european council conclusions may 2022


    Therefore, a Ukraine reconstruction platform should be considered. European Council conclusions: EU leaders call on accelerating the accession process by EWB 24. v. t. e. 126th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Sofia, 2016. Let's be clear we're not looking at a full-scale diplomatic D-Day, six years after the Dunkirk of Brexit. SL The European Parliament and the Council agreed on the EU Digital COVID . It has over the years become the EU's agenda setter, shaping key milestones in European integration. 3. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has caused a major shift in the EuropeanUnions strategic environment and has shown the need for a stronger and more capableEuropean Union in the field of security and defence. It calls on the Commission to swiftly present its proposals on EU support for the reconstruction of Ukraine, in consultation with international partners, organisations and experts. The European Council invites theCommission to explore the possibility of mobilising reserves from the EuropeanDevelopment Fund to support the most affected partner countries. This website is the official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council. The European Union will continue to provide support to Ukraine with a view to addressing humanitarian, liquidity and reconstruction needs. The European Council commends all those helping to gather evidence and to investigate war crimes and the other most serious crimes, and supports the intensive work of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in this respect. The European Council underlines the importance of the Common Agriculture Policy(CAP) in the EUs contribution to food security and calls for the swift adoption of theCAP Strategic Plans. The European Council is committed to intensify pressure on Russia and Belarus to thwart Russias war against Ukraine. Delegations will find attached the conclusions adopted by the European Council at the above meeting. The European Union and its Member States have provided protection to millions of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, and remain committed to welcoming and providing safety to them, including by helping neighbouring countries. FR NIS2 will set the baseline for cybersecurity risk management measures and reporting obligations across all sectors that are covered by the directive, such as energy, transport, health and digital infrastructure.. PL 11. The European Council discussed the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in its different dimensions. 19. 29. 16. EU support for reconstruction will be linked to the implementation of reforms and anti-corruption measures consistent with its European path. strengthen resilience and capacities to protect; enhance solidarity and comprehensive crisis management; enhance cooperation with partner countries and international organisations; prevent, defend against and respond to cyber-attacks. Only legal acts published in theOfficial Journalare binding. The European Union will continue to support the Ukrainian government in its urgent liquidity needs together with its G7 partners. Ministers adopted conclusions on European missions. The European Union is unwavering in its commitment to help Ukraine exercise its inherent right of self-defence against the Russian aggression and build a peaceful, democratic and prosperous future. TheEuropean Council calls on Russia to end its attacks on transport infrastructure inUkraine, to lift the blockade of Ukrainian Black Sea ports and to allow food exports, inparticular from Odesa. Ukraine's reconstruction will require comprehensive support to rebuild the country for the future. 7. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. In February 2022, the Commission proposed to extend it by a year, until 30 June 2023. . 14 Council Recommendation establishing a European Child guarantee, ST 9106 2021 INIT. The European Council is committed to intensify pressure on Russia and Belarus to thwart Russias war against Ukraine. The European Council invites the Commission to make proposals on this basis. Sign up to receive our email and SMS alerts. 23-24 June 2022: European Council conclusions 30-31 May 2022: European Council conclusions 24-25 March 2022: European Council conclusions Where can I find European Council conclusions? The European Council invites the Commission to present new initiatives to support this effort within the Multiannual Financial Framework. The European Council calls for effective international coordination to ensure acomprehensive global food security response. GA Please take a few minutes to complete a survey at the end of your visit. RO We want to hear your feedback about our website. In this context, the European Council calls for the examination of the Commission proposal as soon as it is presented. In the light of the analysis of defence investment gaps prepared by the Commission andthe High Representative, in coordination with the European Defence Agency, and thevarious recommendations put forward to strengthen the European industrial andtechnological base, the European Council invites the Council to examine the followingissues, in line with the respective competences conferred by the Treaties: a) as a matter of urgency, measures to coordinate very short-term defenceprocurement needs to support joint procurement to replenish stocks, notably in thelight of the support provided to Ukraine, as well as a short-term tool to reinforceEuropean defence industrial capabilities through voluntary joint procurement; b) the development of an EU defence strategic programming, procurement andcoordination capability, in complementarity with NATO; c) further measures to map the current and necessary additional manufacturingcapabilities and to reinforce the capacity and resilience of the European defencetechnology and industrial sector, including SMEs; d) the accelerated implementation of military mobility infrastructure projects; e) an enhanced role of the European Investment Bank in support of Europeansecurity and defence, in line with its recent Strategic European Security Initiative. The General Affairs Council prepared for the special meeting of the European Council on 30 and 31 May, at which EU leaders will discuss the following matters: Ukraine, defence, energy and food security. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup, EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, The EU's work to combat human trafficking, Food for the world: What EU countries are doing to mitigate the impact of Russias war. 31-JAN-2022 . EU institutional affairs, European Affairs. On 24 and 25 May 2021, the European Council adopted conclusions on COVID-19, climate change, Belarus, Russia, the UK, the Middle East and Mali. 26. Bilateral relations have further strengthened between Fiji and the European Union following Ambassador Deo Saran's credential presentation to Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. Early ventilation may provide an advantage in outcome during paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR]. Other countries. If you are not a journalist, please send your request to the public information service. NIB Network Guidance on Safety Recommendations Version 1.0 2 / 43 . With your permission, we will use AT internet and Hotjar cookies to produce aggregated, anonymous data about our visitors' browsing and behaviour on our website. European Council President's speeches and statements, European Council conclusions, 30-31 May 2022, send your request to the public information service, Foreign affairs & international relations. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. Please take a few minutes to complete a survey at the end of your visit. Your life online: How is the EU making it easier and safer for you? DA The revised directive aims to harmonise cybersecurity requirements and implementation of cybersecurity measures in different . They may indeed create difficult situations when multiple inventors have different rights (if they are not all 'EIC . The European Council strongly condemns the destruction and illegal appropriation byRussia of agricultural production in Ukraine. 13. 1. Conclusions - 24 and 25 March 2022 EUCO 1/22 1 EN The European Council held an exchange of views with the President of the United States on . European Council conclusions from 2004 onwards are available in the public register of official documents. In the conclusions Council highlights the five functions of the EU in the cyber domain: Ministers, among other things, call upon the Commission to propose EU common cybersecurity requirements for connected devices and associated processes and services, invites relevant authorities such as the EUs Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) to formulate recommendations in order to reinforce the resilience of communications networks and infrastructure within the EU and stresses the importance of establishing regular cyber exercises in order to test and develop the EU internal and external response to large-scale cyber incidents. Summary of stakeholder . Due to the whole results and conclusions I created a political declaration "Inclusion of young people during elections and the role of . Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the European Union has stepped up its support for Ukraines overall economic, social and financial resilience, including by providing humanitarian aid. Published: 2022-11-29 Corporate author(s): Council of the European Union IMMC : ST 15015 2022 COR 1 On 30-31 May 2022, the European Council adopted conclusions on Ukraine, food security, security and defence, and energy. 10. European Council conclusions on Ukraine, 30 May 2022 Worldwide . We will use this data to improve your experience on our website. Resources More information and links With your permission, we will use AT internet and Hotjar cookies to produce aggregated, anonymous data about our visitors' browsing and behaviour on our website. 8. In this regard, the European Council invites Member States to acceleratework on Solidarity Lanes put forward by the Commission, and to facilitate foodexports from Ukraine via different land routes and EU ports. Also available in: European Council President's speeches and statements, send your request to the public information service, Foreign affairs & international relations. It is managed by the General Secretariat of the Council, the body of staff responsible for assisting the Council of the EU and the European Council. Sign up to receive our email and SMS alerts. The European Council resolutely condemns Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Visit the meeting page. 2. French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In this new context, recalling theVersailles Declaration and the European Council conclusions of 24-25 March 2022, theEuropean Union will resolutely implement the Strategic Compass, reinforce itspartnerships, enhance its resilience and increase its security and defence capacitythrough more and better investments, focusing on identified strategic shortfalls. The Ecofin - Economic and Financial Affairs - Council of the EU, which is composed of the economics and finance ministers of the 27 Member States, adopted conclusions on export credits for the first time in its history. The European Council takes note of the ACER report and invites the Commission toswiftly pursue work on the optimisation of the functioning of the European electricitymarket - including the effect of gas prices on it - so that it is better prepared to withstandfuture excessive price volatility, delivers affordable electricity and fully fits adecarbonised energy system, while preserving the integrity of the Single Market,maintaining incentives for the green transition, preserving the security of supply andavoiding disproportionate budgetary costs, Results of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Unless otherwise specified, all texts on this site are under an etalab-2.0 licence, Results of French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, The Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Sustainable Development Reference Framework, Conclusions of the special meeting of the European Council, 30-31 May 2022, The European Council encourages the prompt use, ahead of next winter, of, The European Council invites the Commission to explore also with our, The European Council invites the Council to take work forward on the EU, The European Council notes the importance of indigenous energy sources, The accelerated deployment of renewables will require immediately. EU law European Parliament resolution of 7 April 2022 on the conclusions of the European Council meeting of 24-25 March 2022, including the latest developments of the war against Ukraine and the EU sanctions against Russia and their implementation (2022/2560 (RSP)) How to cite Download and languages Publication details Published: 2022-04-07 7. II. The European Council therefore urges the Council to finalise and adopt it without delay, ensuring a well-functioning EU Single Market, fair competition, solidarity among Member States and a level playing field also with regard to the phasing out of our dependency on Russian fossil fuels. The European Council hails the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people and its leadership in their fight to defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and freedom of their country. In this context, the Council has requested the Commission, the European External Action Service and the member states to shift from reactive crisis response to more proactive action, stressing the importance of effective disaster risk reduction (DRR), anticipatory action and risk-informed development. The European Commission also funds dedicated projects related to research ethics and integrity and has developed educational and training tools, including IT tools for evaluators. The Council's conclusions are political commitments on specific measures to be taken or objectives to be met. Hostile actors need to be aware that cyberattacks against Member States and EU institutions will be detected early, identified promptly and met with all necessary tools and policies. On the 11 th of November the Council of the European Union published its draft Council Conclusions on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market. It also calls on Russia to immediately allow the safe return of Ukrainian individuals forcibly removed to Russia. The European Council hails the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people and its leadership in their fight to defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and freedom of their country. The European Union will continue to support the Ukrainian government in its urgent liquidity needs together with its G7 partners. It welcomes the establishment of a Joint Investigation Team coordinated by Eurojust, whose role has been reinforced, and the ongoing operational support provided by Europol. Written question - Adoption of measures to support EU Member States' civic education initiatives . end of May 2022. The posture aims to demonstrate the EUs determination to provide immediate and long-term responses to threat actors seeking to deny the EU a secure and open access to cyberspace and affect its strategic interests, including the security of its partners. The European Council calls on all countries to align with EU sanctions. . The level of the cap was established in close cooperation with the Price Cap Coalition and will become applicable as of 5 December 2022.. It is managed by the General Secretariat of the Council, the body of staff responsible for assisting the Council of the EU and the European Council. among others lead to the following conclusions: All parties2 may provide relevant information in order to improve the . Ukraines reconstruction will require comprehensive support to rebuild the country for the future. See Conclusions of the Council of the European Union of 9 December 2021 (14883/21). October 5, 2022 4:00 am CET. 18. The European Union also remains committed to continue bolstering Ukraines ability to defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty. Any attempts to circumvent sanctions or to aid Russia by other means must be stopped. 25 May 2021; 01:45; European Council conclusions on Russia, UK, Middle East and Mali, 24 May 2021 IV. Cyberspace has become an arena for geopolitical competition and therefore the EU must be able to swiftly and forcefully respond to cyberattacks, such as state-sponsored malicious cyber activities targeting the EU and its Member States and make full use of all its instruments. Ever since its creation in 1974, the European Council has dominated the EU agenda, even though at first lacking any legal status and devoid of formal decision-making powers. In this context, the EuropeanCouncil welcomes the agreement on gas storage and calls for its speedyimplementation. With your permission, we will use AT internet and Hotjar cookies to produce aggregated, anonymous data about our visitors' browsing and behaviour on our website. October legal update (French/English) including #IP: UPC update; European Patent Convention rules support #DigitalTransformation; #Montenegro joins European. Study 31-01-2022 Since June 2014, the European Council Oversight Unit within the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), the European Parliament's in-house research service and think-tank, has been monitoring and analysing the European Council's delivery on commitments made in the conclusions of its meetings. In doing so, Government will. Future enlargements may thus . 2.1 This opinion is a response to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on An action plan for EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes to facilitate Ukraine's agricultural export and bilateral trade with the EU [COM(2022) 217 final] of 12 May . In this respect, the Commission will monitor and report regularly to the Council on the implementation of these measures to ensure a level playing field in the EU Single Market and security of supply. The Council today approved conclusions on developing the Unions cyber posture. NL It emphasises the need to provide all relevant support to the Republic of Moldova as it deals with the interlinked energy and economic crises, and migration pressure arising from the war. ES . 14. Please take a few minutes to complete a survey at the end of your visit. 9. In case of sudden interruptions of supply, emergency measures will be introduced to ensure security of supply. The Yerevan City Council elections will take place on May 5 and the political forces will struggle for 65 places in the Yerevan Council. EU solidarity with Ukraine (background information) Infographic - EU sanctions in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine It emphasises the need to provide all relevant support to the Republic of Moldova as it deals with the interlinked energy and economic crises, and migration pressure arising from the war. The European Council follows closely the impact of Russias war against Ukraine on neighbouring countries and the Western Balkans. There is a conclusion. This website is the official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council. By Jim Cloos. European Council conclusions, 30-31 May 2022 01.06.2022 Kyiv Press and information team of the Delegation to UKRAINE On 30-31 May 2022, the European Council adopted conclusions on Ukraine, food security, security and defence, and energy. We intend to continue working towards a common international standard to be adopted by . - its Conclusions of 26 November 2021 on the Future Governance of the European Research Area7, outlining the ERA Policy Agenda and a set of voluntary ERA Actions for the period 2022-2024 in the priority areas for joint action identified in the Pact; - its Conclusions of 5 April 2022 on a European strategy empowering higher education I. COVID-19 Vaccination campaigns around Europe. It also supports the UN Global Crisis Response Group,the upcoming G7 initiative establishing a Global Alliance for Food Security (GAFS)and other EU and multilateral actions and initiatives. 4. The European Union and its Member States are prepared to play a major role in this regard. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help us constantly improve the site and better serve your needs. The solidarity between Member States is reflected in Article 42(7) TEU.More broadly, the European Union reaffirms its intention to intensify support for theglobal rules-based order, with the United Nations at its core. In 2022, member states used about six percent of differentiation opportunities in EU treaty law, nearly the same as at the 1958 foundation of the European Economic Community (EEC). The European Union is taking active measures to facilitateUkraines agricultural exports and to support Ukraines agricultural sector in view of the2022 season. European Council President's speeches and statements, Council conclusions on the development of the European Union's cyber posture, send your request to the public information service, Foreign affairs & international relations. 4. SK It is managed by the General Secretariat of the Council, the body of staff responsible for assisting the Council of the EU and the European Council. In that regard, the European Council commends the results of the High-Level International Donors Conference co-hosted by Poland and Sweden. 13. European Policy Briefs. On 17 May 2021, the Education Ministers of EU member states adopted Council Conclusions on the. FI 1 European Commission (2022) Council Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation. The European Union and its Member States have provided protection to millions of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, and remain committed to welcoming and providing safety to them, including by helping neighbouring countries. European Council conclusions, 30-31 May 2022 . Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help us constantly improve the site and better serve your needs. The European Union is unwavering in its commitment to help Ukraine exercise its inherent right of self-defence against the Russian aggression and build a peaceful, democratic and prosperous future. In this context, the European Council calls for the examination of the Commission proposal as soon as it is presented. 11. 20. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. 21. Visit the meeting page Press contacts Barend Leyts Spokesperson for the European Council President +32 2 281 5150 +32 486 22 68 65 @BarendLeyts Sign up to receive our email and SMS alerts. The European Union will continue to provide support to Ukraine with a view to addressing humanitarian, liquidity and reconstruction needs. European Council Conclusions (20-21 October 2022) 24.10.2022 Brussels Press and information team of the Delegation to UKRAINE I. UKRAINE/RUSSIA Russia's escalating aggression 1. 12. 12. European Council conclusions, 23-24 June 2022 The European Union is ready to grant Ukraine new exceptional macro-financial assistance of up to EUR 9 billion in 2022. The European Council calls on Russia to allow immediate humanitarian access and the safe passage of all civilians concerned. We will use this data to improve your experience on our website. The European Council calls on all countries to align with EU sanctions. European Council President's speeches and statements, European Council meeting (20 and 21 October 2022) Conclusions, European Council meeting (23 and 24 June 2022) Conclusions, Special meeting of the European Council (30 and 31 May 2022) Conclusions, (24 25 2022) - , Eurooppa-neuvoston kokous (24. ja 25. maaliskuuta 2022) Ptelmt, Reuniunea Consiliului European (24 i 25 martie 2022) Concluzii, European Council meeting (24 and 25 March 2022) Conclusions, Reunio extraordinria do Conselho Europeu (24 de fevereiro de 2022) Concluses, Special meeting of the European Council (24 February 2022) Conclusions, Runion extraordinaire du Conseil europen (24 fvrier 2022) Conclusions. HR The Council conclusions on 'Tourism in Europe for the next decade: sustainable, resilient, digital, global and social', adopted by the Competitiveness Council on 27 May 2021, called on the member states and the Commission, in cooperation with stakeholders, to design a European Agenda for Tourism 2030/2050. IT 4. 15. 2 Council of the European Union (2022) Conclusions on the New European Innovation Agenda. In this respect, the European Council welcomes the adoption of the recent decision of the Council to increase military support to Ukraine under the European Peace Facility. European Council meeting 20-21 October 2022 - Conclusions European Council meeting 23-24 June 2022 - Conclusions European Council meeting 30-31 May 2022 - Conclusions European Council meeting 24-25 March 2022 - Conclusions European Council meeting 16 December 2021 - Conclusions: EN BG CS DA DE EL ES ET FI FR GA HR HU IT LT LV MT NL PL PT RO SK SL SV Russia, Belarus and all those responsible will be held to account for their actions in accordance with international law. Recalling the Versailles Declaration and its conclusions of 21-22 October 2021 and24-25 March 2022, including as concerns the different energy mixes, conditions andnational circumstances, the European Council reviewed progress in phasing out theEuropean Unions dependency on Russian gas, oil and coal imports as soon as possible.Following earlier decisions on bans on imports from Russia and the presentation of theREPowerEU Plan to rapidly reduce dependency on Russian fossil fuels and toaccelerate the energy transition, to achieve a more resilient energy system and a well-interconnected Energy Union, it calls for: a) as a short-term priority, further diversifying supply sources and routes, andsecuring energy supply at affordable prices; b) accelerating the deployment of renewables; c) further improving energy efficiency wherever possible, and promoting energysavings taking into account notably the insular character of certain MemberStates; d) completing and improving the interconnection of European gas and electricitynetworks by investing in and completing infrastructure for existing and newprojects, including LNG and future-proof electricity and hydrogen-ready gasinterconnections throughout the European Union, including island Member States,and in renewable production capacity including, based on the upcoming analysisof the regulators and the current geopolitical context, taking advantage of theIberian Peninsulas potential to contribute to the security of supply of theEuropean Union. MT 23. Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the European Union has stepped up its support for Ukraines overall economic, social and financial resilience, including by providing humanitarian aid. The European Council reiterates its call for an end to repression in Belarus and recalls the democratic right of the Belarusian people to new, free and fair elections. In that regard, the European Council commends the results of the High-Level International Donors Conference co-hosted by Poland and Sweden. Written question - Sanctions against Turkey and Turkish entities - E-003336/2022 . On 18 January 2022, the European Commission launched a new higher education package, including a. On 24 May 2021, the European Council adopted conclusions on Russia, the UK, the Middle East and Mali. 2022 May 31 ( Tuesday ) 10:53:51. The European Council supports further options in line with EU and international law being actively explored, including options aimed at using frozen Russian assets to support Ukraines reconstruction. 5. lastly, in its reflections on the new european innovation agenda, the council recalled its conclusions from april this year on a european strategy empowering higher education institutions (heis) for the future of europe, underlining the need to encourage heis to develop close cooperation with economic, social and industrial partners within local General Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina - E-003339/2022. Official website. 27. Inter-institutional FWC for the Provision of Support for the Monitoring of LIFE Projects (Action Grants and Operating Grants . It should bring together the Ukrainian government, the European Union and its Member States, the European Investment Bank as well as international partners, financing institutions, organisations, experts and interested parties. Europe portal. LV (The Presidency of the European Council, European Commision, European parliament, The ministries of Youth in EU Member States and ect.). It is the most populated city in Abruzzo, with 119,217 (2018) residents (and approximately 350,000 including the surrounding . The benefit s of the OSS and IOSS for businesses and for the s ingle m arket was confirmed by Member States in the Council Conclusions 34 of the March 2022 . A press conference will be held on 6 May at 12:00 pm at the Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan (1 Amiryan Street, Yerevan, 0010 Armenia) to present preliminary conclusions of the mission. With your permission, we will use AT internet and Hotjar cookies to produce aggregated, anonymous data about our visitors' browsing and behaviour on our website. Your life online: How is the EU making it easier and safer for you? Charles Michel, President of the European Council, Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup, EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, The EU's work to combat human trafficking, Food for the world: What EU countries are doing to mitigate the impact of Russias war. The European Political Community is a big deal for EU-UK relations. Therefore, a Ukraine reconstruction platform should be considered. 3. 8. It should bring together the Ukrainian government, the European Union and its Member States, the European Investment Bank as well as international partners, financing institutions, organisations, experts and interested parties. The European Council reiterates that it firmly stands with Ukraine and that the European Union will continue to provide strong support for Ukraine's overall economic, military, social and financial resilience, including humanitarian aid. The European Union is ready to grant Ukraine new exceptional macro-financial assistance of up to EUR 9 billion in 2022. We welcome the progress on the physical prototype developed by industry. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe ( French: Comit des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe) or Committee of Ministers ( French: Comit des ministres) is the Council of Europe 's decision-making body. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help us constantly improve the site and better serve your needs. Russia, Belarus and all those responsible will be held to account for their actions in accordance with international law. 14. To get more information about these cookies, how and why we use them and how you can change your settings, check our cookies policy page. 18 May 2021; The future of the European Universities Initiative: Keeping a balanced approach is crucial . The obligation to undertake AA derives from Article 6(3) of European Union (EU) Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna (the 'Habitats European Council Conclusions: A Powerful Tool. The European Council agrees that the sixth package of sanctions against Russia will cover crude oil, as well as petroleum products, delivered from Russia into Member States, with a temporary exception for crude oil delivered by pipeline. . 10 October. The European Union and its Member States are prepared to play a major role in this regard. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. EU support for reconstruction will be linked to the implementation of reforms and anti-corruption measures consistent with its European path. In view of the ongoing fertiliser shortages in the global market, the European Councilcalls for more concerted efforts to work with international partners to promote a moreefficient use of and alternatives to fertilisers. European Council conclusions, 30-31 May 2022 EU heads of state and government welcomed the establishment of a joint investigation team coordinated by Eurojust and the ongoing operational support provided by Europol. The European Council calls on Russia to allow immediate humanitarian access and the safe passage of all civilians concerned. National circumstances and Member States' energy mix will be taken European Council meeting, 25 March 2022; Photo: European Union BRUSSELS - EU calls for accelerating the accession process and advancing the gradual integration, it was stated in the conclusions about Western Balkans of the European Council. L 311/176 EN Official Jour nal of the European Union 2.12.2022 (5) Pursuant to Decision . The European Council resolutely condemns Russias war of aggression against Ukraine. The European Council calls for the urgent preparation and adoption of a further individual and economic sanctions package that will also cover Belarus. 28. No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for . Other cookies are used to boost performance and guarantee security of the website. The European Council invites the Commission to present new initiatives to support this effort within the Multiannual Financial Framework. In this context, the European Council calls for the examination of the Commission proposal as soon as it is presented. The Council today approved conclusions on developing the Union's cyber posture. Any attempts to circumvent sanctions or to aid Russia by other means must be stopped. (9 February and 6 May 2022) . Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the . European Council conclusions (2004-present day) The European Council gathers together the Heads of State or Government from the European Union's Member States. . In this respect, the Commission will monitor and report regularly to the Council on the implementation of these measures to ensure a level playing field in the EU Single Market and security of supply. Your life online: How is the EU making it easier and safer for you? It is managed by the General Secretariat of the Council, the body of staff responsible for assisting the Council of the EU and the European Council. German business organization BDI published a position paper in June 2022 acknowledging the political and economic issues created by the inclusion of so-called immunity requirements in EUCS. The European Union is ready to grant Ukraine new exceptional macrofinancial assistance of up to EUR 9 billion in 2022. 2022. The European Council welcomes the adoption of the decision to suspend import duties on all Ukrainian exports to the European Union for one year. European Council Conclusions: A Rolling Check-list of commitments to date Study 13-10-2022 The role of the European Council - to 'provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development' and to define its 'general political directions and priorities' - has evolved rapidly over the last decade. On 30-31 May 2022, the European Council adopted conclusions on Ukraine, food security, security and defence, and energy. In this regard, it will continue to work closely with international partners. LT 17. HU PT 6. The European Council reiterates its call for an end to repression in Belarus and recalls the democratic right of the Belarusian people to new, free and fair elections. Please take a few minutes to complete a survey at the end of your visit. The Council adopted its common position ('general approach') on the proposed legislation regarding the framework for a European digital identity (eID). On 23-24 June 2022, the European Council adopted conclusions on Wider Europe, Ukraine, the membership applications from Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, Western Balkans, economic issues, Conference on the Future of Europe and external relations. SV, This document is only available in the following language: EL, This document is only available in the following language: FI, This document is only available in the following language: RO, This document is only available in the following language: PT, This document is only available in the following language: FR. 13 Council Conclusions on media literacy in an ever-changing world, 2020/C 193/06. The European Council follows closely the impact of Russias war against Ukraine on neighbouring countries and the Western Balkans. Sigmund Shortle December 2, 2022 2 min read. The European Council welcomes the efforts made by Member States to provide in their national law for appropriate confiscation measures and calls on the Council to swiftly examine the recent Commission proposal on criminal law measures in case of violation of EU sanctions. It will be put for approval by the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council configuration (EPSCO) on Thursday the 8 th of December. 18 October 2022. Ukraine's reconstruction will require comprehensive support to rebuild the country for the future. Related Posts. Research corpora: French accounts of the European integration process ; European organisations: European Union ; Subject files: L'Union conomique et montaire: origine, fonctionnement et futur ; Historical events in the European integration process (1945-2014): 1987-1997 The European Union in a Europe in the throes of change The European Council welcomes the adoption of the decision to suspend import duties on all Ukrainian exports to the European Union for one year. It urges Russia to immediately stop its indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, and to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all its troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. The European Council reiterates its call for an end to repression in Belarus and recalls the democratic right of the Belarusian people to new, free and fair elections. This will help us improve your experience. are likely to repeat the same pattern. The European Unionwelcomes the commitment and support of its partners and of international organisations. The European Union is ready to grant Ukraine new exceptional macro-financial assistance of up to EUR 9 billion in 2022. On 21 and 22 October 2021, the European Council adopted conclusions on COVID-19, digital, energy prices, migration, trade and external relations. This will help us improve your experience. The European Union is ready to grant Ukraine new exceptional macro- financial assistance of up to EUR 9 billion in 2022. European Council conclusions, 24-25 May 2021. This website is the official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council. European Council meeting (23 and 24 June 2022) Ministers exchanged views on the annotated draft agenda for the European Council meeting on 23 . The European Council takes note of the preparation of the Commissions opinions on the application for EU membership of Ukraine as well as the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, and will revert to the matter at its June meeting. Other cookies are used to boost performance and guarantee security of the website. . The European Union and its Member States will step up their efforts to reach out to third countries in order to support Ukraine in all these dimensions, counter the false Russian narrative and manipulation of information, and prevent sanctions evasion and circumvention. It also salutes the work being carried out by Ukraines Prosecutor General with financial and capacity-building support from the European Union and its Member States. 15 How to make Europe's Digital Decade fit for children and young people? This will help us improve your experience. The European Council expects international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war, to be fully respected. The European Council calls on the Council to rapidly examine the Commissionproposals to deliver on the REPowerEU objectives. The European Commission has tightened provisions for sanctions against Russia. The European Council welcomes the efforts made by Member States to provide in their national law for appropriate confiscation measures and calls on the Council to swiftly examine the recent Commission proposal on criminal law measures in case of violation of EU sanctions. Other cookies are used to boost performance and guarantee security of the website. This document is the Appropriate Assessment (AA) Conclusion Statement for the Sceilg Mhichl World Heritage Property Management Plan 2020 - 2030. The atrocities being committed by Russian forces and the suffering and destruction being inflicted are unspeakable. In this context, the European Council calls for the examination of the Commission proposal as soon as it is presented. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help us constantly improve the site and better serve your needs. Commission is promoting the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, developed by the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities in 2017. Other cookies are used to boost performance and guarantee security of the website. Background and objectivesChildren are more likely to suffer a hypoxic-ischaemic cause for cardiac arrest. In this respect, the European Council welcomes the adoption of the recent decision of the Council to increase military support to Ukraine under the European Peace Facility. The European Union also remains committed to continue bolstering Ukraines ability to defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty. We want to hear your feedback about our website. In this context, the European Council calls for the examination of the Commission proposal as soon as it is presented. The European Council addressed Russia's escalating war of aggression against Ukraine, which is putting European and global peace and security at risk. European Council conclusions, 24-25 May 2021 Visit the meeting page Press contacts Barend Leyts Spokesperson for the European Council President +32 486 22 68 65 +32 2 281 5150 @BarendLeyts Symeon Piperidis If you are not a journalist, please send your request to the public information service. The European Commission proposal sets out common EU rules to facilitate the investigation, prosecution and punishment of sanctions violations in all member states. The European Council will revert to the issue of the temporary exception for crude oil delivered by pipeline as soon as possible. European Council conclusions, 30-31 May 2022; Visit the meeting page. Related Posts. Member States may apply different rules when using the EU Digital COVID Certificate in a domestic context, but are invited to align with the acceptance period set at EU level. Please note that any references contained in the register are not legally binding. It acknowledges the support announced in the G7 context. 30. The price cap on Russian oil will limit . European Council conclusions, 30-31 May 2022 Visit the meeting page Press contacts Barend Leyts Spokesperson for the European Council President +32 2 281 5150 +32 486 22 68 65 The European Council reiterates its unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management e.V. (CoE) is based in Berlin.Its task is to enhance civilian crisis management within the framework of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).It is a service provider for its 21 members, the European External Action Service (EEAS) as well as civilian crisis management missions. 12. We will use this data to improve your experience on our website. The revised regulation aims to ensure universal access for people and businesses to secure and trustworthy electronic identification and authentication by means of a personal digital wallet . It also calls on Russia to immediately allow the safe return of Ukrainian individuals forcibly removed to Russia. EL CS 12 European Parliament Resolution 2019/2876 of 26 November 2019, point 19. This will help us improve your experience. (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 11 May 2016, on railway safety, composed of representatives from the . These conclusions come in response to . 2. Decision (EU) 2020/655 of the European Central Bank of 5 May 2020 adopting implementing r ules concer ning data protection at the . 10. We want to hear your feedback about our website. 16. BG 06. The Council Conclusions confirm EU's commitment to support Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in view of the challenges these countries are facing in terms of . To get more information about these cookies, how and why we use them and how you can change your settings, check our cookies policy page. Website. Your life online: How is the EU making it easier and safer for you? European Council conclusions, 30-31 May 2022 On 30-31 May 2022, the European Council adopted conclusions on Ukraine, food security, security and defence, and energy. The European Union and its Member States will step up their efforts to reach out to third countries in order to support Ukraine in all these dimensions, counter the false Russian narrative and manipulation of information, and prevent sanctions evasion and circumvention. On Human Rights Day the EU issued a declaration recalling that the genuine respect and fulfilment of human rights is indispensable for peace, democracy and sustainable development, and committing to re-double its efforts to stand with and speak out for the oppressed and those under threat, wherever they may live. The Russian war of aggression againstUkraine is having a direct impact on global food security and affordability. Such requirements would prevent major German and other European firms from scaling their businesses or operating outside of the EU to ensure such . In this regard, it will continue to work closely with international partners. The European Council therefore urges the Council to finalise and adopt it without delay, ensuring a well-functioning EU Single Market, fair competition, solidarity among Member States and a level playing field also with regard to the phasing out of our dependency on Russian fossil fuels. It condemns the illegal, provocative and disruptive Russian . 6. As a result of the restrictions, the number of unique city-pairs decreased by 67% compared to the same period levels in 2019. In case of sudden interruptions of supply, emergency measures will be introduced to ensure security of supply. In these conclusions, the Council provides guidance on the framework for the implementation of the European missions, in particular concerning the governance of the new instruments at European, national and local level to enhance synergies between funding programmes. It welcomes the establishment of a Joint Investigation Team coordinated by Eurojust, whose role has been reinforced, and the ongoing operational support provided by Europol. The European Council will revert to the matter at a forthcoming meeting. The European Council takes note of the preparation of the Commissions opinions on the application for EU membership of Ukraine as well as the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, and will revert to the matter at its June meeting. The posture aims to demonstrate the EU's determination to provide immediate and long-term responses to threat actors seeking to deny the EU a secure and open access to cyberspace and affect its strategic interests, including the security of its partners. The European Council supports further options in line with EU and international law being actively explored, including options aimed at using frozen Russian assets to support Ukraines reconstruction. A stronger and more capable European Union in the field ofsecurity and defence will contribute positively to global and transatlantic security and iscomplementary to NATO, which remains the foundation of collective defence for itsmembers. 15. (2 June 2022) In. The European Council held a strategic debate on Russia. The Foreign Affairs Council in Development configuration held on 20 May 2022 approved Council Conclusions on "EU's renewed partnership with Least Developed Countries (LDCs)". The European Council expects international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war, to be fully respected. Thetransatlantic relationship and EU-NATO cooperation, in full respect of the principles setout in the Treaties and those agreed by the European Council, including the principlesof inclusiveness, reciprocity and decision-making autonomy of the European Union, arekey to our overall security. UKRAINE. 22. In this respect, it welcomes the Food andAgriculture Resilience Mission (FARM) - based on the three pillars: trade, solidarityand production - which aims to mitigate consequences for price levels, production andaccess to and supply of grain. Russia. 9. This website is the official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup, EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, The EU's work to combat human trafficking, Food for the world: What EU countries are doing to mitigate the impact of Russias war. Sign up to receive our email and SMS alerts. 25. 18. The European Council agrees that the sixth package of sanctions against Russia will cover crude oil, as well as petroleum products, delivered from Russia into Member States, with a temporary exception for crude oil delivered by pipeline. The European Council resolutely condemns Russias war of aggression against Ukraine. 19 Jan 2022; . Charles Michel, President of the European Council, Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup, EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, The EU's work to combat human trafficking, Food for the world: What EU countries are doing to mitigate the impact of Russias war. It urges Russia to immediately stop its indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, and to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all its troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. 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    european council conclusions may 2022