is $10,799.55, with an estimated standard deviation of $4,057.55. And unfortunately, quality single-deck blackjack with 3:2 natural payouts are a rarity today. Most Effective:When used in 6-deck games where a 1-10 bet spread can be achieved. Either way the system you play with the most accuracy and least fatigue will best serve your purpose. std. 10s, Jacks, Kings, Queens and Aces are given a value of -1; 8s are valued -1/2, 9s have the neutral value of 0; 5s are 1 , 3s, 4s and 6s are valued 1 and 2s and 7s are given the value of . Low cards improve the dealers odds of winning. But this also leads to downsides, including that KO is more complicated than OPP and less accurate than Hi-Lo. Average st. dev. Penetration was 31/52. Read More. These strategies differ based on what kind of advantage they give you and how complicated they are. It's the precursor to KO in that it's unbalanced and very easy. Red Seven is great if you hate converting your running count to a true count, but still want the accuracy of a balanced system. per round:$15.29 First of all, it is a level III (level 3) type of advanced system. The Hi-Opt 1 count, when used with a sidecount of Aces and all of the Basic Strategy variations indices from -6 to +6 is very effective in a single-deck game. Once you get used to counting the red 7s but not the black, it becomes second nature and won't slow you down at all. You use your true count to determine how much youll spread your bet by. Its efficiency is much higher but more difficult to master requiring concentration, time and practice. I like the latter method because it simulates your friend being the dealer and you as the player. All casino games have an edge in favor of the casino, which makes them impossible to beat in the long run. You still have some work to do if you want to make any $$$ using an unbalanced count, but not nearly as much as it takes to master one of the balanced counts. std. Furthermore, card counting may be essential for skilled blackjack players as their chances of winning greatly depend on the value of the cards obviously. focused on providing our readers with accurate news, reviews and in-depth guides. On the other hand, the 10, the Ace and the other face cards (King, Queen and Jack) are assigned with the number -1 and go by the name of high cards, due to their higher value. One measure of risk is standard deviation, which Ive written about many times. The final calculation of this count is +1. i would guess the more you spread, the less important everything else is, but then the opposite would be true that if you are spreading 1-2, indexes and such become a larger % of your advantage, {BROCK'S TKO} I assume that your 'HiLo indices' have each been adjusted for KO count, that you are not using un-adjusted HiLo#s? This requires practice and above all composure. I play long sessions, about 4-6 hours at a time. For example, moving from a $10 minimum bet to $500 later in the shoe looks very suspicious. If at any time the count goes to -1 then the running total is (-1 +1) or zero and you should either sit out the round, if you can do it without arousing suspicion or bet the lowest unit possible. Method 1 Method 1 of 3: Learning the Basics of Card CountingBet with at least 200 units to avoid going broke at casinos. Assign a blue of +1 or -1 to each card dealt. Prior to the deal, the running count is always 0. Calculate your true count by dividing the running count by the decks. Bet the true count minus 1 betting unit. Raise your bets with the rise of the true count. More items Developed in 1975, the Wong Halves system requires a good amount of persistence and practice. Comments on Simulation # 1:Because I think you should play only when a 1% or larger edge can be gained, this game is barely acceptable. It's advisable to start practicing with a single deck, turning one card at a time. Penetration was 31/52. Caution vs future unexpected/uncertain results. Stacked Reel Respin: When you get a spin with identical symbols in the first two reels and no winning paylines, the third, fourth, and fifth reels respin.This gives you the potential to change a no-win spin into a winning one. Once the player has been dealt a two-card hand, he is faced with the option of getting a hit again and can request an additional card. They know this up in Reno, so the penetration averages just about 60%, which means roughly 31 cards are dealt before the deck is shuffled. In case there are two decks, remaining in the shoe, the total count so far is 1,5. At the beginning of the first deck, starting from 0, add the number 1 for each dealt 5-value card you notice. Name Email Website. per round per unit:1.1104 On the contrary, if the total value of the cards is negative or is close to zero, the player's chances of winning decrease and he/she should place a lower bet. All four of the systems tested are described below. If his hand is equal or less than 21, and the dealer gets busted, the player wins. I want to poke at the question of standard deviations one more time. On the other hand, the greater the number of players participating in the game, the more difficult it is to keep track of the dealt cards. I would think a level-two count system in his book Beat the gets. 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