after ankle surgery: how long to walk


    Here's a recap of my first month of weight-bearing. Went into cast for another 2 weeks. Thanks for the story. For me the last hurdle was being able to crouch all the way down to the ground and also to rise up on the ball of my foot with the bad ankle. I dance for hours every Saturday night, like nothing ever happened. I am able to hobble around with my air boot on. I had a tri-mall on August 4th playing baseball and sliding into third base. thank you.wipef out is a great way to describe it. I broke my tibia when I was in my 20s and had a plaster cast on for 10 wks. Hi Christine, when I became FWB heel pain was the most prominent. It has really given me hope with my injury. Im still nwb. As anyone who has experienced broken ankle bones can tell you, its an extremely bad break and it doesnt matter how old you are when it happens. Laura. When I read these stories it all comes back. I initially broke my ankle in a fall 15 June 2018. They then smooththe surfaces of the bones and replaceyour joint parts with some made from plastic and metal. One of the scariest things happened to me two days after being FWB. I suffered my Trimall on Oct 4, 2016 and had surgery on Oct 15, 2016. Can anyone share how they gradually increased each day? Did anyone have plates removed? I kept thinking that there was no way it could flake more because there couldnt be another layer of skin. I increased my hours each week. I couldnt do anything by myself, nothing! They told me to practice putting pressure on the foot, shifting from one side to the other. It takes another 4 to 6 weeks before the person can finally be declared fit. I have to work 10-11 hours and not expect any break. May 18 I went in for another surgery to have two of the weight bearing screws removed. Amen to that! When they say normal it is frustrating because we think it should go so much faster. Thank you so much for posting this was so helpful for me! Its a very good self-massage and so much easier than using your hands alone. Tuesday Im going to try walking the mall for 10-11 hours to see if I can hack it. Fortunately I have access to a pool so Im able to go up and down on the stair to get used to the feeling. Dolly, I bought Vionic orthopedic shoes that worked well for me. I mostly feel pain on the right side of the ankle and the top of the joint. For me there wasnt a lot of pain when I first broke my ankle. Im really depressed because my bf left me after my surgery Sometimes the needles hurt a little but so much less than the pain Im being treated for! Hopefully it will get better as time goes on. Wrong time (though there is never a right time for these accidents) in these covid -19 days when I was taking care of my old quarantined parents and the 2 school going boys and one back from college. The treatments did help but were not the miracle Id been hoping for. Im hoping to go back to light duty at work july 9. Im just now (May 2022) starting to walk again and it is so hard. I used my left foot to release the vacuum cleaner, lost my balance and fell backwards, landing on my rear end. I am now 2 months and 2 weeks post trimaleolar surgery . Best. I had kind of expected to be able to walk by now, but Im not there yet. 11/12/15 released by doctor, allowed to walk, FWB. I totally understand your fear and pain. The next day I kept at it, using the scooter to get around and practicing with the walker. How long did it take you Lynda to be able to walk pretty decent? I have two plates and 10 screws, two of which are very large. Hi Heidi, its shocking how little the doctors tell you about recovering from a broken ankle. Im learning a lot. I also found it very helpful to do calf stretches followed by a 15 minute walk unaided. I have a lot of help but Im so use to doing everything thing on my own. Just hang in there and be patient with yourself! It gave me such hope because this was the first time I had put full weight on foot and did not have to have a crutch or cane. I only contact them about once every two weeks, but theyre not nice when I do and treat me like Im crazy. Thank you. Ya I now understand alot more things than I used too! Today I walked for the first time without the use of a walker or a cane. But I didnt, so I rode my scooter one last time to the car. There is no more pain but periodically my foot feels weird. After Ankle Surgery: How Long To Walk Complete Explanation. They said I may need to get a request form filled out by the doctor ($15 every time they have too do paperwork for me, four times so far). Also, music is good for changing your mood. Im six weeks out from a comparatively simple lateral malleolar fracture no surgery required. How long does it take to walk again after ankle surgery? I spend 4 more days in the hospital and then I was set free! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You'll wear a splint that's hard in the back and soft in the front. Its been 8 weeks since my tri fracture and surgery, and I cant put my foot on the ground. I have had a boot from the beginning and I swear that thing weighs 50 pounds, so I will be very happy when it is finally gone.! I am now FWB, tennis shoes, and no assistive device. By the end of the recovery period, most patients will be pain free. As this will help with your recovery, try to walk with full weight through the leg. When the cast came off the doctor said Id be walking in two weeks (I thought I would be walking out of the doctors office little did I know!! Mine happened 9/8/15, I was holding my then 9 month old daughter, tripped down a step and took all of the fall. Youre doing much better than me after one week so I hope that means youll have a faster recovery. For me, I broke my ankle on a Tuesday, my niece died the next day and Hurricane Matthew came through the day after. Good for you for even wanting to get out and about! Thanks so much for sharing, its really lifted my spirits a few times when I hated the world:). I did a lot of foot icing the first two days which was hard because the weight of the ice bag was too much for me to bear and I had to use very little ice. You have a great attitude that will speed your recovery. I took my pain meds on schedule for the first two days, gradually increasing the time in between doses so that by the fifth day I stopped taking it altogether. Told me to walk on it , just walk he says to me Not knowing anything when I got home I walked into the front door and around the house a bit or should I say I limped. I am still limping. Anyway, Im so grateful to have found your blog, Ive used it to compare my progress and its always made me feel better about where I am at any particular time. I have surgery scheduled for 1/11/17. Good to know I am doing the right things. He is using cold laser therapy to help improve the healing process and electric muscle stimulation as well. 9/21/19 my left ankle was broken by a crush injury due to another vehicle backing into the one I was getting out of. Thanks, Melissa! It is encouraging to hear that it does get better even though it is going to take a very long time:(. Only a week ago doc released me for FWB. Pt people at rehab were wonderful..dont think I could have done it without them. Ive never broken a bone before, let alone in three places, so how am I supposed to know whats normal? 1) Getty about how long did it take you and how did you get in and out of shower. I started walking crutch free this past Sunday and it was a very exciting moment. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". So sorry you had to have a second surgery. Unfortunately Im just at the beginning of this miserable process and to make it even better, Im 24 weeks pregnant. Vern, it means so much to me that writing about my experience is helping you and others. Orthofeet is another good brand but they cost more. I only remember getting the shot and then waking up in the recovery room. I also am unable to put full weight on the ball of my foot so I still dont have the pushing off motion down when Im walking. I wish you all well, and will continue to monitor and participate in this board.d. You can try doing more 5 minute sessions in a day and build up depending on how you feel. Please read my one year update for more info and good luck to you! This is my first week of FWB and physical therapy. Im so pleased to have come across this post. How about to walk up and down stairs? 7) Thinkstock I just had stitches removed and was told to start PT next week. My ortho made it sound like I should immediately be able to walk unaided, encouraging me do ditch the crutches, so I felt like a failure when I tried to take a step and started crying from the pain. My surgeon did not recommend any of this yet a foot doctor did. I was so proud. Please do not worry about physical therapy. Best of luck with your recovery! When the cast came off I walked out of the Drs office totally normal even the Dr was surprised. Yes I am doing well now and hope that gives everyone encouragement. Jessica, you will recover and walk, dance and wear regular shoes again Im almost a year since surgery for a trimalleolar fracture; two plates and 10 pins. Best of luck to you! I was afraid I would walk with a limp for the rest of my life. Dislocated my right ankle and ended up with 6 total fractures. Dr. Scott Keith answered. Just thought Id let you know about Arnica. Wishing you the best of luck! Im using no support or crutch walking around the house, but Im taking a cane when I go out. Most patients feel pain for 2 to 3 days following ankle surgery. I do have the fiber cast on it. It didnt hurt as bad as I expected, just mostly felt like someone snapping me with a rubber band. That nerve pain is crazy! My physio discharged me after four sessions with advice but said keep going as you are. A word of caution- dont do anything that seems beyond your ability or is painful at the therapists. You see, while walking on the sidewalk in my platform wedge shoes, I stepped on a pebble and lost my balance. Unfortunately, pain and swelling are a natural part of the recovery process. I hope thats helpful and good luck with your recovery! Then I started walking with the walker, Are you working with physical therapist? Netflix, delivery, and inviting friends over for dinner helped me stay sane. You will need to wear a cast or boot for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery and be non-weight bearing. Acupuncture addresses the cause of the pain, not just the symptoms. Then you can discuss it with your surgeon. Such a horrible type of fracture to experience!! By the fifth day I stopped taking pain pills. How did you pass your days? Very nervous. I sweat following the exercise every time. People stared at me but I didnt care. So with all of you I slipped and broke my Tibia Fibia 12/15/2018 surgery 10 p.m the next day with the big cast. Surgery Aug 9th (3 plates and 10 screws). I am no longer on any pain meds, and try to tolerate the pain that comes thru, as part of the process. Its a long road to recovery. My surgeon and his PA are really cold and just dont have much empathy. I was in a partial cast with an Ace bandage for 10 days, and then put into a boot. I recommend getting ProCapsLabs B12 because its the only one I know is truly effective. Well it was kind of like that. I got my cast off a week ago and the doctor put me in a walking boot! Youre welcome, Scott! Impossible. Yes, positive thinking, patience and determination will get you through this. Then the doctor dropped a bomb on me. Like most people, I had about 3 splints, a hard cast for 2 weeks, and now Ive had my Cam Walker for one week. Good luck! Im glad my site is helping you. Thanks. Ankle fibula orif surgery how long after surgery were you able to sleep without a boot and how long until you started walking again im a month post op today . Prayers and well wishes so much appreciated. Yes it is possible to return to normal but it takes a LOT of work over a very long period of time, two years or more. I was crushed thinking it was only going to be four weeks because bones take about six weeks to heal. I have 2 plates and 12 screws. At the present time I usually only have pain when I walk or do my foot exercises. I had surgery on 4/16 and have a plate with 8 screws on the right side and a big screws on the left. Oh, such a slow process. Your leg will be numb for up to 18 hours during and after surgery. However, you can walk as long as it doesn't cause discomfort. I cant stress enough how important it is to do your therapy as directed. Thank you so much for your blog post. I went back to work and worked about 4 hour shifts( I work retail) and if it started to swell or hurt, I went home. It does take time but it will happen. How long does it take for a cast to get hard? When does that go away? After the bones are healed theres still a lot of pain from tendons and ligaments that have tightened up and/or become inflamed. Hi Linda, everything youre describing is exactly what I went through. Fingers crossed. I work at home and the wheelchair helped me get back to work far sooner than I would have without it. Just keep using the shower bench for as long as needed. 6-12 weeks you will have a cast or boot so you will be able to take some of your weight with crutches if advised by your consultant. PT starts next week. Im sorry he left you, but try and focus first on getting well. My fuchsia orthopedic shoes help me walk without limping. But when its over I feel better and every day I can see small improvements. But one thing I am learning is that everyones experience is very different. Its talking me longer than I expected or hoped however I am progressing. Listen to your body for your personal limits. You got this!! I was 9 weeks no weight. My only issue right now is the swelling, which doc says every person is different so not sure when it will go down. Ugh! I also use it to massage around my ankle bone and on top where it bends. Thks hope all are doing well! I am so happy because I am returning to school this Friday! You can only do so much and your body will heal at its own pace. Then the metal in my leg felt like it was seizing up from the cold. Because Im pregnant they are going to do spinal anesthesia with a nerve block. Felt like someone was taking my toes and twisting them to kingdom come. Thanks so much for sharing! He drove me to appointments and kept me company when I was blue. Im glad my story was helpful to you and I wish you a full and speedy recovery. Good luck with your recovery! Hi Seryan, Im doing fine and will be posting a one year update on Saturday. Its about home. And, you havet killed your husband yet!!! I was told to swim at 6 weeks post op and walk across bottom of pool. Yesterday was my first day in tennis shoes and could walk..rather limp. 4) Getty Incorrect! Take care! The next day the pain was about 50 percent less and each day it got better. Please see my post Broken ankle recovery one year later for more details. Thats very important. Im thinking about switching to elbow crutches but worry that my klutziness could make it dangerous. I hope you are back to walking normally soon. I cried the day I got rid of my crutches , which was 2 days after I was allowed FWB ,6 weeks after surgery. My FMLA and STD (short term disability) run out this week. I can wiggle toes a bit and flex foot into me. The thought of them going in and cutting my ankle and removing anything terrified me. I now have a better idea of what I may go through as I continue to recover. Im happy to be alive. I had a trimall fracture on Oct 4 and surgery on Oct 14. Your blog has lifted my spirits today. Ill have to be able to drive to and from. Im glad you found my website and I hope someone will come forward with their plate removal story. I went to FWB after that. . I probably went back to work too soon- 4 days after I got the cast off- working at a job that I had to stand all day. With her type of injury she was allowed to walk on it the entire time. Some of it feels really good. Walking and doing daily tasks including housekeeping are my therapy, continuing. Its about art. The pain cannot be avoided. 6) Getty I understand your job may be in jeopardy and I suggest you use this time to research your options. 3 The most significant concern after an ankle fusion surgery is called a nonunion, which occurs when the bones that are being fused do not heal together. Wow Jen, you are moving along quickly. My ankle still gets swollen, which has me worried, but after reading your blog, I see its normal. Im just about finished with a follow-up article about exercises, nutrition and motivation so I hope youll come back and check that out. Best wishes and many blessings. When I started FWB I was in constant pain whereas before, my ankle was feeling somewhat okay. But I am walking some with the walker and other times by myself. B12 is essential for healthy nerves and most people are deficient in that. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I guess this injury is a double edge sword! But I concentrated on all the things I was able to do to promote healing. Everything youre feeling is normal. 9/17/15 ankle surgery, in cast, not allowed to walk. One of the most common injuries that occur is ankle fracturing as a little twist, bending, or rolling the ankle could lead the bone to break. Lindas story kept me going! One of my nieces fell and injured her ankle that she will have surgery, and we want to help her recover after. I thought I would never get through this, but God is good. I have no hardware in my ankle due to the hospital staff trying to save my heart from the cardiac incident, and the complicated nature of the break, and the venous insufficienty it caused. Physiotherapy however triggered my pain, and now its a daily constant. My ankle tends to get swollen each day especially after PT. My next hospital appointment in November 3rd which I presume I will have cast removed and be given a boot of some description. Oh my goodness, youve been through a lot! Its been an interesting experience. I just cant seem to learn how to walk just yet because my foot doesnt feel right sometimes. But its exhausting. I HAD THE NERVE BLOCK DURING MY SURGERY. Not surprised about the surgeon. And the skin around the scar site is still numb feeling. I can understand why youd be scared to drive. Walking on one foot and crutches (not one tells you how awful crutches are either!) Ankle hurts like heck and I am wobbly with limited balance I am trying my best to be positive but its tough. Be sure to use an ice pack to relieve some of the pain and swelling. Danced last week for the first time since my accident in February. The more PT you do, the stronger you get, the more you can walk, and the less purple your foot is. And if you get a chance, please check out this article for more tips on making a speedy recovery. I broke my fibula on Sept 10, Im in the U.K. And was away from from home at the time, the hospital admitted me for an op the following day but were unable to do it, so I travelled home to my local hospital, they couldnt admit me so sent me home with crutches, never having used them before I fell trying to get into the house, which caused a dislocated fracturesheer agony! And I was back in the boot! Even with the scooter, the physical exertion of going from one place to the other left me extremely tired. Next day went to 10 minutes. Yes I will be able to walk normally again. It is very traumatic. Oh, and I wasnt allowed to shower either. Am walking again. Also, make sure to practice walking without a limp all the time, even if that means using a cane or a crutch for support. Your post is the first I have read about the swelling, which really freaked me out after the splint and stitches were removed and I started range of motion exercises. A week after being FWB I started getting ready to drive. You will need to use crutches when walking or climbing stairs as you will not be able to bear weight through the ankle. So for 6 weeks my wife had to start a antibiotic at 5 in the morning and 5 at night. After your surgery, you will likely need to wear a splint for a couple of weeks. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Seniors Taking Multiple Meds: Its a Complicated Problem, 3 COVID Scenarios That Could Spell Trouble for the Fall, Colonoscopy Benefits Lower Than Expected (Study), Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Diabetes Risk, Street Medicine Reaches People Where They Live, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, [vid_icon]Gout: Risk Factors and Triggers. I am also experiencing horrible pain in my heal, which is the main reason I came back to this page. Did I want another cast or a boot? Six week later, and I am allowed to take the boot off and have a walking splint, more of a very sturdy ankle brace. Im glad my story is helping you. They helped a lot. Im so sorry to hear about your niece that must have been absolutely devastating for you and your family; but the bright light is that she is your light and your inspiration. Lynda my boot was removed today after 10 weeks post surgery. I limp if Im tired or when I get up unless I concentrate on heel-toe. I applied for and was told Ive been granted long term disability retroactive from when the STD ended until my next doctor appointment. Doctors Hospital: "Ankle Replacement." I have felt all the fears of everyone on this blog. Hi freaking out 4 weeks post op and start PT tomorrow. Ohwhat a relief to ready a positive story. Thank you for sharing this story. What amazing progress you are making. Take care! I am blessed to have had kids who helped out at first, then friends stepped in. Take care! It been one week weight bearing Like Quasimodo without the hump. I did not go for PT as it was not covered by insurance and surgery was huge bill already. You'll switch from a splint to a boot that should allow you to start walking on the ankle. You will need to wear a cast or a boot for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery and be non-weight bearing. Take care and have fun at your daughters birthday party next month. I dont need support, but I can walk much faster if I use a cane. Follow up two weeks later when he removed the cast it was infected. Ive again gone through the NWB and PWB. Will see my surgeon next month and check it out. Good luck to you! Wishing you the best of luck with your healing! Im already FWB for almost 2 weeks now and Im getting this heel pain. I on the other hand am a 41 yr old single father of a 16 year old son who now is taking care of me as much as youd expect a 16 year old male too. It is sobering to know that one brief incident can turn into a months-long journey back but am grateful for the bodys ability to repair itself. To conquer that I actually had to practice walking while repeating heel, toe and trying to balance my weight in the center instead of throwing it out to the left, spending equal time on each step. How long does it take to walk normally after ankle surgery? Use that walker you can! Uggggg. Hey I enjoyed your story I felt every step you mentioned I think. People constantly use their ankles to walk, jump, or run, and one wrong move is all it takes to push the joint too far. I read and reread this post for many months. My knee on the same side as my injury feels weak and sore when I attempt to walk and all the muscles in my upper legs are hurting and weak. But thank you again. God knows I need it after being stuck in a room for almost 3 months lol. The WC has relieved alot of pressure though. Frankly, nobody has given me a good explanation of what to expect during recovery despite numerous questions. I ended up doing a lot more than that though, sometimes too much, resulting in a couple of setbacks. Any advice on when there will be no swelling? I had trimaleolar fracture on 13th of August 2021. Even if thats the only thing you do all day, its the one thing that needs to get done every single day if you ever want to get back to being somewhat normal. Stay strong xxoo, Hey, I am now also cleared to start walking. My surgeon told me to use LWB and PWB for the first couple of three days, and then lose the crutches if I could. But in the shower I would still favor the left leg and keep my weight on the right leg. Thank you so much for posting. Anyone finding it hard to weight bear with no sneakers on? It felt like someone was sawing away at my ankle with a hacksaw. And this is what really sold meI could start physical therapy two weeks earlier which meant I would be walking two weeks earlier. Either way. Yep, I was in the ER until 2:00am April Fools day. But I was fortunate enough to find her blog and that literally saved my sanity. Its like I want to walk and my brain will not connect the two. The incision scars still feel funny and periodically my ankle will feel numb but no pain. That was definitely a 10 out of 10. A week later, I moved to just a MalleoTrain brace and hiking boots with one crutch. I HAD 10 SCREWS AND A PLATE. Im assuming you may have only broken one bone? Such an inadequate word to describe the horror of the next 24 hours. (Their comfrey ointment is supposed to be very effective in healing bones.) Take your time. I dont think its because they dont care to tell you, but your doc and therapist are used to working with these situations every day. All of those things were painful, but I worked them hard. Boot. My goodness, when it rains it pours! Thank you Lynda, I hope you have a healthy and happy New Year! Arthroscopic Ankle Fusion Driving is usally not possible until 3 months post surgery unless surgery to left foot only and automatic vehicle. Got another surgery. Keep rereading Lindas post. A boot costs extra, its heavy and bulky, but you can remove it to bathe. Ive been out of the boot for about 3 weeks and walk like Frankensteins bride. Hopefully you will come through these trying times stronger than ever. Hi Katie. Your foot has been through a lot of trauma. I am 14 weeks post surgery and walking unaided for most of the time. You can also participate in sports and physical activities like weight lifting, rowing, core training, and aerobic exercises that don't rely on running or . Very slowly and carefully but walking. A couple times, I overdid it and had to take a day off, but thats just part of the learning process. In the meantime Ive been testing an herbal ointment (Dr Christophers complete tissue and bone ointment) thats been very well-reviewed on Amazon. This was 1 day before I was to fly my daughters wedding which took place in Mexico. Not having anything suitable I ordered. Muscle memory is also key so heel through to toe over and over and every other movement you want to concentrate on. I feel so overwhelmed by this situation.. sometimes the situation feels hopeless. I like to share 3 things might be useful. Good luck. Thank you and all be well! Glad youre back on your feet! Thank you for your encouraging words. 2) Thinkstock In the end, it was all ok. My surgeon telling me to just go home and walk was a crime. You really lifted my spirit. I dont see it happening. Im sorry youve had to go through such a horrendous experience. Well your story gives me hope that all these terrible feelings will go away in time, thanks for keeping my spirits up! Though your arthritic ankle joint has been fused in surgery, the other bones in your foot still bend a little. My concern now is that the DR is not going to have me go from my current state of 50% weight on my injury with boot and walker and no driving to immediate driving and FWB and even if he says I can will I be able to be on my feet for 10-11 hour shifts. Thanks for your story. Hi Catherine, it sounds as if you are progressing nicely. Im still going to physical therapy and have been a total of 24 times. The one thing is troubling me is since I blacked out while driving (didnt know I needed a Pacemaker/since never had signs of a heart problem) I am fearful of driving again. As I wrote in my post, I did have acupuncture again and it helped a bit with the pain. Hi Nancy, I broke my ankle on the 26th of August and had surgery on the 6th of September. I know at the point you are now it seems like youll never walk normally again but believe me you will, it just takes the hardest thing of all, patience. Im still going to physical therapy, with only two sessions left. I asked to work from home, so Im doing about 25-30 hrs week. I walk with a limp and have really focus to keep my body from leaning and limping. Did am xray then said shucks you gotta have another surgery tomorrow. And I remember being fearful for my safety in general. You need a lot of rest . I do believe its possible to get back to normal with a lot of effort. My PT has been amazing. Broken bones heal in six to eight weeks so I can see why youre only partial weight bearing at this point. . Thank you. It will start getting better soon. St. Luke's Hospital: "Ankle Replacement -- Discharge." I think its better to limit your activity, elevate your leg as much as possible and use an ice pack. Im now FWB for a bit over 2 weeks and I am walking in hiking boots with 3/4 ankle support. It will take about 3 months for the ankle to start to feel better. Ankle fractured 2 places 7/30. Youre welcome and good luck with your recovery! One day your life will be back to normal. I have been in Therapy for two weeks twice a week and in a cast Boot. Ive seen minor improvement since then. Nobody needs that kind of drama. After he corrected the pain went away. Pins and needles and weird sensation. Im afraid to take a shower because it has to hang down. Hi Pamela, I got Vionic Venture Womens mesh athletic shoes from Amazon which are currently unavailable. Lynda- Your blog made me feel so much better. Complete healing of an ankle fusion may take 4-6 months . Im now 66 and the recovery is slow. It is painful and Im not sure how well I will tolerate the boot when I actually walk on it. 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    after ankle surgery: how long to walk