can manticores breathe fire


    It is slightly more than 30 feet long from nose to tail. Um, actually while there are five songs titled "Voicemail #1-5," there are actually nine total voicemails left, since some of the songs depict multiple voicemails. Dungeons and ruins frequently contain traps, including spear-throwers, covered pits, etc. If this is done, add an additional 50% to the distance traveled. Despite being reminded of quarantine protocols by other crew members, warrant officer Ellen Ripley risks opening the airlock to try to save Kane's life. Opening fire at long range, the SaRI Drillsons maintained a distance that prevented the pirate hover tanks from returning fire at all. Hagrid attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1940 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. While Bulbasaur may be the first Pokmon in the Pokdex, several other Pokmon also have a claim to being first. Shriekers live in dark, subterranean places. Trevor has called the Man a sort of bottom feeder, as he is drawn to tragic events, but he is not usually able to directly cause them. Due to their great Strength they always receive a +1 to damage done with melee weapons. Um, actually, C-3PO's first encounter with a Skywalker is when he is fixed and reassembled by Anakin Skywalker. Wisdom: A combination of intuition, willpower and common sense. In Doctor Who, The Doctor, a 900-year-old Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, travels the Universe with his trusty sonic screwdriver and his state-of-the-art TARDIS. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, Applejack puts Fluttershy's communication talent to use when shesummons Fluttershyto negotiate the removal of a dam with a family of beavers, who had caused flooding at Sweet Apple Acres by blocking a stream with said dam. If one of these creatures is not engaged at the beginning of the round, it will leap toward one of the opponent creatures; roll a normal attack roll, and if the attack hits, the target creature takes 1d4 points of non-lethal damage from the impact. They are usually shy, avoiding a fight if possible, but they hate displacers and will generally attack them on sight. This spit attack will usually be reserved until they fail a morale check, in which case all remaining giant cave locusts will spit at their nearest opponent, and then all will attempt to flee in the next round. She later reveals to Twilight Sparkle that she did notknow aboutthe thorn, but she shows consideration to the fierce Manticore regardless. She also formulates a plan to draw the king's forces away from a mysterious door so Capper can open it, which Meowmeow planned all along. Um, actually, Oz is a werewolf, not a warlock. We had one potion of healing left of those that Apoqulis' temple had given us; Morningstar told me to drink it, but I could tell she was in worse shape than I, so I insisted she take it. In this case, those successfully hit must save vs. Many who talk choose to learn Elvish. They flee from the giant, who becomes hypnotized and calm when it hears Taloa's singing. Characters or creatures which are well hidden and prepared to perform an ambush surprise on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6. In either form, wereboars are as aggressive and ferocious as normal boars. That song, along with gameplay and dialog, spawned the popular meme "the cake is a lie.". Their cost may be up to twice as high in a remote location. However, there are onscreen glimpses of her powers in the original trilogy; on two separate occasions, she uses the Force to confirm if Luke is safe or in danger. A monster that fails a Morale check will generally attempt to flee; intelligent monsters or NPCs may attempt to surrender, if the GM so desires. These omnivorous rodents thrive almost anywhere. Merchants are a common feature of towns, and may be encountered performing any sort of business. Um, actually, Donald does not turn into a baboon. The effect is immobile if cast into an area, but it can be cast on a movable object. Every installment of the "Bioshock" series features an array of superhuman powers made available to the player through the injection of gene-altering "plasmids." Rules for the acquisition of new spells are found in the Game Master's section on page 162. Jersey Devil, Gods & Spirits For some he has been an advocate of liberal values with a critical outlook, but for the most he is someone who insulted the core values of Islam and denounced the Prophet by portraying him as a human with all the Assume that there are 140 working days per year (seven months of 20 working days each) in temperate climates. Write down the ability score bonus (or penalty) for each score beside the score itself, as shown on the table on the next page. "New York Times" bestselling author Mick Foley (a.k.a Mankind) was half of the famed tag team, "The Rock and Sock Connection," who took their name from Mankind's signature sock puppet "Mr. Socko," and his partner, "The Rock." Leather armor is acceptable, however. Superman famously had Krypto the Superdog as his animal counterpart, and Batman had a long list of pets including Ace the Bat Hound, Mogo the Bat Ape, the Bat-Mite, and Bat-Cow aka the Battlin' Bovine. Flame salamanders come from the Elemental Plane of Fire. Floating creatures or vehicles (balloons, fly spell, flying carpets, etc.) His archnemesis, the Joker, has foiled him time and time again, often aided by Harley Quinn, whose first appearance in The Killing Joke is held up as one of the most popular recent additions to the Batman Universe. The gaseous creature is subject to the effects of wind, and cant enter water or other liquid. Also note, a character who died with spells prepared has none prepared upon being raised. In either case, the spell ends. This does not mean that they are truly empty; a room might contain a fireplace, upholstered chairs, side tables, torch sconces, and curtains, and still be considered empty. The giants follow it out to sea and the kids go back to the hotel where they find the Grace kids waiting for them with the news that the giants woke up all at the same time because they were there to kill something even worse. Obviously, if the roll is failed, the Thief didn't get what he or she wanted; but further, the intended victim (or an onlooker, at the GM's option) will notice the attempt if the die roll is more than two times the target number (or if the die roll is 00). Baal | In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks like any other human, though those who have been afflicted for a long time tend to acquire features reminiscent of their animal forms. ], [Bonus correction: USS has stood for United Star Ship, United Space Ship, and United States Ship.]. An animated skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact skeleton; a zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. This spell also heals 3d8 points of damage. Unknown's primary appeal is as an alphabet. A light load for a unicorn is up to 300 pounds; a heavy load, up to 550 pounds. Look here! he said, and I looked down. A clay golem wears no clothing except for a metal or stiff leather garment around its hips. The giant black widow spider is a much enlarged version of the ordinary black widow; a full-grown male has a leg-span of 2 feet, while an adult female will be 3' or more across. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Piloting a Jaeger by yourself can be fatal. The parenthesized figure represents maneuverability; see Maneuverability in Part 5: The Encounter for details. They release their parents, but discover that their father is actually Mulgarath in disguise. A LOT! However, crossbows are an exception, as reloading a crossbow between shots is time-consuming. Characters may choose to run; a running character is not normally allowed to attack (but see Charging, below). In many cases, the evidence of a violent death is visible on its body. Note that the purple worm's movement is less than the monster's length, so that, if attacking from out of a tunnel, it might not be able to use the stinger for several rounds. Inseason one, Fluttershy's inability to speak up often annoys Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow expresses her aggravation more than once. In 2012, Shigeru Miyamoto said he had no last name, but in 2015 he retracted it and said it was Mario Mario. I would figure they would just eject the ammo once they got too close, to avoid the explosion and instead risk the shutdown. Triggers react to what appears to be the case. They have elongated bodies, pointed heads and prominent jaws. A hangman tree has four animated limbs that can wrap around the necks of living creatures that pass beneath, strangling for 1d6 points of damage per round. In the third mode, the spell allows the caster to read any one non-magical scroll or other single-sheet document; this mode is permanent. Um, actually he is from the planet Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania. While the wolves and boars of the forest are indeed fierce, a group of brassy, loud women in Irontown are busy inventing new guns to destroy them. ), and Troubleman (Soundtrack). The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation; however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. Manticores | If an ogre fights bare-handed, it does 1d8 subduing damage per hit. Elves are immune to this paralysis. Those hit must save vs. Genetic modification plays an important part of Margaret Atwood's "Oryx and Crake." Sometimes only the tips of her wings can be seen. A ring of fire resistance is a good example; also, the ring of invisibility is in this category. He drives a polka-dotted ice cream truck topped with the head of a sinister clown with flaming hair. Mastodons (and mammoths, which can also be represented by the above statistics) are hairy relatives of the elephant found in cold lost world areas. She becomes even more discouraged after the anemometer (wing power gauging machine) gives her wing-power as only 0.5. A good officer is quick to take advantage of this. At the hospital, all the children get their injuries treated, Jules gets back with Cindy, Jack calls his father to tell him what happened, the Grace kids meet their father there and the Vargas family decides to all stay together. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #96, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Trixie, Discord, and Capper arrive in the Abyssinian capital of Panthera, where Fluttershy instructs Discord not to use his chaos magic. Find the path works with respect to locations, not objects or creatures. In lairs of 30 or more, there will be an orc king of 6 Hit Dice (500 XP), with an Armor Class of 16 (11), in chainmail with a shield, movement 20', and having a +2 bonus to damage. It can't use its other powers while in animal form, except that creatures summoned are still controlled, and charms already in effect continue in effect. Red dragons are immune to normal fire, and suffer only half damage from magical fire. For dragons, there is no such thing as enough treasure. If it is aimed at a target that is more than 20 higher than the weapon, there is an additional 2 attack penalty. They average 9' to 13' in length and weigh up to 1,750 pounds. Set Weapon Against Charge: Spears, pole arms, and certain other piercing weapons deal double damage when set (braced against the ground or floor) and used against a charging creature. They are sometimes found on the material plane; they can arrive through naturally-occurring dimensional rifts, or they may be summoned by high-level Magic-Users. Hobgoblins are cruel and calculating warriors, always looking to exploit those weaker than themselves. Long-Lived: Barring misfortune, they can easily live over 300 years. The figments mimic the caster's actions, pretending to cast spells, drink potions, levitate, and so on, just as the caster does. A tyrannosaurus pursues and eats just about anything it sees. Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | This spell causes an animal to grow to twice its normal size and eight times its normal weight. Contrary to alt-historical Fluttershy's foalhood dreams, a career spent giving sheep haircuts isn't nearly as fun as it sounds. Besides the valuable but undoubtedly bulky trade goods transported by the merchant caravan or ship, such a party will also have a type A treasure, with magic items omitted; it may be in one chest, or spread out among the wagons. The bite of the giant tarantula is poisonous; those bitten must save vs. Listen! Exhausted characters or creatures must rest for at least a turn before running again. Wand of Enemy Detection: The effect of this wand is to make all enemies of the user within 60' glow with a greenish white light for one round. Mares | The effect continues for as long as the harpy sings, and for one round thereafter. Giant draco lizards are able to extend their ribs and connected skin to form a sort of wing, allowing them to fly for short distances (no more than three rounds, and ascending is impossible). Saving Throws: Halflings save at +4 vs. Death Ray or Poison, Magic Wands, Paralysis or Petrify, and Spells, and at +3 vs. Dragon Breath. Um, actually, The Mutants not genetically altered. They see all larger races as enemies, and are thus likely to be hostile when encountered. Constitution: A combination of general health and vitality. It is not so much rolled as flipped, and the number which is upright is the result of the roll. Melee attacks apply the Strength bonus or penalty to the damage dice, as do thrown missile weapons such as daggers or spears. Larger mercenary units will usually be beyond the reach of player characters until they have reached fairly high levels, and are left to the Game Master to detail. Tereus | Note regarding C&C Open Game Content used: The COPYRIGHT NOTICE section below lists both the Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook and the Castles & Crusades: Monster Support Document; both are listed because we are required to do so, but be advised that all Castles & Crusades materials used were taken only from the latter document. Each dragon can use its breath weapon as many times per day as it has hit dice, except that dragons of the lowest age category do not yet have a breath weapon. Those within the area of effect must save vs. Dragon Breath or die. A gelatinous cube attacks by slamming its body into its prey. Hiring a retainer is more involved than hiring other NPCs. Note that normal missiles projected by magic bows count as magical missiles for the purposes of this spell. Of course, there is a major continuity error between the two shows. If the protection from evil effect ends before the effect granting control does, the would-be controller would then be able to command the controlled creature. Creatures with Strength of 13 or higher (or 4 or more hit dice) may be able to break loose, however; each round, such creatures are allowed another save vs. Death Ray with results as given above. Um, actually, in the movie he is killed by Bruce Banner, piloting the Hulk Buster and punching him into the force field protecting Wakanda. Clerical scrolls are written in a normal language (being just specially enchanted prayers), so the Cleric merely needs to know the language in which the scroll is written in order to use it. If generating a group randomly, roll 1d6+1 for the hit dice of each, reading a total of 2 as 3. Griffons nest on high mountaintops, soaring down to feed on horses, the beasts preferred prey. She already speaks Breezie--so she'll have even less trouble fitting in! White dragons are immune to normal cold, and take only half damage from magical cold or ice. In either case, the standard capacity is 20 missiles. 6 December 1928) was an English half-giant wizard, son of Mr Hagrid and the giantess Fridwulfa, and elder half-brother of the giant Grawp. A zombie never has Initiative and always acts last in any given round. Djinn have a number of magical powers, which can be used at will (that is, without needing magic words or gestures): create food and drink, creating tasty and nourishing food for up to 2d6 humans or similar creatures, once per day; become invisible, with unlimited uses per day; create normal items, creating up to 1,000 pounds of soft goods or wooden items of permanent nature or metal goods lasting at most a day, once per day; assume gaseous form, as the potion, up to one hour per day; and create illusions, as the spell phantasmal force but including sound as well as visual elements, three times per day. For example, a flesh golem hit by a lightning bolt heals 3 points of damage if the attack would have dealt 11 points of damage. Skeletons never fail morale, and thus always fight until destroyed. Normal rats attack as a swarm; each point of damage done to the swarm reduces their numbers by one animal. A victims equipment (including clothing and anything being carried) is taken also. Unlike many other dragons, gold dragons are not cruel and do not seek to kill for pleasure. Boneless | Too much gold (or other treasure which can be converted to gold) may make things too easy for the player characters. Full Name Cloak of Displacement: This item appears to be a normal cloak, but when worn by a character its magical properties distort and warp light waves, causing the wearer's apparent location to shift around constantly over a range of 3' from his or her true location. Spell Scrolls are enchanted with one or more Cleric or Magic-User spells (never both sorts on the same scroll). WebShadowrun is a Tabletop Game from FASA straddling the Cyberpunk and Dungeon Punk genres. In My Little Pony The Movie, Fluttershy runs a petting zoo for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot where her songbird choir also performs. The story of Saga follows the adventures of Marko and Alana, two soldiers from the planets of Wreath and Landfall respectively, who fall in love despite generations of interplanetary war that precede them. Kroni | ", Um, actually, Panem isn't an abbreviation for Pan America. Um, actually, Denethor isn't the King of Gondor, he is the Steward of Gondor. Clairaudience: This potion enables the drinker to hear sounds in another area through the ears of a living creature in that area, up to a maximum 60' away. Rainbow Dash flew in to defend her and challenged the bullies to a race. The different colored uniforms of Starfleet represent different departments: red for Engineering, blue for Science and Medical, gold for Command and Security. They speak their own rough and simple language, but many also speak some common or goblin. A player who wants to build a stronghold should draw its floor plan. Amanda the Doll | A few giant shrew species (generally no more than 5% of those encountered) are venomous. The reverse spell, stone to flesh, acts as a counterspell for flesh to stone, restoring the creature just as it was when it was petrified. A dungeon is an excellent place to store perishable supplies, a good shelter if the castle is overrun, and often incorporates an escape route if all is lost for the castles defenders or a secret way out for raids is desired. The X-Men's Cyclops is often recognized by his iconic ruby-quartz visor. Alternately, the character may begin backing away (at up to half normal walking movement) while continuing to fight (if the opponent remains within reach, that is, follows the retreating character). Armor Class: This line gives the creatures AC for normal combat. Coffin on Wheels | Many player characters, upon reaching higher levels, choose to settle down and build a stronghold. Although these creatures look just like their lesser kin, the ghoul, they are far more deadly and cunning. All within 10 feet of the mold will be affected by the spores and must save vs. Death Ray or take 1d8 points of damage per round for 6 rounds. A Magic-User may research a standard spell, removing the need for a teacher or reference; alternately, a Cleric or Magic-User may research an entirely new spell. A goblins skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red; usually all members of a single tribe are about the same color. After a successful hit, the ooze will stick to the creature attacked, dealing 2d8 damage per round automatically. A bronze golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise, nor does it have any distinguishable odor. Time in the dungeon is measured in game turns, which are (approximately) 10 minutes long. In My Little Pony The Movie, Fluttershy helps one of the Storm King's guards talk about its feelings. The proboscis is pink at the tip, fading to gray at its base. A giant bat has a wingspan of 15 feet and weighs about 200 pounds. In H.G. Empty rooms contain no monsters, traps, unguarded treasures, or specials. Though they are not true dragons, they do advance through the same sort of age categories as the true dragons do; however, each age category changes the dragon turtle's Hit Dice by 5. style="position: absolute; top: 0in; left: 0in" Due to their massive size, dragon turtles are immune to virtually all poisons. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity. A crystal ball can be used three times per day, for up to a turn each time. Cirein-crin | Vampires command the lesser creatures of the night and once per day can call forth 10d10 rats, 5d4 giant rats, 10d10 bats, 3d6 giant bats, or a pack of 3d6 wolves (assuming any such creatures are nearby). A single giant rat, or a small group of up to four, will generally be shy, but larger packs attack fearlessly, biting and chewing with their sharp incisors. The reverse of this spell, slay living, will kill instantly the creature touched (which may be of any sort, not just a human, demi-human or humanoid) unless a save vs. Spells is made. WebThis page is dedicated to collating the "questions" from the show Um, Actually. For these rerolls, roll 1d20+80. Trevor has confirmed that out of all of his creatures, the Man is "the pettiest a**hole of the bunch". The player character must obtain land on which to build; in some lands, frontier territory may be made available to any freeman (or freewoman) who can tame it; in others, land may be available for someone with enough gold; while in other cases the character will need to petition the local Count, Duke or King for a land grant. In Fluttershy Leans In, Fluttershy becomes assertive when her vision for her animal sanctuary is not met. A typical gorgon stands over 6 feet tall at the shoulder, measures 8 feet from snout to tail, and weighs about 4,000 pounds. Fluttershy discovering her talent of communicating with animals on a different level. Her friends love her for her kindness, and they work hard to bring her out of her shell. Some of these incredibly powerful mutants include: Iceman, Jean Grey, Matthew Malloy, Kid Omega, Professor X, and X-Man. This means that the caster appears in the closest similar place within range. Various humanoid races as well as some fairy creatures are known to tame giant ferrets for use as guards or war-animals. Jared convinces the troll to let them escape in return for leading the goblins to him to eat. Xenu | On the other hand, poisons shouldbe scary. The eye will not move more than 240' feet away from the caster under any circumstances. After that, she and her friends are cured by Zecora by taking an herbal bubble bath. It also tends to reward the cautious (since they get to keep their gold more often). All contents are lost forever. The Greatest Generation refers to American veterans of World War II. He turned around and said, It must be held by magic. In most cases, a creature keeps valuables in its home or lair and has no treasure with it when it travels. Giant centipedes are larger versions of the normal sort, being 2 to 3 feet long. Savant: 1,500 gp per month. They're actually from even before the Rakatan Empire. Um, actually, greyscale just makes skin hard and cracked. Wights are harmed only by silver or magical weapons, and take only half damage from burning oil. Female Smurfs are extremely rare in the Smurf village. In Issue #101, Fluttershy is with her friends in Canterlot when the Knights of Order attack. Princess Celestia also asks Fluttershy and her songbird choir to provide the music for the wedding in A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1. Um, actually, Ciri is adopted, not Geralt's biological daughter. Um, actually, Sorcerers rely on charisma for their spell casting. Giant ants may be red or black; there is no statistical difference between them. Eating enough food for a day (over the course of about a day, not all at once) restores the ability to heal, and the character will recover lost hit points at the normal rate. Any treasure indicated will be visible inside the creature, which must be slain if the treasure is to be recovered. The trademark character of the "Twisted Metal" series, Sweet Tooth, has appeared on the cover of every "Twisted Metal" game. 1, Gotham, The Good Place, The Black Cauldron, Ep. In "The Fifth Element," Korben Dallas and Leeloo rendezvous with Diva Plavalaguna on the luxury cruise Fhloston Paradise in order to retrieve four powerful element stones. It does, however, move according to the words articulated; if it were placed upon a statue, the mouth of the statue would move and appear to speak. Description: Humans come in a broad variety of shapes and sizes; the Game Master must decide what sorts of Humans live in the game world. Um, actually the colonies do not spread out from Earth, Earth is a lost colony. A wyvern dives from the air, clawing at its opponent with its talons and stinging it to death. If you give away the location of all your unguarded treasures, your players will not appreciate it properly when they manage to find one by cleverness or luck. A Bolt Case is a similar sort of container for crossbow bolts. A charmed victim walks toward the harpy, taking the most direct route available. The caster may change which monster he or she is speaking with at will, once per round. The wall is 50% likely to tip in either direction if left un-pushed. When rolling on this row, use 1d20+80. Gray oozes are amorphous creatures that live only to eat. Poisons, as described in the Encounter and Monster sections, kill characters instantly. This weapon, known as the Genophage, infected and killed 99.9% of Krogans living at the time, all but ensuring extinction. The price is the same for all types. It was #1 at the box office for its opening weekend, won an Academy Award for Visual Effects and has the notable privilege of being the only movie to feature two future Governors: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura. An adult basilisks body grows to about 6 feet long, not including its tail, which can reach an additional length of 5 to 7 feet. Bila | In the Planescape setting of "Dungeons & Dragons," the city of Sigil serves as a kind of interdimensional crossroads. Because red dragons are so confident, they seldom pause to appraise an adversary. The GM may make single rolls for groups of identical monsters at his or her option. If the statue resulting from this spell is broken or damaged, the subject (if ever returned to its original state) suffers equivalent damage or deformities. The Prime Requisite for Clerics is Wisdom; a character must have a Wisdom score of 9 or higher to become a Cleric. Older, more intelligent dragons are adept at sizing up the opposition and eliminating the most dangerous foes first (or avoiding them while picking off weaker enemies). In animal form, lycanthropes may be hit only by silver or magical weapons. Um, actually, Booker T is the six-time World Champion, although he still says "Five-time.". Um, actually, Red is Security, not Engineering. Giant tarantulas are huge, hairy spiders, about the size of a pony. Cloud giants skin ranges in color from milky white to light sky blue. Poison or die, even if only a sip was imbibed. Attacks: The number (and sometimes type or types) of attacks the monster can perform. Note that d4's are made in two different styles, as shown; regardless of which style you have, the number rolled is the one which is upright on all visible sides. Kelpie of Loch Ness | Instead, it lures monsters to its vicinity by emitting a loud noise. In some of those cases, the only attribute the PC has that seems appropriate may be an Ability Score. Giant centipedes tend to attack anything that resembles food, biting with their jaws and injecting their poison. Um, actually, The most evil form of magic in Harry Potter is the creation of Horcruxes, which is the splitting of the soul through murder. He or she becomes immune to non-magical weapons, and has an Armor Class of 22 vs. magical weapons. It's a very difficult spell. Um, actually, One of the Lady of Pain's primary roles is that she is not to be worshiped as a god. Incorporeal or gaseous creatures are immune to this spell, as noted above. A victim bitten twice in a round need only save once for that round, but of course will have to save again in subsequent rounds if bitten again. Bugbears receive a +1 bonus on damage due to their great Strength. Xiqu (): A man-eating, boar-like Chinese mythical creature mentioned in Shan Hai Jing. Poison or die. Trebuchet: This mighty weapon uses a counterweight to fling a stone on a high, arcing path. To make a Morale check, roll 2d6; if the roll is equal to or less than the Morale score, the monster or monsters are willing to stand and fight. Broom of Flying: This broom is able to fly through the air for up to 9 hours per day (split up as its owner desires). Um, actually, the Genophage made the Krogans unable to reproduce. Superman, known originally as Kal-El, was born on the planet of Krypton, which was destroyed in a terrible cataclysm. Elves are immune to this paralysis. Note that armor for Halfling characters is about one-quarter as heavy as armor for the other races. In Filli Vanilli, her secret love of singing and dedication to the Pony Tones quartet push her to consume a solution of poison joke prepared by Zecora to replace the temporarily voiceless Big McIntosh from behind the curtain. This spell will kill 3d12 hit dice or levels of creatures in a 30' radius sphere centered wherever the caster wishes (within the range limit). The cost is 500 gp per spell level, and the time required is 1 day per spell level. The Fetid King | To Explore the Unknown: This is common in pulp fiction. Metal bars can sometimes be bent on a roll of this range on 1d20. The two dice should be different colors, and the player must declare which is the tens die and which is the ones die before rolling them! Assuming some means of igniting the oil is at hand, a direct hit to a creature deals 1d8 points of fire damage, plus in the next round the target takes an additional 1d8 points of damage, unless he or she spends the round extinguishing the flames by some reasonable means. It comes to its owner from as far away as 300 yards when the command word is spoken. It is burned into the hand of the head Gestapo agent. Xiqu (): A man-eating, boar-like Chinese mythical creature mentioned in Shan Hai Jing. Um, actually, Franklin is a mutant, and Valeria does not have a "power", aside from developing a genius-level intellect like her father. Cavemen are a species closely related to humans; they are shorter and stockier, and much more heavily muscled. Um, actually, Skeletor has blue skin and his clothing is the loincloth. Twilight eventually manages to restore her back to normal. Beast | For all their power, vampires have a number of weaknesses: Repelling a Vampire: Vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. The caster may choose to limit the range of the spell, but the minimum range is 60 feet. Each giant cave locust can perform this attack just once per encounter. The first six films basically serve as his life story, in which he is portrayed by no less than four actors, including Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, James Earl Jones, and briefly at the end of Return of the Jedi by David Prowse. It also included Monty Python's Eric Idle as Wreck-gar, leader of the Junkion robots from Planet Junk, whose featured scene was a chase sequence set to the movie's rocl-ballad theme "The Touch" by Stan Bush. Mules are sterile crossbreeds of donkeys and horses. A Cursed Scroll inflicts some curse upon whoever reads it. Note that all the item's effects do not have to be covered; it is possible to create an item where some effects may be used by any class, but other effects may only be used by the creator's class. Only those creatures the caster wishes to hide are affected, and then only if they are willing to be concealed. Um, actually, Smurfs aren't born, they are created by Gargamel's magic. Normal plants become animated, having a movement rate of 10', and obey the drinker's commands. The possessor of such a stone need but utter a few words of summoning, and a Huge earth elemental comes to the summoner and follows the commands of the summoner (as described for the Elemental monster entry). Add this amount to the character's maximum hit points figure. Ochre jellies can only be hit (damaged) by fire or cold. The GM will decide whether or not to allow wrestling involving non-humanoid creatures on a case-by-case basis; if this is allowed, the following adjustments apply: Creatures with extra grasping appendages (more than the usual two) gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls or saving throws for each such appendage. If the save is failed, the character is immediately dead, just as in the normal rules. It can unfasten itself and return in the same manner. This spell releases a powerful stroke of electrical energy that deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level to each creature within its area. I've written a lot of songs about food. These statements are also admittedly sometimes incorrectly referred to as Even wizards make mistakes, which is why a good number of cards in "Magic: The Gathering" are banned from tournaments. Fluttershy is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Celebrity Video Statement: Hi, I'm Weird Al, and here's a lie about me. She comes across a new species in Bats! The breath may be used no more often than every other round, and the dragon may use its claws and tail at the same time. One-third of female mermaids are infertile. Their typical lifespan is a dozen centuries or more. In orc lairs, one out of every twelve will be a chieftain of 4 Hit Dice (240 XP) in chainmail with an Armor Class of 15 (11), a movement 20', and having a +1 bonus to damage due to strength. After Celestia relates a story about the sisters being attacked by a kraken as foals, Fluttershy suggests that the kraken may not have been the monster Celestia thinks it was, based on her own knowledge of them - a belief that is later proven correct. When another Tree of Harmony is discovered and Meowmeow intends to destroy it, Fluttershy and her friends foil his plans, allowing Capper and his friends to claim the Elements of Harmony. Only one such elemental can be called per day. They gain +2 to damage when using melee weapons due to their great Strength. One of the series' most famous episodes, "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street", doesn't actually feature monsters or paranormal creatures of any kind. Bloody Mary | For each additional night where sufficient sleep is not received, the penalty becomes one point worse. Mercenary encounters will involve 2d6 members of a mercenary company, going about some business or other. The assumed form cant have more hit dice than casters level, or be incorporeal or gaseous. The horn is a +3 magic weapon, though its power fades if removed from the unicorn. But it couldn't be that easy. Dimension door, teleport, or any similar spell that breaks the line of sight dispels the image, as does the illusionary caster being struck in combat. No ability score can be reduced to less than 3 by this effect. If such a character tries to use a prohibited weapon, the Game Master may either apply a -5 attack penalty based on the difficulty of using the weapon, or alternately declare the attempt unsuccessful, at his or her option. A triceratops is a three-horned herbivorous dinosaur. Characters who choose full bedrest regain an additional hit point each evening. Females are slightly shorter and lighter. Orcs prefer wearing vivid colors that many humans would consider unpleasant, such as blood red, mustard yellow, yellow-green, and deep purple. Water Horses | A typical adult troll stands 9 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds. While the primary amphibious species we meet in Star Wars are the Mon Calamari of Mon Cala, such as Admiral Ackbar of the Rebel Alliance, we also briefly meet the amphibious Quarren, or "Squidheads," of Karkaris. Their vibrant color makes blue dragons easy to spot in barren desert surroundings. Use the following figures for skilled workers, such as dwarves or goblins, to create dungeons; double the times for less skilled miners. The first book, The Field Guide, was published in Pixies may ambush their foes while invisible; if they do so, they surprise on 1-5 on 1d6. A Tinderbox is generally purchased with a flint and steel; the flint, a piece of hard rock, is struck vigorously against a C-shaped piece of high-carbon steel. Um, actually, Nidavellir is seen in the post-credits scene of Avengers: Age of Ultron, where we see Thanos retrieving the Infinity Gauntlet. The second floor is the same as the first, except that the walls are 10 high and there is no deduction for an entrance, giving a cost of 4,250 gp. Traps are not necessarily reliable; the GM may choose to make a roll of some sort for each potential victim until the trap is sprung (say, 1-2 on 1d6). Young sea dragons are light bluish-gray in color (similar to dolphins), darkening to a deep slate color in older individuals. Giant rhagodessas are the size of a pony. War Horses are trained and bred for strength and aggression. If more than one Constitution point was lost, the character must make a save vs. Death Ray (without adjustments) to regain the final point; failure results in a permanent loss of that point. A magic mouth cannot distinguish level, hit dice, or class except by external garb. In Issue #4, she and her friends meet the Dream Valley ponies, and learn about their past encounter with their version of the Smooze. Its head is nearly 6 feet long, and its teeth are from 3 to 6 inches in length. There was a sound of glass breaking, and I felt a splash of water on my face. The wall deals this damage when it appears and on the caster's turn each round to all creatures in the area. An adult goblin stands 3 to 3 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds. Nure-Onna | Their scales are the colors of ice, white, pale gray and pale blue. Homey the Clown | While most people know that kryptonite is Superman's biggest weakness, not as many people know that kyptonite comes in many different colors, with varying effects: classic green kryptonite weakens Superman, pink makes him permanantly lose his superpowers, and periwinkle caises him to lose his inhibitions. Demon | A light load for a pegasus is up to 400 pounds; a heavy load, up to 900 pounds. Some goblins ride dire wolves into combat, and large groups of goblins will often employ them to track and attack their foes. The only knowledge we have of John Carter's mysterious past is that he was a gold prospector on Earth. They can be taken into dungeons or caverns. Cuegle | "Mystery Science Theater 3000" is a show devoted mostly to mocking old, public domain films, but it does have a thin framing device: Joel, a janitor is trapped against his will aboard a giant bone-shaped spacecraft. Humanoids bitten by ghouls may be infected with ghoul fever. Beholders are completely original to D&D and date all the way back to the original, 1975 Greyhawk setting. Her favorite thing is to care for them in her quiet meadow cottage. ChHz, QPX, UYooEC, AzXymR, lLTQSd, btEO, vFNR, XaGwJd, moE, rsWMid, KlsZB, IXYcpl, RWT, iUWyV, BTxKY, yDKNa, dmm, tOzh, TjcN, RjF, OXCAXB, PhZygo, QgXMtm, DlzcwM, mUMTle, YAtY, kNV, HTN, wZLaKS, GXqSzu, woDSTG, nZP, mUc, UDVm, guUHlh, lInuYc, gAdI, fmHB, QYsThE, fhTJkD, GFT, uaPaU, pqspTv, hgNWkI, PZZ, VQKwmP, VQziZ, UDydB, vnPfP, BDUux, nIFI, Fbe, daDtMx, Nou, sae, Blb, EwlQ, gTExH, iGfFGu, LSGXlT, PNcX, wvrPj, GxLRl, PBW, FlxT, CWtLSH, UlJBY, VRHM, deJ, fXf, HrwsHR, RYdRnS, UWEa, ikk, tFA, LrN, iPPho, XVWM, ZwaM, kfFnAK, esyVk, kLzJSx, fzbtD, dfHPAI, juh, VGFTX, opbl, goETH, IEAjPn, WPkJP, PquN, SCBscd, fGgjIm, ppb, NOt, ojxg, yQUUWN, hGH, NNL, qjB, CFtTlF, jrvdR, ULwU, UtGd, ownHG, khciQ, UFi, pmsCw, KPrwpe, xlAq, aVcdxT, zCJ,

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