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    This woman is poison and very probably a 5th columnist. And as far as Sturgeon is concerned,,,she sold the jerseys long ago. The Bicycle Thief exudes a relaxed, come-as-you-are feel, in an atmosphere that blends Old School style with New School attitude. A signatory to the Treaty that was never completed by the 1707 Scottish parliament, as it closed it door beforehand. It is governed by Brottsbalken chapter 22 paragraph 1. As Grouser says, there is one thing we can all do email the FM and our SNP MSPs [and MPs]. [30], Article 85 of the Constitution of Norway states that "[a]ny person who obeys an order the purpose of which is to disturb the liberty and security of the Storting [Parliament] is thereby guilty of treason against the country."[31]. *ie set aside petty concerns on behalf of third parties and find a process to better handle its more serious ones such as ladymen, covidbollocks and even the historic grievances that somehow justify inviting English radicals (for yes) to come and detest the 55% of the electorate that, on basis of 2014 result, might (must?) bamos a ir al bar nuevo que acaban de construir en mi barrio, pero solo haba cuatro gatos as que decidimos ir al mismo sitio que siempre. Download: That act alone was rudely unconstitutional political interference. After committing murder, arson and armed robbery, he was murdered by his own fellow gang members who feared he could become an informant, and that he was attracting too much attention towards their activities. But more importantly Sturgeons indyref next year was a MOCK indyref which would have had no bearing on exiting our hostage status. (More), Stats: [11] It defines treason as follows: A person commits an offence, called treason, if the person: A person is not guilty of treason under paragraphs (e), (f) or (h) if their assistance or intended assistance is purely humanitarian in nature. Article 411-11 make it a crime to incite any of the above crimes. Oxford English Dictionary, online as of April 2, 2019; entries "treason" and "traitor". November 23, 2022 by, For most of that time it hasnt even been trying,,,,, For example in the split between men and women, which at the time of the Edinburgh Uni study had a majority of women voting Yes (56.6%) but a majority of men voting No (53.2%), whereas recent polling suggests that has flipped, with a majority of men in favour and a majority of women opposed. Whats the starting baseline on just what powers a place should hold to be classed as not being a colony. I wont vote SNP if the proposal is not watertight , and the process clearly set out. Last night I chatted to some folk, and you could almost taste the fury and anger. (I am French and I will remain French!). DO WE WANT IT ENOUGH? Has everyone forgotten about the lies given just before the referendum. Could we not just call Sturgeon Our Imperial Overseer?. That answers Rev Stus question about why Sturgeon didnt go to the supreme court in 2016,,,it would have meant she couldnt sell the SNP lie that a vote for them was a vote for Scottish independence. Pretty depressing day really. On that basis, Id say shes not going anywhere unless she want to. Scottish democracy will not be denied. Robert Sandifer was born in Chicago, Illinois, on March 12, 1983. The addition about international law is seriously flawed, and that court has no jurisdiction in international law. I think hes a little deranged because he asked me if I wanted to marry him ten minutes into our conversation. 23.11.2022 from this day forth in history, now its official that we are a Colony of WM/England. No, this demands immediate action. ), El actor fue increblese meti a todos en el bolsillo. However, in especially severe cases, life imprisonment or any term of at least five years may be sentenced. Hitting < pauses the slideshow and goes back. Until 1973 Sweden also had another form of treason called Krigsfrrderi (treason at war), which were acts of Treason committed by military personnel. The SNP claim to have a majority mandate, which even you admit is a lie. A Scottish Country, a Scottish parliament and a Scottish kingdom that ceased to proceed into the parliament union with england of 1707. If we get 50% with a mixture of Greens and SNP . A loathsome and grossly unconstitutional precedent was set, and from that moment, I believe Holyrood was lost to Scotland, and allowed to become the Trojan Horse facilitating Westminsters colonial subjugation, whereby the alien white sovereignty of Westminster gained a foothold in the Realm of Scotlands red sovereignty. Now WE have to find a way of upsetting that particular applecart because the SNP cant. If he wants to come back, great, but he needs to get out of the starting blocks and fast. (Sorry for arriving so late. From 1993 until his death, Sandifer's whereabouts and living arrangements remain unclear, although he continued to be arrested by the authorities. Its your UK democracy that converts votes into seats, and then counts seats to create a Parliament. [14] This section reproduces section 6 of the Treason Felony Act 1848. he was either mistaken or unable to comprehend his own judgement. If the SNP cannot even get us a consultative referendum, how con earth can they expect us to continue voting SNP for independence? 86a); "military treason", i.e., the disruption of activities of military significance (art. Scotlands future must be placed back in Scotlands hands not a parliament or a court in London., Source Get ready for a new holiday tradition! Getting it. When a series of high profile jewel robberies bearing all his hallmarks shakes the Riviera's wealthy ladies Robie is naturally suspected, but when the police call on his elegant villa to question him he makes good his escape to investigate the source of the burglaries himself. 17 hours ago World . No more going cap in hand to Westminster or its institutions; we force them to challenge us. 23 November, 2022 at 11:18 am Sturgeon revealed her true colours in her latest TV interview. And everyone must cancel their TV license if they havent already. This is the only way we are getting out from under without recourse to arms, and who wants that? Like ferries. Is that decided by local hustings like? Aye English First Ministers questions will be interesting. Most states have treason provisions in their constitutions or statutes similar to those in the U.S. Constitution. Meaning:To be completely irrelevant and unimportant. It is an outrage, but a wholly predictable one. Wee Ginger Dug For most of that time it hasnt even been trying. There are three yellow boxes look like relays below the fuses, one is something to do with lights. This CANNOT be just the SNP. Scotland and England will do just fine after the UK. Whats she going to do now? No ifs, no buts: game over for the union. The Scottish Greens have already said they plan to field a full slate of candidates for any referendum. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry. It makes me wonder about the much touted international recognition Scotland might receive. It was a more innocent era though and bigger issue now, regardless of collusion to misinterpret the supreme court finding, is to acknowledge that 30 pro independence seats in a UK general election is inevitable ergo Scotland, as of yesterday, is a defacto independent country. Even if all of Scotland had entered into the union voluntarily its now obvious that its no longer fit for purpose and needs to be dissolved. todays decision only delays the people of scotland voting on its constitutional future. Death to Holyrood. The penalty for treason was changed from death to a maximum of imprisonment for life under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Today I wrote to the First Minister challenging her choice to wait for a UK General Election to put the question to the people of Scotland, not only would it mean another year of Tory rule from Westminster, but it would also mean that 16s and 17-year-olds would be unable to vote on their own future. It doesnt matter whether plebiscitary elections are for Westminster or Holyrood, whether we have a unified pro independence slate or multiple parties, or even if they stand on one issue or a full policy platform. Urbana, University of Illinois Press. Firstly, any party is free to state its own manifesto. Independence. Briefly. The task is not just to convince a majority to vote in favour of independence but that it can and should now be done via plebiscitary elections. The response on the door step is positive and eventually it will translate into votes. Merganser says:, Republicofscotland says: I will not be attending any demos except at either Holyrood or Bute House to demand Sturgeons resignation. No interest in an Independent Scotland but she can continue to blame others for the Scottish people being shackled to the Union. Sandifer was physically abused from the time he was an infant. Isnt Sturgeon now simply using the referendum issue to deflect attention from her multiple incompetencies on ferries, health, education, gender and so forth? The British law of treason is entirely statutory and has been so since the Treason Act 1351 (25 Edw. Of course, she is now grandstanding for those who still believe that she wants Scottish independence, her act of railing that shes angry at the judgement will wash with some, but looking at her record on Scottish independence its abundantly clear that she has harmed the cause more than helped it. They know it takes perseverance and lots of time. Get to one of the demos being held tonight. Hearing so many folk out there going on about get the next General Election and we just ask the question, I have to admit, I have no idea how thats expected to actually work in reality. Mi hija tiene las manos largas. 30+ seats on that Independence ticket and Scotland walks. She says the SNP NEC will convene in the new year to dicuss it. The final outcome in my humble opinion is that the UK will break up and England will inherit the security Council seat and be the big man on the world stage thats their aspiration. As every hour passes, your anger and frustration will grow, when the realisation kicks in of what exactly happened today. Good luck with that one!). Who decides each candidate at at each constituency. 40 odd years of being actively oot and aboot on the land and working with folk that live here develops ones understanding of the areas needs. How can it be abolished if Scotland is Englands slave and we have no rights above their whim? Nicolas gone with the wind she flogged to the Swedish State for a quick buck and a selfie. As I say repeatedly, when Westminster holds both ends of the string, it doesnt matter what Scotland does, how many hoops it leaps through, stairs it climbs, or riddles it solves, there will ALWAYS be another summit of Westminster sophistry still to be climbed. Whilst I enjoy reading your site, and its mainly balanced views, this article is pure nonsense and propaganda. Breeks , I too suffer from uncharacteristic hatred when I was young you were allowed to hate tapioca or sago but you got a clip round the ear for saying you hated a person, you could dislike them or dislike their behaviour but you were severely reprimanded for hatred. Rev Stu is right. After 30+ years, I know how shite works its way to the top in a largely dysfunctional Scotland. There was clearly something sinister with the count. Literally burning up with anger right now. As asserted in the 18th century trial of Johann Friedrich Struensee in Denmark, a man having sexual relations with a queen can be considered guilty not only of ordinary adultery but also of treason against her husband, the king. the most corrupt government in Europe. L.A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. Why the lack of urgency? Someone posted a Council was going to tackle Islamophobia and Antisemitism, is that not a bit above their pay grade, and any instances of such activities should be reported and dealt with by the Police, freeing up the Councillors time to sort the roads, pavements and bins Ach, but no doubt in these austere times spaffing cash on crimbo lights is more important than maintaining basic services. Not claiming any great prescience here . I started watching the English SC and was hopeful of a positive judgement as is saw Scotlands observers in the courtroom those Titans Law SNP spokesperson for Justice Anne McLaughlin MP and Glasgow Cllr Graham Campbell. This is because Ceca was a place where the Romans made coins while Mecawas a sacred place of pilgrimage for Muslims. The movement needs to use the democratic outrage represented by the contention that our self determination is in the gift of Westminster, and can be denied sine die, as a spring board for ensuring a majority in plebiscitary elections which takes its independence rather than asks for permission. y le cont lo que quera ocultar. If they thought the UK might break up, their views would be very different. (I didnt want to tell Maricarmen the thing about her boyfriend but at some point I lost control and told her what I wanted to hide. For anyone who doesnt know, you can find and write to your elected representatives here: Im not particularly optimistic that writing to these folk will achieve much but it just took a few minutes to contact both my MP and MSP (all my regional MSPs are non SNP). JFK, speech at the White House, 13th March 1962. When you employ woohoo Uni lightweight sycophants rather than proper strategists, just because you dont like their opinion . This became a hotly debated issue in the aftermath of the 1867 Fenian Rising, when Irish-Americans who had gone to Ireland to participate in the uprising and were caught were charged with treason, as the British authorities considered them to be British subjects. In this saying, the wires could refer to our nerves. That is how they should be addressed in future, that is how they need to be treated. Forget NSforget the SC ruling.forget the falsified state of union between Scotlands old 1707 parliament and Englands EXISTING parliament today. What she should do is resign from Holyrood and call a Scottish Election based on independence. With regards her formulating plans for a Plebiscite GE sometime next year, most of them will be happy with that. We just need a handful of SNP MSPs with a backbone to hold a political gun to Nicolas head. Translation: to go through the hills of beda, Meaning: To ramble on about something completely off-topic, to suddenly change the topic orrespond with something that has nothing to do with the conversation, to make bunny trails. The offense of treason exists at both federal and state levels. I said earlier that the middle aged lady SNP canvasser who turned up on my doorstep on Saturday morning had my sympathy as she was flogging a dead horse. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. If we are following english laws from Westminster with regards the treaty of the union, then it is those very same english laws from Westminster that cancelled the Scottish parliament from continuing with the treaty of union of two parliaments to become one parliament of Britain. I put an emergency switch in, and hey presto, lights worked. Theres absolutely nothing they can do to dictate the content of any partys manifesto. I expected fudge from the pretendy SC today but they obviously know that a dismissive and abrupt No will suffer no comeback from the Scottish gauleiter and her spineless coterie. . (The actor was incrediblehe had everyone in the palm of his hand.). Cragg was released from prison in December 2020. Translation:To have the saint go up to heaven, Meaning:To lose your train of thought, have a brain fart, draw a blank, space out, have your head inthe clouds. The destroyer of womens rights. It is a shame that we dont have competent leaders in the independence movement to push this forward to gain more sympathy on an international level that would benefit from the NSR shipping lane and shall we say, overcome the inertia of certain interests in the international community that is against Scottish independence. The SNP will lose seats (even if they gain the current Tory ones), will get less than 50% and Indy is Toast. It really really isnt. Trust me on that and other meaningless words from Ms Sturgeon and her acolytes does not cut it. Why not this week??? Yo le busqu las cosquillas a mi hermano, pero no consegu que reaccionara. No more referendums of any kind. Why not pass the time by legally flashing your penis in the female only toilets. Any way you cut it, there will be no improvement in our fortunes until she is gone. 1)We have never ever been in a voluntary union of equals. few strings short of a racket, off your rocker, etc. There is no prospect of independence under her or her cabal. If they keep this nonsense up then Westminster is controlling the SNP policy. Article 275 of the Criminal Code of Russia[32] defines treason as "espionage, disclosure of state secrets, or any other assistance rendered to a foreign State, a foreign organization, or their representatives in hostile activities to the detriment of the external security of the Russian Federation, committed by a citizen of the Russian Federation." But I definitely will not vote SNP or Green. (Im sure that this time Ive found my other half with Javier. carefully calibrated scheme of devolution powers. No comfort in being proved right on this issue. The Supreme Court challenge was always doomed to fail, and Sturgeon knew this. Elmo is determined to make it the best Christmas ever for his puppy, Tango, as the two pals team up in an animated special like no other. Did you read the thoughtful, accurate, honest post from the friendly Sassenach? The SNP, the do nothing party. They do get noticed. [5] Specifically, it is derived from the term "traditors", which refers to bishops and other Christians who turned over sacred scriptures or betrayed their fellow Christians to the Roman authorities under threat of persecution during the Diocletianic Persecution between AD 303 and 305. But nothing will happen, whilst she is in power. [8], In 1987, Sandifer and his siblings were removed from his mother's home by DCFS and were sent to live with their grandmother in the Roseland neighborhood of Chicago. Talking of UDI. So Ms Sturgeon has attempted to push some of those questions down the road a bit by announcing a special conference of the SNP to study them. So yet more hours of hard graft getting soaked. Well, within 3 days of Stuart Campbell relaunching the best political blog in Europe, we have a NEW 77th Brigade artiste. This, however, occurred before the Constitution was written. Her army of sycophants are desperately trying to defend her. re there could not have been any other finding and ruling: In my defence, the written judgement begins: Does the Scottish Parliament have power to legislate for the holding of a referendum on Scottish independence?. Its not all evil. Remember the days when Wings Over Scotland was mega-trolled by panicking Unionist trolls? Ask the Irish and French what that means.. A statement of waffle & tripe for breakfast is being delivered by Sturgeon at this moment in time, on this dull, damp and cold Wednesday morning. How Dare the unelected First Minister of England, Rish Sunak, presume, without ANY democratic mandate whatsoever, to steal our oil and asset wealth. In 1952 Tomoya Kawakita, a Japanese-American dual citizen was convicted of treason and sentenced to death for having worked as an interpreter at a Japanese POW camp and having mistreated American prisoners. This is a time for unity. This is because Ceca was a place where the Romans made coins while Mecawas a sacred place of pilgrimage for Muslims. (Dont know that area well enough or its voting patterns, but possible). I would prefer a dragon or St Georges cross or leprechaun to that flag. (Ignore any idiot telling you Scotland would have been ejected from the EU anyway. No more. Depressing as it is. This is basically what Alistair Jack said. I have an idea and admit that is maybe a bit radical for some. Enrique se mete en todo y quiere saber todo. No, its not crazy, because the threshold for victory is winning 30 Westminster Seats on a purely Independence ticket. ", "Notwithstanding this, some Northern leaders still tried to indict various Confederate leaders for treason, and Grant reminded President Johnson of the terms of surrender", "Ti phn bi t quc c quy nh th no? More than all that the indy movement overall, needs a strong leader, and it simply is NOT Nicola Sturgeon. Who is she trying to fool? Im sure we can win ours relatively peaceful too against a minor power. If they dont I will actively campaign against them. UKSC created in 2009 by House Jock Gordon Brown, who put a few Scottish House Jock judges on it to shut up Scots. Because the law defining treason in the constitution was so strict, new legislation was necessary to prosecute defiance of the government. the only way rishi can keep the union intact is to temporarily deny people the opportunity to vote. But back to possibility of being undermined, my level of voluntary commitment along with the substantial amount of time and effort put in over many many years to accomplish what I have done in and for this area means any detractor is pishing in the wind on that score. We take our chances on 30 seats victory; the benchmark Thatcher feared, and strive hard, working with other nations to explain our legitimacy in Law, our colonial style oppression and exploitation, and we win them over for recognition. New Zealand has treason laws that are stipulated under the Crimes Act 1961. All these little things when done en masse change perceptions. Stuart Campbell says: If, however, you feel that to do so would be unrealistic given her Stasi-like control of the party, then you should seriously consider voting for a party that actually does believe in independence and has credible notions of how to deliver it, The Supreme Court has just ruled Scotland cannot hold a referendum without Westminster agreement. slack controls; since we dont rig elections why check for rigging Ah-hah!. [9], After the shooting, the police were looking for Sandifer who was hiding with gang members in the neighborhood. [14], The Hardaway brothers were later convicted of Sandifer's murder. She has failed us all. If there wasnt so much at stake , it may have been possible to derive some compensatory satisfaction in watching her rapidly diminishing credibility evaporate completely . I see NS is now saying it will be a UK general election that is used as a plebiscite. The penalty is life imprisonment, except for conspiracy, for which the maximum sentence is 14 years' imprisonment. [63][64][65][66] This confusion between apostasy and treason almost certainly had its roots in the Ridda Wars, in which an army of rebel traitors led by the self-proclaimed prophet Musaylima attempted to destroy the caliphate of Abu Bakr. I Am the Good Shepherd - Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber. The Canadian SC pointed out that while international law does not recognise a unilateral right to secession, neither does it prohibit it. Its Cary Grant and Grace Kelly! Given the fact that several court cases around this have been totally unsuccessful, it was a waste of time and money. Le devolver la pelota a Juan en cuanto pueda. At least weve got Wings back, it might persuade a few more people to realise that Sturgeon is an inept fool with no interest in independence. One word will do RESIGN. What unionists have ever given you the impression that living in a colony was not their preferred mode of existence? They would stonewall you, say it was advisory and mumble something about federalism. I think you will be very much welcomed in Alba and you should definitely share your views in the local meeting. Alibi says: Not true. It is the most commonly used letter in many languages, including Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, For the past 2/3 years the self-proclaimed expert on constitutional and international law Gordon Ross, has been telling your movement that the Supreme Court couldnt possibly rule against Scots Law or the sovereignty of the Scottish people. If you agree, well also use cookies to complement your shopping experience across the Amazon stores as described in our Cookie Notice. It has become clear to me that project fear has been replaced with project hate Scotland. When you hear them responding to the question of what success in the defacto referendum would lead to, listen very carefully to the answers they give thats where theyre going to rip us all off. [55] He was killed on January 19, 2015, in an unmanned aircraft (drone) strike in Waziristan, Pakistan.[56]. 30 Adorable Sayings Youll Love, Many words are easily forgottenbut not when. Thanks for the information but I already have joined. Hoy me he encontrado con una antigua compaera de la universidad en el supermercado. One positive , there will now not be a Referendum next year SHOCKER !! Nope. Unless theres mass civil unrest, what can we do until Sturgeon the Judas is removed from office she is a major stumbling block on dealing with our hostage position. It would be the EUs Border, and defuse the situation in NI. We are all angry. I think the deep state or English state must know independence is inevitable and they are planning accordingly. No one appears to have pointed out that it was the snps submissions to the Supreme Court which formed the basis of most of the adverse comments from the justices. There are a number of other crimes against the state short of treason: "Traitor" redirects here. We all went along with the assumption that,,,if Alex Salmond recommended her, then she must be the real deal. You can also claim all democratic routes to Independence are exhausted (lol except the one I just mentioned last comment, tsk, tsk). using the referendum issue to deflect attention. How can I be when unlike some I have four jobs, a roof over my head, and an internet connection. As much as the occasional success they have, their failures are utterly reprehensible. A hung Parliament appears to be the most desirable outcome. Therefore the next election in Scotland will become a de facto referendum on independence. Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. I thought at the time that obviously the break up of the UK isnt going to happen before 2028. Knew NS 35 years ago in Yoof Politics. I signed up earlier this week in chucking you a fiver every month to re-establish wings articles. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. One party requiring the consent of the other which has a vested interest in the status quo is NOT a democracy, its a dictatorship. If you ever walk into a bar and hear a sperm saying something like that, youll know its time to apply for an Irish passport. More chance of Vlad the Invader being awarded a Nobel Prize for peace. As per links, Orkney is the worlds second largest natural harbour and Europes largest natural harbour and would play a big role in the hypothetical opening up of the NSR as a shipping route. 23 November, 2022 at 10:03 pm. Without that nothing is going to happen. Angry at imposed ENGLISH colonial rule over Scotland by a Government we do not want and did not vote for. (Ill get back at Juan when I can. 11:30 Please, please, please, be a resignation speech.. Sounds like some Scots are already defeated, and the fight hasnt even begun. Also if they keep pushing the private land pontius pilate routine you can make a freedom of information request to see the maps detailing Council land in your area. Dont worry! If those changes go ahead, it is likely to change 3 yellow areas tory blue and gift Alloa area to Labour? I wonder if she can turn water into wine! (Download). Blu-ray Video Quality To Catch a Thief is presented on a Blu-ray disc, with a stunning 1080p encoded image and with an also stunning 1.85:1 aspect ratio. Im sorry to hear about the flooding thats awful. La semana pasada conoc a un chico muy raro. Gotta be a fuse right? I am enjoying emailing the FM and my SNP MSP/MPs telling them to resign. Miguel Lozano, a 43-year-old Spanish free diver, was deep underwater when he blacked out from the low oxygen pressure . Those in the SSP, Alba, SSP etc will not have their view recorded unless the blackmail of vote SNP is followed. That us the legal position as it stands. Any negatives about todays developments Rev? No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. It is colloquially referred to as the "second Confiscation Act". Cada vez que ve a otro nio, le pega. How did she get away with it for eight years? Its a pity that in this 32nd anniversary of Thatchers fall, the SNP are too gutless to do the same to Sturgeon as the Tories did to the Leaderene. But do I see signs of improvement and optimism? Long enough to say that Westminsters British Parliament and Laws and the Treaty of union that was not continued or survived three hundred since 1707 is void. Simple solution just change general election to referendum and hey presto Sturgeon has delivered. The only way forward is Alba but I fear we are a nation of ostriches who are too lazy to lift their eyes out of the sand and see our so called devolved government for what they are. There is no single crime of treason in Swiss law; instead, multiple criminal prohibitions apply. He built a platform for independence which Sturgeon demolished. Its passed, it gone, it was never ours. Breeks says: I would appreciate it if you could sign and share: Hi, Oneliner says:23 November, 2022 at 4:31 pm. The English Revolution in the 17th century and the French Revolution in the 18th century introduced a radically different concept of loyalty and treason, under which Sovereignty resides with "The Nation" or "The People" - to whom also the Monarch has a duty of loyalty, and for failing which the Monarch, too, could be accused of treason. International Recognition isnt a science, its the prerogative of the Nation who gives it, and if Scotland had dutifully observed Westminster Protocol to return a sovereign democratic mandate which withdrew Scotland from the UK, I do not accept there is any barrier to securing International recognition. Entertainment News - Find latest Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossips today from the most popular industry Bollywood and Hollywood. [25] The Criminal Justice Act 1990 abolished the death penalty, setting the punishment for treason at life imprisonment, with parole in not less than forty years. I do very occasionally see them cleaning the gullies once a year in Edinburgh with a big metal pole but I know in rural areas the councils have even less funds but they surely have at least one person doing it, as it is a essential task. I am angry, Scotland is angry, and rightly so. I know its different from Edinburgh my council but do they not have a team that deal with issues such as gully cleaning? On 30. That will continue to be the sole focus of this blog until that Yes vote is secured. The Westminster cabal tell us every other day that we are a family of nations, that the Union is a partnership. we agreed to it, or our representatives on the day did. They have led the national movement down a complete blind alley to the Supreme Court which astonishingly has gone as far as rejecting Scotlands right of self determination. her statement at 11.30 should be very profound, unlike jan20, The take it to the UN, theyll listen claim is thoroughly debunked in the very clear ruling:-, The Scotland Act allocates powers between the United Kingdom and Scotland as part of a constitutional settlement. Search for the tickles?! She attacked and smeared the one politician the UK government truly feared, Alex Salmond. The Devolved Parliament is not the Scottish parliament.of 1707, that closed. WAKE UP YOU AND I ( SCOTLAND ) CANNOT BE IN A TREATY OF UNION. Articles 241 to 274 detail crimes against the "international personhood of the State" such as "attempt against wholeness, independence and unity of the State" (art.241), "hostilities against a foreign State bringing the Italian State in danger of war" (art.244), "bribery of a citizen by a foreigner against the national interests" (art.246), and "political or military espionage" (art.257). schrodingers cat says: press 2 for they were already dead when I arrived and I picked up the knife by accident, then I heard the police siren What the SNP and Greens do is a worry. She wont resign of course. Think it is time to out the conspirators and show the country what wee shits they all are, Nothing like finding a piece of the jigsaw. If youre so worried about a perfect gold standard democracy, then dissolve the Union on 30+ Westminster seats, crash the Union, but commit Scotland to a ratification plebiscite after 2 years, as if we had an Article 50 type Brexit Leaving Protocol to be approved by the people. Right now theyll all be on WhatsApp debating the best way to string the independence movement along, the best way to pretend they care, the best way to fool the mugs again. She is as RevSTU has pointed out, a fraud, an utter, utter fraud. You're now in slide show mode. Miguel Lozano, a 43-year-old Spanish free diver, was deep underwater when he blacked out from the low oxygen pressure . And join ALBA its a pound a month for pensioners. It would have had an incredibly strong platform Vote Yes To Keep Scotland In The EU Before Its Too Late, awish shared by exactly the sort of 60%+ majority it has long claimed to have wanted before holding a second vote along with all the political momentum anyone could ever hope for (even including support from the Unionist media), and a united Yes movement still bursting with energy and enthusiasm. But those laws from Westminster can have no jurisdiction over Scotland with regards to a treaty that was cancelled by extinguishing the Scottish parliament. I dont ever recall the inmates of a prison being given such a referendum. She will ask for mandate after mandate. There is no guarantee that the supreme court have got it right vis a vis Scotlands colonial status. What is the origin of moir? 1,102,320 Comments, Wings Over Scotland Powered by WordPress Did we vote for this or is Sturgeon just dictating that is what its going to be. The destoyer of Independence. yes, the difference is like voting for someone to take a penalty and voting for someone to score a goal. So we are now hearing from Sturgeon and she has nothing to give after the SC ruling. (Sellingthat house and buying this one has put me in an even worse situation than the one before.). For heavens sake, it was her that took the case to the sdupreme court, so wheres the gameplan? I will know for a fact, deep within my steadily disintegrating bones, that Scots have never had it so doubleplusgood and I wont need a Tory Prime Minister like that Ian Blackford to tell me so! How does that debunk it? By Sturgeons own admission Jack doesnt recognise list MSPs as part of a mandate which Nicola described as gaming the system. Relying on the SNPs leadership at this particular moment is like being led to the gallows by your own defence counsel whilst they whisper how good they were at saving your soul. And it also means that from now on in, she cant come away with that bullshit ever again. There is no way you can declare Scotland independent unless you gain the support of the majority of the Scottish electorate. Sturgeon promised us a referendum but Westminster said NO. Ive previously put in 9 hours of hard dirty graft clearing the totally overgrown pavement so the bairns can use the pavement to get to school safely. Its using the First Past the Post Democracy which the mother of all Parliaments uses. ), Some similar phrases are hablar como los loros (to talk like parrots) and enrollarse (to run your mouth.). Alba is promoting and advancing the case for independence suggesting EFTA for example as an easy way back into Europe hassle free. Some of the car driving shots look dated now with reliance on back projection. Theres often an extra little fuse / junction box on or near the positive battery terminal which has several preliminary fuses on the supply lines to the main fuseboxe(s). this travesty of secrecy is crippling Scotland ability to achieve its destiny. para vivir en Espaa y no he vuelto todava. If you do not have a saltire sticker on your car, get one. Do you agree with him or is he one of the English who have all to be detested? Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance. Westview Press, 2001, Longaigh, Seosamh, "Emergency Law in Independent Ireland, 19221948", Four Courts Press, Dublin 2006. Yes didnt fall from 52% to 45% in two weeks. It is the most commonly used letter in many languages, including Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Why should we apply the rules of a referendum in terms of vote count to a General Election? They are a colonial cabal stealing Scotlands wealth and resources, all the while sneering at the people of Scotland. And she did so when she should have been capitalizing on the unbelievably good cards dealt to her in BREXIT and the worst tory government I have ever seen by a huge margin. If everyone keeps the faith and keels doing their little bit we will get there in the end. I would recommend contacting all of your councillors in your ward until one wants to get involved. The Scottish Government now has the responsibility to find a way forward. l es exactamente lo que necesito. still be tory, Rab Davis says: The ultimate deciding factors will be political not juridical. Ben-Yehuda, Nachman, "Betrayals and Treason. ", William Rehnquist, "Civil Liberty and the Civil War: The Indianapolis Treason Trials,". All of it matters, as it raises the questions in the minds of the public, and makes it abundantly clear to the careerist urchins in Holyrood that people demand change. What should have happened was the Scottish Parliament should have passed the legislation for an independence referendum and forced the UK Government to be the ones that challenged it. The party that wins on that mandate gets to do whatever they want. Alex Salmond is on the money here. They would say that. And believe me when I say that cute was the last thing I felt when I first began to find my footing with Spanish conversation. The Treaty is international law. RAC top quality consitutional advice and fix 95% of breakdowns at the roadside. Incidentally, with regards Peoples Assemblys by their very nature its unlikely that they need to be set up by the ruling party in order to get international legal recognition. May as well settle down to another few decades of waiting for Alba and ISP to get up the numbers/seats etc. Thanks for the link Jamie. Never heard her use the I word once. The term United Kingdom, implying the union of two sovereign states, is therefore not accurate in terms of the Trades Descriptions Act. A la hora de decidir las cosas siempre hacis lo que queris y mi opinin no se toma en, No quera decirle a Maricarmen lo de su novio pero en un momento. Just about to email Nicola Sturgeon to demand her resignation for all the reasons given above. I have just listened to fmq and no body raised yesterdays decision by the SC. It kind of answers itself, if we cant appeal then were oppressed. Ah yeah some lawyers said Scotland is not a colony but then some lawyers also said Scotland ceased to exist in 1707 and became lesser England. 86); sabotage (art. MPs must walk out of Westmibster and form a Constitutional Convention. All the latest breaking UK and world news with in-depth comment and analysis, pictures and videos from MailOnline and the Daily Mail. 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