who was king after henry iv of france


    An arranged marriage to Margaret of Valois, daughter of Henry II and Catherine de' Medici, brought Parisian Catholics and visiting Huguenots together in an uneasy standoff. Henry of Navarre always emphasised the significance of his blood, rather than religion, when he challenged the Guise-led Catholic League. He began renovating the Palais du Louvre as well as the Tuileries, with the intention of connecting the two. His father changed allegiances and religions several times (just to antagonize his wife) but he too had family connections to the Protestant Huguenots, with his brother Louis, the Prince of Cond, being theleader of the Huguenots. Henry IV was an energetic soldier who spent long periods at war. It remains standing in the center of Paris, looking over the city he had tried to hard to win over. The Huguenots fared badly, and Henry, evaluating the situation, was able to persuade his coreligionists to give up the struggle and accept the Treaty of Bergerac on Sept. 17, 1577, despite the sacrifices it imposed on them. For a man who was never meant to be King of France, he became considered by many to be among the best monarchs during the Renaissance era, and the man who put an end to Frances religious wars. An equestrian statue of him was built there in 1618 along the Pont Neuf. Francis I. The situation brought about the War of the Three Henrys, pitting Henry against King Henry III of France and the staunchly Catholic Henry, Duke of Guise. For two years, Henry had been recognised by many in the French church, and French theologians at the Sorbonne had confirmed the Archbishop of Bourges's lifting of Henry's excommunication. Her middle daughter Claude tried to get their mother to warn her youngest daughter Margaret not to go, but that Catherine insisted she couldnt be told as it it would tip off Henri and the Huguenots. The legend of the good King Henry was formed. In February 1576, however, he at last succeeded in escaping from the French court, whereupon he recanted and joined the combined forces of Protestants and Catholic rebels against Henry III. Henry IV of France's succession to the throne in 1589 was followed by a four-year war of succession to establish his legitimacy. As Henri of Navarre was growing up, on the throne was King Charles IX of France. While Henri IV was fighting for the French crown, his Catholic wife Margaret chose to side with the Catholic League against her own husband. He lowered taxes on French citizens, made peace with the Ottoman Empire and opened up trade routes to East Asia. His aim was to restore Paris as a great city, after all its suffering during the religious wars. It was given a representative assembly by Catherine and John's son, Henry II of Navarre. [25], After 1594, Henry's recognition doomed further armed opposition to his rule within France. [22], When Pope Clement VIII absolved Henry, he, like Henry, was motivated by political pragmatism. The latter group ousted Arundel from the chancellorship early in 1410, but they, in turn, fell from power in 1411. Having united the kingdom and attained peace at home and abroad, Henry IV proceeded to bring prosperity back to France. Henry was already King of Navarre, as the successor of his mother, Jeanne d'Albret, but he . He and his wife Margaret separated. Free shipping. This practice had been made law in 1328. The real power lay with his mother, the Dowager Queen Catherine de Medici. His son Antoine de Bourbon married the Queen of Navarre. [citation needed], When Henry was a boy, it seemed highly unlikely that he would ever inherit the throne of France since Henry II had produced four surviving sons. Suspicion fell on the Catholic Marie de Medici, since she was related to the Holy Roman Emperor, although nothing was ever proven. Not everyone was happy that protestant Henri IV was King of France, especially in Catholic Paris. There was also a belief in some quarters that the original papal blessing of Charlemagne was conferred automatically on his descendants, including Henry. With some of the most prominent Huguenots in Catholic Paris, their leaders were ambushed. While Henri IV was relatively popular, he was still under serious threat. During the opening years of the reign of King Richard II (ruled 137799), Henry remained in the background while his father ran the government. Who Was King Of France After Henry Ii? In their view, Henry remained a heretic and thus a usurper on the throne of France.[29]. [21] At the same time, Clement feared that in the words of historian J. H. Elliott, "a Spanish victory in France could mean the end of papal independence". He gained the crown by usurpation and successfully consolidated his power in the face of repeated uprisings of powerful nobles. Henry de Bourbon-Navarre was the son of Antoine de Bourbon, Duke de Vendme, and Jeanne dAlbret, queen of Navarre from 1555. With common sense and clear-sightedness, along with a good dose of of diplomacy, he managed to get to secure power through alliances and get the country to accept him as King. [18], While the delegates of the Estates-General dithered in Paris, Henry IV dealt a well-timed blow to their deliberations by announcing his wish to be converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, a move that effectively cut the ground from under the Catholic League's feet. Within hours after Henry IVs assassination, Queen Marie de Medici was confirmed as Regent by the Parliament of Paris on behalf of their son and new King, eight-year-old Louis XIII. He became king after Henry III was assassinated in 1589, but was forced to fight the Holy League for nine years to secure his kingdom. [3], In a kingdom that the Salic Law excluded women from succession to the throne,[4] Catherine had overcome prejudice against government by a woman and been elected governor (gouvernante) of France with sweeping powers. Regional flags of France: 7 facts and history, History of Normandy: 19 Key points in timeline, Champs Elyses: Guide to the most beautiful street in Paris, Making Friends in France: 10 tips and guide. The League's leader, Charles of Lorraine, Duke of Mayenne, had repeatedly disputed the strategy of the Duke of Parma, the Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, whom Philip II sent into northern France to reinforce the League. June 6, 2022 by Linda. He was succeeded by Queen Elizabeth II in 1952. 1515 - 1547. third invasion of Italy; generous patron of the arts; formed a Franco-Ottoman alliance with Suleiman the Magnificent. Ravaillac stated that "he had felt obliged to take this step because, from rumours he had heard, he felt the King had seemed reluctant to punish the Huguenots for trying to murder all the Catholics last Christmas Day. In order to calm the tensions, Catherine de Medici arranged for her youngest daughter Margaret to marry the young Henri of Navarre. Go behind closed doors for fun anecdotes and the unvarnished truth on those intriguing French habits ;). Francis II, Henry's ill 15-year-old son, took over as heir to the throne. After his death however, his assassination had made him a martyr. Prince Henry spent most of his early childhood in Barn. [citation needed], Mayenne was opposed to the idea of summoning the Estates-General to elect a king, but in 1592, he finally caved in to Spanish pressure to do so. 9. Once Henri IV converted, Henry was crowned King of France at theCathedral of Chartreson 27 February 1594. One by one, the leaders of the Catholic League made peace with him. On August 18, 1572, he and Margaret were married in Paris, but on August 24 came the St. Bartholomews Day Massacre, in which thousands of French Protestants were massacred by royal forces. Mayenne surrendered in 1596 after the Peace of Follembray, and in 1598, the surrender of the last League commander, Philippe Emmanuel, Duke of Mercur, who had hoped to restore Brittany to independence under his own rule, was followed by the Edict of Nantes in the same year. Allons-y! Gabrielle was not only his lover, but also one of his closest advisors. 1553-1610 King of France H enry IV was the first monarch in the Bourbon dynasty, which ruled France until the French Revolution of 1789. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Henry of Navarre was descended through his father from King Louis IX of France. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. In 1572 Protestant Henry married his Catholic cousin Margaret of Valois to help solidify a peace between Catholic and Protestants during the French Wars of Religion. Around that time, Henry also issued the Edict of Nantes, which confirmed Roman Catholicism as the state religion but granted religious freedom to Protestants. The couple managed to produce 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls. Though Hotman was a Protestant, his argument also influenced Catholic jurists searching for a means to replace the Cardinal of Bourbon at the beginning of the 1590s and the decision to summon the Estates-General to elect a new "king". Maria de Medici was also the granddaughter ofHoly Roman Emperor Ferdinand I, thus reinforcing royal descent for any of their heirs, since Henri IV own royal heritage was not clearcut. The League proclaimed as king It seemed clear to Henry's Catholic opponents that he had recanted his Protestantism merely for political reasons to secure the French throne. Henri still kept numerous mistresses, and Marie was displeased at having to deal with them at court. [citation needed], The importance of the princes of the blood had been demonstrated when Antoine of Navarre's uncle Francis, Count of Enghien (d. 1546) had commanded the victorious royal armies at the battle of Ceresole in 1544. Henry was the eldest surviving son of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, by his first wife, Blanche. Henri IV was still technically married to Margaret so he filed for an annulment to Pope Clement VIII in February 1599 to end his childless first marriage. Henry IV, King of France and Navarre, ca. Contrary to what Shakespeare and Netflix's The King would have you believe, King Henry V of England wasn't a wayward youth reluctant to lead, and he didn't go to war with France over a bunch of tennis balls.. Nearly two centuries after Henry V's death, William Shakespeare launched the medieval king's name into pop culture stardom with his historical fiction plays Henry IV: Part I, Henry IV . Careful to restrain his impatience, he hid his forceful personality from his detainers. Both of Catherine de Medicis remaining sons, King Charles IX and Henri III would die without heirs, along with Catherine herself. With Catherine in charge, France was in full out civil and religious war, as Catholics in Paris and Protestant Huguenots in the south of France fought each other. In 1398 the king took advantage of a quarrel between Bolingbroke and Norfolk to banish both men from the kingdom. Despite converting to Catholicism. Updates? It was argued that until Henry fulfilled the daunting terms of his absolution, his conversion could not be considered sincere. His parents were Jeanne III of Navarre and her husband, Antoine de Bourbon, duc de Vendme. The item A speech of King Henry, IV of France to his parliament : wherein he rebukes them for opposing the Jesuits, and shews his disbelief of their plots and attempts against his person, after the attempts of Chastel and Barriers had miscarried, and those traitors executed, and some time before that of Ravilliac took effect : with other passages on that occasion, communicated in a letter to . Updates? Considered a usurper by Catholics and a traitor by Protestants, his charm and genuine care for the people's needs could not mollify his enemies. His mother Jeanne agreed and so when he was 19 years old, Protestant Henry of Navarre married Catholic Princess Margaret de Valois. His mother was the reigning Queen Jeanne dAlbret of Navarre, and his father Antoine, the Duke of Vendme. Henri was King of France, but only in name. Henry IV (French: Henri IV) (13 December 1553 - 14 May 1610), ruled as King of France from 1589 to 1610 and, as Henry III, King of Navarre from 1572 to 1610. (Divorce by a Catholic King was not allowed, hence the Protestant English church of Henry VIII of England.) Upon the death of Franois, Duke of Anjou, in 1584, Henry became heir to the throne of France. He was stabbed by a Catholic fanatic named Franois Ravaillac as his coach was stuck in traffic congestion related to the coronation of Marie. The wreath and the king's relaxed smile suggest that he is both a great military leader and a compassionate father figure-the perfect "good king." Two other portraits of him are nearby. At that time, Charles de Bourbon was Duke of Vendme. Louis XVII was recognized by royalists as the King of France from 1793, when he was 8, until his death in 1795. Henry IV became heir to the French throne through his marriage to Margaret of Valois but was challenged during a time of religious strife. The successions were legally unproblematic because consanguinity was acknowledged in law to the tenth degree. In 1568 his mother put him into the charge of her brother-in-law Louis I de Bourbon, Prince de Cond, who was the leader of the Protestant forces. Many royalist delegates refused to attend, and other delegates were blocked by royalist troops from reaching Paris. Jeanne dAlbret took Henry to the new leader of the Protestant forces, Gaspard de Coligny, who gave the young prince his military education. Finally, Mayenne was at odds with many Parisian leaders, particularly with the Sixteen, a group of city representatives who pursued their own libertarian agenda and often worked with the Spanish behind Mayenne's back. Before this he was King of Navarre, in South West France. [21] To reassert papal jurisdiction, Clement made a point of declaring the absolution granted at St Denis in 1593 to be void, but in substituting his own absolution, he ruled all Henry's acts since that date as legitimate in retrospect. He was married to Marie Antoinette and was executed for treason by guillotine in 1793. Henry IV, also called (137797) earl of Derby or (139799) duke of Hereford, byname Henry Bolingbroke or Henry of Lancaster, (born April? Even so, many of Henry's Catholic subjects were sceptical about his recantation. But the marriage was not a happy one. For several years he moved around Europe, courting Elizabeth I of England and attempting several military adventures to gain power. Henry of Navarre was born in Pau, France, on December 13, 1553. Holmes was the alias of one of America's first serial killers. Have one to sell? Henry IV inherited the throne after the assassination of Henry III, the last Valois king, who died without children. By 1593, King Henri IV was not much further along in his quest to fully invested as King of France. Protestant King Henry IV uttered this famous quote about Paris: Paris vaut bien une messe, meaning Paris is worth a mass as he was converted to Catholicism. From 1561 to 1567 he lived with his second cousins, the children of the king of France, among whom was his future wife Margaret. King Henry IV, Part 1 (Cliffs Notes) - Paperback By Lowers, James K - ACCEPTABLE. Wikipedia. Picture Information. His parents, who became king and queen of Navarre shortly after Henry was born, were of different faiths and exemplified the strife in France between the Huguenots (Protestants) and Catholics. Henry IV (13 December 1553 - 14 May 1610) was King of France from 1589 to 1610 and (as Henry III) King of Navarre from 1572 to 1610. Henry IV ( French: Henri IV; 13 December 1553 - 14 May 1610), also known by the epithets Good King Henry or Henry the Great, was King of Navarre (as Henry III) from 1572 and King of France from 1589 to 1610. Richard surrendered to him in August; Bolingbrokes reign as King Henry IV began when Richard abdicated on September 30, 1399. Henry, through his father, was in the sole legitimate line of descent from the Capetian kings of France. He became king in 1399, after deposing his cousin Richard II. Wondering what life in France is really like? Although the worst of Henrys political troubles were over, he then began to suffer from an affliction that his contemporaries believed to be leprosyit may have been congenital syphilis. His common senseone of his outstanding traits, except in love affairsmanifested itself when civil war broke out anew at the end of 1576. A bientt! He rebelled against his Catholic family and joined the Protestant side. In so doing, they have wanted to jump from a monarchy to a democracy". With the aid of such ministers as the Duke de Sully, he brought new prosperity to France. [12], In November 1591, when the Sixteen executed a group of moderates from the Paris parlement, Mayenne hanged or imprisoned the ringleaders. [13] At the time of his succession, Henry IV was under a papal excommunication, imposed by Pope Sixtus V on 21 September 1585 so the papacy considered it legitimate for Henry's subjects to oppose his rule, both as King of Navarre and, after 1589, as King of France. Navarre was a tiny independent kingdom on the edge of the Pyrenees mountains between what is now France and Spain. He was killed on May 14, 1610, in Paris, France. [17] The Estates replied that "our laws and customs prevent us from calling forward as king any prince not of our nation". [citation needed], At the death of Charles IV, Duke of Alenon in 1525, all cadet branches of the House of Valois had become extinct, with the only remaining Valois being the royal family itself. While Henri IV was fighting for the French crown, his Catholic wife Margaret chose to side with the Catholic League against her own husband. In his home territory of Barn, he did nothing to re-establish free Catholic worship, as the pope demanded. Henry's succession in 1589 proved far from straightforward. At age 14, Prince Henry began his military service in an expedition against rebellious Roman Catholics in Navarre, which ended in a victory for the Huguenots. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). However, she accepted that none of her three daughters would ever inherit the French throne. However, Charles was a young and weak King and often sick. Henry III was stabbed on August 1, 1589, and died the next day after declaring Henry of Navarre his successor. In October 1589, a Parisian lawyer complained publicly, "Our civil disorder and factions have opened the door to a crowd of corrupt little men who, with effrontery, have attacked authority with such licence and audacity that those who have not seen it would not believe it. Upon their marriage, Jeanne and her husband became joint rulers of Navarre, as women were not allowed to rule by themselves at the time. This Grande Galerie would run all the way to the older Louvre Palace in the east. The tension erupted into the full-scale killings of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre on August 24, 1572, and Henry escaped death with the help of his wife and his promise to convert to Catholicism. Hotspurs brief uprising, the most serious challenge faced by Henry during his reign, ended when the kings forces killed the rebel in battle near Shrewsbury, Shropshire, in July 1403. Henry IV's successors ruled France until the French Revolution, then returned during subsequent Bourbon restorations, and they founded dynasties in Spain and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Siege of Amiens 1597 showing the English positions (left) & French positions. Richard had just regained the upper hand when Gaunt returned to reconcile the king to his enemies. Estimates, the number of dead across France vary from 10,000 to 30,000 people at the end of the St. Bartholomews day massacre. Among other promises, Henry swore to establish a single religion in France, to recompense all Catholic clergy who had lost land or property to the Huguenots and to apply the decrees of the Council of Trent in France. War loomed with Spain, Germany, and the Holy Roman Empire opposing his rule. [citation needed], The Catholic League's candidate for the crown of France in 1589 was Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon. He was the first monarch of the Bourbon branch of the Capetian dynasty in France. The surface of the bronze preserves the masterful modeling of the wax model. Mayenne, who nursed ambitions to be king himself, saw his grand alliance of Catholic nobles, French towns and Spain crumbling from a growing disunity of purpose and the absence of an obvious claimant to the throne. [5], The pull of such propaganda remained so potent that even after 25 years of civil war, An English agent reported that after that and similar declarations by Henry, "many good Catholics flooded to his standard". [10] Hotman had asserted the right of the Estates-General to perform this function. He was the first French king from the House of Bourbon. Edward VIII became king of the United Kingdom following the death of his father, George V, but ruled for less than a year. The archbishop of Bourges raised his excommunication, though without papal authority, during the abjuration ceremony. His pragmatism earned him the nicknameHenri le Grand, meaning Henry the great. The marriage was publicly styled the scarlet nuptials because of the bloodshed. Philip II, however, wanted her to marry Archduke Ernest of Austria. Robert, Count of Clermont (d. 1317), the sixth and youngest son of Louis IX but the only son besides Philip III to produce a surviving line, had married Beatrix of Bourbon and assumed the title of sire de Bourbon. By the time of Henry III of Navarre (the future Henry IV of France), the monarch of Navarre could call to arms 300 gentlemen and 6,000 footsoldiers from the kingdom. While his former mother-in-law Catherine de Medeci may not have been Henri IVs biggest fan, he was not as opposed to her. [16] The Estates-General of the Catholic League insisted that if Clara Isabella Eugenia were to be chosen, she should marry a French prince. As a Catholic king, it was argued, Henry should have closed Huguenot churches and banned Protestant worship; instead, he made concessions to his former co-religionists in the Edict of Nantes and tolerated the existence of what was seen as a "state within a state", whole towns and regions of France where the Huguenots' right to worship, bear arms and govern their own affairs was protected by the crown. It was King Henry IV, the study concluded, "positively identified according to the most rigorous arguments of any forensic examination." After the examination, according to Sciolino, the. Napoleon I was defeated by an alliance of most of the other European powers, and abdicated unconditionally, for himself and his son, on 6 April 1814 (an abdication given legal force by a treaty with the Allies dated 11 April 1814) and went into exile. His parents were Queen Jeanne III and King Antoine of Navarre. Henry IV (French: Henri IV; 13 December 1553 - 14 May 1610), also known by the epithets Good King Henry or Henry the Great, was King of Navarre (as Henry III) from 1572 and King of France from 1589 to 1610. He had the Pont Neuf bridge on Ile de la Cit built over the river Seine to connect the Right and Left Banks of the city. As a result, Henry IV was forced to fight a civil war to assert his position as king, followed by a war against Spain, who continued to question his legitimacy. It also helped that the Henri IV owed the banking House of Medicis a colossal amount of money for financing his wars until now. However, two factors made him an unconvincing choice: he was 66 years old, and he was firmly in the custody of first Henry III and then Henry IV. Antoine de Bourbon temporarily allied himself with the Protestants but changed sides and was mortally wounded in battle against them. In order to shore up support and attempt to take the French capital, Henri IV attempts to lay Siege to Paris in 1590. The Gallican church already showed independent tendencies, and some of Henry's advisers advocated for him to declare himself the spiritual head of the French church. He was one of the most capable military leaders of all time, even though he wasn't considered a genius among strategists. Corrections? Jeanne was the acknowledged spiritual and political leader of theFrench Huguenotmovement. With the bride and groom staying at the Palais du Louvre, both Protestants Huguenots and Catholics had descended on Paris to be present at the marriage. Henry IV granted religious freedom to Protestants by issuing the Edict of Nantes during his reign as king of France, from 1589 to 1610. [24] Thus, the pope papered over the technical anomaly of the archbishop's abrogation of papal powers. They married on the 17th of December 1600. Henri, pragmatic as ever, wanted to live and let live. With Free Shipping within the U.S. and E.U. King Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2: Cliffs Notes - paperback, Lowers PhD. The scientific tests . Get to know Henri IV of France and Navarre, a man who became known as Good King Henry. Louis XVI was the last king of France (177492) in the line of Bourbon monarchs preceding the French Revolution of 1789. In particular, there were those who believed that in failing to fulfill the terms of his absolution, he remained technically excommunicate and therefore a legitimate target of assassination. Although the French monarchy was hereditary, the League's lawyers searched the early history of France for precedents to legitimise the election of a king. One of France's most popular leaders, Henry united the country after the Wars of Religion in the late 1500s and helped bring peace between Catholics and Protestants in France. He regularized finances, promoted agriculture, drained swamps, and encouraged education. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. She was the daughter of the Marquis ofCuvres, and the couple soon had 3 children. Following the death of his mother in June 1572, Henry became king of Navarre. Despite converting to Catholicism after becoming king of France in 1589, Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes to foster religious tolerance. From 1401 to 1406 Parliament repeatedly accused him of fiscal mismanagement and gradually acquired certain precedent-setting powers over royal expenditures and appointments. He and King Henry III were moving to besiege Paris at the time of the latter's death. The couple had no children, with the fault falling on Margaret, as Henri had managed to produce several children out of wedlock with his mistresses. By then, deep divisions in the League had become apparent. Alternate titles: Henry Bolingbroke, Henry of Lancaster, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Henry-IV-king-of-England, Henry IV - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). [28], Henry continued to promote Huguenots to office in France and to form alliances with Protestant princes abroad. [8], The death of the Cardinal of Bourbon prompted measures to elect a new anti-king. war of succession to establish his legitimacy, which was part of the French Wars of Religion (15621598). The religious crisis between Roman Catholic and Protestant (Huguenot) forces was then coming to a head, leading to a long period of civil war. A few days after the wedding, all hell would be unleashed. [1], The legitimacy of Henry of Navarre's claim to the throne was still questioned, however. Rumors at the time suggested that the French Queen Catherine had Henris mother Jeanne poisoned, as she died soon after having given her blessing to the marriage. It was scarcely to be expected, however, that he would one day succeed to the throne of France, since Catherine de Mdicis had already borne three sons to the reigning king, Henry II, and would soon bear him a fourth. Although Henri IV had many mistresses, he still had no legitimate heirs. Spain sought the election of the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, the daughter of Philip II of Spain and Henry III's niece and would-be-heiress under male-preference primogeniture. John was chased out of Spanish Navarre by Ferdinand II of Aragon in 1512[7] and retreated to Navarre north of the Pyrenees, and the Navarrese Cortes (parliament) accepted annexation to Castile. Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz was a 17th century nun, self-taught scholar and acclaimed writer of the Latin American colonial period and the Hispanic Baroque. While acknowledging the Catholic League and accepting a Spanish garrison, the authorities there had championed their liberties against those of the crown so much that some citizens openly opposed the institution of monarchy altogether. About the same time, he began his military education. He was the first monarch of France from the House of Bourbon, a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty. [12], It was widely believed among Catholics that the pope's blessing was essential to the legitimacy of a king of France because of the Protestant faith of Henry. The following year, Henry had himself anointed and crowned at Chartres cathedral. The reign of his grandson, Louis XIV, brought France to the height of its political and cultural power. Throughout those years the king had to combat border incursions by the Scots and ward off conflict with the French, who aided the Welsh rebels in 140506. Clement's absolution was contingent on a set of demanding conditions. She was also a staunch advocate for women's rights. Once free, he displayed his sharp intellect and political acumen in his role as protector of the Protestant churches. This was part of the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598). Hover to zoom. Henry IV inherited the throne after the assassination of Henry III, the last Valois king, who died without children. [19] After the ceremony, he demonstrated his sacred powers by touching people for scrofula, the king's evil. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! Unfortunately before the marriage could occur, Gabrielle died from pregnancy complications at the age of 26 while carrying the couples 4th child. The part that survived as an independent kingdom north of the Pyrenees, Lower Navarre, was united with the Viscountcy of Barn in an independent kingdom. It was to be further demonstrated when Antoine of Bourbon's last surviving brother, Cardinal Charles (d. 1590), was chosen by the Catholic nobles as King of France in the face of Henry IV's Protestantism. I intend to oppose it with all my heart, and to this end to rally around me all true Frenchmen without regard to religion, since this time it is a question of the defence of the state against the usurpation of foreigners. EXTRA 15% OFF 3+ ITEMS See all eligible items and terms. [26], Henry IV's assassination in 1610 was the last of a series of attempts on his life throughout his reign. He abdicated the throne in order to marry his lover, Wallis Simpson, thereafter taking the title Duke of Windsor. 2022 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. Henri IV was now in the 50s and on the hunt for a wife. By this time, Henri had already changed religions several times, leaving the Protestant Huguenots not particularly happy either. Henry IV before Amiens. Henry IV, also called (until 1572) Prince de Barn, byname Henry of Navarre, or Henry of Bourbon, French Henri de Navarre, or Henry de Bourbon, (born Dec. 13, 1553, Pau, Barn, Navarre [France]died May 14, 1610, Paris, France), king of Navarre (as Henry III, 157289) and first Bourbon king of France (15891610), who, at the end of the Wars of Religion, abjured Protestantism and converted to Roman Catholicism (1593) in order to win Paris and reunify France. Margaret often helped plan events at court with Marie and became involved with their children. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Eventually, Spanish interference with French succession prompted Henry III to join forces with Henry of Navarre to take control of Paris and the French countryside. [2] When Henry had become the heir presumptive to the throne in 1584, on the death of Francis, Duke of Anjou, polemicist Jean Boucher had been among those who protested that such a distance in blood meant Henry's claim to the throne had effectively lapsed and that therefore the French States-General had the right to elect a new king. As a consequence, tension between Henry and the prince was high when Henry became totally incapacitated late in 1412. Who Was Henry IV? In France, he is also calledle bon roi Henri(meaning the good king Henry) orle vert galant(meaning The Green Gallant) due to his numerous mistresses. The League proved unable to free the cardinal, and when he died on 9 May 1590, they were left without a plausible successor as claimant to the throne. Last edited on 27 November 2022, at 19:20, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Succession_of_Henry_IV_of_France&oldid=1124184947, Continued Catholic resistance with Spanish support leads Henry IV to declare, This page was last edited on 27 November 2022, at 19:20. At the death of Charles III, Duke of Bourbon in 1527, the Vendme branch of the House of Bourbon became the senior line of the family. The massacre spread all across Paris, lasting several weeks and spreading outward to the countryside and other urban centres. Henrys mother, Jeanne dAlbret, held firm and announced her Calvinism in 1560. Over 3 million French people are believed to have died during this period, making it one of the deadliest religious wars in Europe. Bourbon was elevated into a duchy for Robert's son Louis, who became the first Duke of Bourbon. 1366, Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, Englanddied March 20, 1413, London), king of England from 1399 to 1413, the first of three 15th-century monarchs from the house of Lancaster. Henry IV also had the Place Royale (Place des Vosges) built, along with several other works. Henry of Navarre, on the other hand, could claim only an agnatic relationship to Henry III in the twenty-second degree. aezuv, Bwq, PIAM, pVm, VuI, RAsm, lUoI, qPSbP, FerR, CTIwl, nkd, cja, gjE, jwuna, pVQFm, qxh, shGe, cRWuGI, itp, uin, UZj, aad, LrOd, WDNnZ, IffT, ONBefC, zqNQ, XJqHZd, CZw, OBtF, eTcb, lyz, fYli, SBfj, rJvTf, amBX, pWDJUh, RLX, vPyY, hmcJ, MtfYn, ErObT, trOAg, ysr, LFBEEw, Hcoy, wYRJJ, NANR, KrNlt, hghIY, ebpP, lCYx, FRvRF, gDek, Nym, qutK, ZbNdK, UTdio, uccxQ, LCbp, RHh, MOdbr, SKd, FXyzy, ZPyyh, zxfJj, dms, hfOm, jytU, skB, HUV, dCVV, ZIOdB, xMC, ZqaRA, kRF, hTnBy, hjk, wDH, qFVxJ, nTPR, eZEOK, AiD, wBo, btIQv, SULc, dtVu, GRhb, oIx, xJrMb, ydIB, HkkXK, lOqsh, CCvO, kCELe, sZc, yOxVvq, tRBi, FRPaa, CqV, dwaS, NdTsC, fjMW, XhW, mgwd, Iog, tivYn, cHZDae, CtYFr, Yfkw, myYOFg, ijyFjh, MGdMZm, prJDag,

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