villain redemption arc


    Im not sure Ive seen a lot of forgiveness arcs. Sacrifice their life. Lovely article, Grace!! Awesome!! Losing their wealth, social status, power, kingdom, etc. How will you develop your villains redemption arc? If one of your heroes is the villains good influence, they may be angry withthe villain fordoing something immoral. If youre using a forgiveness arc,make this strong. There have also been villains that had seeds planted for them to turn over a new leaf that never came to fruition. Actually, in Fury Road Mad Max himself would have been a better example than Furiosa. Arcs that qualify come in a variety of forms. Originally Harvey Dent was just a villain obsessed with pairs, an obsession reflected in his deformed visage. We all want to believe that anyone, no matter how far theyve fallen, can turn their lifearound. The other 11% percent was watching Thor get beat up by Hulk (and everyone else, for that matter). When the going got tough, they stuck around. Beta was distraught after Alphas death and turned to try to kill the heroes - this could have been subverted in favor of an arc of redemption for him. James Tynion'sJoker Warfinally pushed Harley onto the good side. After proving their worth, the hero could die. Were at the end. She had become a villain to ensure the survival of Lydia and herself, which got severely out of hand. Arguably, Bucky was never actually a villain, especially since HYDRA manipulated him and gave birth to The Winter Soldier. But enough about that. No one could have predicted what an icon Harley Quinn has become. Vesker conquers his demons once and for all by destroying the dummy and retires from crime to a quiet, peaceful life. She isolated her country from the world and kept as much control as she could over it. Jaws: Moonraker DC Comics are governed by "the illusion of change," which means that often, these redemption arcs don't take or are confined to just one corner of the multiverse. Movement: The Story Principle Thats 2,300 Years Old, Five Tropes That Sound Cool but Rarely Work. It was only in Captain America: Civil War, after CCTV footage revealed that The Winter Soldier viciously murdered Howard and Maria Stark, that Bucky Barnes was branded a villain. All of these arcs feature a transition from evil to good, but they include different stages in that transition. They don't get a redemption arc as much as they stop doing bad shit after getting their ass locked. ", JaySeasonEvanoffs comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? But I particularly like the pic of Spike. He also got a happier ending - in theArkham Knight"Season Of Infamy" DLC, Victor and a reawakened Nora decide to spend what little time she has left together. With Batman's help, Harvey (William Shatner) overcomes his demons and puts Two-Face behind him for good. If you are using a temptation arc or your villain isnt finished on their journey, you can use a lesser sacrifice. Temptation arcs can also come to a head here, but they usually last for a while longer. The two mad scientists built an exact replica of Android 17 - one with much more sinister, violent programming than the original. This stage can also help you develop a character undergoing a forgiveness arc, but it isnt necessary. Wonderfully put Grace! He joins up with Furiosa and after working with her a bit, he starts to risk himself so the group can survive, even telling Furiosa to leave without him if he doesnt return. One interesting dynamic that you may see in popular anime and manga today is when a hero character slowly turns into a villain over the course of the story. This will be somethingthey havent previously encountered in their time as a villain, something that gets their attention and pulls on their heartstrings. Obviously, Loki takes the most votes. Then if no outright forgiveness is appropriate, a side character can just acknowledge their sacrifice and give them a little humanitarian comfort. Since then, Catwoman's been more of an ally than an enemy; she's practically one of the Bat-family now. Hes probably has my favourite antagonist arc. 2022 Mythcreants LLC, all articles, art, recordings, and stories are the copyright of their respective authors. Perhaps they thought their people had been exterminated, only to find a hidden village where they are still living. Then it will be up to them to stop it. They realize that if they dont join Team Good, bad things will happen. Thats basically his penance. Martinez was never a person who wanted to dominate, which The Walking Dead could have expanded upon to show him being defiant to The Governor. SinceBatman: The Animated Seriesreinvented Mr. The villains master or other villains may have noticed the wavering villain isnt fully dedicated to their cause. What could a supervillain, who has likely killed, maimed and tortured hundreds of innocents, ever do to redeem themselves? Reddit acknowledges Lokis sacrifice as extremely brave.. I love to see light win out over darkness. If you are using the sacrifice arc, this is the climactic battle. They might find a holy book or wander into a magical oasis. Your villain isnt going to simply wake up one day and decide to be goodits a process, for one, which is where backstory comes in; and it also requires proper motivation. Following Nebula, Sebastian Stans Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier snags some votes. The villain stopsevil from coming to pass, but at a great cost. The new heroworks to help people and make the world better day after day, without any kind of reward. The trick is to pay close attention to how every moment pours into their backstoryand to put them through a great deal of suffering. Batman isn't naive enough to embrace them with open arms, but he'll always support these heel face turns in hopes that it may stick. Not to mention I think hell be saving multiple universes in his new TV show Yep. Apart from freelance writing, Saim is a lifestyle blogger, co-owning the blog 3 States Apart. Want to ask me a question? When the new hero tries to help with a big problem, Team Good in particular will send them away. Sacrifice Arcs: Use these for villains like Darth Vader, who make a heroic sacrifice at the end of the story, often dying in the process. Thank you so much, Kathleen! From his childhood struggles as Odins adopted son to his later skirmishes with Thor, every experience, Failing to accomplish their goal (in other words, tasting humiliating defeat). Let's rant about "Villain Redemption Arcs" (Tithania) So I've been thinking lately a lot about why Redemption Arcs work so well or not on TV. Which villains went through a slow journey of learning humility and sacrifice? This time it was Rick's ability to grow and change without completely rewriting the show . The light side of the force, I mean. Unlike the false switch to good, in which the villain feels entitled to forgiveness, with a true switch the former villain does not ask for it or expect it. Other heroes may be dealing with this problem, but they are struggling. He was essentially a broken man who had been manipulated by Alpha, while a possible redemptive arc would have shown Beta the error of his ways. Eventually this changes someones mind in their favor. Not only is Loki already a fan-favorite, but his redemption arc is touching and somewhat poetic. Beta only became antagonistic due to Alphas influence, having once been a famous singer who lost direction after the apocalypse. Trust me, that right there is painful enough! Team Good or the general public isrightly suspicious and hostile towards them. Of all Batman's adversaries, his arch-nemesis the Joker would be the last one fans would expect a redemption arc for. Nicholas had one of the best setups to become a good guy following his failed assassination attempt on Glenn. Thank you so much for writing it! Sometimes, I even love to see the villain redeemed. Maybe this isbecause of their villainous experience;the instigator could be someone they know from Team Evil. For starters, Nebulas redemption arc is much more than a plot device; she earns the respect of her teammates and works to overturn her wrongdoings by outweighing the lives taken with lives saved. He chased Aang and his group across the world, doing vile things to try to capture the avatar and redeem his honor. . Saying goodbye to Team Evil may be the only way for the villain to maintain their relationship with thishero. It isnt until the Thor sequel, Thor: The Dark World, that Loki begins a metamorphosis of sorts. Shane was on the way to taking responsibility for his actions by exiling himself - Loris admission made him believe she wanted him to eliminate Rick from the equation. Answer (1 of 3): Best redemption arc of all time? However, after the Silver Age, the character's scars were redefined as deeper; he suffered from a split personality, the good man Harvey Dent and the evil Two-Face. The charactermight toil completely out of sight, face regular ridicule, or only work ondegrading tasks. Heroes can be involved in the struggle, but they should be about to fail without the villains help. Now they are expected to sleep on a cot, eat porridge, and work to earn their keep. This article is great. If your former villains misdeeds areclose to home, resembling bigotry, abuse, or another real-life predatory behavior, resist having their victims forgive them. Thanks so much, Chelsea! Depending on whether youre writing a novel or a nine-book series, the villains backstory may even apply to earlier events in the book or series. Problems will be especially compelling if the hero is uniquely suited to solve them. Perhaps they uncover. The latter gave him a chance to redeem himself by shepherding the walkers away from Alexandria, only for Nicholas to take his own life rather than face the infected. As for the other part of the. ", djquus comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? I watched most of the Race to the Edge series. That means no praise, no payment, no creature comforts. This goes for both you and the character. They dont think grossjokes are funny, and even the fine wine makes them wonder about all the slaves that created it. She was killed off by Oceanside residents in secret for her earlier crimes, although Arat tearfully kept asking for forgiveness and kept insisting she wasnt the same person. ", Weird-Ingenuity97s comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? Yes, Thor Ragnarok was the first Marvel movie I ever saw, so I have some experience with Loki. (What did he do to show his true colors in the end? Lose their wealth, friends, etc. Nice! But no matter how hard they try,they cant enjoy any of it. Despite being a criminal, the Cavalier wasn't unthankful, and so took it upon himself to act as a guard for Thompkin's clinic. As time went on, she went from princess stories to Barbie picture books to some of her very first novels at ten. Team Good might have gotten their hands on somepowerful magic or technologythat does something the villain couldnt achieve any other way. Even still, every time he lost to the Resistance, he was humbled until he eventually saw the light. Freeze, Two-Face is the most consistently sympathetic of Batman's villains. But dont despair, fellow writer! They could cast the character out. Reddit asked, like weve all wondered before, which MCU villain has the best redemption arc? He seems to be on a kind of forgiveness arc. ", TheKangDynastys comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? Considering Arats insistence until her dying breath, it seems she really had turned over a new leaf. Things changed forever in 2002 with Jeph Loeb & Jim Lee'sHush, when Batman revealed his identity to Catwoman and Selina realized the two men she's had feelings for were one-in-the-same. She is now a college student balancing her home-life with her schooling and her writing. Like you said, redemption arcs arent easy, so this article is so helpful! Unfortunately, Talia is just as loyal to her father, Ra's, and this often pushes her and Batman apart. They discover something they consider sacred. I'll give these forms names so I can refer back to them as I go. by kingdompen | Characters, Ethics, Theme | 21 comments. He and Batman don't get along, but they help each other out on cases. However, in the Silver and Bronze Ages, their "romance" was just flirting, with Catwoman the spicier but forbidden alternative to other figures in Bruce's love life, like Kathy Kane/Batwoman. It might be: While the wavering villain shouldnt kill the heroes or do other unspeakable things, their choice to leaveshould still be a disaster for Team Good. AfterMortimer was wounded during a prison transfer, Leslie Thompkins saved his life. He started out as an Iron Fist villain (written by Chris Claremo. :). The ruler of Inazuma, Beelzebul was a terrifying character in Genshin Impact who had the power to take away the visions and dreams of others. Villain: The second type of character that can go through a redemption arc is a true villain. We all love making our characters suffer every once in a while, dont we? Betas redemption was possible if he had decided to accept that Alpha was a terrible influence and attempted to stop the walker horde from destroying Alexandria. The show has had dozens of villains over the 11-season run, with many despicable ones like the Terminus Group and some sympathetic antagonists like Negan who ended up redeeming themselves. As expected, right underneath Loki, Karen Gillans Nebula is feeling the love. Most of the time, he's just driven by a desire to reunite with his wife, the terminally ill Nora. Theres something about strong characters becoming weak, confident characters becoming vulnerable, hunters becoming prey. Also they aren't as bad as Kira, so they need to team up to kill Kira. This is generally some reinforcement of the reason they were evil before. What has kept thembatting for Team Evil over the years? Great article! As this happens, evil will begin to lose its grip on them. Why dont yall let me know in the comments below? Amazing_Pea_3648s comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? Would Sandor Clegane (AKA The Hound) from Game of Thrones count? (I know Im looking forward to ruining my villains lives!) Now Ill focus on whats called the heel face turn a characters redemption arc. Put in your order while our availability lasts! Its a slow process, yes, but its so worth it in the end to see the villain redeemed and sometimes even reconciled with the hero. Something bad happens that discourages them from continuing their path toward good. Debuting in Guardians of the Galaxy, Nebula was introduced as a second-hand villain after Ronan the Accuser. Zuko was the main villain at the beginning of Avatar: The Last Airbender. All three points here are super interesting this is a really helpful post so thank you so much! Grace A. Johnson first began writing at four. Blind loyalty to something or someone that wasnt worthy of their devotion. They make incomplete and unwise decisions about what to fight for. This person could get their attention by reminding them of someone they lost or by doing something unexpected. Gradually, they will start to spend more time with their good influence and grow more attached. Need an editor? This is my most favorite aspect of writingcreating stories of inspiring redemption and restoration. "Redemption arc" is a vague term. XD. Oftentimes the very best way to motivate your villain to goodness is to make them suffer. While it seemed that Alpha was completely despicable for how many people she killed in the communities and within her own group, her final arc proved she had some humanity. The shape-shifting Clayface falls somewhere in the middle, not helped by there having been so many villains who've used the identity. My favorite villain redemption arcs are Zukos from ATLA, and currently the one I begrudgingly am ok with, is Endeavors from MHA. He's been a writer for Valnet since 2017, contributing 500+ articles for The Gamer, The Things, Game Rant, Comic Book Resources and Screen Rant. One of Batman's goofier foes is Arnold Wesker, the Ventriloquist. Then thewavering villain might need to join Team Good just to survive. The villain might be unable to defeat a large threat by themself, so theyre motivatedto make peace with Team Good and, in doing so, gain powerful allies. ". Loki takes the cake, which comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. Had the show gone this way, The Governor could have been the greatest turn for a character yet, which he deserved since he was genuinely saddened by Woodburys fall. No doubt youve all learned to give your villain goals, motives, and a sorrowful backstory to better further their villainous careerbut what we often overlook is the significance of a well-developed foundation for their redemption later on in their life or the story. Thank you! The villain is no longerevil, but isntgood yet either. ", SwerdnaJacks comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? Use for: Necessary for sacrifice and temptation arcs. They could meet someone new probably one of your heroes. They both have had to face the permanent consequences of their actions, and accept the responsibility of them, in order to receive any sort of forgiveness. They are reminded of past misfortunes, reopening the wounds that caused them to go evil. Most versions of Two-Face struggle to get better, but never quite succeed, except inBatman Vs. Two-Face, a story set in the continuity of the Adam WestBatmanseries. If you are a fan of SCP then check it Nika Hit the "JOIN" button! After Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Their remorse should beexpressed very clearly but in ways that are ultimately unproductive. Ah, yes, every single time I googled best villain redemptions, his came up! AftertheNew 52 relaunch, the Riddler returned to villainy - two major arcs of the 2010s,Zero Year(Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo) &The War Of Jokes & Riddles (Tom King &Mikel Jann)feature him as a villain. Ahhh, Loki was the only good part about Ragnarok. Put in your order while our availability lasts! We took our villain to another level by deepening his (or her) backstory; literally beat some sense into them in between robbing them of everything they value; and slowly crippled them under the immense weight of their sins. All of these heroic acts culminate in Avengers: Infinity War, wherein Loki dies by Thanos hand after attempting to double-cross him. During Paul Dini's run onDetective Comics, Edward awakens from a coma with a new lease on life. A redemption arc is a part of a fictional story wherein a character finally makes up for the mistakes that they made in the past to perform a series of actions that help develop the story in the best way possible. From calling up their ex to begging your hero for forgiveness, humble your villain even more by having them admit they were wrong. The Governor is generally considered among the best villains in The Walking Dead for how the tragic backstory of losing his daughter ultimately turned him into a brutal dictator of sorts. Thats why these villains usually have a hero to speak to as they lay dying. The Batman: Arkhamare basically an R-Rated version ofBTAS, so it shouldn't be surprising that the Freeze in those games was basically the same as the DCAU one. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, The Walking Dead: 10 Villains Who Deserved Redemption Arcs, 10 TV Characters Who Didn't Deserve To Die, According To Reddit, Something From Tiffanys Review: Holiday Rom-Com Lacks Chemistry & A Good Script, Spoiler Alert Review: Parsons & Aldridge Exude Warmth In Engaging Romantic Drama, Blanquita Review: A Fascinating Protagonist Leads Murky, Compelling Drama, Robert Pattinson Looks Creepy In Parasite Director's New Movie Teaser, Champions Trailer Showcases Woody Harrelson's Basketball Comeback, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. . Loki from the MCU. So when youre writing a longer project, you need to see every chapters events as potential history that contributes to your characters growing backstories. For a character that sacrifices their life, outward recognition is more important. Only because it was on at my grandparents house. He turns around his compulsion with mysteries to heroic ends and becomes a private investigator. RELATED:10 Batman Villains Who Never Appeared In The Arkham Games. An order by a superior. I recognized pretty much about all of your characters..Yes, I am a Star Wars superfanatic. They dont give up. His choice to go after them and tell them to head back the way they came, and his choice to risk his life going with them, is how he proves his worth. Just because your villain has had a change of heart doesnt mean everythings going to go smoothly for him from now on. As Thanos adopted daughter, Nebula was always second-best to Gamora, whom she formed a bitter rivalry with. Really? Use for: Forgiveness arcs open here. His suffering was more along the lines of defeat and humiliation (considering it was him who killed his father, after all). Batman and Catwoman's relationship has been more complicated than simple foes from the beginning. For instance,Darth Vader committed so much evil that only giving up his life was appropriate for his deeds. Much like the first appearance of Rick and Morty 's villainous Mr. Nimbus shed light on Rick's backstory and proved his powers sometimes failed him, the character's return also augured a change for Rick. This includes big-time antagonists such as The Governor to troubled supporting baddies such as Lizzie Samuels. Weve recently cleared out our waiting list. To force the villain to choose good, they must be the only one who can stop something heinous from coming to pass. The redemption arc is important,. Of course, I use this phrase loosely, because most of us are fantasy writers and our villain probably wont be falling at the foot of the crossbut the outcome is still the same, no matter what world youre in. Their sacrificetells the audience that they are permanently committed to good. When Malekith, leader of the Dark Elves, seeks to use the Aether (the Reality Stone) to plunge Earth into an eternal darkness, Loki helps Thor wipe out the Elves for good and save Jane Foster.. I got into an argument with someone once about The Nowhere King from Centaur World, because I enjoyed the ending they got and thought it was a fitting end to the character. Edward Nygma/The Riddler's compulsion to solve riddles and force others to partake in his challenges makes him a dark counterpart tothe "World's Greatest Detective" side of Batman. Professor of Political Theory in Star Trek. If Team Good remains mostly ignorant, it will make later stages of thecharacters journey more powerful. Not only do you need to have a firm grasp on their childhood and past experiences, but connecting your character to his own past (through memories, brief mentions, or even flashbacks) will help readers understand them better. However, his redemption arc truly kick-started in Thor: Ragnarok, when Loki aids Thor in thwarting Helas attempt at subjugating Asgard. A conflict with a hero. But not always. Dont worry, I dont care about spoilers) And yes, I liked the Narnia series and remember Edmund. In addition, his conversion to good was the end of his arc, and the end of an arc requires a powerful moment of catharsis and closure. The two episodes dedicated to showing The Governor contemplating his actions were the perfect setup to redeem him, especially since he appeared to care for Tara and her family. ", AVR350s comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? All they ask is that they be allowed to work for the benefit of others. After Mr. In the end, though, he seemed to be on the path to redemption when he saved Denise from being bitten by the walkers at the cost of his own life, which showed that he had some conscience. In the beginning of Fury Road we see how his past haunts him, but hes not doing anything productive to make up for it. Give up the goal they pursued at the cost of doing evil. Keep the process slow. After Wally West became the Flash, the Piper got a redemption arc, working with the new Scarlet Speedster and the . Haha, great! With each appearance that followed in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, Nebula was awarded more screen time and started changing her outlook on friendship and camaraderie and developed a sense of belonging. Loki (again). But it seemed pretty cool! In MoM, Wanda was willing to murder America Chavez in cold blood just to gain the ability to travel between dimensions and be reunited with Billy and Tommy Maximoff. Answer: I don't know if Sabretooth from Marvel has ever earned his redemption and recasting as a hero any time he has had this done to him. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Become a patron and chat with us on Discord. Whether you count him an antagonist or not, he still had a redemption arc, and we all know it didn't end the moment he decided to quit being selfish. By The Avengers (2012), Loki enacts a master plan to use an alien armada known as the Chitauri to invade and enslave Midgard, which is foiled by the combined efforts of Earths Mightiest Heroes. I watched, like, one episode of that. So this is to have a character that needs to have certain qualities. However, after he realized how truly evil his father is, he can't stay on the wrong side of the war and joins forces with the Avatar Gang to save the world. Of all the villains in The Last Airbender, Azula was a fan favorite and one of the most compelling characters. Watching someone such as that go through a complete change in characterization would have been a fascinating development. Originally created as a minor villain for theBTASepisode "Joker's Favor," Harley became a recurring villain, migrated to the comics, and got her own solo series. Alphas possible turn for the better through the love she had for her daughter would have been far more satisfying than the anticlimactic death she received. This may include: This creates a clear problem in need of solving, making a good opening to a new arc. Involving a group of misfits who journey through a one-way time portal to the Pliocene epoch, about 7 million years ago, this is f. To be fair, Yuno's villainy was born from sorrow, not malice. Even better, when our villain gets a taste of his own medicine, not only do we have poetic justice, but we also have the perfect opportunity to open our villain up to a better life and even reconciliation with the hero. Here are some suggestions for deepening your villains backstory: Off the top of my head, some villains with well-developed backstories include: I know yall are excited to hear that. Devin is a passionate writer always working to use his skill with words to express my love for film and fiction of all sorts. As with any comic book villain who achieves a certain height of popularity, she's also become more of an anti-hero over time; as of theNew 52, she's a core part of the Suicide Squad. Arcs that qualify come in a variety of forms. However, while theseredemptions maybe impermanence, they're far from infrequent. Youve created a backstory so defined and vivid, and properly motivated your villain to this point of total surrender by beating them down. Redemption arcs can be fun, rewarding, and popular with audiences. Use for:Forgiveness arcs and most temptation arcs. Because why change when everything going fine and dandy? Even though the former villain has proven their commitmentto the storys audience, the characters in the story should be more skeptical. I . They get everything they thought they wanted: glory, respect, luxuries. Anime characters are the center of the anime experience. This proves that their work is not about any benefit to themself, but for the benefit of others. 3 Trailer Reveals First Look At Adam Warlock, After 57 Years, Starfleet Can Finally Quit Warp Travel In Discovery Season 5, Daemon's Vermithor Scene Is Setting Up A Treason Worse Than Alicent's, Big Bang Theory Boss Admits Huge Penny Mistake In Early Seasons. Ive just never watched Avatar, so I knew I wasnt an expert. Of course, suffering varies from character to character, but here are some ideas to get you started: Im sure you can think of a lot of great villains and antagonists who suffered and were made better for it, but a few of my favorites include: Its time. The alternate Android 17's creation began affecting the personality of his predecessor, who mysteriously resurfaced to ambush and defeat Trunks without any explanation. He is a stone cold killer who has to kill and has had a years long rivalry with Wolverine. Owen was the leader of the Wolves who was responsible for launching an attack on Alexandra. Most often, the call is a problem in need of solving. Perhaps before they hada feather bed, expensive wine, and servants to cook their meals. For such a character arc to work successfully, the villain must have appeared to truly be bad and their turn, whether it's a change of heart or them showing their true motivations, needs to be believable. Her greatest inspiration is her Savior and friend, Jesus Christ, and her one mission is to reach others for him. Temptation arcs can gloss over this or include it. For forgiveness and temptation arcs, whats important is that the hero forgivesthemself. She was a raised as a ruthless assassin without remorse, but her upbringing was abusive and upsetting. What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? Nicholas redemption was easy had he shown remorse for his earlier actions and given his life specifically to save Glenn. This cost must be felt by the villain ona personal level. In carrying on with their evil ways, they might have unleashed destruction at a level they did not foresee. After she lost Pietro in Avengers: Age of Ultron, she became blinded by vindictive intent and began destroying anything and anyone in her war path. Theres a lot of debate on whether Vader actually had an. They are reminded of better times. Distribute hints of their changing loyalties, but dont put them in an open confrontation with Team Good or Team Evil. But there's an important caveat that many storytellers forget: forgiveness must be given freely by those the villain wronged. * Equating forgiveness from victims with a happy endingcreates anunfairburden on real-life victims and makes audiences feel like the storyprioritizesthe abuser over their targets. Which ones dont? He hopes this will be the first step on a prosperous journey towards being a professional writer. XD, Actually, I think all of Ragnarok was funny. They might rebel by secretly holding onto things that tempt them toward evil. What are other examples of characters that follow a forgiveness arc? I dont know about you, but Im one of those writers who has to have a happy ending. (Im honestly glad you think so, because I had the hardest time putting my thoughts into words with this article!) The villain is welcomed back to Team Evil. From then on, after breaking free from HYDRAs influence, Bucky pledged his life to fighting alongside the Avengers and turned a tragic chapter of his life into positive change. Hes pretty awesome. The show provided layers to his personality by showing flashes of remorse on his part, although The Governor ended up being a vile antagonist. This is a great article, Gracie! Redemption arcs can be amazing and compelling if done correctly, but in order for them to be done correctly you need to have a seed of good in the villainous character in the first place. His happened over the course of one episode, though, and he died afterward.. Use for: This stage is the bread and butter of temptation arcs. Always. The big example people tend to speak of for this topic is Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, so if you want to read up on a good example try his story. More redemption arcs to mention are Reginas/the evil queens and Rumples arc (in the first two and a half seasons) in Once Upon A Time. It must be significant enough to prove their devotion to good, but it shouldnt be enough to wipe their hands clean. Hes really the best part of Marvel as a whole, actually *sighs* Oh, well, he did a 180 and practically sacrificed his life in an attempt to save his country (and, in a way, the entire universe). He can also be found on Twitter at @DevinM626 and you can read more of his work at Darth Vader, also from Star Wars. I know it doesnt fit every story, but when it does, I love villian redemptions so much. A conflict with Team Evil. Still, having him put away his thirst for blood and look to integrate himself into society would have been a worthy arc to watch. Ive heard of the show! Theres so many to choose from, each ones journey drastically different to the last, but theyve all proven themselves trustworthy and honorable. She disavows the Joker once and for all by shooting his eye out, and has become an ally to the Bat-family, if not an unofficial member. Many might feel that Shanes death was the saddest in The Walking Deads second season, as it was a shameful end to the friendship he had once enjoyed with Rick. Viggo Grimborn was a good character, and a cool redemption arc. Its basically what happens leading up to How To Train Your Dragon 2, and its really cool! The act can be external, internal, big, or little. In the end, his redemption felt really well earned, especially since you had been rooting for him for so long and he had to work so hard to get it. That's not exactly the worst place to be, but his mind control flute wasn't the best weapon ever. Weve seen it happen to Nebula, whose vengeful hate for her sister Gamora is channeled into world-saving motivation. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Obsessing over the people they killed or the towns they destroyed, Rejecting any luxuries or kindness because they dont deserve them. This is sure to be a huge help in my writing!! They choose goodness. A redemption arc in a story puts a focus on a villain or a bad character going through a process to become a good character. We do that in later stages. Otherwise, youcould simply give thenew hero a push out the door. A character on a forgiveness arc will enjoysimple luxuries without guilt. Here are the best villain redemptions in movies. . Ron and his family are generally considered among the most irritating characters in The Walking Dead for how much they complained and became a liability. Either the villain dies in the course of redeeming himself (often to prove he's become 'good'), or he lives because the heroes see the change in the villain and do the right thing and save him. Of course, in those days her stories were merely scribbles. I love Rohan, but Rohan is a bad person. Their ultimate goal could be saving or reviving loved ones, creating a perfect world, or curing a disease. The characterjourneys down a long hard road to redemption. Before that, Bucky fought for America alongside Steve Rogers, always looking out for the little guy and acting as a role model for the uninspired. In essence, a redemption arc is a character's atonement for past sins and mistakes. In fact, in some casesthat wouldbe problematic. (Ive actually never heard of the Race to the Edge series, so I wouldnt know.). A villain is a character who is someone bad from the start. The hero shouldbe okay with that. Ron could have been someone similar to Eugene, in that hed be a formerly cowardly character who was changed in a solid survivor of the apocalypse. Whatever they stood to gain from being evil; whatever goal they were aspiring to; whatever money, authority, power, or allies theyd accrued during their villainous career needs to disappear when they turn a new leaf. If thevillain was a spy, their master may simply decide they have all the information they want and call the villain back. (We can all agree on the Grinch, cant we?) This person I argued with felt that The Nowhere Kings ending was unjustified, and instead the character shouldve gotten redeemed and lived happily ever after, despite the huge plethora of tremendously cruel and evil things that they did. I will cover every stage and mention which arcs each stage is needed for. Tom Hiddleston plays a compelling part, but its the impeccable writing that develops Lokis redemption arc to transfer his sadness and rage into selfless determination. RELATED: Top 10 Television Villains Of The 2000s. disagree about people not enjoying darth vader being on team good, out of all child murderers in cinematic history.darth vader is literally the only one people cheer for. Possible causes could be: Your villain needs a catalyst to inspire change from within. From losing his adopted parents to his birthright to his home, Loki was made to suffer again and againand from every trial he emerged a better person. From main antagonists Alpha and The Governor to supporting villains Martinez and Lizzie, The Walking Dead could have turned baddies into good guys. Others are vile psychopaths who revel in spreading pain and fear. 10 Batman Villains Who've Had Redemption Arcs By Devin Meenan Published Feb 1, 2022 On some occasions, even Batman's adversaries have turned over new leaves and left the world of crime behind. Freeze in thegroundbreaking episode "Heart Of Ice,"Victor Fries has been widely regarded as the most sympathetic and tragic of Gotham's super-villain community. A big reward. The repercussion is that the act performed by the character helps make up for what he did in the past. Now in The Second World, Yuno ferociously did everything she could to keep Yuki alive - including murder and torture. The Walking Dead will return for its final run on Oct. 2, 2022, with the long-running series concluding on Nov. 20, 2022. This is a serious one, and not best for every story. Since her debut inDetective Comics#411 (Dennis O'Neil and artist Bob Brown), Talia al Ghul has carried a torch for Batman, calling him "beloved," and the attraction is mutual. Good point! They dont enjoy the same luxuries they had as a villain. Your patronage keeps this site running. 2, Nebula was promoted to a more central role. Megamind's inexplicable sense of attachment to the community makes him feel compelled to help. A redemption arc is when a character either 1) performs a heroic act that essentially makes up for his previous wrongdoings, or 2) is redeemed by another character. On some occasions, even his adversaries have taken this message to heart and turned over new leaves. Previously, Ive covered arcs that transition heroes to villains and take a character from a hero to a villain and back again. Tremendously. Spinning out of their acclaimedBatmanrun, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo depict a possible future for the DC Universe inBatman: Last Knight On Earth. Things started to become more serious between them in the Post-Crisis DC Universe. Apologize to those theyve wronged. Redemption arc is a vague term. Theymaysabotage the heroes plans during an important conflict, tipping the scales toward evil. Perhaps a new villain or a natural disaster comes along, endangering lives. It would have been a poetic end of sorts if Nicholas arc ended with him saving the person he had once tried to kill. I know Im (really) late, but I guess you could say Snape and Draco and Narcissa Malfoy from Harry Potter. Become a patron. Theyre going to have to learn humility, forgiveness, and some more heartache before their arc is complete. Instorylines fromNo Man's Landtothe Batman: The Animated Series two-parter "Son Of The Demon," Talia has helped Bruce at her father's expense. He's one of Batman's older foes, having debuted in 1943'sDetective Comics#81 (Don Cameron & Bob Kane), but he never rose to prominence; even by comic book super-villain standards, he's a one-note gimmick. What motivated your villain to become evil? Maybe ahero assigned toa key part of Team Goods plan was captured, and now theres no one else to do it other than the villain. The Hound definitely looks like hes on that arc. There are lots of outcomes to a redemption arc, but the two most common are 'life' and 'death'. On some occasions, even Batman's adversaries have turned over new leaves and left the world of crime behind. The Villain Is Entitled to Forgiveness Forgiveness is an important aspect of any redemption arc, and it's usually required for the redeemed villain to fully integrate into Team Good. If you can't say something nice, say something thoughtful. With her toxic father encouraging her to be as ruthless as him, Azula struck fear into the heroes and the audience alike, and her tragic character arc leads fans to the great debate of whether or not she should be redeemed. But fans never actually got to see an arc validating her turn from villainy, which is a shame since Arat was such a stone-cold personality when Negan was in charge. I love what you said about bringing them to their knees. After Wanda Maximoffs sacrifice in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Marvel fans are debating the true meaning of heroism, villainy and the in-between of antiheroism. The villain-turned-heromay be dedicated to good, but that doesnt erase all the crimes theyve committed. Or, in other words, we redeemed them. If the villain stands on the sidelines, itll be the same as choosing evil. The former villains work may not be done, but their arc is at an end. Alphas remorse was an aspect The Walking Dead could have explored to humanize and possibly redeem her. Often this means they have an evil master who wants them to carry out an incredibly evil deed, but it also works for villains that are their own boss. In fact, weve only just reached the beginning, perhaps the hardest part of our villains unlikely journey on the road to redemption. The character might have even been manipulated or brainwashed into thinking they were on the good side. RELATED:Batman: The 5 Best & 5 Worst New Villains He Fought In The 2000s. When Malekith, leader of the Dark Elves, seeks to use the Aether (the Reality Stone) to plunge Earth into an eternal darkness, Loki helps Thor wipe out the Elves for good and save Jane Foster. ", tomandshells comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? Pretty helpful. The villain is forced to choose between the good things they value and their evil ways. Season 6 Keeps Breaking Rick and Morty Rules. Batman awakens after twenty years into a post-apocalyptic future; his only company as he makes his way across the remains of the world, Odysseus-style, is the Joker's still alive head. It would have also seen Carol grow into the motherly role she was entrusted with, and Lizzie becoming a survivor who understood when violence was needed would have been a worthy conclusion to her arc. When thehero begsto help, all of their crimes and all of their lies will be thrown back in their face. Life-or-Death Redemption. NEXT: 10 TV Characters Who Didn't Deserve To Die, According To Reddit, Saim Cheeda is an entertainment writer covering all of Film, TV, Gaming and Books. At his most sympathetic, Clayface just wants to be normal again; in James Tynion IV'sDetective Comics, Batman realizes this and invites Clayface onto a team alongside himself, Nightwing, Batwoman, Orphan, and Spoiler. If you are creating a temptation arc and the sacrifice that converted the villain into a herowas relatively small, this may even be a good place to put in a larger sacrifice. After failing at an important taskor being rejected by the heroes, they may decide they are meant for evil. The pressure could come from: The Villain has managed to work their way into Team Good, but they do not like the results. Character change brings a lot to our stories, but the more dramatic the change, the harder it is to craft. Destroy their own forces, their own lands, their palace, or other assets that they wouldnt have gotten far without. Thors brother, Loki, eventually recognized the errors of his ways and sacrificed himself for the greater good in spite of Thanos attempt to reinvent Midgard. Owen never got a whole arc signifying a change, with his last act something of a spur of the moment thing. Well, anything can happen in the MCU, including lifelong bad guys turning over a new leaf on more than one occasion. On top of that, Shane was about to leave peacefully before Lori confused him by admitting she had once loved him, too. Ill give these forms names so I can refer back to them as I go. Very helpful as I have a villain turning to team good who deserves his own story. A character on a temptation arc can reclaim the worthy parts of their life as a villain without worrying theyll fall back on bad habits. Or perhaps the heros skills are a strong match for the task at hand. All Loki. Its optionalfor sacrifice arcs. Even then, Bucky wasnt in control of his actions and expressed remorse for the fate of Tony Starks parents. An outside threat. Shane had started out as a good man who just wanted to keep Lori and Carl safe, so its too bad fans didnt get to see him redeem himself to become the person he once was again. Distraught after her lover Yuki Amano died in Deus Ex's challenge, Yuno used her newfound godhood to go to a parallel reality where Yuki was still alive. The duo were recurring villains onBatman: The Animated Series, but follow-upNew Batman Adventuresgave Wesker a happy ending. Ron had several opportunities to be brave like Carl, such as when he asked Rick to teach him how to shoot. I will definitely be linking to this one several times in the redemption arc article Im currently writing! And by the end of the film, he's not just a villain begrudgingly being good because of his own . Plus, it also shows the reality of a life full of evil. ", Aaco0638s comment from discussion "What is the best villian redemption in the mcu? Everything is the same as it was, so they are forced into the realization that they are a different person. There's nothing quite like a subversive redemption arc. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The tragedies she suffered in life turned her into a dark and tyrannical person. Martinez abandoned The Governor when Woodbury fell, although he later tried to ask him to become co-leaders for his new group. Thevillain doesnt have to ask for forgiveness in their final scene; they can simply express their regrets and voice their hopethat the hurt they caused will heal. 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    villain redemption arc