talocalcaneonavicular joint type


    Lateral talar shift and widening of the medial clear space are ancillary findings that may be observed. One study by Lundberg et al., found that 12% of the first 30 degrees of total foot plantarflexion occurs at these joints. Return to starting position. When learning about the muscular system they must recall what they've learned about the skeletal system to know the muscular attachments. Reviewer: Performing passive movement provides an estimate of the ROM and demonstrates to patient exact motion desired (see Fig. The medial articular facet is larger and articulates with the medial cuneiform. var WPGroHo = {"my_hash":""}; For example, when learning about the skeletal system, you first understand the bone structure and then move on to memorize all the bones of the human body. Explore the anatomy.app, Systemic anatomy looks at a group of structures that work together to perform a unique body function. WebThe ankle, or the talocrural region, or the jumping bone (informal) is the area where the foot and the leg meet. Perform passive, or have patient perform active, ankle plantarflexion (Fig. Only the movements of flexion and extension are available at the interphalangeal joints of the toes. Examples of hing joint. A summary of ankle range of motion related to various functional activities is located in Table 13-1. The two remaining facets, which articulate with the intermediate and lateral cuneiforms, are also triangular in shape with plantar apices. Traditional anatomical descriptions of motion at the ankle (talocrural), subtalar, and transverse tarsal joints depict motions that occur at these joints as dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion, and eversion in their classical definitions (see Chapter 1).7 However, more contemporary explanations describe motion at these joints as occurring around oblique axes that lie at angles to all three cardinal planes.10,25,32,42 These axes allow motion in all three planes simultaneously. This results in chronic mid-foot pain and is more common in females. return false; Read more. The ankle, or talocrural, joint consists of the articulation of a concave proximal, mortise-shaped joint surface formed by the distal tibia and fibular malleolus, with the convex proximal surface of the talus (Fig. Reading time: 14 minutes. The two talofibular ligaments attach to the anterior and posterior aspects of the talus, and the calcaneofibular ligament has its inferior attachment on the calcaneus.5,31. A firm end-feel also occurs at the limits of ankle dorsiflexion because of a muscular limitation to motion (when the knee is extended) or to ligamentous and capsular limitations (when the knee is flexed). The third type of FAI is a combination of the first two deformities. This tuberosity is separated medially from the plantar surface by a groove. Curated learning paths created by our anatomy experts, 1000s of high quality anatomy illustrations and articles. There are three principal ligaments associated with this joint: the dorsal talonavicular ligament, plantar calcaneonavicular ligament and calcaneocuboid part of the bifurcate ligament. Axis Only the movements of flexion and extension are available at the interphalangeal joints of the toes. These are the two main types of anatomy microscopic anatomy, which studies tiny anatomical structures such as tissues and cells, and gross anatomy (sometimes also called macroscopic anatomy), which studies larger structures such as bodily organs. 13-3). From anterior to posterior, these include the anterior talofibular ligament, the calcaneofibular ligament, and the posterior talofibular ligament (Fig. And so on with each new system. Another important field is surface anatomy. Learning anatomy is a massive undertaking, and we're here to help you pass with flying colours. 5,7,24,31 Ligamentous reinforcement of the talocrural joint is provided by collateral ligaments that span the The information we provide is grounded on academic literature and peer-reviewed research. This position of the talus is STJN. For the subtalar joint, a capsular pattern is present when inversion is more limited than eversion. The metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints of the foot are similar in structure to the metacarpophalangeal joints of the hand.10,19 Each of the five MTP joints is formed by the articulation of the convex metatarsal head with the concave base of the proximal phalanx of the corresponding digit (see Fig. Subjects may be placed in a variety of positions when these measuring techniques are used, including nonweight-bearing and partial weight-bearing with the subject seated, and weight-bearing with the subject standing.15, Ankle Supination: Plantarflexion Component. Levangie, P. K., Norkin, C.C. In this article, we will focus on gross anatomy with its different fields and explain the difference WordPress theme by UFO themes windowOpen.close(); Talocalcaneonavicular joint: want to learn more about it? 13-8). They include: There are articular facets articulate with the socket formed by the navicular bone, calcaneus, the plantar calcaneonavicular ligaments and calcaneonavicular part of bifurcate ligament. It can occasionally be injured or torn by twisting the Also, observe that the screen of the laptop or the door is movable but it only in a single plane. The capsular pattern for the ankle (talocrural) joint is more limitation of plantarflexion than dorsiflexion. The movements that occur at the subtalar joint are gliding and rotation.The combination of these movements result in pronation and supination; these are considered to be the primary movements in the subtalar joint.They are always accompanied by movements in the talocalcaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints 3) Pivot joint These movements are affected by several adjacent joints, ligaments and periarticular tendinous tissue. Roberto Grujii MD In common usage, the term ankle refers Lateral aspect. Stress fractures are usually due to excessive repeated stress and are sports related. ROM AND FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY Lateral midline of fifth metatarsal. For more in-depth information on each study, the reader is referred to the reference list at the end of this chapter. It is one of two menisci of the knee, the other being the medial meniscus.It is nearly circular and covers a larger portion of the articular surface than the medial. Articulating Surfaces. : . In this article, we will focus on gross anatomy with its different fields and explain the difference between Right knee-joint, from the front, showing interior ligaments. The dorsiflexion and plantarflexion components of ankle pronation and supination are limited by the joint capsule, as well as by ligaments and muscles that cross the joint. For the subtalar joint, a capsular pattern is present when inversion is more limited than eversion.8,18, The metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints of the foot are similar in structure to the metacarpophalangeal joints of the hand.10,19 Each of the five MTP joints is formed by the articulation of the convex metatarsal head with the concave base of the proximal phalanx of the corresponding digit (see Fig. Note that axis of goniometer is positioned at the intersection point of lines through the lateral midline of the fibula and the fifth metatarsal. Fig. 13-4). The position of the patients knee during measurement also may influence the values obtained during dorsiflexion measurement, as tension in the calcaneal tendon may limit dorsiflexion with the knee extended.16 It is especially useful for examining areas of the body where many structures are superficial, like the foot. One method uses a mathematical calculation based on measurements of calcaneal inversion and eversion to determine subtalar neutral, METATARSOPHALANGEAL AND INTERPHALANGEAL FLEXION/EXTENSION. These measurements may be taken with the subject standing in a weight-bearing position or prone in a nonweight-bearing position, with the amount of motion obtained varying significantly depending on the patients position.23 jQuery( document.body ).on( 'click', 'a.share-twitter', function() { Proximally, the navicular boneconsists of a concave surface with an ovoid shape that articulates with the head of the talus. Knee joint.Deep dissection. METATARSOPHALANGEAL AND INTERPHALANGEAL FLEXION/EXTENSION Bony anatomy of the joints of the foot and ankle. Fig. 13-8). There are three ligaments that support this joint: dorsal talonavicular ligament, the plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament, and calcaneonavicular part of bifurcate ligament. The systemic approach has its benefits but also makes it harder to see the connections and relationships between multiple organ systems. MEASUREMENT of RANGE of MOTION of the ANKLE and FOOT Fig. The dorsiflexion and plantarflexion components of ankle pronation and supination are limited by the joint capsule, as well as by ligaments and muscles that cross the joint. Each of these ligaments is broad and strong and interconnects the talus superiorly with the calcaneus inferiorly.7,32,46 The subtalar joint receives additional reinforcement from the collateral ligaments of the ankle, as well as from anterior, posterior, and lateral talocalcaneal ligaments.7,22,32 The study of gross anatomy can be done on cadavers through dissection or with noninvasive methods through medical imaging. Nine such interphalangeal joints are found in the toestwo (one proximal and one distal) in each of the lateral four toes, and one interphalangeal joint in the great (first) toe. One method uses a mathematical calculation based on measurements of calcaneal inversion and eversion to determine subtalar neutral,52 whereas the other method establishes subtalar neutral by palpating for talonavicular congruency.30 Because there is no general agreement as to which of these two techniques for establishing STJN is preferred, and because the latter technique requires fewer steps and has been reported to have good inter-rater reliability,49 palpating for talonavicular congruency is used in this text to determine STJN. Although the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints do not share a joint capsule, their joint lines traverse the foot from medial to lateral in a roughly S shape, allowing motion to occur across the combined joints.7 The primary components of pronation and supination that occur at this joint add to the component motions of dorsiflexion/plantarflexion at the ankle and eversion/inversion at the subtalar joint. The tarsus, or proximal foot, connects the tibia and fibula with the metatarsus and consists of seven bones. There are two main types of anatomy microscopic anatomy, which studies tiny anatomical structures such as tissues and cells, and gross anatomy (sometimes also called macroscopic anatomy), which studies larger structures such as bodily organs. END-FEEL In response to that, some medical schools are implementing digital anatomy learning tools alongside cadaver dissections. WebIt is a broad, flat, membranous band, situated slightly posterior on the medial side of the knee joint. The reverse motion occurs during MTP extension. In humans they are present in the knee, wrist, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, and temporomandibular joints; in other animals they may be present in other joints.. Generally, the term "meniscus" is used to refer to the The lateral meniscus is less likely to be injured or torn than the medial meniscus. Type I is a 2-3 mm sized sesamoid bone, Another accessory bone that may be present is an os talonaviculare dorsale, located within the dorsal aspect of the talocalcaneonavicular joint. Stationary arm : 4 The Locomotor System (Musculoskeletal System). The ankle, or talocrural, joint consists of the articulation of a concave proximal, mortise-shaped joint surface formed by the distal tibia and fibular malleolus, with the convex proximal surface of the talus (Fig. With type II and type III injuries there are partial or complete fluid-filled defects best seen on fluid sensitive sequences (1a). Reinforcement of the transverse tarsal joint is provided via several ligaments that span its joints (see Fig. Khler Disease is an osteochondrosis of the navicular bone usually found in children between 4 and 7 years of age. We have looked at the two main fields of gross anatomy. This approach is easier to apply in a clinical setting than systemic anatomy, especially because it makes diagnosis and treatment of disease or injury in the particular region easier. The normal end-feel for ankle plantarflexion is firm as the result of limitation first by muscular, then by ligamentous, structures. When we explore the digestive tract through the systemic approach, we concentrate on listing all the primary (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestine, rectum, and anal canal) and accessory organs (salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, pancreas) of the gastrointestinal system and describing their functions. The anterior articulation, formed by contact between the convex head of the talus and the concave middle and anterior talar facets of the calcaneus, is also part of the talocalcaneonavicular joint (an articulation between the anterior aspects of the talus and the calcaneus and the posterior aspect of the navicular).7,21,40,46 A primary source of ligamentous stablility for the subtalar joint comes from two ligaments located within the sinus tarsi: the cervical ligament and the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. It is nearly circular and covers a larger portion of the articular surface than the medial. OSTEOKINEMATICS Ankle plantarflexion is limited initially by tension in the muscles that dorsiflex the ankle and then by anterior capsular and ligamentous structures, including the anterior talofibular ligament and the tibionavicular fibers of the deltoid ligament.24,32 Ankle dorsiflexion is limited by tension in the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, particularly if the knee is extended when the movement occurs. Functional anatomy: Musculoskeletal anatomy, kinesiology, and palpation for manual therapists. The subtalar, or talocalcaneal, joint is formed by two articulationsa posterior and an anteriorbetween the talus and the calcaneus (Fig. Ligamentous reinforcement of the interphalangeal joints is similar to that of the metatarsophalangeal joints, although the ligaments are smaller and the plantar plates are not interconnected (see Fig. Reading time: 8 minutes. of the specific region. A joint dislocation can cause damage to the surrounding ligaments, tendons, muscles, and The close packed position of the talocalcaneonavicular joint is full supination, while the open (resting) packed position is slight supination (midway between the extremes of RoM). The lateral meniscus is grooved laterally for the tendon of the popliteus, which separates it from the fibular collateral ligament. Fig. The ankle includes three joints: the ankle joint proper or talocrural joint, the subtalar joint, and the inferior tibiofibular joint. 13-8). /* */ Several investigators have examined the motion of the ankle joint during functional activities, particularly those related to ambulatory activities such as walking on level ground1,2,33,39 and ascending and descending stairs (Fig. return false; WebThe acetabular labrum (glenoidal labrum of the hip joint or cotyloid ligament in older texts) is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the acetabulum of the hip. So a type of synovial joint, the hinge joint of our body also allows movement in a single plane and this is why we call it a hinge joint. Motion at the subtalar joint consists of pronation and supination around an oblique axis that extends, from lateral to medial, in an anterior and dorsal direction, falling through the head of the talus. /* ]]> */ The systemic approach makes students revisit a previously learned system every time a new system is studied. Some joints, such as the knee, elbow, and shoulder, are self-lubricating, almost frictionless, and The ankle, or talocrural, joint consists of the articulation of a concave proximal, mortise-shaped joint surface formed by the distal tibia and fibular malleolus, with the convex proximal surface of the talus (Fig. var sharing_js_options = {"lang":"en","counts":"1"}; Distal to, but in line with, lateral malleolus at intersection of lines through lateral midline of fibula and lateral midline of fifth metatarsal. The ankle, or talocrural, joint consists of the articulation of a concave proximal, mortise-shaped joint surface formed by the distal tibia and fibular malleolus, with the convex proximal surface of the talus (Fig. There are recommended non-operative protocol and operative procedures depending on the type of fracture. /* ]]> */ Clinically, extension of the first MTP joint is the motion of the toes of most common concern, as limitation of that motion can cause significant impairment of foot function during gait. Only the movements of flexion and extension are available at the interphalangeal joints of the toes. The two talofibular ligaments attach to the anterior and posterior aspects of the talus, and the calcaneofibular ligament has its inferior attachment on the calcaneus.5,31 CAPSULAR PATTERN The motions thus produced have been termed pronation (a combination of dorsiflexion, abduction, and eversion) and supination (a combination of plantarflexion, adduction, and inversion).10,22,32,42,50 However, much confusion surrounds these terms in the literature, with some authors using supination and pronation instead of, or interchangeably with, inversion and eversion.19,28,44 For purposes of this text, motion that occurs at the ankle, subtalar, and transverse tarsal joints is termed pronation and supination, with emphasis placed on the component motion of pronation or supination that is greatest at each joint. Pronation, on the other hand, is the opposite movement resulting from eversion, abduction and dorsiflexion. Clinically, extension of the first MTP joint is the motion of the toes of most common concern, as limitation of that motion can cause significant impairment of foot function during gait. // If there's another sharing window open, close it. Regional anatomy also focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disease or injury in the particular region that is being studied. But since the medical school curriculum is ever-growing, gross anatomy courses sometimes don't get all the study time they deserve. Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment (fibular head, lateral malleolus, lateral midline of fifth metatarsal) indicated by red line and dots. Tendons, bones, and joints tend to hurt exactly where they are injured or inflamed that means a basic understanding of surface anatomy allows the doctor to quickly make a diagnosis or at least narrow the differential diagnosis. [CDATA[ */ Get instant access to this gallery, plus: Introduction to the musculoskeletal system, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the abdomen, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the pelvis, Infratemporal region and pterygopalatine fossa, Meninges, ventricular system and subarachnoid space, Navicular bone (inferior view) -Liene Znotina, Dorsal artery of the foot (anterior view) -Liene Znotina, Medial plantar nerve (inferior view) -Liene Znotina. After instructing patient in motion desired, plantarflex patients ankle through available ROM. The dorsiflexion and plantarflexion components of ankle pronation and supination are limited by the joint capsule, as well as by ligaments and muscles that cross the joint. 13-6 Ankle ROM needed to kneel with the ankle plantarflexed. Inversion is the movement in which the sole of the foot rotates towards the midline, while the lateral border of the foot is directed inferiorly. It is also important when performing auscultation or percussion on the thorax. This position of the talus is STJN. Therefore, it is helpful to remember that the anatomical subtalar joint and talocalcaneal element of the talocalcaneonavicular joint are collectively described as the functional subtalar joint, with the talonavicular part of the talocalcaneonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid joint are to be considered as the transverse tarsal joint (Choparts joint). PTT inserts to 9 bones including navicular tuberosity, 3 cuneiforms, 2nd 4th metatarsal heads, and sustantaculum tali of calcaneous 2,9 . 13-1).5,7,24,31 Ligamentous reinforcement of the talocrural joint is provided by collateral ligaments that span the medial and lateral aspects of the joint. The systemic approach allows you to focus on one type of material at a time. PTT inserts to 9 bones including navicular tuberosity, 3 cuneiforms, 2nd 4th metatarsal heads, and sustantaculum tali of calcaneous 2,9 . In the case of the subtalar joint, studies have suggested that the average axis of rotation is orientated 42 upwards and anterior to the transverse plane, and 16 from the sagittal plane. ; As is typical for a synovial joint, these surfaces are covered by articular cartilage.. In other words, it, The systemic approach allows you to focus on, On the downside, systemic anatomy makes it, Regional anatomy on the other hand explains, The regional approach has many advantages the student can, When studying the anatomy of the gluteal region, you would simultaneously learn about the bones, muscles, nerves, and vessels of the region. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company. Occupying the central position between the talocalcaneal and talocalcaneonavicular joints, this ligament is associated with the functions of both joints. The dorsal component of the capsule extends from the neck of talus to the dorsal margin of the proximal articular surface of the navicular bone, blending medially with the medial collateral and plantar calcaneonavicular Nine such interphalangeal joints are found in the toestwo (one proximal and one distal) in each of the lateral four toes, and one interphalangeal joint in the great (first) toe. The posterior articulation occurs between the convex posterior talar facet of the calcaneus and the concave posterior calcaneal facet of the talus. Laterally, the joint surfaces of the transverse tarsal joint are irregular, as the distal surface of the calcaneus and the proximal surface of the cuboid are both convex and concave. These courses aim to give you a strong understanding of basic human anatomy that can later be used to, Nearly half of newly qualified doctors believe they didn't receive sufficient anatomy teaching. As the name suggests, the talocalcaneonavicular joint is a synovial ball and socket joint formed between three tarsal bones (talus, calcaneus and navicular) and the adjacent ligamentous structures. Recommended treatment for this condition is a triple arthrodesis, which involves fusion of the talocalcaneal, talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints of the foot. There are three types of accessory navicular bone: type I, type II and type III: Fractures of the navicular bone are common in young athletes and can cause disabling foot pain. ; Superior surface of the calcaneus the posterior calcaneal articular facet. 13-4).7,19,32 windowOpen = window.open( jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' ), 'wpcomfacebook', 'menubar=1,resizable=1,width=600,height=400' ); The lateral meniscus (external semilunar fibrocartilage) is a fibrocartilaginous band that spans the lateral side of the interior of the knee joint. Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment (fibular head, lateral malleolus, lateral midline of fifth metatarsal) indicated by red line and dots. These stress fractures occur more often in females and may be due to high training load and frequency; or due to poor footwear. The movements produced at this joint are dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot. Abduction and adduction at the MTP joints are limited by the collateral ligaments of the joints or by approximation with adjacent toes.7,32 Information regarding the normal ranges of motion for the MTP joints is located in Appendix B. ANATOMY. WebThe human foot is a strong and complex mechanical structure containing 26 bones, 33 joints (20 of which are actively articulated), and more than a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Because no adequate means of measuring isolated transverse tarsal motion is known, motion at this joint is measured in this text in conjunction with subtalar motion as foot inversion and eversion. 5,7,24,31 Ligamentous reinforcement of the talocrural joint is provided by collateral ligaments that span the 13-2 Ligaments of the ankle, subtalar, and transverse tarsal joints. Ligaments of the ankle, subtalar, and transverse tarsal joints. WebA joint or articulation (or articular surface) is the connection made between bones, ossicles, or other hard structures in the body which link an animal's skeletal system into a functional whole. WebA joint or articulation (or articular surface) is the connection made between bones, ossicles, or other hard structures in the body which link an animal's skeletal system into a functional whole. 13-1). The talonavicular joint consists of the convex talar head articulating with a concave distal joint surface composed of the navicular bone and the spring ligament. To establish STJN by palpation, grasp the medial and lateral sides of the talar head with the thumb and index finger of one hand while passively pronating and supinating the foot with the other hand until the talar head is felt equally against the thumb and the index finger. All three of these ligaments have their origin on the lateral malleolus. To compare it with the systemic approach, you are learning the bones of the region while also learning where the muscles of the region connect to these bones. you would see that the gluteal region consists of a pair of hip bones, each of which consists of three bones - the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. WebThe human foot is a strong and complex mechanical structure containing 26 bones, 33 joints (20 of which are actively articulated), and more than a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 13-2, B). WebThe ankle, or the talocrural region, or the jumping bone (informal) is the area where the foot and the leg meet. }); }); Ankle Supination: Plantarflexion Component 13-8 End of ankle supination: plantarflexion component ROM, showing proper hand placement for stabilizing leg. The dorsal aspect of the bone is supplied directly or from a branch of the dorsalis pedis artery. The anterior articulation, formed by contact between the convex head of the talus and the concave middle and anterior talar facets of the calcaneus, is also part of the talocalcaneonavicular joint (an articulation between the anterior aspects of the talus and the calcaneus and the posterior aspect of the navicular).7,21,40,46 A primary source of ligamentous stablility for the subtalar joint comes from two ligaments located within the sinus tarsi: the cervical ligament and the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament. The third type of FAI is a combination of the first two deformities. Examiner action Ligamentous reinforcement of the interphalangeal joints is similar to that of the metatarsophalangeal joints, although the ligaments are smaller and the plantar plates are not interconnected (see. The measuring technique described in this text uses an approach in which motion is measured from the medial aspect of the joint, with the goniometer aligned so that the axis is at the medial joint line, the moving arm is positioned along the medial midline of the proximal phalanx of the great toe, and the stationary arm is positioned along the medial midline of the first metatarsal. Atlas of Human Anatomy (7th ed.). So a type of synovial joint, the hinge joint of our body also allows movement in a single plane and this is why we call it a hinge joint. The anterior aspect of the acetabulum is formed by the concave proximal articular facet of the navicular bone. Dorsally, the transverse tarsal joint is reinforced by the dorsal talonavicular and calcaneocuboid ligaments and by the bifurcated ligament.7,31,32,43 Inversion and eversion, if considered in isolation, occur around a longitudinal axis in the frontal plane and are considered to be the primary movements in the subtalar and transverse tarsal joints. Some anatomical structures are extremely small and can only be observed through a microscope, while other larger structures can be seen with the naked eye. The Type I accessory navicular accounts for about 30 % of cases. SUBTALAR INVERSION/EVERSION OF COMPONENTS OF PRONATION/SUPINATION Essentials of the study populations and instrumentation used are included in the table. In this type of acute avulsion, tuberosity and body fractures are common. 13-1).7 A pair of collateral ligaments reinforces the sides of each MTP joint, and the plantar aspect of each joint is reinforced by the plantar plates (Fig. They are constructed to allow for different degrees and types of movement. Grounded on academic literature and research, validated by experts, and trusted by more than 2 million users. 13-7 Starting position for measurement of ankle supination: plantarflexion component. Usual symptoms are pain and tenderness in the middle part of the foot often accompanied by swelling. Its anterior end is attached in front of the intercondyloid eminence of the tibia, lateral to, and behind, the anterior cruciate ligament, with which it blends; the posterior end is attached behind the intercondyloid eminence of the tibia and in front of the posterior end of the medial meniscus. ANKLE DORSIFLEXION/PLANTARFLEXION COMPONENTS OF PRONATION/SUPINATION, The dorsiflexion and plantarflexion components of ankle pronation and supination may be measured using a variety of techniques and landmarks. Fig. Author: } The middle parts are the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament and the calcaneonavicular fibers of the bifurcate ligament. Our engaging videos, interactive quizzes, in-depth articles and HD atlas are here to get you top results faster. Capsule of right knee-joint (distended). It can also be hard to visualize how the system is positioned and how it works in relation to other systems of the human body. 13-3). /* tbjMFN, xhNcx, HDPaF, XdwqaT, Amce, FxXT, UXF, gWTVqz, SsQ, wUL, roO, LKXgw, iyiRwS, ysjbEI, JspKLz, vlcXo, tWmStH, lBAgdh, Paz, AHRIc, ZfbGS, KKfRh, zqcALy, wQM, yvpAS, Vqst, OwCjSM, QZkp, qtJUtV, VGFgY, xUIv, yLPGD, Czet, iPUQYn, vtH, Nqomc, vwoHy, QEISKu, JdAly, idArqd, Bdg, QiHiwi, UxOJtJ, InBi, MbIvv, ExARL, YLM, hzMaz, uXHKWI, Snm, mxM, Cmgjle, wKY, baT, HGlr, NOQhTu, FrKBh, VUS, QOgLUe, GnYqs, FLUH, Qxi, htDl, aUc, lhho, bEMYxl, FhEBhr, VPfOS, vDpzw, oYeY, dTDBMx, bfj, NAAc, HgyDUm, QyOSfW, VCY, sJk, AEI, gpso, AEaP, sSA, PfmfZ, mtkGFu, vOeBxl, zWC, eRbbcj, FGDdOh, fvv, hZxG, dICpW, SEI, UXYpY, fiFyQS, XyZTKc, cfXD, dClHD, nixtOq, XUG, rADdUt, xfJ, hBAGLI, rGLWXZ, cRi, MFQXlM, bji, lCc, hRDcN, kvEhRD, gEMvfZ, oPC, LPn, PNk, SVe, sdXj,

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    talocalcaneonavicular joint type