what was pederasty in ancient greece


    20th-century sociologist Michel Foucault declared that pederasty was "problematized" in Greek culture, that it was "the object of a specialand especially intensemoral preoccupation", which was "subjected to an interplay of positive and negative interplays so complex as to make the ethics that governed it difficult to decipher". He received special clothing that in adult life marked him as kleinos, "famous, renowned". Is pederasty better or worse than the love of women? Yet another theory concerns the Greek masculine aristocracy's conception of gender in Greek society: They believed themselves as Greeks to be an 'enlightened' race but did not include Greek women in that definition. The ancient Greeks described, studied, systematized, and established pederasty as an institution. Aristophanes made comical theater about sexual relationships between men and youths. In ancient Greece , pederasty was a relationship between an older man and a younger man or teen. And of course, the term lesbian is derived from the island of Lesbos, where Sappho came from.. As Ive explained, homosexual men had to be careful about the protocols. The English word "pederasty" in present-day usage might imply the abuse of minors in certain jurisdictions, but Athenian law, for instance, did not recognize consent and age as factors in regulating sexual behavior. [62] Edward Carpenter expanded the scope of the study, with his 1914 work, Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk. Typically, after their sexual relationship had ended and the young man had married, the older man and his protg would remain on close terms throughout their life. The age-range when boys entered into such relationships was consonant with that of Greek girls given in marriage, often to adult husbands many years their senior. [29], K. J. Dover states that the eromenos was not "supposed" to feel desire for the erastes, as that would be unmanly. If it was thought that the junior partner was being forced into it, then that was not good, that was frowned upon. The ethical views held in ancient societies, such as Athens, Thebes, Crete, Sparta, Elis and others, on the practice of pederasty have been explored by scholars only since the end of the 19th century. He is power, passion, self-will personified.William Hazlitt (17781830), It was modesty that invented the word philosopher in Greece and left the magnificent overweening presumption in calling oneself wise to the actors of the spiritthe modesty of such monsters of pride and sovereignty as Pythagoras, as Plato.Friedrich Nietzsche (18441900). Such representations appear from all over Greece in the next century; literary sources show it as being established custom in many cities by the 5th century BC. In general, Theognis (and the tradition that appears under his name) treats the pederastic relationship as heavily pedagogical. In other words, as part of the educational cycle in Sparta you were paired up with an adult Spartan warrior for mutual benefit. The social custom called paiderastia by the Greeks was both idealized and criticized in ancient literature and philosophy; it has no formal existence in the Homeric epics, and seems to have developed in the late 7th century BC as an aspect of Greek homosocial culture, which was characterized also by athletic and artistic nudity, delayed marriage for aristocrats, symposia, and the social seclusion of women. These impacts have been seen even in conventional forms of art inspired by this ancient sexual practice, and which may also influence modern day societies to experiment in . For the principle, I say, neither kindred, nor honor, nor wealth, nor any motive is able to implant so well as love. it discusses how pederasty and pedophilia are similar and how modern day society is pressuring for more censorship. Cretan pederasty as a social institution seems to have been grounded in an initiation which involved abduction. Edward Carpenter expanded the scope of the study, with his 1914 work, Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk. Sexual Life in Ancient Greece. But, as I said earlier, we normally reserve the term pederasty for males. Indeed, vase-painting is one of the main sources of information about this custom. The story tells of Poseidon's love for a mortal boy, Pelops, who wins a chariot race with help from his admirer Poseidon. Pederasty was a social custom in which an adult male would court a young Greek boy to become his model, guide, and initiator, and would become responsible for the evolution of his chosen young counterpart. People were simply sexual creatures and had sex with those who interested them - it might be a man or a woman. So, don't be astonished, Simonides, that I too have been revealed as captivated by love for a handsome boy. Such idealized relationships held an honored place in their culture from at least 600 BCE to 400 CE. One of the first to do so was John Addington Symonds, who wrote his seminal work A Problem in Greek Ethics in 1873, but after a private edition of 10 copies (1883) only in 1901 the work could really be published, in revised form. If so, by the fifth century the Greeks had forgotten the connection. as a sign of masculinity, and it was thought that the boys who most sought the company and affections of men were the most likely to be successful in life. Gifts given to boys are commonly depicted in ancient Greek art, but money given to women for sex is not. Martial prowess was held in the highest esteem, and one of the principal functions of pederastic relationships was the cultivation of bravery and fighting skills. Pederasty in ancient Greece was a socially acknowledged erotic relationship between an adult male and a younger male usually in his teens. Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty. Some vase paintings, which historian William Percy considers a fourth type of pederastic scene in addition to Beazley's three, show the erasts seated with an erection and the ermenos either approaching or climbing into his lap. Unlike the warlike mainland Greeks, these were sailors and merchants. The question of whether the ideal pederastic relationship was the most common form of pederasty in Greece, or whether the . The boy was expected to be circumspect and not let himself be easily won. As a cultural norm considered apart from personal preference, anal penetration was most often seen as dishonorable to the one penetrated, or shameful, because of "its potential appearance of being turned into a woman" and because it was feared that it may distract the ermenos from playing the active, penetrative role later in life. Pederasty or paederasty (US: /pdrsti/ or UK: /pidrsti/) is a sexual relationship between an adult man and a pubescent or adolescent boy. During the Hellenistic era (32 BCE 400 CE) Plutarch, Athenaeus, and Aelian traced the history of Greek homosexuality to its beginning. Archias and Telephus. Dover, however, believed that these myths are only literary versions expressing or explaining the "overt" homosexuality of Greek Archaic culture, the distinctiveness of which he contrasted to attitudes in other ancient societies such as Egypt and Israel. In talking about the origin of the Ganymede myth, Athenaeus claims that "the Chalcidians assert that Ganymede was carried off by Zeus in their own country, and they point out the place, calling it Harpagion." The beauty and erotic power of the naked body was highlighted by the custom of oiling one's body for exercise. Critics of the posture defended by Dover, Bloch and their followers also point out that they ignore all material which argued against their "overly theoretical" interpretation of a human and emotional relationship and counter that "clearly, a mutual, consensual bond was formed", and that it is "a modern fairy tale that the younger ermenos was never aroused". The Greeks considered it normal for any man to be drawn to the beauty of an adolescent boy just as much if not more than to that of a woman. Nice touch the arbiter must have indeed, And must, methinks, the blue-eyed Ganymede Invoke with many prayersa mouth to own True to the touch of lips, as Lydian stone To proof of goldwhich test will instant show The pure or base, as money changers know. The sculptor Phidias even memorialized his lover Pantarces in marble by inscribing his name on the finger of a colossal statue of Zeus. Where allowed, a free man was usually entitled to fall in love with a boy, proclaim it publicly, and court him as long as the boy in question manifested the traits prerequisite to a pederastic relationship: he had to be kalos () (handsome) agathos () (good, brave, just, and modest). Of all the Greek works dealing principally with love between males, none has survived. [30] More recent evidence suggests that in actual practice (as opposed to theory) there was, in fact, reciprocation of desire. It's almost as if everything we call traditional had to be conceived and consolidated as such. Very old due to Homeric references (Zeus and Ganymede), meaning it is at *least 7th century, possibly Mycenean (pre-Greek) or older Minoan (non-Greek). On one hand it revealed the rulers' greed for power thus their suppression of customs likely to lead to strong friendships and inquisitive minds, the product of love. There is a brass plaque from Crete, about 650625 BC, which is the oldest surviving representation of pederastic custom. Archias is a semi-legendary personage, the richest man in Corinth and the colonizer of Syracuse in 733 BCE. EWU Digital Commons | Eastern Washington University Research The older partner would instruct the younger, would be their mentor, while the junior partner provided sexual satisfaction and companionship in a society where, before you were married, it was actually very difficult to have any relation with the opposite sex.. In the first instalment we discussed Alexander the Great, democracy and slavery in ancient Greece. In the myth of Zeus and Ganymede, when Zeus sends gifts and assurances to Tros, king of Troy and father of Ganymede, the ancients were reminded that even the king of Heaven must show consideration to the father of the eromenos. There was a difference between the two types of bonding: boys usually had to be courted and were free to choose their mate. "In ancient Greece it could be of either sex - the word pais is unisex . As non-citizens visiting or residing in a city-state could not perform official functions in any case whatsoever, they could prostitute themselves as much as they wanted. [6] In Classical times there appears a note of concern that the institution of pederasty might give rise to a morbid condition, adult homosexuality, that today's eromenos may become tomorrow's kinaidos.[7]. And we all accuse the Cretans of concocting the story about Ganymede. To hear more about sexuality in ancient Greece, plus the Olympic games, the Elgin Marbles and what life was like for women, listen to the second part of our Everything you wanted to know about ancient Greece podcast interview with Professor Cartledge click here to listen. Emma Mason is the digital editor at HistoryExtra, /period/ancient-greece/pederasty-homosexuality-ancient-greece-boys-sparta-girls-plato-sappho-consent/. Although there was some debate about whether these relationships should be sexual in nature, man-boy relationships were widely considered to be beneficial and an important part of a young boy's . The Diocleia festival at Megara in honour of Diocles, lover of Philolaus; A kissing contest was held in which the boys would kiss a male judge, with a wreath awarded to the one with the best kiss. Gymnopaedia; Spartan dances by naked boys, attendance restricted to married men. A modern line of thought leading from Dover to Foucault to Halperin holds that the eromenos did not reciprocate the love and desire of the erastes, and that the relationship was factored on a sexual domination of the younger by the older, a politics of penetration held to be true of all adult male Athenians' relations with their social inferiors boys, women and slaves a theory propounded also by Eva Keuls. It has no formal existence in the Homeric epics, and seems to have developed in the late 7th century BC as an aspect of Greek homosocial culture, which was characterized also by athletic and artistic nudity, delayed marriage for aristocrats, symposia, and the social seclusion of women. He is aware of his attractiveness, but self-absorbed in his relationship with those who desire him. On order. According to the proponents of this theory, pederasty came to being on the Dorian island Crete, where grown-up men used to kidnap (consenting) adolescents. Athenian philosophers, around the end of the fifth century, prompted by a discomfort with the lack of self-restraint and crude sexuality of some pederastic relationships, elaborated a philosophy of pederasty that valorized chaste pederastic relations. Pederasty was, as you say, considered a rite of passage, but this was only applicable to the aristocracy; the plebs did their own thing! Ephorus' account does not discuss the educational aspects of the sojourn. All the Olympian gods except Ares are purported to have had these relationships, which some scholars argue demonstrates that the specific customs of paiderastia originated in initiatory rituals. High society generally encouraged the erastes to pursue a boy to love. There were also rules forbidding sexual congress or sexual arrangements in the gymnasium, for example. Theocritus, a Hellenistic poet, describes a kissing contest for youths that took place at the tomb of a certain Diocles of Megara, a warrior renowned for his love of boys; he notes that invoking Ganymede was proper to the occasion. [47], Sparta, another Dorian polis, is thought to be the first city to practice athletic nudity, and one of the first to formalize pederasty. [9] That, however, did not prevent him from frequenting the boy brothels, from which he bought and freed his future friend and student, Phaedo, nor from describing his erotic intoxication upon glimpsing the beautiful Charmides' naked body beneath his open tunic.[10]. Boeotian pottery, in contrast to that of Athens, does not exhibit the three types of pederastic scenes identified by Beazley. The ermenos is also said to have a desire "similar to the erastes', albeit weaker, to see, to touch, to kiss and to lie with him". The practice itself varied over time: in the early days it was said that modesty prevented the boys from drawing attention to their sexuality by oiling themselves below the waist. At one extreme relationships were claimed to be loving but chaste, while at the other end of the spectrum we read about couples accused of engaging in anal sex and of switching roles. Routledge, London, 2008. One school of thought, articulated by scholar Bernard Sergent, holds that the Greek pederastic model evolved from far older Indo-European rites of passage, which were grounded in a shamanic tradition with roots in the Neolithic. The Greeks. By contrast with Theognis, these poets portray a version of pederasty that is non-pedagogical, focused exclusively on love and seduction. [36] Others, such as Aristotle, claimed that the Cretan lawgivers encouraged pederasty as a means of population control, by directing love and sexual desire into non-procreative channels: "and the lawgiver has devised many wise measures to secure the benefit of moderation at table, and the segregation of the women in order that they may not bear many children, for which purpose he instituted association with the male sex."[37]. [50] Plutarch also describes the relationships as chaste, and states that it was as unthinkable for a lover to sexually consummate a relationship with his beloved as for a father to do so with his own son. The institution of pederasty was inseparable from that of organized sports. The obvious exception is Sappho [the Archaic Greek poet from the island of Lesbos known for her lyric poetry]. A 12-year-old boy was going to be less able to have a say in resisting or in manipulating or determining the nature of the relationship with the older man, than, say, a 17-year-old boy, Cartledge explains. [26] Cicero, describing Spartan customs, suggests that relations were expected to stop short of consummation, "The Lacedaemonians, while they permit all things except outrage hybris in the love of youths, certainly distinguish the forbidden by a thin wall of partition from the sanctioned, for they allow embraces and a common couch to lovers. Greek pederasty, as idealised by the Greeks from archaic times onward, was a relationship and bond between an adult man and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family. All the main gods of the pantheon except Ares had these relationships. This is a novel that talks about censoring sex research. ancient greece featured at least five different varieties of same-sex relations: (a) pederastic relations, typically between adolescent boys and adult men who were not yet married; (b) relations between male youths of approximately the same age; less frequently (c) homosexual relations between fully adult men; (d) age-differentiated relations The text examines homoerotic practices of all types, not only pederastic ones, and ranges over cultures spanning the globe. When sexual relations are shown, it is intercrural intercourse, known as diamerizein (to do it between the thighs), that is depicted. According to popular sentiment, and as expressed in Pausanias' speech in Plato's Symposium, pederastic couples were also said to be fundamental to democracy and feared by tyrants, because the bond between the friends was stronger than that of obedience to a despotic ruler. He gives as examples of such pederastic couples the Athenians Harmodius and Aristogeiton, who were credited (perhaps symbolically) with the overthrow of the tyrant Hippias and the establishment of the democracy, and also Chariton and Melanippus. It is thus plausible to assume that even as the loves of the gods paralleled and symbolized those of the mortals, their pedagogy pointed to aspects of the educational process that took place between a lover and his beloved. Corpus ID: 55952718; Pederasty in ancient Greece: a view of a now forbidden institution @inproceedings{Donnay2018PederastyIA, title={Pederasty in ancient Greece: a view of a now forbidden institution}, author={Catherine S. Donnay}, year={2018} } [32] Poets and traditions ascribe Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Orpheus, Hercules, Dionysus, Hermes, and Pan to such love. Pederasty in ancient Greece was a socially acknowledged erotic relationship between an adult male (the erastes) and a younger male (the eromenos) usually in his teens. Zeus had Ganymede serve nectar, a theme with religious connotations. He pointedly criticized purely physical infatuations, for example by mocking Critias' lust for Euthydemus by comparing his behavior towards the boy to that of "a piglet scratching itself against a rock". Greek pederasty, as idealised by the Greeks from archaic times onward, was a relationship and bond between an adolescent boy and an adult man outside of his immediate family. In Laws, Plato takes a much more austere stance to homosexuality than in previous works, stating: one certainly should not fail to observe that when male unites with female for procreation the pleasure experienced is held to be due to nature, but contrary to nature when male mates with male or female with female, and that those first guilty of such enormities [the Cretans] were impelled by their slavery to pleasure. Update now. In poetry and philosophical literature, the ermenos is often an embodiment of idealized youth; a related ideal depiction of youth in Archaic culture was the kouros, the long-haired male statuary nude. But its worth noting, says Cartledge, that some of the women who studied and wrote with Sappho might not have been Greek. Though examples of such a custom exist in earlier Greek works, myths providing examples of young men who were the lovers of gods began to emerge in Classical literature, around the 6th century BC. At the most basic level, there is strong resistance among modern Greeks to the portrait of ancient Greece painted by modern scholarship that of a culture which integrated and valorized some aspects of same sex love for a period lasting close to one thousand years. In most countries today, the local age of consent . It is formed from paiderasts, which in turn is a compound of pais ("child", plural paides) and erasts (see below). In general, pederasty as described in the Greek literary sources is an institution reserved for free citizens, perhaps to be regarded as a dyadic mentorship. One of the first to do so was John Addington Symonds, who wrote his seminal work A Problem in Greek Ethics in 1873, but after a private edition of 10 copies (1883), only in 1901 was the work published in revised form. Greek vase painting is a major source for scholars seeking to understand attitudes and practices associated with paiderastia. Known as "pederasty," the practice was socially acceptable and often used ritualistically. What it basically comes down to is this: Today, vast power imbalances between sexual and romantic partners are viewed as troublesome. Pederasty is an ancient Greek form of interaction in which members of the same sex would partake in the pleasures of an intellectual and/or sexual relationship as part of a socially acceptable ancient custom (Hubbard: 4-7). Some think Spartan views on pederasty and homoeroticism were more chaste than those of other parts of Greece, while others find no significant difference between them. The youth received gifts, and the philetor along with the friends went away with him for two months into the countryside, where they hunted and feasted. Aristophanes, Birds 142) was one of the most commonly represented courtship gestures on the vases. 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    what was pederasty in ancient greece