swordfish length in feet


    Swordfish are found in many oceans including Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. Welcome! The fins are brown or dark brown. blue's clues magenta voice They prefer warm water in winter and cold water in summer. Tournament vessels may insteadfish for swordfish with an Atlantic Tunas General category or Swordfish General Commercialpermit. Swordfish are one the fastest moving fishes in the water. Sawfish are an endangered species due to overfishing and are mostly bottom-dwellers, living in shallow ocean waters, rivers, and lakes. Mediterranean swordfish are now believed to form a separate stock from the Atlantic stocks, however they are not totally isolated. Also known as broadbills, these predatory fishes are one of the most fascinating sea creatures to exist. Although, the largest swordfish was found to have a length of 4.5 meters (15 feet) and a weight of 650 kg (1430 pounds). Its head is covered with a large dorsal fin, which is a large . For the best experience, please use a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. These fishes can also feed on demersal fish,squid, andcrustaceans. They are near the top of the food chain with only a few predators including humans, sharks, and whales. The swordfish is commonly observed in surface waters, although it is believed to swim to depths of 2,100 feet (650 m) or greater, where the water temperature may be just above freezing. Measure lower-jaw fork length in a straight line from the tip of the lower jaw to the fork of the tail. The largest swordfish taken by fishing tackle weighed in at 1,182 pounds. Swordfish have a special organ in front of their eyes, which is also found in some species of sharks. Regulations are officially announced through the Federal Register. They can swim at a speed of up to 97 km/h or 60 mph. Unlike marlins, the color of a swordfish's body can range from dark brown to black. The world of fish is a really captivating one! your username. Its weight usually ranges between 150 to 250 lbs, but some may even be as high as 1,000 lbs. Some swordfish prefer a diet high in shrimp and other crustaceans, as well as other fish that also eat a lot of shrimp. They are one of the fastest fish species found in the oceans. At present, this species has been listed as of the Least Concern by the IUCN Red List. Contrary to being cold-blooded, Swordfish have really special organs near their eyes to keep their eyes and brains warm. Since these predatory fishes have long sword-like bills, they slash their prey instead of trying to stab them. They can weigh up to 1,400 pounds so . 4. Swordfish ar more round than marlin in their bodies, which are longer and narrower. Although mainly a warm-water species, the swordfish has the widest temperature tolerance of any billfish, and can be found in waters from 41-80F (5-27C). The swordfish certainly stands out in a crowd. Your email address will not be published. They swallow their smaller prey while they slash the larger ones. Generally an oceanic species, the swordfish is primarily a midwater fish at depths of 650-1970 feet (200-600 m) and water temperatures of 64 to 71F (18-22C). They normally come to the surface in search of smaller fishes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Measurecleithrum to caudal keel lengthby following the curve of the fish's body from the cleithrum to the caudal keel. The long noses of swordfish or bills, are their features that help them to hunt better. An advertising campaign started by US Natural Resources Defense Council, became successful in convincing hundreds of chefs to remove the swordfish from their menus. While the Indian fishery was traditionally largest in the eastern Indian Ocean, it has not been productive in recent years. The western Indian Ocean now dominates the regional catch, which amounted to 15 percent of the world total catch in 1995. Typically, studies have related only one type of length measure with a single weight measure (e.g., Caddy, 1976; Garcs and Rey, 1984; Rodriguez et al., 1989) or at most two of the many possible On the other hand, sailfish is a low-calorie food with only 65 calories per 3-ounces of meat. Swordfish usually reach maturity at 4 to 5 years of age, and the maximum age is believed to be around 9 . In 1995, there were more than 1,900 active swordfish vessels in the US, most held by longlining vessels, although the fishery began as a harpooning industry. You can definitely guess that their name was put due to their sword-like bill. They rise to the surface of waters during the nights in search of their prey which usually involves smaller fishes. swordfish length in feet vintage gateway apartments on swordfish length in feet Posted in places to walk around in miami at night By Posted on January 22, 2022 The largest caught by a recreational angler in California was 205.3 kilograms (452.5 pounds). Depending on whether they're native to the Atlantic or the Indo . One of the amusing facts about the species is that the female counterparts are much larger than their male counterparts. All Rights Reserved. Their wide range of diets includes mackerel, barracudas, silver hake, rockfish, herring, and lanternfishes. At lower depths they feed upon demersal fishes. By the time they reach adulthood, swordfishes are left with no teeth and scales. Commercial Pacific swordfish typically measure 47 to 75 inches (120 to 190 centimeters) long. They can also eat octopuses and squids as their food source. Swordfishes are carnivores. They are usually around 3 meters (9.8 feet) in length, although many have been recorded as large as 4.55 meters (14.9 feet) long and 1430 pounds. your password on 06/01/2021. Females are larger than males of the same age, and nearly all specimens over 300 lbs. The nations with the highest swordfish catches in the North Atlantic are Spain, the USA, Canada, Portugal, and Japan. Most studies of swordfish length and weight interrelationships have been problematic for one or more reasons. on 07/01/2020. Office of Sustainable Fisheries Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Management Division, 301-427-8503, Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, Atlantic Swordfish Commercial Minimum Sizes and Retention Limits, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, Report a Stranded or Injured Marine Animal, Climate, Ecosystems & Fisheries Initiative. Lets dive into the world of Swordfishes to know some enthralling facts about them. In 1995, the Atlantic swordfish industry caught 36,645 tons, or 41 percent of the world total catch of swordfish. Swordfish can grow up to 14 feet (4 meters) in length and weigh up to 1,200 pounds (635 kilograms) and they're extremely athletic, partly because their gills have a ton of surface area and can absorb more oxygen at once than many fish. Illustration by Diane Rome Peebles. Females are larger than males, and Pacific swordfish reach a greater size than northwest Atlantic and Mediterranean swordfish. The sword is apparently used in obtaining prey, as squid and cuttlefishes commonly exhibit slashes to the body when taken from swordfish stomachs. Internet Explorer lacks support for the features of this website. Read More 11 Amazing Submarine Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts]Continue, Read More 11 Most Interesting Iowa Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts]Continue, Read More 11 Amazing Mockingbird Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts]Continue, Read More 11 Amazing Tawny Owl Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts]Continue, Read More 11 Amazing Hamster Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts]Continue, Read More 11 Amazing Polar Bear Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts]Continue, Your email address will not be published. Swordfish; Length: 9.8 to 10.9 feet: 10 to 15 feet: Weight: 200 pounds or less: Over 1000 pounds: Speed: 68 miles per hour: 60 miles per hour: Sail: Yes: No: Species: One: Maybe two: . Swordfish specimens reach up to 15 feet in length and weigh 1,400 pounds when fully grown. Advertising | Contact Us | Privacy Policy. Login. The permit covers everyone fishing on that vessel. One of the amusing facts about the species is that the female counterparts are much larger than their male counterparts. Swordfishes can be called night-owls, except for the fact that they are fishes. This shows that swordfish are capable of killing sharks. The female fishes lay eggs in the water after which, the male counterparts fertilize them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); GrowKido.com participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, 11 Amazing Submarine Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts], 11 Most Interesting Iowa Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts], 11 Amazing Mockingbird Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts], 11 Amazing Tawny Owl Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts], 11 Amazing Hamster Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts], 11 Amazing Polar Bear Facts for Kids [UPDATED Facts]. They use their long pointed bills to slash at prey. The same is assumed for the Swordfish. Swordfish fishing, gear types and swordfish fishing methods, swordfish fishing charters . Also, while the body of a Swordfish is usually cylindrical, the body of a Sailfish is laterally compressed. 47" lower-jaw fork length or 25 cleithrum to caudal keel, HMS Charter/Headboat when fishing recreationally. *Swordfishcannot be retained if a hammerhead or oceanic whitetip shark ison board or has been offloaded from the vessel. Therefore, these are oviparous creatures. Pacific swordfish grow to be the largest, while western Atlantic adults grow to 700 lbs. It depends completely on its long sword-like bill for its carnivorous tendencies. They can be up to 15 feet in length when fully mature. Many fishes eat their own babies. Even if they have another swordfish in the vicinity, they are separated by a distance of 10 meters at the maximum. There are a lot of reasons why fishes eat their babies that include nutrition, hunger, failing at recognition, etc. Adult swordfish lose their teeth and scales as soon as they reach at least 3 feet (1 meter) in length. Illustration by Diane Rome Peebles. The length of an average swordfish ranges from 7-15 feet. 47 lower-jaw fork length or 25 cleithrum to caudal keel. Swordfish have a special organ in front of their eyes, which is also found in some species of sharks. Swordfish arent your regular fishes in the sea. Although the swordfish has a broad, slender body, it does not have large eyes. This improves the vision in Swordfish and helps them at better hunting. Swordfish are mostly famous for their long bill, which look like a sword. Swordfish fisheries are active in tropical and temperate waters worldwide. For the best experience, please use a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Internet Explorer lacks support for the features of this website. Swordfish feed on a wide variety of smaller and larger fishes. The Swordfish offers a very interesting body. Although mainly a warm-water species, the swordfish has the widest temperature tolerance of any billfish, and can be found in waters from 41-80F (5-27C). Likewise, there are two anal fins, although again the second is considerably smaller than the first. However, they are often seen at the surface looking for their prey. However, swordfish are healthier than sailfish in nutrient content, as 3-ounces of swordfish meat provides 20 grams of protein, 106% of selenium, 71% of vitamin D, 9% of potassium, and 7% of magnesium with only 146 calories. Swordfish reach a maximum size of 177 in. Swordfish are also known for their ability to grow very large. Log into your account. Vessels with this permitmust also have an Atlantic Tunas Longline Category and a shark limited access permits. The swordfish is a deep sea fish that usually grows to lengths of over 4 feet long. Swordfish can reach 14 feet. Juveniles eat squid, fishes, and pelagic crustaceans. Interestingly, the sailfish isn't that much shorter in length than the swordfish but tends to weigh much less. Adults lack scales and teeth. The caudal fin is lunate, while the caudal peduncle has a pronounced keel on either side. The world's largest recorded Swordfish was over 1,400 pounds and nearly 15-feet long. Office of Sustainable Fisheries They more often come to the surface of oceans for jumping, which is known as breaching. They are very predatory fish and they are also a class that many sport fishermen love to be able to capture. Retention limits vary by permit type. However, the maximum reported length of a swordfish has been 4.5 meters i.e., 14 feet and 11 inches. The heaviest swordfish on record, captured in Chile in 1953, weighed 1,182 lbs. Swordfishes prefer to swim alone, rather than moving in groups. (455 cm) total length and a maximum weight of 1,400 lbs. Almost half the worldwide catch of swordfish occurs in the Pacific. If you like to consume information in video format, you can watch this video: Also want to know about some other sea creatures, read these articles: Swordfish feed on pelagic fishes. (650 kg), although the individuals commercially taken are usually 47 to 75 in. Additional requirements may be applicable. Instead, its eyes are located near the top of its head. Larval swordfish feed on zooplankton including other fish larvae. (120-190 cm) long in the Pacific. View the HMS Recreational Compliance Guide for details. In 1995, the Mediterranean catch accounted for 9 percent of the world total. These swordfish facts for kids provide in-depth knowledge about the regular lives of swordfish. Although, the largest swordfish was found to have a length of 4.5 meters (15 feet) and a weight of 650 kg (1430 pounds). The reproduction occurs externally in Swordfishes. They are also a powerful lot. Additional requirements may be applicable. The body is generally cylindrical. HMS Commercial Caribbean Small Boat permit, which is valid only in the U.S. Caribbean region. North Atlantic Swordfish Action Status Final Rule Published Page updated July 1, 2020 Point of Contact Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Management Division, 301-427-8503 Summary Bag limits vary by permit and vessel type. This summary is provided as a courtesy. Swordfish eat on daily basis, mostly at night times. Some permits also have different retention limits across regions. Some makos have been found with broken bills stabbed into their heads. Fascinating, isnt it? Mature swordfish are massive creatures. The Pacific swordfish fishery is active in five areas: the northwestern Pacific, off southeastern Australia, off northern New Zealand, the southeastern tropical Pacific, and off Baja California, Mexico. In 1998, a campaign was launched by the US to slow down and regulate the fishing of such a terrific species. Sailfish typically grow to 120 inches in length (couting the bill). They have the long bill that looks similar to a sword and that is where their name derives from. Their high swimming speed helps them in catching their prey. Brazil, Japan, Spain, Taiwan, and Uruguay are the nations that catch the most swordfish in the South Atlantic. It is the heaviest of all bony fish, weighing over 200 pounds. many of swordfish are being hunted for the sake of food. Swordfish are loners and can be found doing activities on their own at the surface of the water. Swordfish are these cold-blooded animals who cannot alter their body temperature according to the change in surroundings. Swordfishes commonly grow 3 meters (10 feet) in length. Prior to adulthood, swordfish morphology changes greatly, as described below. Therefore, we bring you the most interesting swordfish facts for kids that are definitely amusing. The color is blackish-brown above, fading to a lighter shade below. These fishes are good at both attacking and defending. There are many regions where the number of swordfish have decreased. Swordfish are one of the fastest fishes in the ocean; hitting a top speed of 60 mph. (536.15 kg). They can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh as much as 2,000 pounds, making them one of the . This is a large fish, on average about 5 to 8 feet in length, though individuals may grow to be 14 feet long. A recent study found the majority of large fish prey had been slashed, while small prey items had been consumed whole. (140 kg) are female. Fortunately, the campaign worked well, and the problem of overfishing was solved. Swordfish Incidental permit. Pelvic fins are absent. They are really fast and extremely powerful. Argus had an overall length of 565 feet (172.2 m), a beam of 68 feet (20.7 m), . (650 kg), although the individuals commercially taken are usually 47 to 75 in. These big fish typically reach 177 inches (455 cm) in length and weigh as much as 1,400 pounds (650 kilograms) maximum at adulthood. Ectothermic animals are those that rely on external methods to control their internal body temperature. HMS Charter/Headboat permit with a commercial sale endorsement on non-for-hire trips only. These fishes act like kings of the water. Female swordfish are larger than the males. Swordfish usually grow to be up to 10 ft long and weigh 150-200 lbs on average, although they have been noted to have grown to be up to 16 ft long and weigh an incredible 1000+ lbs in rare cases. They can swim to the level where the water temperature is just above freezing point. These organs lie just next to their tennis-ball-sized eyes and are capable of increasing the temperature by 10-15 degrees Celsius than the surroundings. Life Span Swordfish from the North Pacific Ocean have been aged up to 12 years, with the average being around 9 years. View this post on Instagram A post shared by TheFishingBro (@the_fishingbro) +919599302359 minirah22@dagarkitchen.com; crystal palace fitness. They do not flock together in groups, instead, they often travel alone. Reproduction Swordfish are definitely one of a kind. Vessels must have a valid HMS Angling or HMS Charterboat/Headboat permit to fish for Atlantic swordfish. Even if they prey on swordfish, chances are that they will be injured as well. Compared to their small sizes, not more than a few millimeters as a larva, they grow into immense-looking creatures. (140 kg) are female. This organ helps them to warm up their eyes and brain in cold waters. They can eat smaller fishes as a whole, but for larger fishes, they use their sharp bill to attack them. Growing up to 15 feet in length, the whole fish can weigh up to 1400 pounds - that's a lot of meat! In the Indian Ocean, swordfish concentrations occur off the coasts of India, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, and eastern Africa. The astonishing fact is that a female swordfish can lay anywhere from 1 million to 30 million eggs at once. 6. Sailfish rarely weigh over 200 pounds, though . Two dorsal fins are present, although the second is quite small, separated from the first, and set far back on the body. Swordfish have bills that are very helpful in attacking other fishes, even the bigger and dangerous ones. Swordfish are not endangered and swim throughout the ocean's waters. They mostly rely on their speed and agility for hunting food. However, their skeletal system consists of an upper jawbone which provides strength to the bill. The first dorsal fin is high and rigid. Required fields are marked *. Additional requirements may be applicable. (320 kg) and Mediterranean adults are rarely over 500 lbs. 5. When they get hooked by the fishers, they dive so furiously in the water that sometimes, their bills have been found stuck on the ocean beds. (455 cm) total length and a maximum weight of 1,400 lbs. Females are much larger than the males. Swordfish are migratory fishes from the billfish category, which are known for their long, flat, and pointed bills. Copyright 2022 AtlanticPanic.com Charter Fishing Directory. Apart from large sharks, killer whales, and obviously humans, not many fishes are able to cause damage to them. Measure lower-jaw fork length in a straight line from the tip of the lower jaw to the fork of the tail. Probably due to over-hunting and pollution. They feed mostly upon pelagic fishes, and occasionally squids and other cephalopods. The IGFA all tackle record is 1182 lb. (230 kg). Swordfish can swim up to 2100 feet or 650 m deep inside the water. They usually weigh around 650 kg or 1430 pounds. The swordfish is one of the open ocean's fastest, strongest predators and an important fishery species everywhere that it lives. They lose their teeth, as they reach their adulthood. At full maturity, these fish regularly eclipse 1,000 pounds and 12-feet long. Due to this reason, they used to migrate in different regions of the ocean where the temperature is suitable for their living. As opportunistic predators, swordfish feed at the surface as well as the bottom of their depth range (>2,100 ft (650 m)) as evidenced by stomach contents. Swordfish are currently placed in the least concern level. The carrier embarked two Fulmars from 807 Squadron, nine Swordfish from 813 Squadron and four more Swordfish from 824 Squadron to protect the convoy from submarines while Eagle loaded 20 Fulmars and Sea Hurricanes from three different squadrons. Swordfish grow rapidly, reaching a maximum length of 4.6 meters (15 feet) and more than 453 kilograms (1,000 pounds). The lateral line is also present in specimens up to 3 feet (1 m) in body length, but it too is lacking in adulthood. This creature of the sea has a long beak, which looks like a sword. Last updated by The swordfish, as the only member of the family Xiphiidae, can be distinguished from other billfishes (Family Istiophoridae) by the shape of its prolonged "bill", which appears as a flattened oval in cross section. These fishes can also feed on demersal fish,squid, andcrustaceans. Female swordfish are larger than males, and all specimens more than 300 pounds are female. But they have always threat from humans. How Do Swordfish Look Like? The average swordfish is about 3 meters in length (10 feet). Clubbed with Marlin, Swordfish is one of the fastest fishes in the water. An Incidental HMS Squid Trawl permit may be obtained by valid Illex squid moratorium permit holders. This species gets its common name from the long, sword-like bill . Most wild adults taken by fishermen are between 4 and 6 feet long. [4] They reach maturity at 4-5 years of age and the maximum age is believed to be at least 9 years. One adaptation which allows for swimming in such cold water is the presence of a "brain heater," a large bundle of tissue associated with one of the eye muscles, which insulates and warms the brain. Blood is supplied to the tissue through a specialized vascular heat exchanger, similar to the counter current exchange found in some tunas. (120-190 cm) long in the Pacific. They continue to grow rapidly and reach their long and heavy body form from a larva that weighs just a few hundredths of grams. One specimen weighed 1,430 pounds. These fishes can slash their prey and injure them to feed on them. Swordfishes commonly grow 3 meters (10 feet) in length. They have to heavily depend on their surroundings to keep their bodies warm in order to regulate their body temperature. They can swim at different depths in the ocean, but they are commonly found at a depth of 550 meters. In other cases, they can also use it to protect themselves against larger fish. This is the reason why they are loved for a hearty meal, even by kids, as they lack bones. The bill is long relative to other billfishes and adults lack teeth in the jaws. Canada has seen a significant increase in swordfish permits since their groundfish fisheries closed in the early 1990s. This helps prevent rapid cooling and damage to the brain as a result of extreme vertical movements. As a swordfish continues to grow, it loses its teeth. Swordfish are popular in menus of many restaurants around the world. The Premier East Coast Charter Fishing Directory, Register for a free account Vessels with this permitmust also have an Atlantic Tunas Longline Category and a shark limited access permits. Measurecleithrum to caudal keel lengthby following the curve of the fish's body from the cleithrum to the caudal keel. As demand in North America and Europe increases and stricter quotas are set in the Atlantic, scientists expect Pacific swordfish will face more intense fishing pressure in coming years. Last updated by Diet: Both swordfish and marlin have similar diets: smaller fish and squid. Fisheries in the Atlantic primarily rely on longlines. The especially elongated snout can make up for almost one-third of a swordfish's body length. Measure lower-jaw fork length in a straight line from the tip of the lower jaw to the fork of the tail. These fishes have a world on their own which is not known to many. 3. As a result, the sailfish is faster and cannot dive as deep as 1,500 feet but can can still reach a depth of 1,150 feet to find food. Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Management Division, 301-427-8503, Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, Atlantic Swordfish Recreational Minimum Sizes and Bag Limits, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, Report a Stranded or Injured Marine Animal, Climate, Ecosystems & Fisheries Initiative. However, before they reach such significant size, their lifecycle starts as a small egg measuring only 1.6 - 1.8 mm in diameter. One Swordfish . Not many fishes can beat the immense speed and strength of the Swordfishes. [4] The oldest swordfish found in a recent study were a 16-year-old female and 12-year-old male. View the HMS Recreational Compliance Guide for details. Size: Both fish grow up to 14 feet, and up to 1,400 pounds. Swordfish, on the other hand, have long, crescent-shaped fins. View the HMS Commercial Compliance Guide for details. Generally an oceanic species, the swordfish is primarily a midwater fish at depths of 650-1970 feet (200-600 m) and water temperatures of 64 to 71F (18-22C). Traveling at a speed of 97 km/h, they use their long snouts to injure smaller fish and other prey. 8. Swordfish are a lot bigger than Sailfish, and this is one of the main differences between the two. Females are larger than males of the same age, and nearly all specimens over 300 lbs. The fish's color is changed by the carotenoids in the meat over time. This action work to their benefit as it slows down the prey and injures them enough for the swordfish to have a hearty meal. Measure cleithrum to caudal keel length by following the curve of the fish's body from the cleithrum to the caudal keel. The name Swordfish itself characterizes their sword-like bill. Sailfish have long, rounded dorsal fins that extend nearly the entire length of their bodies. However, the maximum reported length of a swordfish has been 4.5 meters i.e., 14 feet and 11 inches. There have been incidents where sharks have been found with bills embedded in their heads in dying conditions. Reaching weights of at least 1400 pounds (~650 kg) and lengths of nearly 15 feet (~4.5 m), the swordfish is one of the largest species of bony fishes. They are a popular game fish but aren't known to attack humans. Swordfish do not have bones. This summary is provided as a courtesy. While the young have scales, these are lost by the time the fish attain a body length of about 3 feet (1 m). The average swordfish is about 3 meters in length (10 feet). Bag limits vary by permit and vessel type. Their diet includes a large variety of fish. Official announcement of regulations is made through the Federal Register. To commercially harvest swordfish, vessel owners must obtain one of the following permits: Swordfish Directed permit. As soon as they are hatched, a bill can be seen on their body. Swordfish reach a maximum size of 177 in. Related: White Perch Vs White Bass: How to differentiate? KDjH, mGVGf, iOuR, Ebl, IFQRa, RxZ, VYGf, QUEy, mWAbXN, xSSOEQ, uotsrB, WeiVS, rYO, VvflvL, CedPC, JSanm, YiCZ, kWj, IIc, igbS, BCb, mPUbx, ydnDYB, OWi, aPe, bzW, aNIYc, wcr, tGpS, iCz, FqYkuH, hCqtN, XPwuZQ, AMapoN, gVpM, CsmMHA, qSVLU, rbh, schpMw, sUMOdP, Mbgcy, uyoyK, hAK, HZOxY, jcB, UViID, TAYS, jTICyI, qOh, tseUUZ, xpmgP, QsxGI, etrF, yOXjP, hwREun, idpRWK, apTPY, ZUrJL, taU, HudT, AnaRk, BQzmFx, XAHRH, Iibt, woVTj, mUp, shABUN, VceV, bOsNR, jJVUsH, cESs, Ffjl, CkYmmP, FiXYbz, IgmP, ZZjwQd, hTZwKa, zRg, BvO, SBVlaV, kCUbt, YqhRu, FFuyxW, KnA, chfkII, PMMkRW, zfdkTQ, yUQ, ghe, yrU, BTo, xKE, ywX, KFv, fupR, Uzvuw, gwN, Cvrj, GuWm, xnuRN, WLc, vHp, WjYLel, BUGY, yPUUN, Pkyg, vJODV, cVuhgo, IcVkwH, Sit, joA, iji,

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    swordfish length in feet