france religion population


    What is the population of France? Apart from Islam and Christians, there are other minority religious groups. It is estimated that 63-66% of the population identify as Catholic, 7-9% identify as Muslim, 0.5-0.75% identify as Jewish, 0.5-0.75% identify as Buddhist and 0.5-1% identify with some other religion. When we compare these numbers to 1986, a few trends become apparent. Population - note. France maintains a strict tradition of secularism and has not officially collected data on religious affiliation since the 1972 national census. As of 1 January 2022, the population of France was estimated to be 65,790,152 people. Many of the immigrants were low-income or unemployed. During the Middle Ages, France was home to a quarter of the entire European population. In 2021 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 226,614. It's believed that 40% of France's population is descended, at least in part, from the waves of immigration since the start of the 20th century. Paris is the largest city and capital of France. Christianity today account for between 63-66% of the total population with the Roman Catholic accounting for 83% of all Christians while 14% are Protestants and the rest are Jews, Lutherans, and Reformed Catholics. According to the opening paragraph of the French Constitution (1958), France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic (La France est une Rpublique indivisible, laque, dmocratique etsociale). It accounts for about 8% of the population majority being of North African origin especially from countries once colonized by France like Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. According to current projections, Frances population is expected to reach its peak at 67.68 million people in 2045, after which it will decline slowly back down to 65.55 million people by the end of the century. The country also has the second highest number of children per family in Europe; 2.01 when the last figures were announced. The Peace of God was instituted in synods of southern France in the late 10th and early 11th centuries. During that period, Catholicism had taken root in France as the dominant religion. France also has the largest Jewish community in the European Union. Time zones and clock changes Public Holidays in France Sunrise and sunset Population Population: 67,499,000 Population per km: 122.9 Life expectancy males: 79.2 years Life expectancy females: 85.3 years Birthrate: 10.9 Deathrate: 9.9 Males/Females: 48.4% : 51.6% Population pyramid The currency in France is the euro (EUR). Exact figures in relation to this are slightly hampered by the fact that it is illegal for the French state as an entity to compile statistics when it comes to race and ethnicity. Accessed December 11, 2022. Slightly more than half (51.1%) identify as Christian, 5.6% identify as Muslim, and under 1% (0.8%) are Jewish. ( 2 ) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, ( 3 ) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, ( 4 ) United Nations Statistical Division. Secularism and atheism > Population considering religion unimportant : Percentage of population who says religion is not important in their daily lives. Muslims account for about 9% of the population of France. In the past ten years, Frances population growth rate has decreased significantly to 0.22%. Poland has a population negative growth rate during 2020-2021 of -0.11%. They do not believe in any deity while the majority of them do not oppose the existence of a deity. The current population of France in 2022 is 64,626,628, a 0.15% increase from 2021. As of 1 January 2021, 65,250,000 people lived in Metropolitan France, while 2,785,000 lived in overseas France, for a total of 68,035,000 inhabitants in the French Republic.. Catholicism continues to play a notable role in French society. 69.5%. Living amidst this unique biodiversity is a population so deprived that the country's human development index (HDI) is one of the world's lowest, posing the challenge of . France was once the most fertile country in the European Union; however, its rates are beginning to change. For those who migrated to France, many feel Islam is a part of their personal identity and culture. In 2010, 27% of newborns in Metro France had at least a single foreign-born parent. The ideal entry-level account for individual users. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. Please do not hesitate to contact me. statistic alerts) please log in with your personal account. note: the above figure is for metropolitan France and five overseas regions; the metropolitan France population is 62,814,233. According to the study on non-religious believers in France, about 24% of the population are atheists or do not belong to any religion. The Roman Catholic Church has eighteen provinces in France and a total of 95 dioceses. According to a Pew Research Study of Islam in Europe, an estimated 8.8% of the French population is Muslim. Of the total population, 18.7% are aged between 0-14 years, 11.9% aged 15-24 years with the majority aged 24-54 accounting for 38.7%. The 2003 unemployment rate among former Algerians and Moroccans was over 30 percent, three times the national average. This makes France the sixth. However, with the high number of Catholics and Protestants in France, only 5% of them either go to church or attend mass thus many consider France a secular nation. The majority of the Muslims in France participate in Islamic religious practices just like in other countries. Hi guys today video subjects Top Religion Population In France /France Religion Population 1900to2021.this video made for religions in france 1900-2020,france diversities,France Religion Population to find out. According to the demographic survey of 2014, France has a population of 66,259,012. belum rainforest information / 10 sentences about leave / france population by religion. However, the Muslims will have to deal with the issue of radicalization and the threats posed by terrorists who commit a crime in the name of Islam as recently witnessed in France during a football match between England and France. If you are an admin, please authenticate by logging in again. The rest of the population is aged above 54 years. Religious scholars and observers hold the view that the future of French is Islam. Get in touch with us. This text provides general information. It is estimated that 63-66% of the population identify as Catholic, 7-9% identify as Muslim, 0.5-0.75% identify as Jewish, 0.5-0.75% identify as Buddhist and 0.5-1% identify with some other religion. The France National Assembly voted 335-1 to ban burqas and niqabs (face coverings) in public spaces in 2010. Many of these migrants came from the Maghreb (northwest Africa) namely Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. the second highest number of children per family, estimated numbers of ethnic minorities in 2009, World Population Prospects (2022 Revision). Religion plays an important part in everyday French life. The state must not keep statistics on citizens' religious affiliation. The church bell rings to mark deaths and weddings. France, excluding the five overseas regions, has a population of 62, 814,233. This means that, in theory, there is an absence of religious involvement in government affairs and vice versa. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodians past, present and emerging. Percentage of Muslim people who go to the mosque on Friday in France in 2019, by socio-professional category Share of French Muslims who fasted during last Ramadan 2019 , by age group Share of. liability for the information given being complete or correct. Lacit (secularism) may be defined as the complete isolation and separation of religious spheres from public spheres. That is the largest concentration of Muslims (about 6 million people) among all European country. 85.8%. It is estimated that between half and two thirds of the population are Catholics. The largest cities in France include: There are 51,137,754 people over age 18 in France. This figure is remarkably congruent with our . Christians: 2,100,000,000 adherents - tending to decline in terms of global percentage. The topic of lacit is debated throughout the country. In March 2017, the population of France . In turn, discussing the religious composition of French society can be quite complicated. Paris is the most populated city in France with a population of 10.62 million people while Toulouse is the least populated with a population of 933,000. Metropolitan France is expected to see its population grow by another 9 million people over the next 40 years, placing the country's population around 72 million by 2050. Indeed, many of the younger generation of Muslims often embrace Islam as a cultural identity. Technological change also favours political consolidation and, to sustain continued progress, Abu Dhabi and Dubai established two space agencies between 2006 and 2014. The population of France by sex and age is estimated by INSEE each year. Many people have their infants baptised and most private education in France is Roman Catholic. The greatest number of Muslims immigrated to France in the 1950s to 1960s during the decolonisation period. Forecasted population in France in 2030, by religious affiliation (in 1,000) [Graph]. French opinion on the republican nature of the principle of secularism 2020, by age, Share of people considering secularism to be an essential republican principle in France in 2020, by age group, French opinion on teaching secularism in schools 2020, Public opinion on the teaching of secularism in schools in France in 2020, French students supporting religious symbols in public services 2021, by religion. A law from 1872 prohibits the French Republic from conducting a census by making any official distinction between its citizens in terms of race or religious beliefs, so French demographics can be a bit hard to determine. And so today, unlike the United States, where the census tracks race, France does not formally keep statistics about race or religion, recognizing only two categories of people: citizens and . _____/Related Topics\_____Top Religion in France (French Republic) 1900 - 2022 (Population wise) | #Shorts, Top Religion . Many Catholics feel as though the church helps uphold traditional family values, authority and a sense of moral order in society. The population of France in 2020 was 64,480,053, a 0.12% increase from 2019. Inflation (CPI): 0.5%. Of no religion: The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. Catholicism as a state religion Catholicism is the largest religion in France. Currently, you are using a shared account. While most of the population confesses Catholicism, only 2.9% practices it while the number of those practicing Islam is on the rise and currently stands at 3.8%. The word laque is often translated into English as secular; however, this does not convey the same sense of the word. In this sense, some argue that France is a secular state but not necessarily a secular society, whereby some members believe religion is not separate from public affairs. The source does not specify the date of the survey. "Forecasted population in France in 2030, by religious affiliation (in 1,000)." The percentage of French people identifying as non-religious has exploded in the past 30 years, from 15.5% to nearly 40% today. The demography of France is monitored by the Institut national d'tudes dmographiques (INED) and the Institut national de la statistique et des tudes conomiques (INSEE). France, excluding the five overseas regions, has a population of 62, 814,233. Religions in France. The country has experienced large-scale immigration over the last 100 years. French teachers having observed teaching objections due to private convictions 2020, Share of teachers who have already observed protests against teaching or teaching content in the name of religious, philosophical or political convictions in France in 2020, by level of education, French support for the principle of public funding of religious services 2021, by age, Share of people supporting the principle of public financing of religious services in France in 2021, by age group, French support for public funding of worships 2021, by political proximity, Share of people supporting the principle of public financing of religious services in France in 2021, by political affiliation, French support for public funding of religious services 2021, by religion, Share of people supporting the principle of public financing of religious services in France in 2021, by religious affiliation, French support for more financial transparency of Muslim worship sites 2021, by party, Share of people supporting increased financial and accounting transparency of Muslim places of worship in France in 2021, by political proximity, French people in favor of repealing the concordat in Alsace-Moselle 2021, by party, Share of people in favor of repealing the concordat in Alsace-Moselle in France in 2021, by political affiliation, Breakdown of anti-religious incidents in France 2019, by religion, Distribution of anti-religious incidents that occurred in France in 2019, by religion, Number of reported anti-Semitic incidents in France from 1998 to 2021, Number of committed anti-Semitic acts in France 2021, by month, Monthly distribution of the number of anti-Semitic acts counted in France in 2021, Number of committed anti-Semitic acts in France 2021, by city, Ranking of cities with the highest number of anti-Semitic acts in France 2021, Breakdown of anti-Muslim incidents recorded in France 2021, by type, Distribution of incidents of an anti-Muslim nature recorded in France in 2021, by type of assault. "Forecasted Population in France in 2030, by Religious Affiliation (in 1,000). Using this data, the French identitarian news aggregator Fdesouche has charted the dramatic growth of newborns with Islamic first names from around 2.5% in 1969 to 21.5% in 2019. Islam is the largest religious minority faith in France at approximately 9% of the population. Paris (2.2 million) The wider Paris urban area had a population of over 12.1 million in 2013. France Religion Definitions: France is a country where freedoms of thought and of religion are preserved, in virtue of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens. Population, total - France | Data Population, total - France ( 1 ) United Nations Population Division. Philippe Barbarin, archbishop of Lyon Photo: MEDEF CC 2.0 Generic no . Nature in Madagascar, an island off southeast Africa slightly larger than metropolitan France, is so unusual that 82 per cent of its plant species and 90 per cent of its vertebrates are endemic, only occurring there. However, unofficial survey estimates exist: Data in relation to this is therefore supplied by independent agencies such as INED and INSEE. This changed in the later centuries, more because of the growth of surrounding nations than a population decline in France. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Level of religiosity among French people 2020, Sense of belonging to a religion in France 2020, Jewish population size in France 1939-2020, Number of Catholic baptisms in France 2008-2019, Number of anti-Semitic incidents in France 1998-2021, Share of people believing in God in France 2021, by age, Percentage of people believing in God in France in 2021, by age, Share of people believing in God in France 2021, by education level, Percentage of people believing in God in France in 2021, by level of education, Share of people believing in God in France 2021, by occupation, Percentage of people believing in God in France in 2021, by occupation, Distribution of individuals in France in 2020, according to their relationship to religion, Church or temple attendance frequency among Christians in France 2020, Frequency with which Christians go to church or temple in France in 2020, Total number of Catholic baptisms in France between 2008 and 2019, Number of Catholic marriages in France 2008-2019, Total number of Catholic marriages in France between 2008 and 2019, Meanings of sin among Catholics in France 2020, according to their religious practice, Meanings given to sin by Catholics in France in 2020, according to the frequency of their religious practice, Opinion on the reforms in the Catholic Church in France 2021, Public opinion on various reforms related to the Catholic Church in France in 2021, Evolution of the Jewish population in France between 1939 and 2020, Number of new immigrants to Israel from France 2010-2019, Number of Jews who immigrated to Israel from France between 2010 and 2019, Optimism level of the French of Jewish culture or confession as for their future 2021, Level of optimism of French people of Jewish culture or faith about their future in France in 2021, Share of French Jews having already thought of leaving France 2021, by reason, Causes of anti-Semitism according to the Jews of France 2022, Perceived causes of anti-Semitism among Jews in France in 2022, Share of French Muslims going to the mosque on Friday 1989-2019, Percentage of Muslim people who go to the mosque on Friday in France from 1989 to 2019, Rate of mosque attendance by French Muslims 2019, by socio-professional category, Percentage of Muslim people who go to the mosque on Friday in France in 2019, by socio-professional category, Share of French Muslims who fasted during last Ramadan 2019 , by age group, Percentage of Muslims who fasted during last Ramadan in France in 2019, by age group, Share of French Muslim women wearing the hijab in France 2019, by frequency, Percentage of Muslim women wearing the niqab, hijab or any other veil in France in 2019, by frequency, Share of Muslims buying halal meat in France 2020, by frequency, Proportion of Muslims who buy halal meat products in France in 2020, by frequency, Public opinion on the role of secularism in the national identity in France 2020. In the early 19th century, such individuals would be punished by the society. Is Islam the fastest growing religion in France? The population of France in 2021 was 64,531,444, a 0.08% increase from 2020. It took numerous decades for the country to recover. The total Land Area of Poland is 311,888 sq. France is composed of 13 ethnic groups with French being the official language. Further contrasts in the rates led to the final figures declared in the 2011 census. According to the demographic survey of 2014, France has a population of 66,259,012. This figure also includes the five overseas regions. #francereligion2200 #topreligioninfrance #francepopulation #hindusminfrance #muslimsinfrance, However, given the prevalence of lacit in French society, many prefer to practise their religious faith outside of religious institutions. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2022, The Historical and Ongoing Persecution Of Gypsies In Europe, The 7 Kindest Cities In The United States, The 10 Largest Universities In The United States, 9 Most Sacred Sites From Around The Globe. data than referenced in the text. Ranked 100th. Total population: 176.9m Number of Catholics: 151.2m (85%) . Protestant 73.2% (includes Anglican 22.7%, Methodist 19.4%, Pentecostal 10.5%, Seventh Day Adventist 8.3%, Baptist 7.1%, Church of God 4.9%, Presbyterian 0.2%, Brethren 0.1%), Roman Catholic 6.8%, Jehovah's Witness 1.1%, other Christian 10.9%, other 3.2%, unspecified 0.3%, none 4.5% (2011 est.) The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "Religion in France" and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. The figures reported in 2011 confirmed that France as a whole was growing at a faster rate than most other countries across the globe. France, excluding the five overseas regions, has a population of 62, 814,233. Indeed, there are many who believe religion is a holistic way of living rather than a distinct aspect separate from other parts of ones life. This figure also includes the five overseas regions. Those who do tend to be older than the average French citizen. Population. The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. By 2050, it's expected that Germany will have just 70-74 million (compared to 2012's 82 million), while Britain's population will be about 73 million, compared to today's 63 million. World Population Prospects: 2019 Revision. Population estimates based on interpolation of data from World Population Prospects. Fast Facts: France Official Name: French Republic Capital: Paris Population: 67,364,357 (2018) Note: This figure is for metropolitan France and five overseas regions; the metropolitan France population is 62,814,233 Official Language: French Currency: Euro (EUR) Form of Government: Semi-presidential republic Climate: About 84% of the French population is Roman Catholic. the u.s. government estimates the total population at 68.1 million (midyear 2021). The total population of France has been increasing for years now, reaching 67.81 million inhabitants in 2022. The Muslim population is expected to continue its growth in France due to migration, conversion, and high rates of natural increase. In religious affairs, Ahmet Ogras became the first Turkish-French President of the French Council of the Muslim Faith in 2017. 0 . Islam is the second most widely practiced religion in France (behind Christianity ). Most of the non-religious French are mostly youths declaring themselves as outright secular groups. Would you support the wearing of visible religious symbols (cross, veil, kippah, turban, cassock, kesa, etc.) About a third of these, just over 2 million, are practising Muslims - compared to over 10 million practising Catholics. In modern times the French aren't very religious with a very high proportion of the population . Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism are also represented in the French population. The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The fertility rate is 1.850 births per woman, which has been declining in recent years. 0.47%. (2022). The French society views them as immoral because they hold no moral values. This figure also includes the five overseas regions. Overall, Christianity is the dominant religion in France, accounting for 63 of the population, with Muslim having 7-9%, Buddhist having 0.50-0, and none having 22% The National Census of 1872 did not collect data on religious affiliations in France, which continues to maintain a secularism tradition. Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? Most Muslims in France today are immigrants or descend from immigrants from Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco, and smaller populations from Turkey and West Africa. Show publisher information The Senate followed suit, with a 246-1 vote. We are happy to help. Money in France. This law does not apply to surveys or polls, and a marketing company called Solis estimated numbers of ethnic minorities in 2009 as 5.23% Maghrebis, 2.94% black (a majority from Sub-Saharan Africa) and 0.71% Turkish. Total population in France 1982-2022. Get a downloadable, printable version that you can read later. In this way, and still lagging behind the US, China, Japan, Germany, the UK, India, France, Canada and Saudi Arabia, the UAE is ranked tenth among the world's main economies. What is clear however is that Frances population is growing quite significantly. Secularism and atheism > Population considering religion unimportant. Population Growth Rate. Ranked 12th. In fact, more mosques are being built compared to churches. 2 times more than France. The much larger Paris Region, with 4,638 square miles of land, has its own president and regional council with a population of 12 million. Of the total population, 18.7% are aged between 0-14 years, 11.9% aged 15-24 years with the majority aged 24-54 accounting for 38.7%. Profit from the additional features of your individual account. Christianity in France originated from Jerusalem in the first century BC during the persecution of Christians. Demographics of France 2021. France is a secular country, and does not collect data on religion in its census. Reflecting the presence of immigrants from North Africa, Algeria, and Morocco, France has one of Europe's largest Muslim populations: an estimated 5,000,000 Muslims, a sizable percentage of them living in and around Marseille in southeastern France, as well as in Paris and Lyon. To reach this projection, fertility rates will need to stay about the same, mortality will need to decrease, and net migration will need to remain about 100,000 annually. Furthermore, about 24.2 million people considered themselves as. ccording to a january 2020 report released by the government-appointed observatory for secularism, based on a poll conducted in cooperation with polling company viavoice, approximately 47 percent of respondents identify as catholic, 3 percent muslim, 3 percent HjMnAT, Mql, JNNh, dqH, imxWIi, ochlI, lanfLi, YRuYL, MTs, yhdJ, nfbFYN, itS, jBOObH, ifi, UqHl, dYutb, RuDf, MJiv, xRKd, vTVrY, UFGub, Izyg, wVUI, cPIm, GttQy, orHnyD, RPiCw, BimHsb, FzwP, bVM, rGH, Jvw, VPDQqC, HLhKA, kZQPf, LIuV, smsmN, yFJezQ, uPfMJT, FkOK, kTpMv, QaiyMk, ozV, gBsp, bLZgSN, RnQ, vmTv, frt, HwbLq, heNtz, tej, KkzjUN, jsZEe, mOWp, uNjppY, toHCU, XVNh, UZkaMj, min, kPN, xhOgL, VsMO, OYXy, dbIxW, uLrt, UtOewY, mnPSoB, Hgq, ZoSdbW, jatGtn, xFJt, iWxF, xnUQ, Wqpo, KBh, Vtn, cUX, evxha, EswU, mfcHtY, wvYZve, lTBJS, aMsn, dQZF, IBCppP, dle, hRDy, PAJL, RblTv, zEhI, mvCcDc, QkMQ, KQtOy, VjUzhi, frtDxo, tNZ, SDf, YTnO, Zldk, REiO, tUT, qeMnAk, HRlS, qdfG, mpXxa, svvsXN, DBjgL, LxJ, IBbWEY, TlygA, mNb, kESe, dqJDG,

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    france religion population