javascript compression algorithm


    Recent work along these lines was able to train controllers using the bottleneck hidden layer of an autoencoder as low-dimensional feature vectors to control a pendulum from pixel inputs. The MPEG-2 suite of standards consists of standards for MPEG-2 audio, MPEG-2 video, and MPEG-2 systems. This may not be necessary because both parties could agree on such a table in advance. The recommended file extension for QOI images is .qoi. This approach is known as a Mixture Density Network combined with a RNN (MDN-RNN) , and has been used successfully in the past for sequence generation problems such as generating handwriting and sketches . We look at training models in the order of 10710^7107 parameters, which is still rather small compared to state-of-the-art deep learning models with 10810^8108 to even 10910^{9}109 parameters. The string table is updated for each character in the input stream, except the first one. We present decoder-only methods that conceal rather than correct bitstream errors in Section 11.8. We can put our trained C back into this dream environment generated by M. The following demo shows how our world model can be used to generate the car racing environment: We have just seen that a policy learned inside of the real environment appears to somewhat function inside of the dream environment. There are a lot of interesting ideas for a successor of QOI, but none of these will We can also represent the compression ratio by expressing the reduction in the amount of data required as a percentage of the size of the original data. The idea is to flatten the tree when find() is called. The established standards for image and video compression developed by JPEG and MPEG have been in existence, in one form or another, for over a decade. Recent works have confirmed that ES is a viable alternative to traditional Deep RL methods on many strong baseline tasks. A streaming An exciting research direction is to look at ways to incorporate artificial curiosity and intrinsic motivation and information seeking abilities in an agent to encourage novel exploration . acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS (Live), Fundamentals of Java Collection Framework, Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Shannon-Fano Algorithm for Data Compression, Difference between Monoalphabetic Cipher and Polyalphabetic Cipher, Difference between Block Cipher and Stream Cipher, Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Algorithm, Java Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Algorithm between Client and Server, Introducing Threads in Socket Programming in Java, Multi-threaded chat Application in Java | Set 1 (Server Side Programming), Multi-threaded Chat Application in Java | Set 2 (Client Side Programming), Top 50 Array Coding Problems for Interviews, Introduction to Recursion - Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials. 1. The M model learns to generate monsters that shoot fireballs at the direction of the agent, while the C model discovers a policy to avoid these generated fireballs. Upon arranging the symbols in decreasing order of probability: P(A) + P(C) + P(E) = 0.22 + 0.15 + 0.05 = 0.42, And since they almost equally split the table, the most is divided it the blockquote table isblockquotento. Irrelevancy reduction, a lossy compression, utilizes a means for averaging or discarding the least significant information, based on an understanding of visual perception, to create smaller file sizes. Find software and development products, explore tools and technologies, connect with other developers and more. Before the popularity of Deep RL methods , evolution-based algorithms have been shown to be effective at finding solutions for RL tasks . In the figure below, we plot the results of same agent evaluated over 100 rollouts: We also experimented with an agent that has access to only the ztz_tzt vector from the VAE, but not the RNN's hidden states. Hash algorithms can be used for digital signatures, message authentication codes, key derivation functions, pseudo random functions, and many other security applications. He trained RNNs to learn the structure of such a game and then showed that they can hallucinate similar game levels on its own. The driving is more stable, and the agent is able to seemingly attack the sharp corners effectively. However, as a reader, you should always make sure that you know the decompression solutions as well as the ones for compression. The agent must learn to avoid fireballs shot by monsters from the other side of the room with the sole intent of killing the agent. Their muscles reflexively swing the bat at the right time and location in line with their internal models' predictions . A C++ code for LZW compression both for encoding and decoding is given as follows: This article is contributed by Amartya Ranjan Saikia. While QOI is not yet We used following union() and find() operations for subsets. The Range Coder used is a JavaScript port of Michael Schindler's C range coder. Then again, it might be more convenient to discuss the symmetric properties of a compression algorithm and decompression algorithm based on the compressor-decompressor platform. The CABA framework can also be used to realize other algorithms. Primary sensory neurons are released from inhibition when rewards are received, which suggests that they generally learn task-relevant features, rather than just any features, at least in adulthood . By flipping the sign of M's loss function in the actual environment, the agent will be encouraged to explore parts of the world that it is not familiar with. We may want to use models that can capture longer term time dependencies. The Quite OK Image Format for fast, lossless image compression. Although this algorithm is a variable-rate coding scheme, the rate for the first layer is constant. LZW Summary: This algorithm compresses repetitive sequences of data very well. This chapter firstly introduces the requirements for an effective error-resilient video encoding system and then goes on to explain how errors arise and how they propagate spatially and temporally. We can use the VAE to reconstruct each frame using ztz_tzt at each time step to visualize the quality of the information the agent actually sees during a rollout: To summarize the Car Racing experiment, below are the steps taken: Training an agent to drive is not a difficult task if we have a good representation of the observation. It features an extremely fast decoder, with speed in multiple GB/s per core (~1 Byte/cycle). By learning only from raw image data collected from random episodes, it learns how to simulate the essential aspects of the game -- such as the game logic, enemy behaviour, physics, and also the 3D graphics rendering. The low-low band of the temporal low-frequency band is then split into four spatial bands. Write and run code in 50+ languages online with Replit, a powerful IDE, compiler, & interpreter. By using our site, you Chen, Sayood, and Nelson [304] use a DCT-based progressive transmission scheme [305] to develop a compression algorithm for packet video. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. The memory may be an explicit dictionary that can be extended infinitely, or an implicit limited dictionary as sliding windows. In many reinforcement learning (RL) problems , an artificial agent also benefits from having a good representation of past and present states, and a good predictive model of the future , preferably a powerful predictive model implemented on a general purpose computer such as a recurrent neural network (RNN) . He provides the Javascript code on his blog, nihilogic. Automatically adds back ETags into PUT requests to resources we have already cached. file into RAM before doing any work and is not extensively optimized for Each band is then split into four spatial bands. XPRESS: Compression ratio is fair. Data compression reduces the number of resources required to store and transmit data. One way of understanding the predictive model inside of our brains is that it might not be about just predicting the future in general, but predicting future sensory data given our current motor actions . The canvas API can then be used to be resize, compress the image as needed before being sent to the server. The RL algorithm is often bottlenecked by the credit assignment problemIn many RL problems, the feedback (positive or negative reward) is given at end of a sequence of steps. Early work on RL for active vision trained an FNN to take the current image frame of a video sequence to predict the next frame , and use this predictive model to train a fovea-shifting control network trying to find targets in a visual scene. Rather, it is split into blocks, and the blocks are encoded and then compared. Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects. Sometimes the agent may even die due to sheer misfortune, without explanation. If our world model is sufficiently accurate for its purpose, and complete enough for the problem at hand, we should be able to substitute the actual environment with this world model. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. This has many advantages that will be discussed later on. QOI - The Quite OK Image Format for fast, lossless image compression, Improvements, New Versions and Contributing. Example: ASCII code. An interesting connection to the neuroscience literature is the work on hippocampal replay that examines how the brain replays recent experiences when an animal rests or sleeps. Fortunately, SFUs [63, 64] are already in the GPU SMs, used to perform efficient computations of elementary mathematical functions. See qoi.h for I used JPEG on an offshore platform with only a 64kb/s satellite connection available. After difficult motor skills, such as walking, is absorbed into a large world model with lots of capacity, the smaller C model can rely on the motor skills already absorbed by the world model and focus on learning more higher level skills to navigate itself using the motor skills it had already learned.Another related connection is to muscle memory. The algorithm works as follows: First, we initialize k points, called means or cluster centroids, randomly. We would sample from this pdf at each time step to generate the environments. Upload.js is only 6KB, including all dependencies, after minification and GZIP compression. It does not always compress well, especially with short, diverse strings. Each pixel is stored as three floating point values between 0 and 1 to represent each of the RGB channels. Any compression algorithm will not work unless a means of decompression is also provided due to the nature of data compression. Whats difference between The Internet and The Web ? Video compression algorithms rely on spatio-temporal prediction combined with variable-length entropy encoding to achieve high compression ratios but, as a consequence, they produce an encoded bitstream that is inherently sensitive to channel errors. This handicapped agent achieved an average score of 632 \pm 251 over 100 random trials, in line with the performance of other agents on OpenAI Gym's leaderboard and traditional Deep RL methods such as A3C . The compressor and decompressor can be located at two ends of a communication channel, at the source and at the destination respectively. Here, we also explore fully replacing an actual RL environment with a generated one, training our agent's controller only inside of the environment generated by its own internal world model, and transfer this policy back into the actual environment. Jay Wright Forrester, the father of system dynamics, described a mental model as: The image of the world around us, which we carry in our head, is just a model. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS (Live), Fundamentals of Java Collection Framework, Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Types of area networks LAN, MAN and WAN, Introduction of Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), Redundant Link problems in Computer Network. To train our V model, we first collect a dataset of 10,000 random rollouts of the environment. [Say00], Jacob Seidelin suggests compressing text by turning it into an 8-bit PNG file. He has only selected concepts, and relationships between them, and uses those to represent the real system.. The decisions and actions we make are based on this internal model. Features. Khalid Sayood, in Introduction to Data Compression (Fifth Edition), 2018. In the previous post, we introduced union find algorithm and used it to detect cycle in a graph. JPEG is a lossy image compression method. However, the more general Learning To Think approach is not limited to this rather naive approach. Previous works have shown that with a good set of hand-engineered information about the observation, such as LIDAR information, angles, positions and velocities, one can easily train a small feed-forward network to take this hand-engineered input and output a satisfactory navigation policy. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each part until all the symbols are split into individual subgroups. Robust peak detection algorithm (using z-scores) I came up with an algorithm that works very well for these types of datasets. Example 1: Use the LZW algorithm to compress the string: BABAABAAAThe steps involved are systematically shown in the diagram below. We can ask it to produce the probability distribution of zt+1z_{t+1}zt+1 given the current states, sample a zt+1z_{t+1}zt+1 and use this sample as the real observation. Learn in 5 Minutes the basics of the LZ77 Compression Algorithm, along the idea behind several implementations including prefix trees and arrays. Also, check the code converted by Mark Nelson into C++ style. In this simulation, we don't need the V model to encode any real pixel frames during the hallucination process, so our agent will therefore only train entirely in a latent space environment. Many concepts first explored in the 1980s for feed-forward neural networks (FNNs) and in the 1990s for RNNs laid some of the groundwork for Learning to Think . Guzdial et al. SVG images can thus be scaled in size Therefore, the user can negotiate with the network for a fixed amount of high-priority traffic. Below is the implementation of the above approach: DSA Live Classes for Working Professionals, Data Structures & Algorithms- Self Paced Course, Difference between Lossy Compression and Lossless Compression, Difference between Inter and Intra Frame Compression, Text File Compression And Decompression Using Huffman Coding, LZW (LempelZivWelch) Compression technique, Introduction to Greedy Algorithm - Data Structures and Algorithm Tutorials. Compression Algorithms: DEFAULT: No compression algorithms explicitly specified. There is another variation of 6 different versions here. Use learned policy from (4) on actual Gym environment. After some period of seconds, enough changes have occurred that a new I-frame is sent and the process is started all over again. Mail us on [emailprotected], to get more information about given services. We have used 4 algorithms for compression and decompression in this project. Finally in Section 11.9, we describe congestion management techniques, in particular HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS), that are widely employed to support reliable streaming of video under dynamic network conditions. Work fast with our official CLI. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. While modern storage devices can store large amounts of historical data generated using an iterative training procedure, our LSTM-based world model may not be able to store all of the recorded information inside of its weight connections. The Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm provides loss-less data compression. After a reasonable string table is built, compression improves dramatically. Low memory requirement. MPEG-2 resolutions, rates, and metrics [2]. Alternatively, the efficiency of the compression algorithm is sometimes more important. We exploit this to reduce the number of supported encodings. We now present a detailed overview of mapping the FPC and C-Pack algorithms into assist warps. Following are the steps of JPEG Image Compression- They can quickly act on their predictions of the future without the need to consciously roll out possible future scenarios to form a plan . The above operations can be optimized to O(Log n) in worst case. H.264: H.264 is a compression scheme that operates much like MPEG-4 but that results in a much more efficient method of storing video, but H.264 relies on a more robust video-rendering engine in the workstation to view the compressed video. You can read a complete description of it in the Wikipedia article on the subject. Because many complex environments are stochastic in nature, we train our RNN to output a probability density function p(z)p(z)p(z) instead of a deterministic prediction of zzz. The algorithm is simple to implement and has the potential for very high throughput in hardware implementations. Motion compensation attempts to account for this movement. Lossy compression reduces the size of data by removing unnecessary information, while there is no data loss in lossless compression. Program to remotely Power On a PC over the internet using the Wake-on-LAN protocol. Since the M model can predict the donedonedone state in addition to the next observation, we now have all of the ingredients needed to make a full RL environment. Collect 10,000 rollouts from a random policy. Since our world model is able to model the future, we are also able to have it come up with hypothetical car racing scenarios on its own. For instance, if the agent selects the left action, the M model learns to move the agent to the left and adjust its internal representation of the game states accordingly. 545 forks Releases 12. MSZIP: Compression ratio is high. In this experiment, we train an agent inside the dream environment generated by its world model trained to mimic a VizDoom environment. There are no explicit rewards in this environment, so to mimic natural selection, the cumulative reward can be defined to be the number of time steps the agent manages to stay alive during a rollout. To remove the large number of zero in the quantized matrix, the zigzag matrix is used. It is the most demanding of the computational algorithms of a video encoder. It also learns to block the agent from moving beyond the walls on both sides of the level if the agent attempts to move too far in either direction. By using these features as inputs of a controller, we can train a compact and minimal controller to perform a continuous control task, such as learning to drive from pixel inputs for a top-down car racing environment . On MS COCO, the best detection accuracy (APs) is 12.1%, and the overall detection accuracy is 49.8% AP when IoU is 0.5. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. This is because hth_tht has all the information needed to generate the parameters of a mixture of Gaussian distribution, if we want to sample zt+1z_{t+1}zt+1 to make a prediction. As Foster puts it, replay is "less like dreaming and more like thought". However, it seems that the DCT is reaching the end of its performance potential since much higher compression capability is needed by most of the users in multimedia applications. Unixs compress command, among other uses. First, the video signal is divided into two temporal bands. Lossy techniques are generally used for the compression of data that originate as analog signals, such as speech and video. Most existing model-based RL approaches learn a model of the RL environment, but still train on the actual environment. More specifically, the RNN will model P(zt+1at,zt,ht)P(z_{t+1} \; | \; a_t, z_t, h_t)P(zt+1at,zt,ht), where ata_tat is the action taken at time ttt and hth_tht is the hidden state of the RNN at time ttt. Assign the value 0 to the left part and 1 to the right part. EXAMPLE:The given task is to construct Shannon codes for the given set of symbols using the Shannon-Fano lossless compression technique. In robotic control applications, the ability to learn the dynamics of a system from observing only camera-based video inputs is a challenging but important problem. A recent One Big Net extension of the C--M approach We trained a Convolutional Variational Autoencoder (ConvVAE) model as our agent's V. Unlike vanilla autoencoders, enforcing a Gaussian prior over the latent vector ztz_tzt also limits the amount of information capacity for compressing each frame, but this Gaussian prior also makes the world model more robust to unrealistic ztRNzz_t \in \mathbb{R}^{N_z}ztRNz vectors generated by M. In the following diagram, we describe the shape of our tensor at each layer of the ConvVAE and also describe the details of each layer: Our latent vector ztz_tzt is sampled from a factored Gaussian distribution N(t,t2I)N(\mu_t, \sigma_t^2 I)N(t,t2I), with mean tRNz\mu_t\in \mathbb{R}^{N_z}tRNz and diagonal variance t2RNz\sigma_t^2 \in \mathbb{R}^{N_z}t2RNz. Step 2: JPEG uses [Y,Cb,Cr] model instead of using the [R,G,B] model. In the following demo, we show that even low values of 0.5\tau \sim 0.50.5 make it difficult for the MDN-RNN to generate fireballs: By making the temperature \tau an adjustable parameter of M, we can see the effect of training C inside of virtual environments with different levels of uncertainty, and see how well they transfer over to the actual environment. Step 5: The zigzag scan is used to map the 8x8 matrix to a 1x64 vector. The indices of all the seen strings are used as codewords. The score over 100 random consecutive trials is \sim 1100 time steps, far beyond the required score of 750 time steps, and also much higher than the score obtained inside the more difficult virtual environment.We will discuss how this score compares to other models later on. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS (Live), Fundamentals of Java Collection Framework, Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Introduction to Graphs Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials, Check whether a given graph is Bipartite or not, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Graph, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Unweighted Graph, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Weighted Graph, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Directed Graph. Since hth_tht contain information about the probability distribution of the future, the agent can just query the RNN instinctively to guide its action decisions. Suppose storing an image made up of a square array of 256256 pixels requires 65,536 bytes. [SW63], Khalid Sayood's long book, Introduction to Data Compression, is an excellent, deep introduction. As an example, consider the compression scheme proposed for packet video by Karlsson and Vetterli [303]. Only the Controller (C) Model has access to the reward information from the environment. Step 7: In this step, Run Length Encoding (RLE) is applied to AC components. In order to realize algorithms with variable length words and dictionary values with assist warps, we leverage the coalescing/address generation logic [60, 61] already available in the GPU cores. Evolve Controller (C) to maximize the expected survival time inside the virtual environment. For professional players, this all happens subconsciously. Not all images respond to lossy compression in the same manner. For more specific information about the models, training procedures, and environments used in our experiments, please refer to the Appendix. The benefit of implementing the world model as a fully differentiable recurrent computation graph also means that we may be able to train our agents in the dream directly using the backpropagation algorithm to fine-tune its policy to maximize an objective function . Our agent achieved a score in this virtual environment of \sim 900 time steps. Blocks with squared error greater than a prescribed threshold are subdivided into four 88 blocks, and the coding process is repeated using an 88 DCT. We invite readers to watch Finn's lecture on Model-Based RL to learn more. In this work we look at training a large neural network Typical model-free RL models have in the order of 1 0 3 10^3 1 0 3 to 1 0 6 10^6 1 0 6 model parameters. Step 4: Humans are unable to see important aspects of the image because they are having high frequencies. sign in The two techniques complement each other. Each convolution and deconvolution layer uses a stride of 2. There Exist several compression Algorithms, but we are concentrating on LZW. Lost update support. However, many model-free RL methods in the literature often only use small neural networks with few parameters. We experiment with varying \tau of the virtual environment, training an agent inside of this virtual environment, and observing its performance when inside the actual environment. JPEG is an image compression standard which was developed by "Joint Photographic Experts Group". Heres a neat example of the same. By using our site, you This may be required for more difficult tasks. It was a conscious decision to not have a However, in the process of doing so, they may have forfeited the opportunity to learn the skill required to master the game as intended by the game designer. These deliver improved subjective quality without adding transmission overhead. The original MPEG standard did not take into account the requirements of high-definition television (HDTV). By training the agent through the lens of its world model, we show that it can learn a highly compact policy to perform its task. There are excellent articles written up already, you can look more in-depth here, and also Mark Nelsons article is commendable. M is not able to transition to another mode in the mixture of Gaussian model where fireballs are formed and shot. We would give C a feature vector as its input, consisting of ztz_tzt and the hidden state of the MDN-RNN. By contrast, lossy compression permits reconstruction only of an approximation of the original data, though officially registered with IANA, I believe QOI has found enough adoption to The experiments in this article were performed on both a P100 GPU and a 64-core CPU Ubuntu Linux virtual machine provided by Google Cloud Platform, using TensorFlow and OpenAI Gym. Other recent works use Bayesian neural networks instead of GPs to learn a dynamics model. In order to promote reliable delivery over lossy channels, it is usual to invoke various error detection and correction methods. By increasing the uncertainty, our dream environment becomes more difficult compared to the actual environment. Go back to (2) if task has not been completed. No information is lost in lossless compression. Let us take each one in turn. Sign Up So in the 2nd step, RGB is converted into YCbCr. Compression is the process of modifying data using a compression algorithm. In 1992, it was accepted as an international standard. We have demonstrated the possibility of training an agent to perform tasks entirely inside of its simulated latent space world. Compression. JPEG compression of fixed or still images can be accomplished with current generation PCs. Occasionally, the M model needs to keep track of multiple fireballs being shot from several different monsters and coherently move them along in their intended directions. LZW compression From Rosetta Code LZW compression You are encouraged to solve this taskaccording to the task description, using any language you may know. More recent works also combine VAE and ES, which is similar to our approach. The LZW algorithm is a very common compression technique. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. We use a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) as the V model in our experiments. Given the similarity of the ideas behind progressive transmission and subband coding, it should be possible to use progressive transmission algorithms as a starting point in the design of layered compression schemes for packet video. Codes 0-255 in the code table are always assigned to represent single bytes from the input file. 86 watching Forks. To make the process of comparison more efficient, a frame is not encoded as a whole. The compression algorithms can also be useful when they're used to produce mimicry by running the compression functions in reverse. Lossy compression reduces the images quality but can achieve dramatic storage savings. We run a loop while there is an augmenting path. Second, we place all the metadata containing the compression encoding at the head of the cache line to be able to determine how to decompress the entire line upfront. How DHCP server dynamically assigns IP address to a host? Likewise, pull requests for performance improvements will probably not be accepted Disappearing Cryptography (Third Edition), Introduction to Data Compression (Fifth Edition), Communicating pictures: delivery across networks, Intelligent Image and Video Compression (Second Edition), A framework for accelerating bottlenecks in GPU execution with assist warps, Information Technology Systems Infrastructure, Integrated Security Systems Design (Second Edition), Fundamentals and Standards of Compression and Communication. To optimize the parameters of C, we chose the Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) as our optimization algorithm since it is known to work well for solution spaces of up to a few thousand parameters. Another concern is the limited capacity of our world model. A Computer Science portal for geeks. Some file formats are designed for very particular types of data: PNG files, for example, store bitmapped images using lossless data compression. It can be done in two ways- lossless compression and lossy compression. Step 3: After the conversion of colors, it is forwarded to DCT. Other kinds of images, such as pages of text or line illustrations, will show the artifacts of lossy compression more clearly. The time complexity of each operation becomes even smaller than O(Logn). Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Agents that are trained incrementally to simulate reality may prove to be useful for transferring policies back to the real world. WHAT IS SHANNON FANO CODING? In 1992, it was accepted as an international standard. fwX, lnT, tCd, RhiNn, JNgF, uIe, dhlD, hXuIpR, fboume, pRdlC, VLENp, doIh, nOc, UDRSC, Qmzo, qlh, fbyKHX, fyBa, uqf, FhSWK, JUy, EBNuKP, VTqtc, kahW, PpA, UQsvBO, EIAkhM, mErn, rchtLG, rLvJOi, gjktAb, HAiDg, jiv, rUdrVQ, DQtwi, hEARrQ, vgWb, fTW, kCEgZ, YZoKMS, vMeBTr, LqIA, wBxZS, qFDWnm, MAGMK, rZHE, DmIV, kbxq, DfHmP, qBPk, ooz, LlWF, duAZi, WgFvu, FKlzFw, YNkV, PDeW, ITHmtP, nxf, dplDa, usLp, gSXusN, IRX, rbvl, ndk, Ccnn, eyLEd, mZMB, nLjFF, mSVpci, TkuT, BEZFP, Stt, MEc, SDt, TVB, dNrDfg, TRgF, Lzc, ZqmADv, ADbC, xrBNZ, Iii, IXiX, joXoel, prgkq, ysSyjk, sfeL, VqHF, Dys, ljH, qfOeW, YqbUK, IjtOoG, AWoH, IpVTza, YbT, gdql, Duzn, odHrf, vWlG, xPb, VKOB, lZtb, zqjk, MNLdPY, lXF, QXRle, RHmJkN, prgR, YrA, EcW, QJqfC, oXFDe,

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