bootstrap remove input focus border


    This is certainly an accessibility friendly solution, but obviously it adjusts the behaviour of mouse clicks which may not be compatible with your web project. Use these data attributes on .list-group-item. buttons. Set the css-var boolean option to true and the API will generate local CSS variables for the given selector instead of the usual property: value rules. Implemented GitHub Issue forms to replace our previous issue templates. Adding a border to the standard variant is just like adding a border to an Input prop. The most basic list group is an unordered list with list items and the proper classes. Loop that generates the modifier classes with the list-group-item-variant() mixin. where as the inline css style="border:none" is working, @arun8 sounds like your CSS selector isn't the highest 'priority' (forgot the word but its like, the importance of your selector e.g p > span.class is more important than just span.class so it will use the code in p > span.class, @arun8 you can try using "!important" in your css class. Theres no need to add a class to

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    bootstrap remove input focus border