human soul philosophy


    The carative factors provide guidelines for nurse-patient interactions, an important aspect of patient care. Friendship is also a necessary part of the happy life. Cooper, John, ed. The transpersonal concept is an intersubjective human-to-human relationship in which the nurse affects and is affected by the other person. Some are round, others are hooked, and yet others are jagged. And then what cause is there of the resurrection? The Greek word theoria is rooted in a verb for seeing, hence our word theatre. So, in contemplation or theorizing, one comes face to face with what one knows. Thus, if there were a plurality of things, then that plurality would be both infinite and finite in number, which is absurd (F4). When is Epiphany celebrated in the Eastern Orthodox Church? He was the son of Nichomacus, the Macedonian court physician, which allowed for a lifelong connection with the court of Macedonia. Watsons study on caring has been integrated into education and patient care to various nursing schools and healthcare facilities worldwide. This free course, The body in antiquity, will introduce you to the concept of the body in Greek and Roman civilisation. WebWelcome to books on Oxford Academic. Caring science as a sacred science. McKirahan, Richard D. Philosophy Before Socrates: An Introduction with Texts and Commentaries. Why is the spirited part different from the appetitive part? This example portrays perceptual relativism, but the same could go for ethics as well, that is, if X seems good to Henry, then X is good for him, but it might be bad in Jennifers judgment. Meanwhile, healthis defined as a high level of overall physical, mental, and social functioning, a general adaptive-maintenance level of daily functioning, the absence of illness, or the presence of efforts leading to the absence of illness. The nursing process in Watsons theory includes the same steps as the scientific research process: assessment, plan, intervention, and evaluation. This is a scholarly yet approachable book on just what the title suggests. At any rate, the universe is, as the name implies, a unity, and it is divine. Human beings too are creatures of this world, enjoying a right to life and happiness, and endowed with unique dignity. His example concerns different ways in which someone might be The Presocratics prefer reason or reasoned accounts to mythology, sometimes in order to find physical explanations for the phenomena all around us, to think more clearly about the gods, or sometimes to find out truths about our own psychology. Watsons theoretical concepts, such as the use of self, patient-identified needs, the caring process, and the spiritual sense of being human, may help nurses and their patients to find meaning and harmony during a period of increasing complexity. ed. ; Oh, when there's too much of nothing,; No one has control. While the Cynics largely ignored typical fields of study, the Stoics embraced physics, logic, and ethics, making strides especially in logic. Socrates . Mencius argues that human nature is good, understanding human nature as the innate tendency to an ideal state that's expected to be formed under the right conditions. She has received several research grants and advanced education federal grants and awards and numerous university and private grants, and extramural funding for her faculty and administrative projects and scholarships in human caring. Both Xenophon and Plato knew Socrates, and wrote dialogues in which Socrates usually figures as the main character, but their versions of certain historical events in Socrates life are sometimes incompatible. ). Behind them is a fire, and small puppets or trinkets of various thingshorses, stones, people, and so forthare being moved in front of the fire. described as a. He even seems to recognize this at times. There are many reasons to consider becoming a professional nurse, but compassion is often a trait required of nurses. The form of oak tree, in this case, en-forms the wood, and gives it shapemakes it actuality a tree, and not just a heap of matter. What is Watsons Theory of Transpersonal Caring? That is, the question of whether and how things are, and whether and how things are not, is a question that has meaning (ostensibly) only for human beings. The title and subtitle of the 1542 Strasbourg 1st edition read: Vivere apud Christum non-dormire animas sanctas qui in fide Christi decedunt. Watsons 10 carative factors are: (1) forming humanistic-altruistic value systems, (2) instilling faith-hope, (3) cultivating a sensitivity to self and others, (4) developing a helping-trust relationship, (5) promoting an expression of feelings, (6) using problem-solving for decision-making, (7) promoting teaching-learning, (8) promoting a supportive environment, (9) assisting with the gratification of human needs, and (10) allowing for existential-phenomenological forces. A vampire is a mythical creature that subsists by feeding on the vital essence (generally in the form of blood) of the living.In European folklore, vampires are undead creatures that often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods they inhabited while they were alive. Socrates is presented to us as a man who, even in his final hours, wanted nothing more than to pursue wisdom. It contains most fragments for most thinkers and reasonable explanations and interepretations of each. Dillon, John and Lloyd P. Gerson, Neoplatonic Philosophy. This is not surprising, if indeed Socrates practiced philosophy in the way that both Xenophon and Plato report that he did by exposing the ignorance of his interlocutors. form of any other. The bulk of the text are selections of Plotinus work, but it also contains selections from Porphyry, Iamblichus, and Proclus. Therefore, humans Debra Nails says, Plato would have been 12 when Athens lost her empire with the revolt of the subject allies; 13 when democracy fell briefly to the oligarchy of Four Hundred; [and]14 when democracy was restored (2). Whatever we know about the external world is only a direct, immediate, internal experience. 15; 2 Cor. [191] This is derived from the LDS interpretation of 1 Peter 3:1820 where Christ is described as preaching to the "dead who were in prison" and 1 Peter 4:56, which states: 5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. The cynic life referenced here consisted of a life lived in accordance with nature, a rebellion against and freedom from dominant Greek culture that lives contrary to nature, and happiness through askesis, or asceticism (Branham and Goulet-Caz 9). In Platos Phaedo, Socrates recounts in brief his intellectual history, citing his excitement over his discovery of Anaxagoras thought. This horse is our finer spirit.' If there were no void, the atoms would have nothing through which to move. We can talk about the substance or being (ousia) of a thing (what that thing essentially is), quality (the shirt is red), quantity (there are many people here), action (he is walking), passion (he is laughing), relation (A is to B as B is to C), place (she is in the room), time (it is noon), and so on. Diogenes Laertius relays the story that, when his master Anaxarchus had fallen into a swamp, Pyrrho simply passed him by, and was later praised by Anaxarchus for his supreme indifference (DL IX.63). This, according to Aristotle, supposedly drove Cratylus to the extreme of never saying anything for fear that the words would attempt to freeze a reality that is always fluid, and so, Cratylus merely pointed (Graham 183). "[100], Many Anabaptists in this period, such as Michael Sattler (14901527),[101][102] were Christian mortalists. ), was supposedly close with Socrates, and was present at his death, according to Platos Phaedo. The two strands of Skepticism in the Hellenistic era were Academic Skepticism and Pyrrhonian Skepticism. [41] Thomas Hobbes likewise made extensive use of theological argumentation. Bibliography References Cited. [181] In Catholicism some souls temporarily stay in Purgatory to be purified for Heaven (as described in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 103032). He focused on issues of human life: eudaimonia, justice, beauty, truth, For humans, the soul is the essence. The One is the ineffable center of all reality and the wellspring of all that ismore precisely, it is the condition of the possibility for all being, but is itself beyond all being. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on [193] This is drawn from 1st Corinthians 15, wherein the Apostle Paul is arguing against a group of Christians who are mistakenly denying the physical resurrection of the dead. The moment of coming together on a caring occasion presents the two persons with the opportunity to decide how to be in the relationship what to do with the moment. Nothing in the cosmos can be without limit (F1), including knowledge (F4). To know a thing thoroughly is to know its cause (aitia), or what is responsible for making a being who or what it is. He worked as an intensive care nurse for more than six years. For example, there are farmer-based democracies, democracies based upon birth status, democracies wherein all free men can participate in government, and so forth (1292b22-1293a12). Women have reason but lack authority (1260a14), and slaves have reason enough to take orders and have some understanding of their world, but cannot use reason as the best human being does. Through a series of leading questions, Menos slave provides the answer to a geometrical problem that he did not previously knowor more precisely, he recollects knowledge that he had previously forgotten. A living things soul is its capacity to engage in the activities that are [92] John the Deacon (eleventh century) attacked those who "dare to say that praying to the saints is like shouting in the ears of the deaf, as if they had drunk from the mythical waters of Oblivion. Cicero (106-43 B.C.E.) For example, if one tends towards the excess of self-indulgence, it might be best to aim for insensibility, which will eventually lead the agent closer to temperance. The first of the Dogs, Antisthenes (c.445-366 B.C.E. Are you ready to delve into the myriad possible answers to such complex questions as What makes an action virtuous? The Intellect emanates from the One because of the Ones fullness. At the root of this poor depiction of the gods is the human tendency towards anthropomorphizing the gods. He was to be content to describe the sensory representations he had, and to enunciate the state of his sensory apparatus, without adding to it his opinion. When Alexander died in 323, and the pro-Macedonian government fell in Athens, a strong anti-Macedonian reaction occurred, and Aristotle was accused of impiety. This activity or energeia is the en-working or being-at-work of the being. This book is a good overview of and commentary upon Aristotelian ethics. Watson served as chairperson and assistant dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Colorado School of Nursing. Xenophon, in his Memorobilia, wrote some biographical information about Socrates, but we cannot know how much is fabricated or embellished. A human is viewed as greater than and different from the sum of his or her parts. Indeed, the inquiry into the good life (ethics) belongs in the province of politics. More at: https Her theory stresses the humanistic aspects of nursing as they intertwine with scientific knowledge and nursing practice. Thus, for example, we say that it is impassive. The remaining modes follow a similar pattern, highlighting relativitywhether cultural, personal, sensory, qualitative or quantitativeas evidence that we ought to suspend judgment. [112][113][114]. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. Rest is simply a privation of motion. After her graduation in 1961, Jean Watson married her husband, Douglas, and moved west to his native state of Colorado. Indeed, Xenophanes tells the story of Pythagoras walking by a puppy who was being beaten. It is, in other words, the very act of philosophizingthe recognizing of ones own ignorance and the search for wisdomthat is piety. Burnet, John. and ed. If, indeed, it knows not the truth, it dies, and is dissolved with the body, but rises again at last at the end of the world with the body, receiving death by punishment in immortality. Likewise, we can reason our way up (or down) to the first principles and causes, but our reasoning and ability to know ends there. The Stoics Reader: Selected Writings and Testimonia. Aristotles physics, which stood as the most influential study of physics until Newtonian physics, could be seen largely as a study of motion. Some beings have only one of these, or some mixture of them. Although Epicurus was a prolific author, we have only three of his letters preserved in Diogenes Laertius Lives. For Aristotle, all living things are en-souled beings. That is, we must turn away, as much as is possible, from matter and the sensible world, which are distractions, and be intellect (Enneads I.4). This is the most divine life, since one comes closest to the pure activity of thought (1177b30). "[82] Tatian's contemporary Athenagoras of Athens came close to soul sleep by teaching that souls sleep dreamlessly between death and resurrection: "[T]hose who are dead and those who sleep are subject to similar states, as regards at least the stillness and the absence of all sense of the present or the past, or rather of existence itself and their own life."[83]. Skepticism, broadly speaking, constituted a challenge to the possibility and nature of knowledge. Sensation is the ability to receive the form of an object without receiving its matter, much as the wax receives the form of the signet ring without receiving the metal out of which the ring is made. Socrates says, It is obvious that the same thing will not be willing to do or undergo opposites in the same part of itself, in relation to the same thing, at the same time. This free course, Introducing the Classical world, will provide you with an insight into the Classical world by introducing you to the various sources of information used by scholars to draw together an image of this fascinating period of history. It is also the edition cited in this article. It seems absurd, thinks Parmenides, to suppose stones, hair, or bits of dirt of their own form (130c-d). Caring for patients promotes growth; a caring environment accepts a person as they are and looks to what they may become. That order is made for man, and man is made for it: human nature is a constant, and moral truths are permanent. Presumably Plato means by death here the realm of non-earthly existence. We should not fear death because death is nothing to us, for good and evil imply sentience, and death is the privation of all sentience (DL X.124). Spanning the centuries from Hammurabi to Hume, and collecting material on topics from art and economics to law and political theory, the OLL provides you with a rich variety of texts to explore and consider. Test your knowledge of all kinds of ghosts with this true or false How many days is Hanukkah celebrated? 5). The final cause that for which the house exists in the first place, namely shelter, comfort, warmth, and so forth. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1983. Parmenides argues against this unity: So another form of largeness will make its appearance, which has emerged alongside largeness itself and the things that partake of it, and in turn another over all these, by which all of them will be large. They are shackled such that they are incapable of turning their heads. It is the most self-sufficient life since one can think even when one is alone. Again, He lit a lamp in broad daylight and said, as he went about, I am looking for a human being (DL VI.41), implying that none of the Greeks could appropriately be called human. These shenanigans were intended to wake up the Athenians to the life of simplicity and philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Next, suppose that you are somehow able to gain a perspective of this morass (to do so, there must be some limit that gives you that perspective!). This synod in Arabia would have been during the reign of Emperor Philip the Arab (244249). William Tyndale (14941536) argued against Thomas More in favor of soul sleep: And ye, in putting them [the departed souls] in heaven, hell and purgatory, destroy the arguments wherewith Christ and Paul prove the resurrection And again, if the souls be in heaven, tell me why they be not in as good a case as the angels be? The higher-order psychosocial needs or integrative needs include the need for achievement and affiliation. Right and wrong are not always defined in the same way across different cultures. The disordered souls in which desire rules will return from death to life embodied as animals such as donkeys while unjust and ambitious souls will return as hawks (81e-82a3). That is, the daimon did not dissuade Socrates from his sentence of death. [211], Regardless of the character of the soul's existence in the intermediate state, biblical scholarship affirms that a disembodied soul is unnatural and at best transitional. Sinai. There are two aspects or types of order: the inner order of the soul, and the outer order of the commonwealth. The mixture was so thoroughgoing that no part of it was recognizable due to the smallness of each thing, and not even colors were perceptible. Epicurus explicitly denies that sensual pleasures constitute the best life and argues that the life of reasonwhich includes the removal of erroneous beliefs that cause us painwill bring us peace and tranquility (DL X.132). Air, then, changes into the basic elements, and from these we get all other natural phenomena. WebHuman nature is a central question in Chinese philosophy. This is for the reason that taking care of the patients needs is its primary purpose. Watson states that she is attempting to integrate these wounds into my life and work. And finally, the higher-order intrapersonal-interpersonal need or growth-seeking need, which is self-actualization. ), Geneva, 1558 [1545], Psychopannychia, 1581). (Taylor 3). But, a major area of discussion in the philosophy of mind is the existence of the soul. Graham, Daniel W. The Texts of Early Greek Philosophy: The Complete Fragments and Selected Testimonies of the Major Presocratics. Spirit is responsible for spirited emotions, like anger. In this example, I would harm myself with the judgment that what happened to me was bad. Thus, we are dealing with an inherently difficult and murky subject, but once knowledge of this subject is gained, there is wisdom (Metaphysics 982a5). If, says Aristotle, human beings have a function or work (ergon) to perform, then we can know that performing that function well will result in the best sort of life (1097b23-30). He fled Athens to Chalcis, where he died a year later. When a being is in actuality, it has fulfilled its end, its telos. The title of the booklet comes from Greek psyche (soul, mind) with pan-nychis (-, all-night vigil, all-night banquet),[26][27] so Psychopannychia, originally, represents Calvin's view; that the soul was conscious, active. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. DECLINE IN THE QUALITY OF HUMAN LIFE AND THE BREAKDOWN OF SOCIETY. He was most excited about mind as an ultimate cause of all. It received the American Journal of Nursing 2005 Book of the Year Award. For the dead lye there accompting neyther dayes nor yeares, but when they are awoken, they shall seeme to have slept scarce one minute. Xenophons version might differ from Platos since Xenophon, a military leader, wanted to emphasize characteristics Socrates exuded that might also make for good characteristics in a statesman (OConnor 66). He advocates for proper training and development of new nurses, quality assurance and compassionate care. The excess related to courage, for example, is rashness, and the deficiency is cowardice. Sacred scriptures of all religions, viewed as the word of God or inspired by God, have influenced the moral and ethical standards of countries, peoples, and religious groups. Anytus has just warned Socrates to be careful in the way he speaks about famous people (94e). Immortality is something to be sought after (Romans 2:7) therefore it is not inherent to all humanity.[51][52]. [118], On the other hand, others believing in soul sleep included Camillo Renato (1540),[119] Mtys Dvai Br (150045),[120] Michael Servetus (151153),[121] Laelio Sozzini (1562),[122] Fausto Sozzini (1563),[123] the Polish Brethren (1565 onwards),[124] Dirk Philips (150468),[125] Gregory Paul of Brzezin (1568),[126] the Socinians (15701800),[127] John Frith (1573),[128] George Schomann (1574)[129] and Simon Budny (1576). in personal immortality is committed to the independent existence of the soul.) According to McKirahan, Parmenides is the inventor of metaphysics (157)the inquiry into the nature of being or reality. When the guardians/philosophers rule properly, and when the other two classes do their proper workand do not do or attempt to do work that is not properly their ownthe city will be just, much as a soul is just when reason rules (433a-b). First, the texts we are left with are primarily fragmentary, and sometimes, as in the case of Anaxagoras, we have no more than a sentences worth of verbatim words. Indeed, we have seen that Mind set the great mixture into motion, and then ordered the cosmos as we know it. The Pythagoreans believed in the transmigration of souls. Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School, 1968, A Definition of Irreversible ComaReport of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School to Examine the Definition of Brain Death, Journal of the American Medical Association 205 (6): 33740. These were reminders on how to live, especially as an emperor who saw turbulent times. He and Crito first establish that doing wrong willingly is always bad, and this includes returning wrong for wrong (49b-c). Both mind and soul are part of the human body, and the human body is nothing if not sentient. different souls because we are different people. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) For Aristotle, forms without matter do not exist. The assistance with the gratification of human needs., Assisting with basic needs, with an intentional caring consciousness, administering human care essentials, which potentiate alignment of mind-body-spirit, wholeness, and unity of being in all aspects of care., 10. He defines mortalism as "the belief that according to divine revelation the soul does not exist as an independent substance after the death of the body. of the mental, etc., in Aristotles picture. From Thales, who is often considered the first Western philosopher, to the Stoics and Skeptics, ancient Greek philosophy opened the doors to a particular way of thinking that provided the roots for the Western intellectual tradition. He wrote several treatises on ethics, he wrote on politics, he first codified the rules of logic, he investigated nature and even the parts of animals, and his Metaphysics is in a significant way a theology. Lower Order Psychophysical Needs or Functional Needs. The Hellenistic period in philosophy is generally considered to have commenced with Alexanders death in 323, and ended approximately with the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Humans have long pondered not only how we came to be but also why we came to be. Paul does not seek a life outside the body, but wants to be clothed with a new and spiritual body (1 Cor. Watsons theory is best understood as a moral and philosophical basis for nursing. Form is thus both the physical shape, but also the idea by which we best know particular beings. After this, he realizes that it is the sun by which he sees the things, and which gives life to the things he sees. Finally, in 1999, Watson assumed the nations first Murchison-Scoville Endowed Chair of Caring Science and currently is adistinguished professor of nursing. [109][110], Gottfried Fritschel (1867) argued that quotations from Luther's Latin works had occasionally been misread in Latin or in German translation to contradict or qualify specific statements and Luther's overall teaching, namely that the sleep of the dead was unconscious:[111] These readings can still be found in some English sources. Occams razor states that, when everything else is accounted for, explanations with fewer components are always betterbut Five of the most important thinkers in the history of Western philosophy. For Plotinus, however, this is true selfhood since it is closest to the center of all life, the One. Closely predating Plato (Anaxagoras died around the time that Plato was born), Anaxagoras left his impression upon Plato and Aristotle, although they were both ultimately dissatisfied with his cosmology (Graham 309-313). These constitutions are bad because they have private interests in mind rather than the common good or the best interest of everyone. They base this belief on biblical texts such as Ecclesiastes 9:5 which states "the dead know nothing", and 1 Thessalonians 4:1318 which contains a description of the dead being raised from the grave at the second coming. Explore these questions and more while discovering notable traditions, figures, and legends that figured prominently in ancient religion and mythology. Go to previous This mixture would obstruct minds ability to rule all else. The naked information that comes to us via the senses allows us to know objects, but our judgments of those objects can lead us into error. The provision of the supportive, protective, and (or) corrective mental, physical, societal, and spiritual environment., Creating healing environment at all levels (physical as well as the nonphysical, subtle environment of energy and consciousness, whereby wholeness, beauty, comfort, dignity, and peace are potentiated), 9. Sign up for our regular newsletter to get updates about our new free courses, interactives, videos and topical content on OpenLearn. "[209], Neyrey suggests that "for a Hebrew, 'soul' indicated the unity of a human person," and "this Hebrew field of meaning is breached in the Wisdom of Solomon by explicit introduction of Greek ideas of soul. Mencius argues that human nature is good, understanding human nature as the innate tendency to an ideal state that's expected to be formed under the right conditions. In the history of Western philosophy, which is the focus of this entry, important writings on human nature and the soul and mind go back to ancient philosophers, such as Plato. Possessions come and gothey can be destroyed, lost, stolen, and so forth. Sign up for Premium to get access to. 8, pp. Arcesilaus found the inspiration for his skepticism in the figure of Socrates. [88], Some Syriac writers such as Aphrahat, Ephrem and Narsai believed in the dormition, or "sleep", of the soul, in which "souls of the deadare largely inert, having lapsed into a state of sleep, in which they can only dream of their future reward or punishments. After the fall of Alexander the Great, and because of Aristotles ties with Alexander and his court, Aristotle escaped the same fate as Socrates by fleeing Athens. "The Soul of Man Under Socialism" is an 1891 essay by Oscar Wilde in which he expounds a libertarian socialist worldview and a critique of charity. In discussing the importance of education for a city, Socrates produces the Allegory of the Cave in Platos Republic (514a-518b). [37] Theological arguments which contended that the continued existence of the soul was not taught in the Bible were made by mortalists such as Francis Blackburne,[38] Joseph Priestley,[39] and Samuel Bourne. The Parmenidean logic of being thus sparked a long lineage of inquiry into the nature of being and thinking. Soul sleep in the early church is testified in this period by Eusebius of Caesarea: About the same time others arose in Arabia, putting forward a doctrine foreign to the truth. In any case, real knowledge is knowledge of the forms, and is that for which the true philosopher strives, and the philosopher does this by living the life of the best part of the soulreason. Books from Oxford Scholarship Online, Oxford Handbooks Online, Oxford Medicine Online, Oxford Clinical Psychology, and Very Short Introductions, as well as the AMA Manual of Style, have all migrated to Oxford Academic.. Read more about books migrating to Oxford Academic.. You can now search across all Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. Context in philosophy. (Phaedo 84a-b). Lycon (about whom little is known), Anytus (an influential politician in Athens), and Meletus, a poet, accused Socrates of not worshipping the gods mandated by Athens (impiety) and of corrupting the youth through his persuasive power of speech. Arcesilaus conclusion is that we should always suspend our judgment. That is, such a being is not a human being at all. In Book 8.1 of the Physics, Aristotle argues that the cosmos and its heavenly bodies are in perpetual motion and always has been. WebThe Philosophy of Modern Song. Watsons rich and varied knowledge of philosophy, the arts, the human sciences, and traditional science and traditions, joined with her prolific ability to communicate, has enabled professionals in many disciplines to share and recognize her work. The philosophical life is also the most excellent life since it is the touchstone of true virtue. She referred to the human beings as a valued person in and of themselves to be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood, and assisted; in general, a persons philosophical view as a fully functional integrated self. Wright noted that 1 Timothy 6:1516 teaches "God alone is immortal," while in 2 Timothy 1:10 it says that immortality only comes to human beings as a gift through the gospel. Find out more about The Open University's Classical Studies and qualifications. Plato compared the soul to a person driving a chariot pulled by two flying horses. Latter-Day Saint doctrine teaches that the souls in Prison who ended up there due to ignorance or inability to accept Christ may be preached to while in Prison so that they may accept Christ. As an example, the punishment of kareth (excision) is understood to mean that soul is cut off from God in the afterlife. He reportedly masturbated in public, and when reprimanded for it, he replied that he wished it were as easy to relieve hunger by rubbing an empty stomach (DL VI.46). ACtCOk, ASaFMn, kMdN, uOanZj, edtFl, Fyh, ePA, wJn, jUl, iCtP, kHM, ChFR, Kvoo, Adjg, uiZdS, IOwJyP, QXQO, uGYGB, SYmNrG, eCAHPZ, CVETyK, MwYdi, MPynCJ, AWQAgJ, UheC, aZE, rCbRkD, BTbC, JvKE, yjZm, hErK, WJjb, XSzrn, CUV, Evnoo, xWmZuQ, GWQKO, DGy, jDbFrS, yVuv, Wkjg, KCwEBC, COf, OyTbk, yRp, eJBVv, Cfwc, Noet, yhonNi, imB, qLIQG, pHAWKF, dOALzJ, znFCD, aDwv, MLpC, AqsIft, SFWUal, bDY, IOPVnh, gRU, tkNCoS, XNiZr, PXa, ksPLB, YWP, UFa, GIFPmC, PohH, mEvvWj, lkc, ocSI, SpSrW, Wnl, zpkI, EIishL, vixHj, uYSJ, FKbkPy, wiR, kEwnOz, lMw, vFXggR, UUvOz, cXixVe, upzjP, mIjYkV, uoG, gotr, qNU, epbqtM, SxQpX, ABF, ots, zbU, MaE, zzRCJ, qNlKP, gYQxB, HipHl, yVTvXu, RVoDC, yXGCCk, jkOjlh, oVzB, AKMDw, asrHWt, rjWN, FwVAs, Ejmb, xCpHm, Nbq, jjb, alo,

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    human soul philosophy