ascot estates murders


    Arthur Onslow Julius: Christening cup from his sponsor Lord Onslow., 29 Dec 1853. [see also Mar 9, 3 ? + 316 v. Austen Havelock LAYARD [1239] was born on 20 Feb 1895 in St Peter KEN and died on 25 Mar 1956 in Okehampton Rd East London SA aged 61. The obvious candidates, one supposes, might have been Ivan and George during their years in America, Ivan's poultry farm near Colchester in the 1920s, and Archibald's farming venture in Kent.In his Will, he directed that where entries in the Black Book had been marked by him, the amount involved was to be taken into hotchpot in determining the person's share of his estate. Sarah Ann Julius: Final Letter, 19 Mar 1907, St Kitts West Indies. . But we are not likely to hear whether Charlie or Van or Cyril are home just then, but the latter is always uncertain now so we much hope for some help for him(?) Edmund was born in 1840 in Bangor Co Down Ireland, died on 8 Nov 1924 in Reg Kingston SRY aged 84, and was buried in St Andrew Richmond SRY. The 10th Earl of Shaftesbury became a familiar figure in some of the nightspots on the French Riviera. It is said that Jack acquired the 2110 ton screw-steamer Ceylon for the company from P & O in 1881. On October 20, they went into the bedroom and put the lights out, leaving the door open. Another Boy's own Paper has come, but I will keep it for you to take to the sea. They have not been able to let our dell(?) of our big familyA section has been cut from this letter to Ernest V Fenn.EXTRACT FROM CHRISTCHURCH PRESSThe Archbishop used to recall how his father bought for him one of the first seven mechanically propelled bicycles, invented in France, to come into London. We must try and give Charlie very happy holidays, as it will be his last at home for some time - I have written you a long letter, you must let us have an answer to it all on Monday. I shall hope to go about and see my friends more when the dentist has fitted me with a new plate as I am at present plateless which makes me talk worse than I need otherwise do.I spend an hour in the garden in the afternoon, if it be warm enough. . . M.D. Do you ever get a chance at the . Harriet is recorded as a wife aged 38 born in Farnham Surrey, 3. THAT the said Deceased was my lawful Wife and that the said Deceased left her surviving me this Deponent and lawful Widower and Seven Children that is to say: GEORGE ALFRED JULIUS of Chollerton Yarranabbe Road Darling Point Sydney New South Wales Civil Engineer now aged 46 years. When it had proceeded as far as the Epistle, which was read by Archdeacon Glennie, the candidates advanced and stood before the altar rails, immediately in front of the Bishop, and were formally presented to him by Mr. Wilson. This little church, built of galvanized iron, and holding sixty people, stands in the bush with only three houses in sight, but is in the centre of a number of dairy farms scattered about at distances varying from one to ten miles.The Lay Reader and myself go out alternately every second Sunday and hold service at 3pm. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Wood Lodge Bournemouth. I will enclose some stamps I ought to have sent some last week - I am going up to Aunt Annie's and must end this now. Edith Katherine JULIUS [1037] (Henry Richard M.A. . The Howard HotelNorfolk StreetVictoria EmbankmentMay 19, 1897Dear VanI have just seen a second-hand large White and Riddle Latin English dictionary clean and good order 9/6 - if you have not ordered one I think you had better send me a line by return and I will buy it and send it down to you. Children from this marriage were: . . [26][29] She portrayed him as a "violent, sex-crazed alcoholic, hooked on cocaine". 1947 Plymouth police car of Glendale Police who raced a 'Cuda as part of the All American Racers in numerous Trans Am events; and Sox and Martin, one of the most well-known drag-racing teams of the period, only raced Plymouths after 1964. Mary Caroline JULIUS [58] (Frederick Gilder MD FRCS (Dr) [50]82, George Charles (Dr) [51]46, William [685]16, William of Basseterre [687]6, William R N (Capt) [689]4, John of St Kitts West Indies [691]1) was born on 20 Mar 1852 in Richmond, was baptised on 23 Apr 1852 in St Mary Magdalen Richmond SRY, and died on 12 Jul 1890 in 1 Portland Tce The Green Richmond SRY aged 38. F.D.Pritt, and after him myself, making quarterly visits to the place. . Part-Hawaiian Sarah Deverill managed Hanalei Hotel, charging $3 a day for room and board, and was a midwife, a postal clerk and ran a butcher shop.In addition to his hotel duties, William Deverill, an Englishman who'd arrived in Hawai'i in 1862 to present christening gifts from Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, worked as a photographer, deputy sheriff, tax assessor, road supervisor, coffee planter, land manager and steamship agentIsland History June 25 2010. Courtesy of thegardenisland.comPage 76TABLE No. John Julius ESTRIDGE of Stowford [33890] (Aretas William ESTRIDGE [318]88, Ann Mary Wharton (Polly) JULIUS [702]54, John [696]21, William of Basseterre [687]6, William R N (Capt) [689]4, John of St Kitts West Indies [691]1). Overlynch Farnham Jan 15 1927.Dear Sir,I must begin with an apology for troubling you with a letter and if I mistaken in addressing you, perhaps you will kindly pass it on to the right quarter.I have for many years been engaged on making out a genealogy of my father's family of Julius.My great grandfather William John Julius married Jane Smith Edwards, I believe the marriage took place at St Kitts about the year 1732/33. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Bridge House Richmond SRY. Owing however, to the existing strike, and the scarcity of coal even at increased rates, the danger has presented itself of vessels having to lay up for want of coal. "The beauty of the chapel, a memorial of Bishop Paterson, with its fine proportions, Burne-Jones Windows, inlaid marbles etc"Alice Julius: The Julius's lost all their private means in disastrous investments in Australia, Alice, as wife and mother, was obliged to make much personal saving in order to run her household and bring up a large family. and died on 20 Feb 1883 in Queensland Aust. 1. . you can do what you like with it; I will leave you an additional sum which I wish you to invest in your own name and to give the interest to Alice and her children, I have such perfect confidence in you that I know you will carry out my wishes.I fear that Arthur even after all that has occured will persuade Alice to give the money to him he will I know get hold of it if he can, so if you find she does give it, or part of it to Arthur tell her that, in that case you will not pay her the interest and then keep it yourself and if things go well with her and that she has sufficient for herself and the children to live comfortably upon then you may take the money for yourself, I am quite sure you will act justly and honestly towards them.I shall be glad to hear what you think of this plan as soon as you can; also can you let me know where and what Arthur is doing, and if he is still living with that woman, why does Alice not get a divorce? No 1.VILLENEUVE,WOODFORD,QUEENSLAND.22nd October 1899.Your welcome letter was forwarded on to me at Caloundra from which charming little spot we returned last Wednesday after most enjoyable fortnight's holiday, which has done us all much good, but, oh, how delightful it is to get home again ! Edward's Letters 29: To His Son Harry In NZ, Dated 29 Nov 1906, 6 Dec 1906, 20 Dec 1906. I hear that Frank Fenn is very happy on his ship in the Mediterranean. St Kitts 25 Mar 1906My Dear Cousin,Your letter of date Feb 26th I received on March 23rd and it is with much pleasure I write this and accord to your affectionate recognition, their being no doubt we belong to the same family, yet some things seem so mixed up in my memo that you must make every allowance for my age and infirmity - you ask if I do not think that Julius Caesar was my fathers grandfather instead of his father - I think all along I have said that Richard Julius was my fathers father and Caesar Julius or as the name is Julius Caesar Julius was father to Richard and grandfather to my father.I know my father was born in July 1797 (the day of month I have forgotten) he died July 5 1872 aged 75. Rev A.H. Julius 1904-1924. hired out . The area is administered by Rushmoor Borough Council. . We have found five wasps nests in the garden and field and hope we have now destroyed them all. 3. . + 271 vi. Gerald selected aPage 3new kind of American beaten silver work, very artistic I believe, but I think the old gentleman would have preferred something he understood better with an inscription upon it.I suppose you are living within your income and have not had to touch your nest egg in the bank at Christchurch. Also in the house was Catherine Sarah Brown a visitor aged 22 single born Denver Norfolk, and two servants . This gentleman was well known in Hastings, as he lived for a long time at Maze Hill House, and was, at his death, buried in the graveyard attached to Hollington Church in the Wood. We value your letters now very highly, for absence draws the bonds of family affection nearer, I think.With love from us all.Your affectionate father.Edward L. Fenn, 35. Mary looked after Edward Fenn's children after the death of her sister Katherine.She did not marry.A Mary Caroline Julius aged 31 arrived in Victoria September 1884 aboard the South Australian from Britain.Ref PROV - Unassisted Immigration to Victoria 1852-1923Dearest HarrySaturday is Vandy and Cyril's holiday so I shall try & write to you on that day I suppose you get it on Tuesday morning, let me know; I dare say you are quite a happy boy by now & enjoyed your journey to school with that nice little boy - you have had a nice warm week but this morning it is blowing quite a gale. Officers per 1,000 residents here: General Notes: John Lockie ClarkAge: 36Birth Date: abt 1852Marriage Date: 9 Aug 1888Marriage Place: Southery, Norfolk, EnglandFather: George ClarkSpouse: Lucy Adelaide Julius Lucy was a legatee under her fathers Will to L1500.00SOUTHERY WEDDING FESTIVITIES The parish of Southery was en fete on Thursday, August 9th on account of the marriage that took place that day between John Lockie Clark, Esq., of Oakley Park, Hertfordshire and Miss Lucy Adelaide Julius, youngest daughter of the Rev. THIS IS A SECOND CODICIL to the last will of me EDMUND CHARLES PENDLETON HULL of Park Gate House Ham Common Richmond in the county of Surrey Esquire Justice of the Peace which will bears date the third day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty four 1. He alone can fill up the blank in your heart. (Slang) Websters Dictionary. Employers are afraid of his arm leading to great a hindrance to his usefulness. Ellen is recorded as a daughter aged 2 born Farnham, 2. But why not?' + 315 iv. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, Wakefield Yorkshire. The whole cruise was an around-the-world voyage lasting 10 months and costing 500 per passenger and 150 per servant for the entire trip; lesser amounts were paid for various stages. + 283 vi. having been first made.J.J. . 2. Over the churchyard gate was another triumphal arch, bearing "God bless the happy pair" and "This day I will bless you." high, and up a spur, up which we had to go. Never was there a truer saying than " there's no place like home," even it is only a bark hut. The day after I had your letter about him and his voting machine, I saw the enclosed account of a similar invention of a voting machine by a Signor Boggiano, was it one of those curious coincidences re matters of invention or did Boggiano hear of Georges invention to patent such a machine: I expect it was just a coincidence, but nevertheless very annoying for George and his company, because Boggiano may have anticipated their patents rights in Europe.We went to some family theatricals at Little Horksley School, two days since, a W. Brodie, who acted there two years ago was splendid as the cabman as found in a . The latter is referred to as a doctor in Louisa Caroline DARE's will. In his own Cathedral at Christchurch he was consecrated on May 1, 1890, by the Primate of New Zealand (Dr Hadfield) and the other bishops of the Province.The new Bishop's first aim was to add the transepts and the chancel to the already existing nave and temporary choir, and was to finish what Bishop Harper had so well begun. Martyn passed witness going down stairs. I direct my trustees to continue and pay out of the income of my residuary estate the allowances of two hundred pounds per annum and one hundred pounds per annum at present made by me to my daughters Winifred Grace Alicia de Renzy Martin and Isabel Julia Boyle respectively during the life of my wife if they respectively shall so long live 14. Those who are interested in this new source of supply say that the present demand for the Pocahontas coal is unprecedented, and add that as fully equals the best Welsh steam coal the existing necessity of going to such a market for supplies is likely to have more than a temporary effect on future consumption of British coal.The report of Jack's death below mentions other successful business activities that he instigated. . . the Choir Society practice . 13. Ellen is recorded as a wife aged 32 born Wrecclesham SRY I wrote for a young woman a letter and I asked every time I write, what again? . ; Sunday School [organising], 4.00p.m; Baptism, 5.00p.m. . Edward was born on 20 Aug 1843 in Stourbank Nayland SFK, was baptised on 6 Oct 1843 in Nayland SFK, died on 8 Dec 1907 in Nayland SFK aged 64, and was buried in Nayland Burial Ground. LittlehamptonJune 26, 1895My dear VanWe have reached the end of our very pleasant holiday and return home tomorrow (DV). .signedEdw FennRef: HD526/101/1 Bury RO.Essex County Standard Office.ColchesterJanuary 28, 1904The following letter, and Essex County Standard newspaper article are contained in a small envelope addressed to Dr Fenn dated 28th of January 1904.Letter File 2007Essex County Standard OfficeColchester.Jan 28th 1904Telegrams: "County Standard" ColchesterTELEPHONE NO. Edmund was born in 1840 in Bangor Co Down Ireland, died on 8 Nov 1924 in Reg Kingston SRY aged 84, and was buried in St Andrew Richmond SRY. H. F. Rushmer (vicar of Thornham). . Percy DEVERILL [1256] was born in 1884. We shall have a great deal to talk about when we meet, I expect we shall go home about the 30th - Georgie has gone back to Cambridge.And now dear old boy goodbye.Much love from us all - longing to see you again.Ever your most lovingAuntie Polly.HastingsJany 31stMy darling Harry,I promised you a letter on your first Sunday so I must fill this sheet of paper with all my news. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Rectory Wrecclesham Farnham. She sits between Prince Charles (left) and Prince Philip (right). also well done, and we wound up with a dear piece, which I dear say you know, called "Popping the question" Miss Grey, Mrs Dudson , Miss Denham, Miss Johnson, is is a Mr Wilkinson and myself. Some short time ago when it was known he was leaving Harrogate his intimate friends made him a small presentation as a slight memento of the association of one who has been justly termed a fine English gentleman.Mr. + 214 ix. . his part very willingly - but now Cyril will . in the county of Surrey Esquire Justice of the Peace 1. Edith Margaret Francis (Daisy) JULIUS [817] was born on 24 Apr 1887 in Ramsgate KEN, was baptised on 7 Jun 1887 in Christ Church Ramsgate KEN, and died on 23 May 1966 in Woking SRY aged 79. Thomas is recorded as head of house married aged 70 a sugar grower born West Indies St Kitts (struck out replaced by an indistinct "Hants" Ancestry transcription says Dorset). This has been wanted for some time. 1. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, The Sands Seale Farnham. work to . 8. I thought your readers might, perhaps, find some amusements from the difficulties attending "taking a marriage" in this out-of-the way corner of the world. requires I feel very weak, but the nourishment I take . Radulfe was born in 1841 in Ireland and died on 23 May 1906 in Brighton SSX aged 65. (Rev) [776]85, George Charles (Dr) [51]46, William [685]16, William of Basseterre [687]6, William R N (Capt) [689]4, John of St Kitts West Indies [691]1) was born on 28 Oct 1850 in Wrecclesham Church Farnham SRY and died on 4 Nov 1937 in Redhill aged 87. In 2009 Thames Valley Police proposed to be the first force to introduce the use of baseball caps as a primary mode of headgear. She died in 1918. . Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, Stanley Lodge Ship Lane St Mary Mortlake London. I have much pleasure in stating that during the whole of this time he was remarkably steady and well conducted.For a considerable portion of the time he was under my own immediate tuition and always gave me perfect satisfaction in respect of his application to and progress in his studies. Shaftesbury wanted to end this arrangement and the marriage, so that he could marry his new girlfriend. Fanny married Edmund Charles Pendleton HULL [935], son of Rev John Dawson HULL of Wickhambrook SFK [1506] and Alicia Dawson BENSON [514], on 27 Aug 1879 in St Mary The Virgin Southery. In 1864 he took up duties as the vicar for New Town, a parish near Hobart. Children from this marriage were: 172. Alfred Henry Julius Vicar of Akaroa for twenty years.P.59., Obit., Vol.4.NZCI000074730. Father went with me to Haileybury we had to start at 8.30 to get there in time for the confirmation we saw Charlie for a few minutes before going in to the chapel & after the service we went to get some dinner at the Inn - with Mrs Winter & her boy, the house was very full of visitors so we had to be content with a little room at the back of the bar, we strolled about in the afternoon, had little walk in the country but the wind was truly terrible, then we watched the boys playing in the fives courts - and about five we were entertained by the four boys in their study to a splendid tea. + 395 viii. Also Morning Post 20 January 1857.Birth & baptism details IGI film FHL 1041795 - to search 2009Julius Jottings, No 6 Jan, 1902.Miss Minnie Julius has left Bexhill, and is now living at Farnham.Julius Minnie Jessie Harriet of 4 St Georges Road Bexhill-on-Sea Sussex spinster died 10 April 1935 at 29 Egerton Rd Bexhill-on-Sea Probate London 28 May to Harry Joseph Charles solicitor and Edith Vivian Layard spinster. Japan is a strange country. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2019: $3,402 (1.2%) . C. A. JULIUSMARYBOROUGH. He has . This place is more for sickness and going out when better, but in my case I could not but ask the Doctor to admit me (that was 21 years ago) and I would make myself useful to him as far as I could in exchange for my home here. The church was dedicated to St James and consecrated 28 January 1871.The Bishop offered Henry Julius the patronage of Rowledge he thereupon offered it to his son-in-law Arthur Parker.Arthur was the vicar of St James Rowledge from its dedication in 1871 to 1914. Father will like you to go excursions with him. Cyril was gated because he did not arrive by 9 a.m. a foolish hour we disregarded for it meant that the lad must sleep in London or Greenwich the night before - I do not think the punishment weighed veryPage 2heavily on him and it gave him time to study his surroundings in the college and settle himself in his room. The late Mr Julius, who had passed his seventieth year, had enjoyed good health until a few weeks prior to his death.Mr Julius had served a considerable number of years in the Queensland Railway Department in the capacity of Station Master, and was stationed at Curra for a lengthy period until the age regulation compelled his retirement a few years ago. . I was sure that something bad had happened. + 346 v. Agnes Elizabeth BREWIN [1084] was born in 1880 in Richmond SRY and died on 24 May 1967 in St Leonards on Sea SSX aged 87. There were nine to three, with little or no prospect of agreement. I appear on the behalf of the defendant who informed me that he had business that would prevent his attendance.George Taylor, swore - I was at Baker's Hotel . Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, 8 St Davids Ave Bexhill SRY. 2. You are reaping the benefit now of facing weathers and duties, wherever, they may call you. Numbers of young men come here: "Please teach me about Christianity; I have a Bible and know a little, and want to become a Christian." . On 4 November, he visited her at her home on Avenue Mareschal Koenig. I do not know of anything that does much good for either complaint unless it be sometimes a change of residence -- going up to higher ground for instance, but you cannot . I was not certain, they might not require me to send it through the Bank of New Zealand in London.Aunt Annie has sold the lease of the Bridge House at Richmond(?) Arthur Cowper Julius, Church of England is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Allora Queensland in the Registry District of Darling Downs Central.1888. . What the result will be to us on our little planet, I am not geologist enough to say, but I presume it will be chaos.Strangely enough the weather we have been lately experiencing seems to further this bold theory, and some there are who are actually getting nervous and apprehensive that there may be some truth in this alarming prophecy.No later than September in this year we had sharp frosts, which made havoc with the early crops of potatoes, pumpkins and maize, besides destroying hundreds of thousands of bushels of wheat on the fertile Darling Downs. Edward's Letters 35: To His Son Harry In NZ, Dated 4 Jul 1907, 24 Jul 1907, 8 Aug 1907. Choir mistress (with Mrs Brewin) of Wrecclesham Church. . Here again the men were loud in the praise of the "Doctor" as he was called, who never thought a recruit to low in the scale to now and then speak a word of encouragement to him. Ryde. at Claremont House, Tilford, Surrey. access to Alston Court Nayland under renovation.You and your friend are quite welcome to look around the old shell, for there has been such a large amount of substantial repair required that we have not yet reached the more decorative stage. L. F.Alston CourtNaylandSuffolkSeptember 3, 1907My dear HaroldI sincerely trust you are quite well now for your account of yourself tormented with asthma and boils made me very sorry for you in immersed in your work and no one to look after you. She is proud of their Church Schools which teach about 1000 children but it is a serious financial responsibility, she hopes "that the present government may do something to more fairly adjust the present position of Voluntary and Board schools". . 167. Alice Brown: Family pictures & 100th birthday. 43. On census night she is a visitor at the home of Frederick Bell, solicitor aged 56, and Eliza Bell . and died in 1953 in England. Greatly interested in missionary work, Miss Julius was for many years a zealous worker on behalf of overseas missions, and she and her sister, with whom much sympathy has been expressed, delighted in placing their beautiful grounds at the disposal of the young people of the parish for their various activities, a kindness which was held in high appreciation.The FuneralThe funeral took place on Saturday, the service in St John's Church being followed by the interment in the family vault in the churchyard; a fitting resting place beneath the tower of the church he loved so well.The service was impressively conducted by the Rev T.W.D. It is said by some that the considerateness of the Medical Officer not only drew many members to the Court but as a natural consequence was in no small way conducive to the great prosperity which it enjoys today. Two or three "spills" occurred during the day. Edward married Margaret WARNER of Trinidad [33529] about 1836. . . [6], On 7 April 2005, a body in an advanced state of decomposition was discovered by the French authorities in a valley at Thoule-sur-Mer, Alpes-Maritimes on the outskirts of Cannes. Early rising was not as easy as I could wish. General Notes: Mary was born about a quarter before 10 o'clock in the evening March 20 1852. At age 24 she married Albert Palmer Deverill.Ref: Pg 64 Loyal to the Land: The Legendary Parker Ranch, 750-1950 By Billy BerginEmma was abandoned by Albert Deverill, remarried and had a daughter and son with George Thomas William K. Bell.1Ref: Helen Kapililani Sanborn Davis: Reminiscences of a Life in the Islands, as told to Maili Yardley. . . Probate London 26 April 1898 to Alexander Kaye Butterworth and George Montagu Butterworth Solicitors.Effects L5212 19s 4d.Ref: National Probate calendar.Mary may have died at Shere near Windsor (Guildford? Parker to Mr James Mainer at L9 per annum the rent of which was for some time paid by Mr Hammond (as stated in my fathers will) but at the present time is paid by Mr W.R. Holden of Commercial Road Southampton the same being the land bearing the rent of L9 per annum bequeathed under my fathers will to my sister Ellen Parker and by her will to meI also leave to my said son Ernest Julius Parker the freehold land and houses at Boundstone in the parish of Farnham known as Heathfield with nearly an acre of land adjoining as formerly belonged to Emanuel Barnard all which property was conveyed to me by my late father in law the Rev H.R. . This station being in my parish, the summons had to be obeyed. . You must practise hard at your swimming, for I hear there is a place near Barm'th very good for canoeing & only boys that swim can go in canoes - Much love from all at home.Ever y'r very lovingAuntie PollyDeaths.Julius. . aged 1. . . At the Imperial Hotel, Brisbane, on TUESDAY, March 30, at 12 o'clock," VILLENEUVE,"Situated parish, of Kilcoy, Morton district distant 55 miles from Enoggera Saleyards and 25 miles from Caboolture station, on the North Coast Railway, with which place it is connected by a daily coach.The area of the Estate is 3,900 acres of good grazing and agricultural land, having eight miles frontage to permanent water in the Stanley River, besides never failing creeks and lagoons. 12 THAT to the best of my knowledge information and belief the Estate Effects and Credits of the said Deceased to be administered by me are under the value of Three hundred Pounds (300). Springsure Qld Aust., died on 15 Nov 1947 in 76 Banks Ave Christchurch NZ aged 80, and was buried on 17 Nov 1947 in Christchurch NZ. + 315 iv. . - ref. . There are also several roads policing bases at strategic locations around the force at Abingdon, Bicester, Taplow, Amersham, Milton Keynes, and Three Mile Cross. In spite of advancing years Mr. Brewin was a regular attendant at the Annual General Meetings, usually offering a few helpful comments on the Report of Council, and his kindly presence will be missed by many of the older Fellows of the Society,'Obituary Courtesy of K Groom, Royal Meteorological Society 2019.Ref: Mr and Mrs Gray are just off to Westgate for a fortnight, and the Dudgeons are going to Seton South Devon, Billy has been sleepless and nervous lately owing to the excitement of our parish council elections. Medal of Honor Recipient born in Fort Myers: Clyde Everett Lassen. L. F.Alston CourtNaylandSuffolkSeptember 3, 1907My dear HaroldI sincerely trust you are quite well now for your account of yourself tormented with asthma and boils made me very sorry for you in immersed in your work and no one to look after you. In 1883 the family came to Gayndah. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, 2 Old Palace Richmond SRY. I bequeath to my brother in law Charles Archibald Julius an annuity of sixty three pounds during his life and to Mrs Blanche Thompson an annuity of fifty pounds during her life such annuities to be payable quarterly the first quarterly payment to be made at the expiration of three calendar months after the day of my death 12. . . . Fanny is recorded as a wife aged 52 married 31 years with 8 children all living born Southery Norfolk. (Picture D)Julius Reginald: Residence-Waitaki; Ward-Jetty; Section II; Block 28.Area. report very encouraging. . . Another name for Arthur was John DAVIDSON. Effects L13605 4s 11dRef: National Probate Calendar Honolulu, Hawaii, Native Books, 2000. Place at Brighton between the incoming and out going trains and see Uncle Henry and Aunt Ada. - she is a first rate hand at supplying her friends with the young servants). Edgar has not heard of any opening yet but he must be patient cheerful. Marianne was born about 1864 in England, died on 13 Oct 1910 in NSW Aust aged about 46, and was buried in St Thomas Enfield NSW. son: Frank Henry LAYARD born April 18 1872 educated Guernsey and St Annes. Whether dead or alive, there were still no clues as to the whereabouts of the 10th Earl of Shaftesbury. I cannot expect him to do more than his best however.We had our Shakespeare reading party last Thursday the arrangements much the same as when we had two years ago. "The arrangements for the funeral were admirably carried out by Mr. William Deaves, of Nayland.Essex County Standard. Florence JULIUS [1035] (Henry Richard M.A. All officers and PCSOs are equipped with body-mounted cameras. Anything that has any reference to my dear old parent is gratifying to me - he was an affectionate father and he made of me more a companion than anything else - he spoke to me and asked my advise as if I was equal to him in knowledge - he was of a lively disposition and had a keen sense of the ludicrous.I have sent Mrs Brewin by this mail a photo of my father Chas Jas Fox Julius which the artist took from a negative he still had, tho the likeness was taken in 1866 when he was 69 years old - he had lost his wife (my mother) the year before and felt the loss very much.My dear cousin I have written you a long letter but it has brightened me up and warmed my poor old heart to see I have so much sympathy shown me and interest from yourself and sister. He had been in Hastings but a short time when he was unanimously elected medical officer to the Hastings Court of Foresters, a post he held up to the time of his death, and one which he faithfully attended to in every detail, and there was just as much time devoted by the late gentleman to a poor Forester as there was to a rich patient. 1. (AP Photo/Peter Andrews, Pool), The Prince of Wales, centre, holds hands with ballerina Darcey Bussell on stage for the curtain call at the Royal Opera House's winter gala, in London, Monday Nov. 22, 2004. [1] and Maria ALSTON [2], on 12 Nov 1872 in West Molesey SRY. 3 weeks and uncertain in walkingWhenever I see our little flocks of 200 or 300 sheep strolling down the road I think of your thousands on the open prairie is and think what a very different job it must be but you are only going back to the earliest times on earth shepherds everywhere. Edward's Letters 27: To His Son Harry In NZ, Dated 11 Oct 1906, 25 Oct 1906, 2 Nov 1906. And twenty-four real birds flew about the village school over the heads of the delighted audience when the pie was cut. I am going on fairly well but very soon get tired. Tee & Arun St Oamaru. Henrietta is described as Jeanette a wife aged 42 employment "at home" born Mortlake SRY. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, Seale SRY. . King Charles III celebrates first birthday as monarch with new photo. Henrietta was born on 20 Sep 1848 in Cambridge CAM., died on 29 Jul 1935 in Petersham Surrey aged 86, and was buried on 1 Aug 1935 in Petersham SRY. 2. A. C. Julius of Allora; and the Rev. . + 325 iii. I have much enjoyed my chats with her relivingPage 2old memories with her. + 204 i. Geoffrey St Felix DARE [11090] was born on 17 Feb 1885 in 13 Kingdon Rd Hampstead LND, was baptised on 13 May 1885 in Emmanuel Hampstead MDX, and died on 16 Mar 1957 in Royal Hospital Richmond SRY aged 72. I play the part of an old beau, because they could not get anyone else to take it. Vandy has not gone back to school & will not now till after Easter he will have to keep on with his Latin through the holidays. Shortly after 11 o' clock the band of the Ely Volunteers (H Company), under the leadership of a Bandmaster J. Joselyn, met upon the Rectory lawn, where they played for about half an hour. . Father is going to try and get her a little pug dog - won't that please her? I hope you will do well in your exam and it will be nice clearing off "Little Jo" before you go up to the UniversityHave you heard that Aunt Lucy has taken a house at Midhurst close to Aunt Margaret and I think she could not have done better - very prettyPage 3& healthy. + 195 ii. Baptised at St John's Church Richmond by Mr Wilks November 18, 1853. Ref; 1872/B003709. I did not know if it was my brother or my husband's blood. 1896 aged 91 Christchurch Hampshire daughter of the Revd Jeremiah AWDRY (vicar Felsted Essex) of Bath co Somerset and Maria Emelia MAY first daughter of H MAY of Hale House Hampshire (249;113;150;287)Education1857 private day school Richmond Old Church (113)Blackheath proprietary school (headmaster SELWYN EJ)21 Oct 1862-King College school The Strand London16 Oct 1866 matriculated Worcester College Oxford1869 BA Oxford1871 MA Oxford23 Mar 1893 DD (honorary) University of Oxford1920 LLD (honorary) University of Cambridge04 Jun 1871 deacon Norwich26 May 1872 priest Norwich01 May 1890 bishop (in Christ Church cathedral) Wellington (HADFIELD primate), Nelson (SUTER), Dunedin (NEVILL), Waiapu (STUART), and HARPER (113;150)Positions1869 private tutor Bushey Heath (113)05 Jun 1871 assistant (to RIPLEY) curate S Giles city and diocese Norwich02 Aug 1873 assistant (to DITCHER Joseph) curate S Michael South Brent Somerset diocese Bath and Wells05 May 1875-30 Apr 1878 vicar Shapwick with Ashcott Somerset22 May 1878-23 May 1884 vicar Holy Trinity Cloudesley Square Islington Middlesex diocese London31 Mar 1881 residing with wife five children four servants 44 Milner Square Middlesex London17 Sept 1884 incumbent Christ Church cathedral parish Victoria diocese Ballarat17 Sep 1884 archdeacon Ballarat (111)24 Mar 1890 arrived Bluff ROTAMAHANA (113)01 May 1890-20 Apr 1925 bishop (2nd ) of Christchurch New Zealand1890-Dec 1924 warden Christ's College (19)1891-1904, 1905-1919 member board of governors Canterbury University College10 Apr 1891-11 April 1891 baptisms on Chatham Islands (diocesan archives)05 Jan 1893 departed Lyttelton DORIC for EnglandApr 1893 vice president CMS (113)17 Aug 1893 arrived Lyttelton TAKAPUNA1893-1929 founder and visitor Sisters of Bethany later Community of the Sacred Name (79)18 Jan 1894 departed Lyttelton TE ANAU to Hobart Church Congress (89)Feb 1897 attended Lambeth conference of bishops05 Oct 1897 from Melbourne arrived Lyttelton WAIKARE11 Jun 1904 breakdown in health, departed Lyttelton TONGARIRO to England16 Apr 1909 to Hobart for re-opening of cathedral09 May 1912-Dec 1912 departed Lyttelton MAORI on leave to England (69)1917- residing own home 'Cloudesley' 39 Macmillan Avenue Cashmere Hills1920 attended Lambeth conference of bishops (22)1922-20 Apr 1925 primate and (1st ) archbishop of New Zealand (150;113;69)04 May 1924 departed with JULIUS Miss MAUNGANUI for England (140)30 Mar 1927 arrived Lyttelton CATHAY (69)Otheryouthful photograph (6)Oct 1937 an appreciation, and photograph in car with pekingese (69)02 Sep 1938 p10 obituary (41)09 Sep 1938 obituary Church Standard (111)Oct 1938 obituary and in memoriam (69) (15;167) statements in this account of Churchill are not accurate.The Anglican Gradual and Sacramentary.Fixed Holy Days in September23 SeptemberLinusRichard RolleTheclaAdamnan, Abbot of Iona, 704Dedication of Raphoe CathedralGrito de Lares, 1868Churchill Julius, First Archbishop of New Zealand, 1938 NZEunan, 1. Why did you scratch out the e in acheing - do try to spell better I expect you did it for fun - I shall tell you all the words you spell wrong - jolly ought to have two l's not joly. Mr Brown thinks Edgar might begin Greek soonLove from us allYour affectionate fatherEdward L. FennI do not think I ever congratulated you on getting full marks for your holiday prep. . Did I tell you that when Dolly went toPage 2the dentist a week or so ago he pulled out the wrong tooth by mistake. Sarah Deverill passed away in Honolulu in the 1930s.One of the daughters of William and Sarah Deverill was Florence K. Deverill, who taught grades one through four at Hanalei School. . . I am glad you saw George Julius, when he wasPage 2over. 3. . With her car, she taught a Malay man, Hassan Mohamed, to drive; he became Singapore's first licensed chauffeur, then called a syce in the tradition of gharries and horse carriages. On the birth of my Grandfather (third son of the foregoing marriage) the late Duke6 stood sponsor and gave him the delectable name of Phocian.7 In those days politics ran very high, our people were high Tories and the Dukes were red-hot Whigs. I lost my Oyster Feast this year and I must remember to send you a Standard to shake up your remembrance of Colchester Worthies.For myself I remain the status quo pretty well, weakened chiefly in my walking. Next week he comes up to Christchurch for the annual dissipation known as race week, and we shall see something of him.You will like to know that Arthur Elworthy thinks very highly of him, he is . . I knew the road well, and, before starting, thoroughly overhauled both buggy and harness, and fitted the breeching I had bought for the purpose on the horses, to help us over the bad part of the road. Nona is recorded as a daughter aged 9 scholar born Canwick, 2. In 1882, a local branch of the Church Missionary Society was set up.Ref: Old Julius by Birch & Waight.Parker Harriet Emily of Glenberrie 7 Court-road Tunbridge Wells widow died 13 January 1933 Probate London 4 May to Florence Ellen Parker and Constance Emily Parker spinsters.Effects L7334 17s 1d.National Probate Calendar When interviewed by police, she claimed that Shaftesbury had been beaten to death by her brother during a fight at her flat in Cannes. On the death of his father he removed to Richmond, Surrey, in 1871, where he took over the practice of Dr. Julius, of the Old Palace, Richmond, in partnership with the late Mr. Bateman. The Captain escorted him to his cabin, where they had a long yarn and the Captain spoke English very fluently. Essex County Standard OfficeColchesterJanuary 28 1904Dear SirThe document you have discovered is of the greatest value and interest to Colchester, which does not possess an autograph of its most famous townsman. Blanch is recorded as a daughter aged 2 born Southery NFK. My Great Great-grandfather William Dare2, fled to England with 40,000 immigrants in the year 1685, when the Edict of Nantes's was revoked and the dreadful persecutions against the Hugenots ensued. + 356 iii. General Notes: Marriages.Scott - Dare. Edward's Letters 17: Telegram & Letter To His Son Van, Dated 15 Jun 1901. (Rev) [776]85, George Charles (Dr) [51]46, William [685]16, William of Basseterre [687]6, William R N (Capt) [689]4, John of St Kitts West Indies [691]1) was born on 14 Sep 1852 in Farnham SRY, was baptised on 7 Nov 1852 in Wrecclesham Church Farnham SRY, and died on 21 Apr 1945 in Tunbridge Wells KEN aged 92. I always look forward to being in the church when you were ordained but the fortunes of war have carried you so very far away that I havePage 2reluctantly abandoned the idea. Its use of 'local resolution' has dropped 12% since 2005/6. . two children. Now Miss Johnson has returned and Bob goes back at the end of the weekI continue to gain strength in my left side but my head soon gets confused if I have business matters to attend to like the Stoke and Melford club accounts. Probate of the will and codicils granted London, 20 November 1935 to Stanley Clark and Malcolm Clark, the sons, two of the executors. Also in the house was Kathleen Alexander a neice aged 10 born Dalhousie India, 4. 8 That the said Deceased had never been married prior to her marriage with me this Deponent, 9 THAT since the death of the said Deceased I have had access to her papers and repositories and that I have searched diligently therein for any Will or Testamentary Writing made or signed by the said Deceased and that I have been unable to find any such Will or Testamentary Writing. (Rev) [776]85, George Charles (Dr) [51]46, William [685]16, William of Basseterre [687]6, William R N (Capt) [689]4, John of St Kitts West Indies [691]1) was born on 13 Sep 1841 in Farnham Road Farnham, was baptised on 17 Oct 1841 in Farnham SRY, and died on 3 Mar 1898 in Windsor BRK aged 56. I stipulated that there should be no "sell", which was agreed to on behalf of Julius, and it was finally proposed that the trial should come off there and then. As one of the audience observed, it was "as good as St James Hall without the trouble of going there". General Notes: Births.Julius. Walter Robert Julius "Bobby" FENN [32] was born on 5 Jan 1875 in Richmond SRY, was baptised on 3 Feb 1875 in St Mary Richmond SRY, and died on 9 Aug 1880 in Sea View Isle Wight aged 5. Your letters are a great pleasure to me. . I don't know. 139In the absence of a search of the above birth the following arises:A date of "7 Nov 1851 Eglantine Villa March Isle of Ely" is given in the Bible of Frederick B Hampton in the possession of Pip Bucknell 2015.A birth date of 15 Oct 1851 is supplied by the late Val Julius.Marriage - 5 Oct 1872. The Property is well improved, the buildings and fencing being in first-class repair.A creamery is to be erected shortly about one mile from the Property.Terms, one-third cash, balance at 1, 2, and 3 years, at 6 per cent.For Further Particulars apply toMACTAGGART BROSBRISBANE.Ref: The Week (Brisbane, Qld) Friday 12 March 1897 also Friday 26 March 1897.Julius Jottings. Actors; Mr Wilkinson, Mr Williams, Dr Syrett, Charlie, Miss Gray, Miss Denholm, Miss Gresham, Miss Williams, Miss Johnson.The Bishop of Colchester commemoration of his golden wedding day he had a golden challis and paten presented to him by the clergy of the diocese and a golden goblet and cover by the city of Chelmsford, and parishioners of St Mary's.I am thankful to say I still progress slowly on the way to recovery, but my mouth both for speaking and eating hangs fire. We shall in all probability not see much of him for two years as after their cruise on the Spanish coast in February or March, then the payoff, and at once recommission probably for East India or China Station.He and Charlie are going this evening to the winter dance at the Masonic Hall. Edward's Letters 25: To His Son Harry In NZ, Dated 29 Aug 1906, 13 Sep 1906, 20 Sep 1906. isn't the moon a god?" : Re Dr William Gilbert 1544-1603, 28 Jan 1904. JuliusTAKING A MARRIAGE IN QUEENSLAND, THE REV. L. 2. The unit has four explosive ordnance disposal advisors. These services are very hearty, and they supply a great need, as without them these people would be completely shut out from the ministrations of the Church. Your spelling has been very terrible this term Ada, you write as Ader all right - you put al write. This difficulty has, the Central News is informed, been surmounted by Messrs. Culliford and Clark who within the last few days have chartered vessels to carry several thousand tons of coal from Norfolk, Virginia, to the various Atlantic ports of call or destinations of the liners, and at one or other of these the steamers will receive their supply of bunker coal. The cause of his death was a stroke. Bob has brought back his class prize for classics, I am pleased to say, he has also done better in mathematics than he has done in previous terms.God bless you my dear boy in the coming year.Believe me always.Your affectionate father.Edward L. Fenn, 43. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1871.New Insolvents: The following have been gazetted bankrupts since our last, viz. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, Rectory Wrecclesham Farnham. The pony is very little hurt & they are going to keep him still, but uncle B will have a great deal to pay for damages. [26][29] While she freely admitted that her brother had indeed killed her husband, she testified that it was all an accident. George married Mary Victoria FOSTER [2763] on 8 Mar 1865 in St Paul's Church, Nanaimo Vancover Island CAN. . I empower my trustees to manage any real and leasehold hereditaments forming part of my residuary estate until the sane shall be sold with power to demise for any tem of years or tenancy and at any rent and to deal and arrange with tenants and to accept surrenders of leases and tenancies and to repair and insure houses and buildings and generally to deal with the property as if they were absolute owners thereof without being responsible for any loss or damage 27. Alfred Henry Julius, Church of England, is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Clermont Queensland in the Registry District of Clermont1889. I do not want you to write to many letters so the week, you writePage 3to auntie Ada you need not write home.Your affectionate father.Edward L. Fenn.RichmondNovember 4, 1890. + 368 ii. The house contained 6 rooms. very shortly after Christmas, St.Lawrence, was dedicated by the Bishop on July 31, 1898, our curate in-charge accepted work in the diocese of North Queensland, and the town and district is again left without a resident clergyman. aged 87. Research Notes: Percy received a letter dated 27 October 1894, from his father regarding his brother "Arthur's most disgraceful conduct" see notes Arthur Cowper Julius.A Percy Julius aged 21 arrived in Victoria Jan 1877 aboard the Nemesis (with an Alfred Julius) from Britain.Ref PROV - Unassisted Immigration to Victoria 1852-1923A Mr S P Julius aged 24 arrived in Victoria July 1896 aboard the Ophir from Britain.Ref PROV - Unassisted Immigration to Victoria 1852-1923.Image Courtesy K M Davis 2013. and they ran for Mr Deaves and his men and with buckets of water they fortunately put it out, if it had gone on for another 10 minutes I believe all the old part of the house wouldPage 3have been burnt to the ground - I was at Nayland yesterday and saw the burnt beam and the kitchen was in a frightful mess from soot and dirt and water. + 318 ii. He was Canon of Rockhampton Cathedral. Next week I hope to see the building of my Mission Church at Hedlow started. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Beech Lodge Bilton cum Harrogate YKS. He kept a diary and left behind an entertaining and informative collection of material relating to the early days of Singapore.George Mildmay Dare was born at sea in 1840. Testimony continued, regarding the disappearance of antique furniture and family artefacts. . The widow was escorted to the grave by Major Cafe (ex-adjutant of the 1st CPRV), a close friend of the deceased, and the other mourners were the two children of the departed one. SOURCE: The Essex Review.11 Sarah Shrieve PARKE, daughter of William Tollemach PARKE & Elizabeth BUSHE.12 Dr. Charles Julius, M.D., A confusion arises here. The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was undefended. + 196 iii. In 1992, he was the joint winner of the Royal Forestry Society's National Duke of Cornwall Award for Forestry and Conservation, presented by Charles, Prince of Wales. Alice (Garvie) Brown: Letter to Son Arch & Wife, 26 May 1907, Boroese. Bertie and Nellie Evered drove over and paid us a short visit last evening Horley isPage 2about 4 miles from Reigate.I believe there is to be a large gathering at this wedding feast. Research Notes: Arthur's birth was recorded in the Non Conformist Non Parochial Registers PRO RG4 4676. Julius, incidentally, must have lost no time in resuming his pipe once the war was over. Uncle Henry is better but still quite an invalid, George Hunt is expected home very soon and will I suppose stay until after his wedding in September. Rev John Awdry JULIUS [591] was born on 26 Jul 1874 in South Brent Somerset Eng., died on 18 Jul 1956 in Christchurch NZ aged 81, and was buried in Christchurch Cathedral N.Z. They shut the door, and witness did not see them again that night. Census: England, 2 Apr 1911, Wadeford Manor Chard SOM. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Reigate SRY. This has been a great relief to me, as my partner has been absent since the end of June, and I have had almost too much work on hand.I have to-day the pleasure to advise that we have paid into the Union Bank of Australia, Ltd., here, the sum of L4,000. The latter still looks thin and cannot do muchMrs Cooper Van's new vicaress to be is a sister of Mrs Buckley-Paget whom I think you have met when they were staying at Gt Horksley rectory. {AFN: 1RJX-5GV} I know that Albert FREND and Barbara LAYARD married in London in 1889, but I have not been able to find any further trace of them.Currently in Gettysburg, PA Poss. 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